![]() Postcard from Joyce's Collection |
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Seniors |
GRAY, Helen | NIEKRAS, Stanislaus Bronislaus |
GRINNELL, Alice Marian ("Polly") | NOBLE, Helen ("Curly") |
HALL, Irving ("Herr Hawl") | O'NEIL, Daniel Francis |
HALLIDAY, Dorotha S. ("Dot") | PERRY, James ("Jimmie") |
HARTNETT, Gerald | PERSONIUS, Harold ("Sleepy") |
HAYS, Dorothy ("Dot") | PETTINGILL, Ellawene |
HINKLE, Robert | PLATT, Nathan |
HOFFMAN, Rose R. ("Rosie") | PRICE, Alice H. ("Al") |
HOFFMAN, William Edward | RADNEY, Catherine ("Katy") |
HOLLERAN, Susan Katherine | RHOADES, Lewis ("Louie") |
HOOPER, Helen Louise | RHODES,Helen |
HORDES, Ida S. ("Sush") | ROBERTS, Ruth O. |
HOWARD, John Wendell ("Patient") | ROSS, Alvaretta ("Doc") |
HOWE, Carolyn J. ("Carrie") | RUBIN, Hyman ("Chink", "Hy") |
HUGHES, Charles Anthony | SANFORD, Mildred N. ("Mil") |
JAMES, Marie | SERGEANT, Charles Nathan |
JENNISON, Ellen Frances | SHOEMAKER, Lois W. ("Shoey") |
JOHNSON, Mildred M. ("Midget") | SIEGEL, Oscar ("Sea-gull") |
KELLY, Ethel May | SLUTSKY, Ida |
KLINE, Eileen Marie ("Klinie") | SPENCER, Helen Wilhelmina ("Spen") |
LENT, Henry ("Hank") | SULLIVAN, Cornelius ("Sully") |
LEONARD, Esther M.W. ("Kewpie") | SULLIVAN, Mortimer Allen ("Miort") |
LEUPELT, Herman | TILLMAN, Edgar Mcdowell ("Red") |
LONG, Madge | TITUS, Robert ("Bob") |
LYNCH, John Francis ("Johnnie") | TODD, Dorothy E. ("Dordo") |
McCARTHY, William Joseph ("Bill") | TROXEL, Anna N. ("Ann") |
McCONNELL, Eleonor B. ("Macky") | UNOLD, Howard J. ("How") |
MacINERNEY, Ethel Lucille | VAN CAMPEN, Cara R. ("U") |
McNAMARA, Leo ("Mackie") | WELLIVER, Blanche Elizabeth ("Doddy") |
MALONOSKI, Leo Ladislans | WEST, Marion ("Peg") |
MEEKER, Lucille M. ("Louie") | WITT, L. Norma |
MITCHELL, Vola C. ("Vo") | WRIGHT, Chauncey D. ("Chan") |
MORRISEY, Julia Frances | YOUNG, Edward |
NAGLER, Harriet | YOUNG, Willard |
NEWBERRY, Ella | ZIMDAHL, Alfred ("Al") |
ZIMMERMAN, Karolena R. ("Zimmie") |
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Juniors |
ATWATER, Mildred | EPSTEIN, Elizabeth | MARKS, Kenneth |
BATEMAN, J. Earl | EWING, Isabel | MILLER, Cora |
BEACH, Mildred | FISH, Esther | MILLER, Elias |
BEARDSLEY, Margaret | FITZHERBERT, Hazel | MILLER, Helen |
BEMENT, Asa | FITZSIMMONS, Margaret | MILLS, Sara |
BLASH, Andrew | FLYNN, Esther | MORGAN, Ruth |
BOGARDUS, Emily | FREEMAN, Margaret | MORSE, Lewis |
BOGART, George | FRISBIE, Myrtle | MOSHER, Sibyl |
BOSLEY, Walter | FUHRMAN, Marion | MOSHIER, Helen |
BOWER, Helen | GILBERT, Margaret | MURPHY, Remington |
BRETT, Alice | GOBLE, William | MYERS, Thaddeus |
BROWN, Madeline | GORDON, Ralph | NEWMAN, Galen |
BROWN, Ruth | HAFLETT, Ernest | O'BRIEN, Thomas |
BROWN, Samuel | HALLER, Mary | O'DEA, John |
BRYAN, Louise | HAMMOND, Dorothy | O'SHAUGHNESSY, Joette |
BUCKLEY, Leo | HANLON, George | PALMER, Edythe |
BUNDY, Margaret | HART, George | PATTERSON, Esther |
BUTCHER, Mary | HART, Marion | PATTERSON, Helen |
CANNAN, Allen | HART, Mary | PLATT, Harold |
CAREY, Kenneth | HAYS, Miriam | POND, Marvin |
CHAPMAN, Eldon | HEINE, Madeline | POOLE, Guinevere |
CHRISTOPHER, Ruth | HOOD, Helen | PRATT, Clifford |
CLARK, Frederick | HORDES, Bertha | RADER, Drew |
CLEMENT, Elizabeth | HOUGHTALING, Byron | RANDALL, Georgia |
CLENDENIN, Clarence | HOWES, Raymond | REARDON, Isabelle |
CLEVELAND, Margaret | HUNT, Lawrence | RICE, Harold |
CLIFFORD, Lucia | HURLEY, Mary | RIESCH, Leonard |
COLBY, Lawrence | JAMES, Claire | RISING, Wilbert |
COLE, Stuart | JAYNES, Mildred | ROMER, Gertrude |
COLE, Webster | JEWETT, Katherine | SCHANLEY, Katherine |
COLEMAN, William | JONES, Bernice | SCHOTT, Henry |
COLLINS, Jean | JUDSON, Thomas | SERGEANT, Frances |
COLLSON, Harold | KANE, Agnes | SERIO, Katie |
CONE, Lucy | KEEFE, Arthur | SHEFFER, Nettie |
CONNELLY, George | KEETON, Margaret | SHEPHARD, Treva |
COOPER, Ida | KENNEDY, Kathleen | SHERMAN, Edmund |
CORNING, Avery | KOLB, Lawrence | SLAUSON, Doris |
COWAN, Dorothy | LANDON, Malcolm | SPENCER, Howard |
CRANE, Ruth | LARRISON, Helen | STANNARD, Lawrence |
CROSS, Jeanette | LAWRENCE, Dorothy | STEFFIN, Amelia |
DAGHISTAN, Lillian | LEE, Winifred | STEINHAUSER, Julia |
DALE, William | LE GRO, Catherine | STREETER, Henry |
DAVIS, Naomi | LEVERICH, Frederick | SULLIVAN, Florence |
DELARIO, Anthony | LOGUE, Jennie | SULLIVAN, Jack |
DeLONG, Helen | LOOP, Margaret | SUTTER, Carl |
DILLON, Alice | LUTZ, Helen | TALADA, Beatrice |
DILLON, Daniel | McCANN, Chester | TEW, Eloise |
DIVEN, Irving | McGLENN, Edmund | VanCAMPEN, Marion |
DOWNS, Doris | McKEAN, Gale | VIEWEG, Walter |
DUNBAR, Merton | McMAHON, Arthur | WEAVER, Franklin |
EASTERBROOK, Clyde | McMAHAN, Dorothy | WEMPLE, Donald |
EDMINSTER, William | MALONE, Farley | WHITSON, Carrie |
EDWARDS, Kenneth | MARK, Sara | WILKIN, Earl |
ENRICHT, Helen | MARKS, Jennie | WILLIAMS, Douglas |
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Sophomores |
ADAMS, Mabel | GILBERT, Clara | O'DONNELL, Anna |
AGAN, Florence | GLADKE, Robert | O'HARE, Margaret |
ALBEE, Bernard | GLEASON, Everett | OLIVER, Lloyd |
ALBERT, Natalie | GOULD, Leslie | OLMSTEAD, Elizabeth |
ALLEN, Floyd | GRAHAM, Helen | PAINTER, Idah Mae |
AMBERG, Caroline | GREATSINGER, Charles | PARK, Mabel |
ARMSTRONG, Frances | GREENE, Marian | PARKS, Crystal |
BACON, John | GRENELLE, Phyllis | PATTERSON, Geneviene |
BAILEY, Naomi | GRIMES, Maude | PAUL, Gladys |
BAKER, Kenneth | HALLAHAN, Richard | PECK, Shirley |
BAXTER, Verna | HANFORD, George | PERSONIUS, Catharine |
BEECHER, James | HARPER, Agnes | PETTIT, Elizabeth |
BENNETT, Mira | HARRIS, Edith | PILLMAN, Harold C. |
BITNER, Donald | HART, Harold | PITTS, Elva |
BLAIR, Raymond | HASSETT, Florence | POTTINGER, William |
BORCK, Irene | HAWTHORNE, Irene | PUTNEY, Esther |
BOVIER, Margaret | HOADLEY, Bernice | RHOADES, Elmer |
BRETT, Margaret | HOGABOOM, Marie | RICE, Edna |
BRICKWEDDE, Margaret | HOLBROOK, Dorothy | RICHMOND, Helen |
BROOKS, Donald | HORTON, Ray | RIESCH, Harold |
BROWN, Roseina | HOWARD, Florence | RIFFE, James |
BRYANT, Stanley | HOWES, Charles Everett | RILEY, Jane |
BUDOVSKY, Sarah | HUBBARD, Sara | RILEY, Joseph |
BURK, Margaret | HUFF, Charles | RITCHIE, Helen |
BURLEY, Ruth | HURLEY, Raymond | ROBERTS, Frances |
BUTLER, Kathleen | HUSTED, Franklyn | ROBERTS, Gladys |
CAIN, Catharine | JACKSON, Marjorie | RUBIN, Louis |
CAMPBELL, Claude | JENKINS, Harold | RUSHMORE, Gladys |
CARD, Helen | JONES, Margaret | RYON, Virginia |
CARMODY, Margaret | JONES, Sherman | SAWYER, Dorothy |
CARR, William | KANTZ, Beatrice | SAWYER, Florence |
CARROLL, Lena | KAPLIN, Rose | SAYLOR, Arthur |
CARTER, Clifford | KEY, Joseph | SCHAMBACHER, Hazel |
CHAPMAN, Ralph | KELLY, Eleanor | SCHLOCK, Maragret |
CHAPMAN, Wilson | KELLY, John Frederick | SCHRYBER, Emil |
COFFEY, Catharine | KELLY, Mary Louise | SEAFUSE, Florence |
COGGSHALL, Vivian | KERWIN, Arthur | SERGEANT, John |
COLLINS, Alice | KINGSTON, Mary | SHEFFER, Nettie |
COLLINS, Frances | KNAPP, Naomi | SHELANSKY, Elsie |
CONE, Carolyn | KOLB, Marion | SHEPHERD, James |
CONKLIN, Albert | KOSKO, Marie | SHEPHERDSON, Raymond |
CONNELLY, Dorothy | LACEY, Clara | SHERWOOD, Betty |
CONNELLY, Humphrey | LAINE, M. Hyacinthe | SLEIGHT, Lucile |
CONROY, Clare | LATTIMER, Arminta | SLINGERLAND, Harold |
COOPER, Bernard | LEADER, Katherine | SLUTSKY, Mollie |
COOPERMAN, Adelaide | LEVENTHAL, Gottleib | SMITH, Ervene |
COOPERMAN, Marcus | LEVY, John | SNYDER, Carrie |
COSTELLO, John | LONCOY, Helen Winifred | SNYDER, Lillian |
COWAN, Marion | LOVELL, Clayton | SPELLECY, Esther |
CRAFT, Margaret | LOVELL, Theodore | STAPLETON, Thomas |
CRISE, Booth | LOVITCH, Jennie | STEVENS, Maxwell |
CRONIN, Grace | LOVITCH, Julius | STODDARD, Dorothy |
CRONIN, Mary | LOWMAN, Fanny | STONE, Gordon |
CROWLEY, Marian | LYNN, William | STONE, Paul |
CURRY, Estelle | McCANN, Donald | STORMS, Max |
DALRYMPLE, Edward | McCARTHY, Frances | STOW, Harry |
DAY, Elizabeth | McCREIGHT, Walter | SULLIVAN, Theresa |
DECKER, Cornelia | McDONALD, Marie | SUSEMIHL, Harold |
DECKER, Ella | McGILL, Agnes | SWARTS, Jameson |
DECKER, Jacob | McGLENN, Edmund | SWEET, Robert |
DECKER, Ruth | McNEVIN, Hubert | THOMAS, Louis |
DEMPSEY, Elizabeth | MANN, Margaret | THOMPSON, Mildred |
DOBBERSTEIN, Catharine | MARK, Isabelle | TINKLER, Virginia |
DONAHUE, Lois | MARKS, Lester | TOMLINSON, George |
DONAHUE, Margaret | MARKS, Norman | TWERDICK, George |
DRISCOLL, Catharine | MARSHALL, Harry | UFFORD, Annie |
DUFFEY, Madeline | MATHEWS, Dorothy | VAN DYNE, Olive |
DUVAL, Pearl | MATHEWS, Frances | VANDERLIP, Alice |
EDWARDS, Arthur | MATHEWS, Margaret | VORHEES, Richard |
ELIAS, Julia | MAXWELL, Helen | WATTS, Ethel |
ELLERSICK, Lelabell | MILLER, Aaron M. | WATTS, Newell |
ELLISON, Rosabel | MILLER, Grace | WEBB, Dorothea |
ESPEY, Mary | MILLER, Maurice | WEBSTER, Alice |
EVERT, Lucile | MILLS, Ervin | WILLIAMS, Claude |
FEECK, Douglas | MALTER, Mae | WILLIAMSON, Gail |
FERRIS, Ardine | MONKS, George | WILLIS, Emma |
FIDELMAN, Anna | MOORHEAD, Margaret | WINNER, William |
FIDELMAN, Benjamin | MOSHER, Leon | WLADIS, Miriam |
FINLAY, Isabel | MURPHY, Alice | WOOD, Ethel |
FREELAND, Frances | MURPHY, Eleonore | WOOD, Ruth |
FRIEDMAN, Goldine | MURPHY, Martin | WOODHULL, Floyd |
FRIEDMAN, Milton | NAFIS, Olive | WOODS, Dorothy |
FUDGE, Donald | NEWBERRY, Sarah | WRIGHT, Myrtle |
GAISER, Augusta | NICHOLS, John | ZAGER, Emma |
GALUTIA, Max | NIXON, R. Veronica | |
GARVEY, Frederick | NONENMACHER, Clara | |
GERARD, Vivian | NONENMACHER, Earl | |
GETMAN, Bernice | NORTON, Ruth |
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Faculty |
PARKER, Francis R., M.A. | Queen's University | Principal |
BANGE, Miss Vera | Cleary College | Commercial Subjects |
BIRCHARD, Miss Jane M., A.B. | Elmira College | English |
BOYCE, Miss Ruth A. | Mechanics Institute | Domestic Science |
BROOKS, Miss Julia V., A.B. | Elmira College | French |
BURDICK, Mr. Andrew J., A.B. | Colgate University | Mathematics |
BUTTS, Miss Mary B., A.B. | Cornell University | Ancient History |
CADY, Mr. Dillon A., B.S. | Syracuse University | Physics, Head of Science Department |
CALLAHAN, Miss Florence, A.B. | Elmira College | English |
COE, Miss Jeanette P., A.B. | Elmira College | English |
CONDON, Miss Mary D., B.S. | Elmira College | Algebra |
DAVIS, Mrs. Alice Bryan | not listed | English |
DOYLE, Mrs. Josephine B., A.B. | Elmira College | English & Modern History |
DUNDAS, Miss Olivia, A.B. | Elmira College | English |
EDMINSTER, Miss Gertrude, A.B. | Syracuse University | Latin |
GAMBLE, Miss Louise K., Ph.M. | Alfred University | English |
GATES, Mr. Arthur A., B.S. | Colgate University | General Science |
GODFREY, Miss M. Louise, A.B. | Elmira College | English, Head of English Department |
GOGARN, Miss Gladys | not listed | Girls' Physical Training |
GRUBE, Miss Elizabeth | Plattsburg Normal | Shorthand |
HAASE, Miss Lorena L., A.B. | Elmira College | Latin |
HIBBARD, Miss Helen M., B.S. | Elmira College | Mathematics, Head of Math. Dept. |
HOGUE, Mr. O. Wendell, B.S. | Syracuse University | Biology |
HOPKINS, Miss Ruby A., A.B. | Elmira College | Mathematics |
HUGHES, Miss Esther M. | Syracuse Library School | Librarian |
JONES, Miss Gertrude, A.B. | Elmira College | Mathematics |
KELLOGG, Miss Harriet N., A.B. | Elmira College | French, Head of Modern Language dept. |
LEVERICH, Miss Lucy D. | Rochester Business Institute | Typewriting |
LOGAN, Miss Lena B., A.B. | Elmira College | Latin |
LOETZER, Miss Louise | not listed | Girls' Physical Training |
McCARTHY, Miss Mary V., A.B. | Elmira College | Algebra |
McMAHON, Miss Anna M., A. B. | Elmira College | German, Cicero |
NEUWIRTH, Mr. Benjamin, A.B. | College of the City of New York | Commercial Subjects, head of dept. |
O'BRIEN, Mr. Charles X. | not listed | Music |
QUINLAN, Miss Geraldine | Elmira College | English |
ROCKWELL, Miss Rena, A.B., M.A. | Elmira College, Radcliffe | American History & Civics |
SHERMAN, Miss Flosse M., A.B. | Syracuse University | Latin |
SMITH, Miss Valara J., A.B. | Elmira College | French |
SWEETING, Miss Marjorie A., A.B. | Cornell University | Biology |
TASHJIAN, Miss Elizabeth M., A.B. | Elmira College | Latin; Head of Latin Department |
UNDERHILL, Miss Editha, A.B. | Vassar College | Chemistry |
UPDYKE, Mr. Hiram B. | not listed | Boys' Physical Training |
WIGSTEN, Miss Ellen C., A.B., A.M. | Elmira College, Cornell Univ. | Spanish |
WIXON, Miss Harriett I., A.B. | Elmira College | Algebra |
YOUMANS, Miss Katharine E., A.B. | Elmira College | Drawing |
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Freshman Basketball Team
Coach Harry Shepherd. John Levy (Mgr.), Drew Rader (captn), Crandal Schmidt, Martin Murphy, Thomas Malone, Carl Sutter and Mortimer Sullivan. Mortimer Sullivan is the guy with his hair parted in the middle, sitting on the end farthest to the right side of picture. Unfortunately, he's the only one I've been able to identify. The others I don't know who is who. | ![]() |
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![]() Pianos: Marie Beardsley, Harry Blank. Ukeleles: Jean Collins, Alice Vanderlip Violin: George Hanford Mandolins: Margaret Beardsley Dorothea Halliday Emily Bogardus Alvaretta Ross Willa Duhl Katherine Ketcham Gertrude Geib Mortimer Sullivan Cornet: Marion Clark. |