Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
School Memorabilia of the Tri-Counties
Arnot-Ogden School of Nursing, City of Elmira
School: Arnot-Ogden School of Nursing
City of Elmira, Chemung County NY
Year:  1932 & 1933 Graduates
Antique Postcard above from Joyce's Collection
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MEMBERS of the 1932 graduating class of nurses at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital,  who will receive their diplomas at exercises at The Park Church, Thursday night.  They are, left to right:  First row,  Marian Canis, Esther Tapper, Thelma Hamilton, Christina Carlson, Mildred Williams.  Second row,  Eleanor Case, Alice Waltz, Mildred Forsburg, Pauline Stafford, Mary Scutt, Gladys Shaw, Helene Swarthout, Christine Peterson.  Third row,  Evelyn Bolt, Celia Knowlton, Marian Howe, Elizabeth Stenger, Selena Fladd, Margaret Adams, Catherine Moore, Elberta Holt, Helen Cole.  Fourth row,  Cora Precit, Esther Link, Velma Morgan, Jeanette Baird, Rebecca Beardsley, Madeline Morse, Helen Taylor.
THURSDAY night at 8:30, in The Park Church,  the Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital School for Nurses will hold its 44th annual commencement.  Members of the graduating class are here pictured.
     Front row, left to right---- Eleanor C. Jansen, Corning; Nela L. Phillips, class treasurer, Jersey Shore, Pa.; Harriette Louise Gilbert, Elmira .; Margaret E. Oeschler, class vice-president, Williamsport, Pa., Marion L. Geiger, class secretary, Mansfield, Pa., Irene Esther Griswold, Elmira.
     Second row--- Minerva Viola Hamilton, Williamsport, Pa.; Isadora E. Yerkes, Columbia Cross Roads, Pa.; Mae Belle Holdren, Millville, Pa.; Henrietta M. Hoover, Elmira,; Helen Naomi Sweeney, Mainesburg, Pa,; Crystal J. Cornell, Millport,; Verne Jane Wise, Elmira.
     Third row--- Frances Louise Benson, Gillett, Pa.; Norma V. Morrill, Montour Falls,; Muriel Evelyn Dudley, Penn Yan; Elizabeth O. Stevens, Potter Brook, Pa.; Marion Alice Mudge, Covington, Pa.
     Mescal Toms, a member of the class, was a patient in the hospital when this picture was taken but has recovered sufficiently to receive her diploma Thursday night.  Miss Toms is one of the five year graduates taking the combined nursing and Elmira College course.
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 22 OCT 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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