Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Wyalusing Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania 1812 Taxpayers 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Early Taxpayers of Wyalusing Township

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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
Residents at the organization of Bradford Co., PA, 1812-13. The taxable inhabitants (all males 21 years and over and females owning property) as ascertained from assessment rolls, voting lists and other sources. Taken from Clement F. Heverly's Pioneer and Patriot Families of Bradford Co., Pa., 1800-1825, Vol. II, 1915, reprint pages 189-200. Typed for the Tri-Counties Site by John Hoff of Oklahoma.

Wyalusing Township

Now including Tuscarora, Wilmot, Terry, parts of Asylum and parts of Standing Stone Twps.

Ackley, Benjamin Elliott, John Marsh, Benj.  Terry, Jonathan
Ackley, Lloyd Elliott, Joseph Marsh, Eliphalet Terry, Joshua
Allen, Ambrose Gamble, John Marsh, Sidney Terry, Nathan
Anderson, James Gamble, John Jr.  Marsh, Simeon Terry, Nathaniel
Babcock, Roswell Gaylord, Justus Marsh, Sylvanus Terry, Uriah
Beeman, Seymour Gaylord, Lud Marsh, Widow Terry, William
Beeman, Stephen Gaylord, Timothy Merritt, Andrew Thompson, Joseph
Bigsby, Ebenezer Gilbert, Oliver Merritt, Daniel Updegrove, Thos. 
Billings, Eli Gilbert, Samuel Merritt, Gilbert Vanderpool, Anthony
Black, Joseph Hall, Elihu Miller, John  Vanderpool, Anth. Jr.
Brister, Linas Hall, George Oviatt, Lydia Vanderpool, Peter
Brown, Allen Hess, Abraham Park, Alexander Vanderpool, Richard
Brown, Daniel Hoff, Jacob Preston, Joseph Vanderpool, Samuel
Brown, Charles Hoff, Jacob Jr.  Quick, Cornelius Vanderpool, Wm. 
Brown, Humphrey Hoff, John Quick, James Vargason, Amos
Brown, Jabez Hollenback, John Reeder, Abraham Vargason, Ezekiel
Buck, Israel Homet, Charles Sabin, Nathaniel Vaughn, Elias
Camp, Elijah Horton, Ebenezer Scovell, Nathan Jr.  Vaughn, Justus
Camp, Job Horton, John  Seymour, Walter Vincent, Shubal
Camp, William Hurlbut, Benj.  Sharrick, David Ward, Hiram
Carr, James Hurlbut, Moses Sharts, John Wells, Amasa
Charlot, Stephen Ingham, John Shumway, Darius Wells, Cyrus
Cogswell, Edward Ingham, Jonas Shumway, Reuben Wells, Guy
Cogswell, Elisha Ingham, Jonas Jr.  Smith, Michael Wells, Samuel
Cogswell, Julius Ingham, Joseph Stalford, Benj.  Wheeler, Isaac 
Crawford, Wm.  Johnson, Nicholas Stalford, John  Wigton, Thos. W. 
Crocker, Dyer Johnson, Richard Stalford, Joseph Wigton, Wm. 
Custard, Isaac Lafevre, Alexander Stevens, Albegence York, M. Miner
Custard, Wm.  Lafevre, Anthony Stone, Raphael
Dalton, William Laporte, Bartholonew Sturdevant, Samuel 
Dodge, Daniel Lewis, Ebenezer Taylor, John 
Dodge, Edmond Lewis, Jeremiah
Dodge, Oliver W.  Lewis, John
Lewis, Justus

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