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1882 Troy Graded School, Troy PA
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This building was originally built in 1868. Over time rooms were added. It burned 06 January 1922
School: Troy PA Schools
Township: Troy Township, Bradford County PA
1882 Troy Graded School Booklet transcribed by Paul Newell
Year: 1882
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Graded and High School
Troy, Pa.
J.T. McCollom, A.M., Principal.
Catalogue and Circular of Troy Graded and High School, for the year 1882.
Troy, Bradford County, Pa.
Organized 1867.
Troy, PA.:
A.S. Hooker, Book & Job Printer, 1882.
Troy Graded and High School. 3 
Board of Directors.
Hon. Delos Rockwell,
Dr. E.G. Tracy,
John H. Grant,
B.B. Mitchell,
Thomas McCabe,
Jessie Stuart.
Officers of the Board.
Delos Rockwell, President,
Thomas McCabe, Secretary,
John H. Grant, Treasurer.
Corps of Instructors.
James T. McCollom, A.M., Principal.
Minnie C. Grohs, Teacher Grammar School Department.
Eliza J. Adams, Teacher Intermediate Department. 
Hannah Beckwith, Teacher Primary (A) Department.
Libbie Shannon, Teacher Primary (B) Department.
Troy Graded and High School. 4 
Graduates Association.
President – Geo. D. Leonard.
Vice president – Lewis Gregory.
Secretary – Libby Shannon.
Treasury – Everitt VanDine.
Graduates of High School.
Class of ’71. – Ella Cosper (Mrs. Chauncey Tymeson) , Minnie S. Budd (Mrs. Orator McClelland), Sarah E. Ballard (Mrs. John Willetts).
Class of ’72. – William G. Youngs, Annie H. Adams, Edward LaMent.
Class of ’73. – Fanny F. Long, Kate S. Dare (Mrs. E.F. Loomis), Linda LaMent (Mrs. Frank Monroe), Adorna Upham (Mrs. W. Moore), Allie D. Witter (Mrs. J.W. Churchill), Frank Harkness, Albert Morgan. 
Class of ’74. –
Class of ’75. – Minnie C. Grohs, Hattie Morgan.
Class of ’77. – C.L. Greenough, Charles Cosper, J.W. Merritt, Maggie Coney, Kate Coney, Mary Foster, Emma Adams, Amanda Lewis, Flora learned (Mrs. Geo. Linderman), Emma Packard (Mrs. Martin Hager), Sarah Hooley. 
Class of ’78. – Willis J. Ballard, Merritt Case, Edward E. Brace, Libby Compton (Mrs. Frank Price), Laura Leonard.
Class of ’79. – Will Grant, Charles V. Grohs, Everitt VanDine, Lewis Gregory, Addie Morse, Louise Wilson, Nellie Axtell, Metta Rockwell, Grace Sayles.
Class of ’80. – Claude Cobb, Thomas Brownson, Frank Hawthorn, Ruffus R. Wilson, George D. Leonard, James Ingham, Jennie Greenough (Mrs. Jennie Herrick), Lilly Joralemon.
Class of ’81. – George M. Case, George S. McGlenn, Delos Rockwell, Mary S. Dare, Alice Hobart, Mattie, E. Card, Mary Connor, Fanny Morse, Alma Morse, Clara Blackwell, Anna D. Compton.
Class of ’82. – Charles N. Green, Stephen Gernert, William Conrad, Fred N. Cowan, Burton S. Parsons, Mattie E. Herrick, Nettie Adams, Mary Burke.
Troy Graded and High School. 5 
Names of Students.
High School Department.
Judson Aspinwall Nettie Adams
Edward Aspinwall Mary Burke
Charles Alexander Elnora baker, Township,
Willis Baker, Township, Laura Ballard, W. Burlington,
J. Webb Beckwith Amy Besley, Austinville,
Christopher Ballard Lillie Betts, Lansing, Mich,
Floyd Bullock, Columbia X Roads, Jennie Ballard
Hugh Bailey, Leona,  Sarah Cooney, Township,
Horace Crawford Clara Curtis, Great Valley,
Everitt Campbell, Leona, Sophia Dillin, Township, 
Clarence Campbell, Leona, Lelia Drake
Grant Covell, Big Pond, Mary Dare
Will Carnochan Eva Dudley, Township,
Edward Clark Lellia Fish
Fred Cowan Lizzie P. Foulke, W. Burlington,
Will Conrad Lola Gates
George Dexter, East Troy, Alice Hobart
Harry Davison Lizzie Hildreth, Chemung, 
Eddie Dickinson, West Burlington, Maggie Hooley
Stephen Gernert, Col X Roads, Anna Hooley
Charles Gernert, Col X Roads, Mattie Herrick, Township,
Charles N. Green Frank Huntington
Wilber Hooker, Leona, Sarah Hooley
James Huntington Addie Joralemon, Township,
Wilson Johnson, Township, Alice Keyes, Sylvania,
Clark Joralemon, Township, Clara Kiff, Alba,
Clarence Kerrick Jennie Kenyon, Township,
Elmer Kennedy, Leona, Fannie Moyer
Seth LaMent Nell Oliver
Bennie McKean, Columbia, Fanny Paine, W. Burlington,
John Nichols Della Perry
Stephen Phillips, E. Smithfield, Lottie Paine
Burton S. Parsons, Gilletts, Maggie Ronan
George Pierce, E. Smithfield, Jennie Reynolds
George Riley, Township, Hannah Rady
Troy Graded and High School. 6 
Gamage Rockwell, W. Burlington, Alice Ryan
John Ryan Mary Sullivan
John Grimes Eliza Sullivan
George Strait, Sylvania, Cora Spaulding
Dan Shannon, Township, Mina Silliman, Township,
Norton Stanton, Township, Jenny Shepard, Gillets,
Will Snedeker, Snedekerville, Minnie Terry
Charles B. Worden, East Canton, Frances Upton, Denmark, Ohio,
Fred Watkins, Austinville, Louise Wilson, Alba,
Austin Young, Austinville, Lizzie Yontz
Laura Redington.
Grammar Department.
George Alexander Rose Dillin
Willie Axtell Nora Dobbins
Burr Ballard Lalia Drake
Burt Beckwith Jennie Filkins
Lennie Bradford Emma Fretz
Robert Crawford Lottie Garbrant
Frank Gernert Mertie Gerould
Frank Green Cora Green
Richard Haggerty Ada Greenlaw
Fred Hooker Nora Haggerty
Eddie Hooley Lulu Halloway
Leslie Kerrick Katie Handran
Charles King Etta Kenyon
Charlie Landon Florence Kerrick
Floyd Leonard, Burlington, May Lampman
George McCabe Bessie Lee
Willie McMahon Lou Leonard
Kent Mitchell Minnie Lester
George Monroe Ada Long
Paul Paine Jennie Long
Dannie Pomeroy Edith Loomis, Elmira,
George Redington, Township, Annie Mack
Charles Reel, Leona, Laura Mason
Allen Sayles Lucy McKean, Township,
Ethel Shoemaker, Township, Josie Mitchell
Bennie Silliman, Township, Nannie Mitchell
Elborn Ward Frankie Morse
Cora Allen Jennie Moyer
Emma Axtell Hattie Newell
Bessie Bailey, Leona, Nellie Newman, E. Smithfield,
Jennie Bailey, Leona, Anne Laura Paine
Katie Ballard Effie Porter
Josie Bird Libbie Ronan
Minnie Buck Carrie Saltmarsh
Troy Graded and High School. 7 
Dora Clark Eva Sherman
Katie Dickinson Bertha Sucese
Louise Willour
Intermediate Department
Bertrand Andress Effie Beeles
George Bradley Blanche Buckhout
Burtie Beeles Mollie Bowen
Melvin Beebe Nora Burke
Bertie Compton Anna Cooley
John Couse, Township, Edith Connell
Fred Dudley Maggie Cahill
Frank Fretz Bridget Douherty
Thaddie Gustin Edith French
Ray Gustin Maggie Grimes
Richard Hooley Allie Guild
Timothy Hooley Masie Greene
Stephen Hooley Janet Greenough
Tommie Howe Jennie Gilmour
John Handrahan Mamie Howe
Berite Hovey Mary Hooley
Leon Lewis Kate Hooley
Wallie Lewis Addie King
Charlie Lee Fannie Long
Harry Linderman Lizzie Levering
Wilson Moyer Mamie Mitchell
Eddie Pomeroy, Township, Maggie McCabe
Freddy Pomeroy Essie McKean
Hermie Pierce Dora Paine
Willie Parsons Mattie Porter
Joey Riley Kate Ryan
Ralph Smith Mollie Saltmarsh
John Wynn Edith Ward
Angie Wheeler Allie Whalon
Primary A Department.
Mellie Ballard Georgia Axtell
George Baird Mabel Andress
Damon Baker Katie Conrad
Howard Beech May Davison
Timmie Cahill Cora Fletcher
Charley Gernert Jennie Foster
Berty Grant Anna Greenlaw
Clinton Gerould Lucy Grist
Fred Gustin Mamie Hooley
Fred Gay Anna Kendall
Troy Graded and High School. 8 
Eddie Handahan Gracie Lester
Willie Haggerty Jennie McDougle
Frank Howe Jennie McCroy
Harry Leonard Allie McMahan
George Mitchell May Newell
Pomeroy Mitchell Kittie Price
Dannie Mason Adelle Pomeroy
Authur McCroy Susie Parsons
Jimmie Nagle Florence Porter
Johnny Pomeroy Freddie Paine
Eddie Riley Anna Rady
Fred Sayles May Rady
Leon Smith Jennie Redington
Merritt Smith Eva Smith
Walter Smith Rhoda Terry
Hillie Spaulding Laura Van Dine
Allen Ward Bessie Viele
Willie Ward Maggie Wynne
Lulu Kenyon Jessie Woodworth
Bertha Kerrick Lottie Wheeler
Anna Leonard Jennie Winston
Mamie Lee Maggie Whalon
Primary B Department.
Hayes Axtell Fannie Arnold
Percy Bailey Louise Bently
Newton Boyce Carrie Bradley
Clarence Boyce Gracie Beach
John Bigsby Helena Dewitt
Freddie Beach Minnie Filkins
Schuyler Beeles Alice Haggerty
Julias Creek Katie Hooley
Charlie Conrad Nora Jenner
Harry Cleaver Kathie Kenyon
Mike Cahill Edith Lilley
Arthur Case Emily Long
Bay Cleveland Nellie Mitchell
Eddie Fish Allie McMahan
Allen Gernert Emma Louise McCollum
Frank Hooley Mary Lisle McCollum
Mike Handrahan Lizzie Nagle
Lamer Lewis Rosa Patterson
Jemmie Mack Pauline Phillips
Johnie Nagel Carrie Pomeroy
Harry Porter Minnie Spaulding
Wess Rockwell Margi Sale
Henry Sherman Helen Shuman
Troy Graded and High School. 9 
Johnie Sadler Julia Sucese
Joe Snyder Edie Tomilson
Charlie Stewart Fannie Wynne
Delos Snyder Minnie Wilcox
Eddie Tomilson Warner Yontz
Jemmie Tobin Georgis McCroy
Freddie Van Dine Harry McCabe
Mellie Wooster
High School Department 91
Grammar School Department 73
Intermediate Department 58
Primary (A) Department 64
Primary (B) Department 61
Whole Numbers
Terms and Vacations.
Fall Term begins Monday August 15; ends Nov. 17.
Winter Term begins Nov. 20; ends March 2, 1883.
Holiday Vacations from Dec. 15, 1882, to Jan. 2, 1883.
Spring Term begins March 5; ends June 1.
Spring Examinations begin May 28.
Tuition Fees.
Non-residents will be charged as follows:
Common English $6.00
Intermediate department $4.00
Primary Department $3.00
Higher English, each $1.00
Higher Mathematics, each $1.00
Natural Sciences, each $1.00
Book Keeping $1.00
Ancient and Modern Languages, each $1.00
Note – In no case shall a bill for Tuition exceed $8.00. 

Pupils will register with the Treasurer and settle their tuition bill before entering the School. They will thereupon be given a certificate of registration by the Treasurer which will entitle them to enter the classes for which they are prepared. 

Troy Graded and High School. 10 
The fourteenth year of the Troy Graded and High School has been most satisfactory to the officers and patrons. The high standard of scholarship which has characterized it in the past has been maintained, and the number of pupils who have pursued their studies successfully, is even larger than in former years. The number of non-resident pupils has been large, thus giving increased evidence of the popularity of the school and showing that its advantages are appreciated by those who desire good opportunities for education. With increasing facilities for instruction there is a growing interest upon the part of the students and a commendable zeal to do thorough and efficient work. 

The school is well supplied with necessary apparatus, charts and reference works, which are accessible to all pupils, and they are encouraged to make use of them in the pursuit of their studies. They are taught how to study and are urged to be self-reliant, while they are at the same time thoroughly drilled in the several branches of the course. Non-resident pupils will find in the future, as in the past, a hearty welcome to our school and great pains will be taken to give them all the advantages they desire. 

Troy has many things in its favor for convenient school privileges. It is easily reached by the Northern Central Railway from both north and south, and has good stage communications with the surrounding villages on the east and on the west. The character of its business men for thrift, energy and integrity, has long made it the center of trade for a rich section of the country. Students are welcomed by the inhabitants and many young men have found opportunities to engage in lucrative business through their school experience here. The Churches of all denominations are well sustained and the best of society is open to all who will avail themselves of it. Board can be had from $2.50 to $3.50 per week and many pupils make their expenses much less than these prices by renting rooms and boarding themselves. 

Patrons of the school are cordially invited to visit it frequently and observe the progress of the pupils. They should urge upon them the necessity of spending their evenings in study and assist the teachers in securing faithful work. The school is under the supervision of the board of education, who take pride in making it all that can be desired for its grade, and a credit to the town. To this end they make frequent visits during term time, and conduct the examinations personally in a manner to secure thorough scholarship. 

Troy Graded and High School. 11 
Course of Instruction.
The course of study is designed primarily, to give thorough drill in all the branches of an English education. The higher studies embrace what is most practical and desirable for all who are preparing for any of the professions or business and lead to the popular courses in the best colleges. Students often pursue these studies successfully as far as they are of practical use. The effort is especially made to supply the people of this locality with such advantages as they most need, and the school fills the want of this facility as no other can do. Students are assisted whenever aid is necessary and are taught how to help themselves. Instructions in music will be furnished on reasonable terms when desired.
Good appliances for assisting the students in Natural Philosophy and in Chemistry are always at hand. Pupils have constant practice in the laboratory and often become experts in making experiments.
Our library is one of the best in the selection of books and furnishes free of cost the standard Histories, Biographies, Works of Literature, Reference Works, Maps and Charts for the use of the Pupils.
A class in Surveying will be formed of those pupils who wish it and the best instruments will be furnished by the Principal for use in field practice. A Gurley’s Engineer Transit, with attachments for leveling and measuring vertical angles can be used by the pupils in this branch. Careful instruction is also given in plotting surveys and making computations. 
Corps of Instructors.
By referring to the third page it will be seen that the corps of teachers who have conducted the school so successfully in the past is still retained. Their experience gives assurance that the reputation of the School will be maintained.
The success of our graduates is a matter for congratulation, and we point with pride to many who now hold honorable positions in teaching, in business and in the professions. Many of the schools in this vicinity give evidence of the superior merit of teachers who received their preparation for teaching here. The Graduates Association was organized in 1877 and now numbers sixty-nine members. Their annual reunions, both public and private have served to keep alive the pleasant associations formed in their schooldays. 
Preparation For Teaching.
Do you intend to teach? If so, where can you better prepare yourself than in a school where not only the science of teaching is taught, but where you may daily observe the work of a well organized school? We offer superior advantages to teachers both by a class organized for special instruction in that profession and by giving actual practice in the class room to all who may desire it. Our teachers’ class has been very successful for years past, and especial pains will be taken to give the efficiency to this department. The success of teachers from this school is assurance that we are prepared to do excellent work in this direction. 
Troy Graded and High School. 12 
The Professional men of the village often render valuable assistance by giving lectures to the students, and from time to time other able lectures will be secured.
The School has a geological Cabinet of growing importance and value. We are grateful to all friends who will contribute to this Department and in any way assist in promoting its usefulness.
Debating Society.
The High School Debating Society provides a valuable aid to young men desirous of improving in this branch. Its meetings are often attended by gentlemen in town and a good interest is developed among the students.
The Mitchell Gold medal prize is given annually by B.B. Mitchell for excellence in spelling. The prize, a fine volume of poetry, in declamation, by Hon. Delos Rockwell. The prize in essays by Jessie Stuart, and in pronunciation, a Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary by the Principal. The prize scholars this year were Miss Mattie Herrick in spelling and pronunciation, Charles N. Green in declamation and Nettie Adams in recitation.
The sanitary conditions of the building and grounds are excellent, and the general health of the town for years has been exceptionally good. There has been no epidemic during the last twenty years in the village, and the altitude, the pure air and general immunity from those fevers so common in river locations and less elevated localities, make it a place to which parents can safely send their children. Pure cold water has been introduced into the building and thus one of the most common sources of disease among children, from drinking impure water, has been avoided and general cleanliness secured.
Troy Graded and High School. 13 
Rules and Regulations.
Government – Duties of the Principal.
  1. The Principal shall have a general supervision over all the Departments of the School; he shall see that regulations of the School Directors are carried into effect, and shall have discretionary power where no rules have been adopted.
  2. He shall give advise to the teachers in any emergency; shall take cognizance of all pupils reported to him, and shall have the power to suspend a pupil subject to the decision of the Directors.
  3. He shall meet the teachers at 4 P.M., daily during the term time to receive the reports of the day; to devise means for improving the school, and to advise with the teachers on the subject of teaching and school government.
  4. He shall prepare an abstract once each month from the report of the teachers and that of his own department, embracing such as may be deemed advisable, for publication.
  5. He shall visit the different departments as often as practicable; shall keep a record of such visits, and of the condition in which he finds the departments; such record to be presented from time to time to the Board of Directors.
  6. He shall have special charge of the High School Department and shall conduct as many recitations therein as shall be compatible with his other duties.
  7. He shall be within the school precincts fifteen minutes before the opening of each session.
Duties of Teachers.
  1. Each teacher in charge of a department shall register the name, age, time of entrance, daily attendance, absence, tardiness, deportment, perfect and imperfect lessons of each pupil, in a register provided for that purpose; which will be open to all visitors.
  2. Teachers shall be at their respective rooms fifteen minutes before the time appointed for commencing school; they shall give due attention to the neatness, ventilation and temperature of their rooms; they shall see that the room, furniture and apparatus entrusted to their care be not defaced or otherwise injured by their pupils; and they shall give immediate notice of any injuries done, to the Principal.
  3. Teachers shall be required to exercise a general supervision over all pupils of the several departments while in the halls and yard, and so far as practicable, in coming to and returning from school.
  4. They shall attend regularly and promptly the report meetings at the Principal’s room, at the close of the afternoon session each day; they shall make a report of the delinquents in each case from the daily class register, and shall keep a record showing the standing of each member of the several classes. When necessary they shall remain after school with delinquents and shall assist in hearing the lessons of those detained from the several departments.
  5. Assistant Teachers shall perform all the duties enumerated for teachers except those of registering and preserving daily attendance, tardiness and deportment. 
Troy Graded and High School. 14 
Duties of Pupils.
  1. Pupils are desired to enter the school at the beginning of each term, and to attend regularly and punctually. When it is necessary for them to leave the school in the midst of a term, they must notify the teachers in charge.
  2. In case of absence or tardiness, a written excuse, signed by the parent or guardian, must be given to the teacher in charge.
  3. Pupils failing to do this shall be liable to such discipline as the teacher may deem prudent.
  4. Pupils found guilty of defacing or injuring their desks, or school property of any kind, shall be liable to severe punishment or expulsion and all such damages must be paid by the parent or guardian.
  5. Pupils must be furnished with books and utensils regularly required to be used in the grade to which they belong.
  6. No pupil shall be allowed to leave school at recess, or at any other time previous to the regular time of closing school, unless by excuse in writing from the parent or guardian to the teacher in charge, and students in the High School shall not be allowed to go to their boarding places to study during school hours.
  7. Every pupil except those of the Primary Department who shall not have prepared the lesson assigned by the teacher, shall be liable to detention in the Principal’s room until the deficiency is made up.
  8. Any pupil except those in the Primary Department, who shall have been absent five days in the term, without excuse from parent or guardian shall be required to obtain a written permit from the Secretary of the Board of Directors before such pupil shall be entitled to a seat in the department to which he belongs; and three cases of tardiness shall be considered equivalent to one day’s absence.
  9. Sickness of the pupil or of the family shall be the only adequate excuse for tardiness, absence or failure to prepare a lesson.
  10. Non-resident pupils shall not be allowed to leave for their homes until the close of the afternoon session.
  11. Pupils are desired not to appear on the grounds sooner than fifteen minutes before the opening of school. They should be in their seats before the second bell stops ringing. No talking nor noise of any kind shall be permitted in the building.
  12. Pupils are advised to retire for exercise at recess, and so give opportunity for ventilating the room and rest to the teacher in charge; but should they remain they must observe silence, and any conversation with the teacher must be in a subdued tone. Teachers require rest as well as pupils. All questions at that time relative to lessons are quite out of place.
  13. As soon as pupils enter the front doors all loud talking and noise must cease.
  14. The use of tobacco about the premises is strictly forbidden, and students will be required to observe habits of cleanliness and good order at all times.
  15. The order of exercises and bell signals will be explained in detail to the pupils, and will in all cases be prescribed by the principal.
Troy Graded and High School. 15 
Course of Study,
Primary B. Department.
First Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Reading (Word Method), First Reader, First Reader finished,
Counting, Spelling, O. Arithmetic to Division,
Spelling, Counting and Adding, Spelling,
General Exercises. Printing, Printing,
  General Exercises. General Exercises.
Second Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
First Reader finished, Second Reader, Second Reader,
O. Arithmetic to Division, Spelling, Spelling,
Spelling, Blackboard Exercises, Blackboard Exercises,
Printing, Printing, Printing,
General Exercises. Oral Arithmetic. Oral Arithmetic.
Primary A. Department.
First Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Second Reader finished, Third Reader, Third Reader,
Analytical Speller, Primary Arithmetic, Primary Arithmetic,
Primary Arithmetic, Analytical Speller, Local Geography,
Printing, Printing, Analytical Speller,
General Exercises. Local Geography, General Exercises.
General Exercises.
Second Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Third Reader, Third Reader, Third Reader finished,
Analytical Speller, Analytical Speller, Analytical Speller,
Elementary Geography, Elementary Geography, Elementary Geography finished,
Mental Arithmetic, Mental Arithmetic, Mental Arithmetic,
Penmanship. Penmanship, Penmanship,
General Exercises. Reviews.
Troy Graded and High School. 16 
Intermediate Department.
First Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Fourth Reader, Fourth Reader, Fourth Reader,
Analytical Speller,  Analytical Speller,  Analytical Speller, 
Intellectual Arithmetic, Intellectual Arithmetic, Intellectual Arithmetic,
Intermediate Geography,  Slate Exercises, Intermediate Geography,
Penmanship, Intermediate Geography,  Slate Exercises.
General Exercises. Penmanship.  
Second Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Fourth Reader, Fourth Reader, Fourth Reader finished,
Analytical Speller,  Analytical Speller,  Analytical Speller, 
Intellectual Arithmetic, Intellectual Arithmetic, Intermediate Geography,
Practical Arithmetic, Practical Arithmetic, Map Drawing,
Intermediate Geography,  Intermediate Geography,  Intellectual Arithmetic,
Map Drawing, Map Drawing, Practical Arithmetic to Red.,
Penmanship. Language Lessons, Language Lessons,
  Penmanship. Penmanship,
Compositions, Declamations, &c.
Besides the regular studies of the course, each pupil will be required to write a composition once in two weeks and recite or declaim on each Friday afternoon after reading the intermediate grade.
Grammar School.
First Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Fifth Reader, Fifth Reader, Fifth Reader,
Spelling,  Spelling,  Spelling, 
Geography,  Geography,  Geography, 
Map Drawing, Map Drawing, Map Drawing,
Intellectual Arithmetic, Intellectual Arithmetic, Arithmetic to Square Root,
Practical Arithmetic (Review to Reduction,) W. Arithmetic to Comp Int Grammar, Grammar,
Oral Grammar, Grammar, Penmanship.
Penmanship. Penmanship.  
Troy Graded and High School. 17 
Second Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Reading, alternate, Reading, alternate, Reading, alternate,
History, History, History,
Spelling,  Spelling,  Spelling, 
Practical Arithmetic to Mis. Examples, P. Arithmetic finished, Arithmetic reviewed,
Algebra, Algebra, Grammar reviewed,
Grammar, Grammar, Penmanship.
Mental Arithmetic, alternate, M. Arithmetic,  
Penmanship, Penmanship,  
Geography.  Geography.   
High School.
First Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Higher Arithmetic, Higher Arithmetic, Higher Arithmetic fin.,
University Algebra reviewed to Square Root, University Algebra, Algebra finished,
Reading, Book Keeping, Natural Philosophy,
Spelling, Science of Government, Reading,
Grammar, Reading, Spelling,
Composition, Spelling, Grammar,
Physical Geography, Grammar, Composition,
Methods of Teaching. Composition, Methods of Teaching.
  Methods of Teaching.  
Second Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Geometery, Geometery, Geometery fin.,
Chemistry alternate, Chemistry alternate, Chemistry finished,
Philosophy, Philosophy, Botany,
Latin or German, Latin or German, English Literature,
Eng. Literature and History Composition. Eng. Literature and History. Composition.
Third Year.
First Term.
Second Term.
Third Term.
Trigonometry, Trigonometry finished, Surveying,
Latin or German, Geology, Latin or German,
English Literature, Latin or German, Botany finished,
Composition. English Language, Astronomy,
  English Literature. English Literature,
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By Joyce M. Tice
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