Wyalusing Township
Now including Tuscarora, Wilmot, Terry, parts of Asylum and parts of Standing Stone Twps.
Ackley, Benjamin | Elliott, John | Marsh, Benj. | Terry, Jonathan |
Ackley, Lloyd | Elliott, Joseph | Marsh, Eliphalet | Terry, Joshua |
Allen, Ambrose | Gamble, John | Marsh, Sidney | Terry, Nathan |
Anderson, James | Gamble, John Jr. | Marsh, Simeon | Terry, Nathaniel |
Babcock, Roswell | Gaylord, Justus | Marsh, Sylvanus | Terry, Uriah |
Beeman, Seymour | Gaylord, Lud | Marsh, Widow | Terry, William |
Beeman, Stephen | Gaylord, Timothy | Merritt, Andrew | Thompson, Joseph |
Bigsby, Ebenezer | Gilbert, Oliver | Merritt, Daniel | Updegrove, Thos. |
Billings, Eli | Gilbert, Samuel | Merritt, Gilbert | Vanderpool, Anthony |
Black, Joseph | Hall, Elihu | Miller, John | Vanderpool, Anth. Jr. |
Brister, Linas | Hall, George | Oviatt, Lydia | Vanderpool, Peter |
Brown, Allen | Hess, Abraham | Park, Alexander | Vanderpool, Richard |
Brown, Daniel | Hoff, Jacob | Preston, Joseph | Vanderpool, Samuel |
Brown, Charles | Hoff, Jacob Jr. | Quick, Cornelius | Vanderpool, Wm. |
Brown, Humphrey | Hoff, John | Quick, James | Vargason, Amos |
Brown, Jabez | Hollenback, John | Reeder, Abraham | Vargason, Ezekiel |
Buck, Israel | Homet, Charles | Sabin, Nathaniel | Vaughn, Elias |
Camp, Elijah | Horton, Ebenezer | Scovell, Nathan Jr. | Vaughn, Justus |
Camp, Job | Horton, John | Seymour, Walter | Vincent, Shubal |
Camp, William | Hurlbut, Benj. | Sharrick, David | Ward, Hiram |
Carr, James | Hurlbut, Moses | Sharts, John | Wells, Amasa |
Charlot, Stephen | Ingham, John | Shumway, Darius | Wells, Cyrus |
Cogswell, Edward | Ingham, Jonas | Shumway, Reuben | Wells, Guy |
Cogswell, Elisha | Ingham, Jonas Jr. | Smith, Michael | Wells, Samuel |
Cogswell, Julius | Ingham, Joseph | Stalford, Benj. | Wheeler, Isaac |
Crawford, Wm. | Johnson, Nicholas | Stalford, John | Wigton, Thos. W. |
Crocker, Dyer | Johnson, Richard | Stalford, Joseph | Wigton, Wm. |
Custard, Isaac | Lafevre, Alexander | Stevens, Albegence | York, M. Miner |
Custard, Wm. | Lafevre, Anthony | Stone, Raphael | |
Dalton, William | Laporte, Bartholonew | Sturdevant, Samuel | |
Dodge, Daniel | Lewis, Ebenezer | Taylor, John | |
Dodge, Edmond | Lewis, Jeremiah | ||
Dodge, Oliver W. | Lewis, John | ||
Lewis, Justus |
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