Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Tax Records
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

1818 Wells Township Tax Assessment

This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy & HIstory  sites by Joyce M. Tice

No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made Of This Material

Typed for Tri Counties by J. Kelsey Jones

1818 Wells Township Assessment (included present Ridgebury and South Creek)

Original Spelling errors are maintained in the transcription

Wells Township Page

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
1818 Wells Township Assessment (assessment still included present Ridgebury and South Creek)
Albersan, Ricklif acreage transferred to Jospeh Holley
Baker, Hozey farmer
Baker, William farmer
Baldwin, Vine farmer
Bartlett, William  
Bennight, Saml farmer
Bennight, Thomas  
Bird, Benjn F. farmer
Bovier, Noah farmer, acreage transferred to Ralph Bovier
Brigum, Timothy  
Buck, Elijah  
Burnham, James farmer
Burt, John  
Calhoun, Truman farmer
Campbell, Benajah farmer
Campbell, Enoch acreage transferred to Nathl Campbell
Campbell, Joel farmer
Campbell, Jonathan removed, acreage transferred to Benajah Campbell
Campbell, Nathl farmer
Campbell, Silas farmer, acreage transferred to James Covell
Comfort, Edward  
Cook, Jonathan removed
Cooper, James farmer
Cooper, John farmer
Corwin, Jesse  
Covell, James farmer
Criss, Saml farmer
Cummings, John farmer
Currin, Stephen farmer, acreage transferred to Stephen Gardner
Dewey, James farmer, sawmill
Edsell, Barton yeoman
Edsell, Jesse  
Edsell, Samuel  
Fox, Levi removed
Fuller, Abial farmer
Fuller, Isaac  
Fuller, Lemuel farmer
Fuller, Peter yeoman, farmer
Fuller, William sawmill, miller, acreage transferred to Henry Wells
Gardner, Steven  
Garner, Abner farmer
Gilet, Alpheus farmer
Gould, Morris yeoman
Graves, Jeremiah farmer
Griswold, David farmer
Headlock, Samuel removed
Helman, Saml  
Holdredge, Daniel  
Holley, Joseph farmer
Hurlbut, Zacheus removed, acreage transferred to James Dewey
Hyde, George justice of the peace
Ingal, Samuel farmer
Ingal, William farmer
Jutson, Isaac single
Jutson, Ithamar farmer
Jutson, Saml farmer
Jutson, Solomon farmer
Kent, Jonathan farmer
Knapp, Zephaniah farmer
Lafler, Peter farmer
Miller, Isaac farmer
Miller, Samuel farmer
Mitchell, James  
Mitten, Wm blacksmith
Moore, Azia  
Moore, Jesse farmer
Moore, Joseph single, mason
Moore, Theophilus single, farmer
Moore, William mason
Osgood, John farmer, acreage transferred to Levi Osgood
Osgood, Levi single, farmer
Osgood, Tho farmer
Owen, Griswold farmer
Parker, Joseph removed
Parker, Joseph Jr. farmer
Partridge, Hardy single freeman
Pierce, Dyer farmer
Potridge, Arvy removed
Price, Asa farmer (note this was written as Price but perhaps should be Pierce)
Price, Daniel farmer
Rickey, Israel Jr. farmer
Rickey, Israel Sr.  
Rickey, Stephen acreage transferred to John Kent & Timothy Brigum
Roberts, James farmer
Roberts, Solomon  
Rowley, George  
Rowley, Peter  
Stiles, Aaron farmer, acreage transferred to Ralph Bovier
Stiles, Job farmer
Strait, Samuel farmer
Strait, Thomas farmer, acreage transferred to Noah Bovier
Seelye, Bartlett farmer
Seelye, Benjm constable
Seelye, Israel  
Seelye, Saml  
Seelye, William farmer
Smith, John  
Tice, Joseph farmer
Ware, William C.  
Wells, Henry 1/3 sawmill
West, Calvin farmer
Wolden, Silas farmer

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 01/23/2000
By Joyce M. Tice