Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
South Creek Township, Bradford County PA
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Families & Individuals of the Tri-Counties
Photos:Berry-Jenkins Family
Township: South Creek Township, Bradford County PA
Photo from Bill Mitchell
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Say Hello to Joyce
 Subj:  South Creek Sesquicentennial Book project
Date:  8/18/2002 6:52:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (bill mitchell)

File: Julius,RachaelBerry,NellieandJamesMitchell.jpg (65592 bytes) DL Time (32000 bps): < 1 minute

Dear Joyce -
Aloha, and greetings form Maui - which is where at least one of the descendents of the Berry's of Gillett seems to have landed.

I've gleaned a great deal of information from our site over the past several years, thanks you very much. I recently noticed an "omission" - or case of unknown identity - in the G.A.R. picture that occurs at the beginning of the Organizations (Civil War) section. The individual standing between William Fletcher and Civillius Berry is Civillius' brother, Julius Mortimer Berry, who was a private in Company F of the 23rd. New York Regiment. He also seems to be missing from the New York section of the list as well.

I'm basing this on other pictures I have of Julius and his remarkable mustache! Not that it's a bit deal, just thought you might like to know. I've included a picture of Julius in his later years for purposes of comparison.

Bill Mitchell

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