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1961 Dedicaton of South Creek School 
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Dedication Program
South Creek Township Elementary School
Gillett, Pennsylvania
Saturday, November 4, 1961
8:00 P.M.

Pg 1
A Brief Historical Sketch
by Leda Lewis

The original school building on the present site was erected on land given by John F Gillett for this purpose. It was a two room building and burned on January 20, 1930. School was held in the Fassett School Building and over Strong and French's Store the remainder of the year.

A new three  room school was built during the summer, Florence DeWitt, Winifred Robbins and Leda Lewis were the teachers. A fourth room was added to the building in 1949. Nearly all of the work on this was volunteer labor given by the men of the school district with Samuel Kerrick, as overseer. For several years extra classes had to be held in the Church annex, and in 1957 the Junior High Students were transferred to Troy High School after South Creek Township became a member of the Troy Community Joint Schools.

Other former schools in South Creek Township were Dunning, Justice Run, Fassett, Thompson Hill, Roaring Run, Doty Hill and Checkerville.

Pg 2

Harry A Crumbling, Surpervising Principal Troy Community Joint Schools, Presiding
Star Spangled Banner........................................................Audience
Accompanied byTroy High School Dance Band, Directed by Mr. Yearick.
Innvocation................................................Reverent Thomas Shrieve, Pastor Gillett Baptist Church
Solo................................. ...................."Bless This House" (Brahe)
Mr. Charles Carr
Introduction of Guests...............................................Mr. Crumbling
Presentation of Building............................Mr. Robert A Christenson, Architect
For Building Authority...................Mr. Maxwell Hoose, President South Creek Twp Building Authority
For Borard of Education..............Mr. Ronald Woodard, President South Creek Township School Board
For Jointure...................................................Mr. Almon Baxter, Elementary Principal Troy Communicty Joint Schools
For Teachers.............................................Mr. Richard DeGeus, Head Teacher, Gillett Elementary School
For Pupils.............................................................Garry Inman, Pupil Gillett Elementary School
Music...............................................Troy High School Dance Band
Dedication Address...........................................Mr. Charles DeWitt, Superintendent Bradford County Schools
America The Beautiful......................................................Audience
Directed by Mr. Yearick Accompanied by the T H S Dance Band
Benediction......................................................Rev. Wallace Taylor, Pastor Berrytown Wesleyan Methodist Church
Music................................................Troy High School Dance Band

Pg 3

1. South Creek Township Board of Education
(l to r) Ronald Woodard, Pres; Andrew Gee, Treas; Lynn Maynard, Joint Board Representative; Bernice Teribury; Allen Kingsley, Vice Pres. 
2. School Board Secretaries
Mrs. Sayre Morgenstern...Present Secretary
Mrs. Ralph Welch....Past Secretary
South Creek Township Building Authority
(l. to r. seated) Carl Oldroyd; Maxwell Hoose, Pres; Elwyn Wrisley; (standing) Fayette Clink; June Vandermark, Secretary
Educational Staff
County Staff
Mr. Charles DeWitt...........................Supt. Bradford County Schools
Miss Frances Culver..............Ass't Co Supt. for Elementary Schools
Dr. Irving Chatterton.....................County Special Education Director
South Creek Township is one of the twelve school districts comprising the Troy Community Joint School system.
Local Staff
Mr. Harry A Crumbling.......................................Supervising Principal
Mr. Almon Baxter..............................................Elementary Principal
Mr. Richard DeGeus.................Head Teacher, Fifth and Sixth Grades
Mrs. Flora Albrecht.........................................Fourth and Fifth Grade
Mrs. Donna Schucker.....................................Third and Fourth Grade
Mrs. Helen Shaylor.....................................................Second Grade
Mrs. Ellen Jennings.........................................................First Grade
Mrs. Edith Updike.........................................................Kindergarten
Mrs. Arthur Park.........................................................Art Supervisor
Mrs. Winifred Deemy and Mr. Paul Malakin..............Music Instructors
Mr. Jervis Boughton..........................................................Custodian
pg 5
Interesting Facts about the New Building
Architect.......................................................Robert A Christenson, Williamsport, Pa
General Construction..........................Decker Construction Company, Forty Fort, Pa
Plumbing..........................................................Cosgrove and Stepp, Laporte, Pa
Heating and Ventilating........................Canton Plumbing and Heating, Canton, Pa.
Electrical................................................................W Eugene Potter, East Smithfielfd, Pa.
Financial Data
General Construction Contract.....................................$104,193.00
Electrical Contract..........................................................12,950.00
Heating Contract.............................................................30,197.00
Plumbing Contract..........................................................16,280.00
Provision for Water Supply (est).........................................1,350.00
Architect's Fee..................................................................9,662.00
Moveable Fixtures and Equipment (est)................................4,500.00
Cost of Site.......................................................................1,500.00
Initial Authority Expense (including initial Trustee's Fee)...........500.00
Legal Fees........................................................................3,250.00
Printing Bonds and Indentures (est).....................................1,500.00
Project Supervision (est).....................................................2,500.00
Construction Contingencies.................................................6,118.00
                                                                          Total   $194,500.00
Proceeds from the sale of Authorty Bond Issue.................................
                            (192 000 @ 100%)...............................192,000.00
School District Contribution..................................................2,500.00
Size of Site...6 Acres
Rated Pupil Capacity.....186 Pupils
1. The Teaching Staff

(l. to r. seated) Mrs. Helen Shaylor, Mr. Richard DeGeus, Head Teacher, Mrs. Edith L Updike; (standing) Mrs. Ellen Jennings, Mrs. Flora Albrecht and Mrs. Donna Schucker

2. Administration
(l. to r.) Mr. Crumbling, Mr. DeWitt, Mr. Baxter
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 10 MAR 2007
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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