The 18th annual commencement of the Horseheads High School was held
last evening at Pritchard Hall and was in every sense a most delightful
occasion. The small hall was so crowded that people stood in every
part of it and probably as many were turned away as were able to gain admittance.
The hall had been very beautifully decorated in green and white, which
are the class colors. Evergreen twigs woven into vines were very
prettily festooned over the entire ceiling and the figures 1902 were worked
on the east wall in evergreen. Green and white bunting also formed
a large part of the hall decoration. The stage was banked with palms,
ferns and daisies. On a white back ground occupying a conspicuous
part of the stage the class motto: "“hy Destiny Lies Within Thee"”
was worked in green. The east side of the stage was occupied by the
members of the board of education: R. P. Bush, president; Rev. M.
H. Gardner, P. T. Marshall, W. H. Phillips and Mrs. Helen Rickey, and also
Rev. F. H. Gates and Rev. W. H. Yard. Accompanied by the sweet strains
from McHenry’s orchestra the graduates marched in from the rear of the
stage and were seated on the east side.
The first number, following the invocation by Rev. M. H. Gardner,
was the saluatory by Miss Bernice Reed. Miss Reed’s subject was “Night
Brings Out the Stars”, and she treated it as to its application to human
affairs. Her enunciation and delivery were good and she was very
enthustically applauded at the conclusion. William W. Myers delivered
the valedictory, his subject being “The Invasion of the Old World by the
New”. He treated this subject very capably, showing the reaction
which is now taking place between the old world nations and the nations
of the west.
The remainder of the excellent program was as follows:
Progress of Music .....Ida Weller
Violin Solo—Andante Religioso....Joseph Samuels
Wireless Telegraphy .....Loretta B. Snyder
Originality .......Nellie E. Lovell
Ancient and Modern Games ......Robert B. Smith
Vocal Solo—A Long Ago ......Oley Speaks
William P. Frost
The Influence of Women....Marie ?dyne Hill
Electricity Versus Steam....Berton R. Sherman
Violin Solo—Le Cygne....Joseph Samuels
American Poetry....Eva L. Rowley
Beyond the Alps Lies Italy...May Lovina Hill
Facts and Fiction....Ermina C. Thorne
Vocal Solo—The Nightengale’s Song...Nevin
William P. Frost.
Presentation of Diplomas.......
Benediction......Rev. F. H. Gates
Music.....McHenry’s Orchestra
The following are the members of the class of 1902: William
W. Myers, Bernice Reed, Loretta Snyder, Nellie E. Lovell, Eva L. Rowley,
Marie E. Hill, Ermina C. Thorne, Ida Weller, Robert B. Smith, Mary L. Hill
and Berton R. Sherman. All the students acquited themselves in a
manner to do credit to their school. Misses Lulu Weller, Ruby Snyder,
Mabel Hill and Maude Coe acted as flower girls, and Emily Clark as page.
The ushers were Archie Mathews, Wilson Day, Henry Bush, Benjamin Colegrove
and Walter Myers. |