Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Spring Lambs Feb 2000 by Joyce M. Tice

Copied and typed by Pat Raymond  January 2001

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
Smithfield Township Taxes 1828
Adams Luther 120
Adams Ira 490 Land from Joseph Eames 
Adams Abijah 338
Adams Zabina  279
Adams Barton 142 Exchanged land w/John Compton 
Adams Enos 81
Allen David 3rd 100
Allen David, Jr. 292
Allen Asa 302
Allen Joel  225
Allen Jonathan 220
Allen Ezra 297
Andrus Daniel 126
Baldwin Levi 52
Beach Nehemiah 331
Bassett John 480
Bassit John, Jr. 280
Bassett J. W. 50
Benedict Stephen 150
Bird Michael 302
Bird Henry 255 Jonathan & Henry
Bullock Darius 547
Bullock J. E. 11
Burlingame Thomas & Amos 363
Burlingame Gardner 195
Bushea Oliver 104
Bushia John 232
Camp  J.W.
Calif Stephen 473
Calif Stephen, Jr. 132
Calif Ezra 185
Calif Jonathan 175
Calif Hosea 243
Campbell William 353
Chamberlain Calvin 25
Chamberlain Mansir  37
Chamberlain John 83
Child Edward & Cromwell 214
Colvin Norman & Abraham 156
Comel (?) William 391
Compton Hubbard & William 236
Compton John 150
Cranmer  Calvin 321
Crig (sp) Ebenezer 11
Curry John 389 Previously spelled Currie 
Culver Jesse 165 Estate of 
Culver Solomon  45
Crowel Hezekiah 197
Durfey David & John 300
Durfey Lyman 136
Durfey Sterry 50
Eames Orrin 147
Eames Luther 112
Eames Joseph 402
Fairman Cyrel 305
Farnsworth David 210
Fletcher Jabez No evaluation 
Ford Joseph No Evaluation 
Ford Jacob 11
Forrest Asa 86
Forrest Solomon & David 276
French Ebenezer 275
Gates Isaac 153
Gates James No evaluation 
Gerould James 366
Gerould George 330
Gerould Ephraim B. 304
Gerould Ziba 238
Gerould Lawrence 90
Hacket Asa 281
Hacket Peleg 126
Hale Benjamin 492
Hale Mason 198
Hale John E. 186
Hall Jonathan 200
Hill David 202
Hill Caleb 25
Hosley Rufus 57
Hurlburt Martin 97
Jones Abraham 250
Kellogg Samuel 85
Kellogg Luman & Harry 465
Kellogg Timothy 186
Killey Thomas J. 225
Killey Richard 242
King  Eleazar 375
King Joshua 282
Kingsley Israel 391
Kniffin Philip 80
Langford R. S. 260
Lane William 36 Estate of 
Lewis William 86
Lockwood Edmond 196
Mally Jack 215
Mathewson Constant 208
Miller Jeremiah 219
Mitchell Edward 508
Mitchell Anson 441
Mitchell George 547
Mitchell Smith 296
Morrison Philander 150
Montague Thomas  154
Nichols William 126
Nichols James 22
Ormsby Abner 435
Paine Clemment 402
Peck Hezekiah M. 142
Peck Hezekiah 285
Peck Peleg 207
Peck Joshua 128
Perkins Frederick & Joseph 307
Perkins Joseph 88
Perkins Charles F. 101
Perkins Luke 11
Phelps Ralph 188
Phelps John 300
Phelps Jared 289
Phelps Agustus (?) 576
Phelps William 111
Pierce Abiram 700
Pierce James 178
Pierce (sp?) Horace 57
Pierce Davis (?sp) 50
Rathbone Jonathan 179
Randell Stephen, Jr. 454
Rathbun Abner  235
Rice Dutee 246
Rice Daniel 86
Rose Tartius ? 278
Rouse Newell  194
Rouse Henry 107
Salisbury Seth 123
Satterly James 11
Satterly Samuel 12
Satterly Charles  100
Scott John 293
Scott Ansel 179
Solomon James 115
Smith Enos 236
Sweet Pentecost 140
Sweeney  Daniel 90
Traverse Jeremiah 50
Thomas Abner W. 97
Thomas Nelson 11
Thomson Palmer 240
Titus Ebenezer 201
Tompkins  George 263
Tracy Arobul  510
Tracy James B. 260
Tracy James G. 80
Tracy Buckley 239
Tracy Oramel 306
Tracy Seldon 11
Tuttle Rice 202
Tuttle Tyramer (?) 77
Walker Elijah D. 132
Watkins William B. 60
Wheeler Thomas  11
Wheeler Timothy 80
Wilcox Stephen 214
Wilcox Gordun 201
Wilhelm Henry 149
Wilkinson William 355
Wilkinson George 11
Williams William 285
Wood Moses 346
Wood Samuel 405
Wood Ezra 264
Wood Jonathan 146
Wood Nathan  175
Wood Bernard 11
Wood Abraham 56
Wright Rufus 168
      List of Poor Children
      Very Hard To Read - Could be mistakes in Spelling
Ford Angulus (?sp) 8 yr Parents - Joseph Ford 
Ford Darrilla 5 yr
Hurlburt Elliot 8 yr Parents - Martin Hurlburt 
Wilcox Silas 9 yr Widow Tabathy Wilcox 
Wilcox Almon 6 yr
Baldwin Frederick 7 yr Parents -Levi Baldwin 
Baldwin Olive 5 yr
Braggs Horace 9 yr Parents - Ebenezer Braggs 
Braggs Olive 7 yr
Watkins William 9 yr Parents - William B. Watkins 
Watkins Abigail 7 yr
King Edward 7 yr Parents - Andrew King 
King Andrew 5 yr
Allen Listin 5 yr Parents - David Allen 
Thomas Celistia 11 yr Parents - Nelson Thomas 
Thomas Fanny 7 yr
Sweeney Stephen 9 yr Parents - Daniel Sweeney 
Sweeney James 5 yr

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 01/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice