Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Daggett, of 306 East Second street will celebrate
their golden wedding anniversary Monday, December 15. It was half a century
ago, in Parishville, St. Lawrence county, this state, that Miss Myra Shepard
Smith, age (couldn't read) and Herbert Martin Daggett, age (couldn't read)
were united in marriage. In 1887 they moved to Elmira, where Mr. Daggett
and S. C. Woodside bought the Tomlinson photographic business,
then located on Baldwin street. Later the Elmira Portrait Company was
formed, the third member of the company being A. O. Adams, now of Cascade
Locks, Ore., a brother-in-law of Mrs. Daggett. Some years later Mr. Daggett
bought out this business, and until recently he conducted the well known
Daggett Art Store. One year ago he sold out and retired from fusiness,
since which time he has been con- tinuing in a modest way to sell pictures
and make frames at his residence, 306 Second street. Mr. and Mrs. Daggett
have always been actively identified with the Lake Street Presbyterian
Church, where they have both taught Bible classes many years, and where
Mr. Daggett was for a long time superintendent of the Sunday school. They
were pioneers in the temperance movement. Mrs. Daggett was county president
of the W.C.T.U. for several years, and both have always been connected
with every charity and movement for community betterment. Five children
have been born to them, of which three are living: Mabel C. Daggett, a
teacher of French in the Girls' High School, Brooklyn: H. Myron Daggett,
purchasing agent for the United States Industrial Alcohol Company of New
York City, and Gertrude E. Daggett, general secretary of the Y.W.C.A. of
Lewiston, Maine. There is one grandchild, Eldred Herbert Daggett, 16 years
of age, son of Myron and Jesie Eldred Daggett of New York City. It being
impossible for the children to be home for a celebration of this golden
wedding on the 15th of December, Mr. and Mrs. Daggett took a "Golden Wedding
Trip" during the month of October, visiting their children in New York
and Lewiston, and having "the time of their young lives," as Mr. Daggett
so charac- teristically expresses it. Aside from Mr. Daggett's lameness,
both Mr. and Mrs. Daggett are in excellent health and are radiating happiness
to all those with whom they come in contact, as has been their wont throughout
their long and useful lives. Browning's well known lines from "Rabbi Ben
Ezra," seem particularly fitting to Mr. and Mrs. Daggett at this time:
"Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, The last of life, for which
the first was made: Our times are in His hand Who saith, 'A whole I planned,
Youth show but half; trust God; see all, nor be afraid.'"
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/19/2003 By Joyce M. Tice