Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Golden Star Rebekah Lodge 462 - Troy
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Submitted by Fay TILLER Morgan and Margaret (Peg) Billingsley, a 75 year member.
Rebekah Flagholders


Golden Star Rebekah Lodge No. 462, I.O.O.F was instituted in the Odd-Fellows Hall at Troy, Pa. June 25, 1914.

The President of the Rebekah Assembly of Pa., Mrs. Virginia Mull, and her staff of officers were the instituting officers. A class of forty-four (44) petitioners answered to their names and were presented to the President, where they were duly obligated, signed the constitution and became the Charter Members of Golden Star Rebekah Lodge No. 462.

The President declared the nomination and election open for officers to serve until the end of the term. Edith Alexander was elected Noble

Grand; Jennie Gates, Vice Grand; Pearl Andrus, Recording Secretary; Clara Bohlayer, Financial Secretary; and Laura McMahon, Treas. They were installed into their offices as also were the Noble Grand’s and Vice Grand’s appointed officers. The meeting recessed.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the Noble Grand, Edith Alexander. A ballot was taken on names of eleven petitioners and Silver Link Rebekah Lodge of Sylvania, Pa conferred the Degree on five of the candidates who were present that night.

Golden Star formed a degree team and initiated its own members. They bought 13 beautiful robes, which cost $135.00, to wear for degree work. Now the sisters wear floor length white dresses for degree work.

Golden Star has purchased, during its 50 years, six dozen folding chairs, our piano, our gas heater stove, the kitchen gas stove, silver and a metal case to keep it in, some dishes, cupboard, coffee urn, refrigerator, electric sweeper, new chain regalia, shades, drapes and linoleum. They had the dining room, kitchen and hallway painted besides the regular expenses. To raise money to do this, they have served Banquets, dinners, Lions Club supper once a year, lunches at dances. They have held dances, ice cream socials, card parties, food sales, soup sales, white elephant sales, box socials, blind auctions and many other things. The first thing they did, to raise money, after they were organized, was to chance off a bicycle. Committee reported $56.02. There were times it was a struggle and some of the members dug down in their purses to help pay the expenses to keep their Charter but they struggled through and the Lodge is now in good financial standing.

The members formed a Sunshine Circle August 13, 1914 for a fund to buy flowers and fruit for the sick. They put the ballot balls in a basket and when the password was taken they drew a ball from the basket. If it was white they put in a penny or whatever they wished to put in; but if it was black they were to put in ten cents. This continued until September 28, 1939 when a motion was made to discontinue with the ballot ball but still take a collection of whatever they wished to put in. This is what we call our Sunshine Fund.

The Lodge supported a room at the Sunbury Orphanage for a time. They sent money to the Supt. of the Orphanage to buy whatever the room needed. The members tied off quilts, made dresser scarfs, and donated throw rugs and other articles for the room. They also canned and sent a barrel of canned fruit and vegetables to them each year. Then shipping charges went up and our finances were low so we discontinued sending the canned goods. Now the state will not allow them to accept home-canned goods.

The Lodge has donated to the T. B. Seals, Red Cross, Relief Fund, Heart Fund, Rebekah Home, Sunbury Orphanage besides the local and county Fraternal meetings we are asked to contribute to. They bought material and made baby gowns for the Troy Hospital. They donated $25.00 to the Hospital for a lamp in one of the rooms when the Hospital first opened. They donated one of the four Bronze Tablets placed on the trees around the Van Dyne Civic Building. It was in honor of Lee Brooks. It read as follows:

In Honor of

Sergt. Lee Addison Brooks

Co. G. 314th U. S. Inf. 79th Div.

Killed in Action, Sept. 26, 1918

Meuse-Argonne Offensive

at Montfaucon, Age 24 years

Buried Romagne Cemetery, France

In Grateful appreciation

This tree and tablet was placed

By Women of Troy

Sergt. Brooks' father and mother were Charter Members of Golden Star Rebekah Lodge.

Some of the sisters presented gifts to the Lodge. Some have passed away but their memories live in the gifts they gave. Ida Shook and Jennie Wood gave the Alter; Jennie Wood, the Alter Cloth; Ida Spencer gave a Visitors Register; Nellie Bailey an American Flag and staff; Anna Quinn, the Wooden Hatchet, made by her husband, Clyde Quinn, used at one time to collect dues on; Julia Wood, the lighted picture frame; and Beatrice Bailey, the automatic hot water tank and Kitchen sink. The gas stove in dining room was bought with money given by Howard and Laura McMahon for something the Lodge needed. The white Bible was given in memory of Anna Quinn by her husband, Clyde Quinn; the brass candle holders in memory of Jennie Gates P.D.D.P. by her sister Martha Boyer; the lamps on the Secretary’s desk and on the piano in memory of Lillian Squires by her daughter, Genevieve Farrell; the 50 Star Flag in memory of Ida Shook, by Eloise Shook; the visitors Register by Eloise Shook P.D.D.P., in memory of two sisters of her installing staff, Edith Rathbun and Elizabeth Sweeney; both passed away within two weeks after their last installation held October 8, 1963.

We have had 66 Past Noble Grands go through the chairs in this Lodge since it was instituted 50 years ago today. We now have 27 Past Noble Grands out of a membership of 49 sisters. Four received that honor in another Lodge.

We have had three District Deputy Presidents from this Lodge. Sister Jennie Gates was our first District Deputy President and served from 1922 to June 1929. Sister Eva Pfannmuller served from June 1943 to June 1945; and Sister Eloise Shook served from June 1961 to June 1963.

The first Installation of this Lodge was held December 3, 1914 by D.D.P. Mrs. McKean and she appointed her staff from members of our Lodge.

L. L. Alexander, G. Marshall; Silas Putnam, Secretary; Cecil Hooker, Treasurer; Ed Brown, Guardian; Frank Case, Herald; Mrs Strope, Chaplain. Jennie Gates was installed Noble Grand.

Golden Star has been hostess to six District Meetings:

December 8, 1932 – Bessie Stone D.D.P.

September 5, 1940 –Laura Burroughs D.D.P.

April 29, 1944 – Eva Pfnnmuller D.D.P.

September 12, 1946 – Frieda Burleigh D.D.P.

September 29, 1952 – Cecile Strange D.D.P.

October 23, 1962 – Eloise Shook D.D.P.

and a School in Instruction – Charlotte Pettingill D.D.P.

A dinner and reception was held in our Hall for Bessie Stone of Lodge No. 419, July 23, 1938 when she was Assembly President.

The Lodge held its first Roll Call Banquet March 26, 1924. It is held yearly on the last meeting night in March, as we celebrate the birthday of Schyler Colfax, founder of Rebekah Odd-Fellowship.

When Golden Star Lodge was instituted we met every Thursday night and the Noble Grand and Vice Grand served a term of six months. There was a time when the Past Noble Grands had to serve a second time as no one wanted to go through the chairs so they voted and the By-laws were changed April 18, 1940 and the Noble Grand and Vice Grand served a term of one year and we met on the second and fourth Thursday of each month. Later the membership grew and we voted the By-laws changed Oct . 3, 1949 so that the Noble Grand and the Vice Grand served the term of six months again. On September 15, 1952 Grand Lodge changed the By-laws and all Noble Grands and Vice Grands are to serve 12 months unless their Lodge hold meetings every week; then they can serve 6 months. Secretaries and Treasurer are elected annually.

Golden Star Lodge was instituted in the Odd-Fellow’s Rooms in the Oliver Block. Later the Odd-Fellows formed an Association known as the Trojan Hall Association and bought the old Universalist Church for $2,000 on August 28, 1925 and moved there. The Rebekah Lodge was asked to join the Association and pay $180.00 a year which we agreed to do. Later the Trojan Hall Association were unable to keep up their payments which ended in losing the hall and the First National Bank took over the building August 8, 1940. The Rebekahs rented the Hall from the Bank for three months at $8.00 per month and paid heat, light and water bills. In the meantime the Odd Fellows inquired into renting the Old Rooms in the Oliver Block again. They met with the Rebekahs to see if they would go 50-50 and move back with them. Rent to be $15.00 per month and we pay half. At their next meeting the Rebekahs voted to go along with the Odd-Fellows. The men painted the rooms and moved back and we held our first meeting November 14, 1940 back in the same rooms where the Lodge was instituted. The Odd-Fellows paid a few months rent then the burden was entirely on the Rebekahs. The Landlord said he would lower the rent to $10.00 a month until the Odd-Fellows could pay some rent. Soon after, the Odd-Fellows lost their Charter. The Rebekahs continued to rent the rooms for their meetings.

The members held a special program June 23, 1955 to honor the four Charter Members. Each was presented a little gift. A memorial service was put on for five deceased members.

Sister Laura McMahon passed away the following year. Soon after, her husband, Brother Howard McMahon, dropped his membership. This leaves the two Sisters in our membership who signed the Constitution fifty years ago and became Charter Members of Golden Star Lodge No. 462; the two Sister we honor here tonight. Sister Anna Hickok P.N.G. who served as Noble Grand for 6 months, April to Oct. 1918; 6 months, Oct. 1934 to April 1835; again installed for 1 year term, Oct. 1943, serving 6 months before going to Florida. And Sister Martha Boyer P.N.G. who served as Noble Grand for 6 months, Oct. 1919 to April 1920.

We also give honorable mention to Sister Maud Kintner and Sister Matie Newell who joined the Lodge the same year it was instituted. Sister Maud joined the Lodge on Aug. 5, 1914 in the first class after the Lodge was instituted. She served as Noble Grand Oct. 1922 to Apr. 1923; as Secretary 1931 to 1935. Then she served a second term as Noble Grand, Oct. 1935 to April 1936. She was re-elected Recording Secretary again in Oct. 1936 and served for 27 years to Oct. 1963. Maud has been a devoted Rebekah and very active until recently when she has been confined at home to care for her Mother.

Sister Matie Newell was initiated Nov. 19, 1914 and served as Noble Grand Oct. 1923 to April 1924. She acted as Chairman on the committee for the 50th Anniversary of the Lodge.

Written for 50th Anniversary

On June 25, 1964

Membership Dues Ledger (Some pages missing)
Notes     First Payment Last Payment
Deceased Beatrice Bailey Feb 24 1945 Feb 14 1974
Associate Member Matie Bailey Jun 8 1950 June 12 1955
Deceased Nell Bailey Jan 8 1948 Feb 12 1966
info Annette Bankus Sept 24 1964 Oct 23 1968
info Pearl Barnes Apr 13 1950 Mar 13 1975
info Ethel Baxter Feb 24 1944 Aug 7 1976
info Hazel Benson Mar 24 1949 Oct 13 1955
info Helen Bentley April 12 1951 Apr 12 1951
info Margaret  Billingsley June 24 1943 Aug 22 1974
info Ruth Blackburn Mar 8 1962 Oct 24 1964
info Helen Bolt Feeb 24 1955 Apr 24 1975
info Evelyn Boyer June 10 1971 Apr 10 1975
info George Boyer Jan 24 1946 June 22 1967
info Martha Boyer Jan 24 1946 Jan 13 1972
info Cora Bronson April 25 1963 Mar 13 1975
info Minnie Brown Feb 23 1961 Mar 28 1967
info Minnie Brown May 8 1945 July 24 1975
info Mary Bruce Jan 1 1944 Feb 17 1975
info Vera Bruce May 9 1946 Feb 23 1956
info Edna Burr Mar 14 1957 Page missing
Associate Member Nina Calkins Sept 28 1950 Jan 22 1953
Withdrawal Card Phyllis Chaapel Jan 8 1953 Apr 8 1954
info Bessie Chamberlain Nov 10 1955 Mar 28 1968
info Mary  Chamberlain Sept 13 1972 Sept 12 1975
info Alyene Chapple Nov 18 1943 June 14 1945
info Alyene Chapple Jan 1 1960 Oct 10 1962
Deceased Anna Chesrtnut Jan 1 1955 Jan 1 1959
info Gwladys Chubb Mar 23 1961 Apr 24 1975
info Larry Clark Mar 12 1964 Mar 28 1970
Deceased Laura Clark Feb 9 1956 Dec 27 1973
info Sandra Colegrove Oct 22 1965 Oct 22 1965
info Lena Colton Feb 23 1961 Mar 10 1966
Deceased Daisey Comfort Sept 13 1956 Oct 14 1965
Dropped by request  Viola Coons/Spencer May 23 1946 Sept 10 1953
info Elizabetrh (Betty) Cronk Jan 9 1964 Mar 16 1969
info Lulu Currie Mar 9 1946 Jan 1 1962
info Daphne Darrow/Stuck Feb 25 1944 Sept 28 1950
Died Apr 2 1965 Zerlita Dewey Feb 24 1944 Sept 24 1964
info Eloise Dunbar/ Shook Mar 31 1945 Feb 22 1968
Transferred from Lady Lynn Burlington  Helen Elsbree Jan 1 1954 Dec 11 1975
info Lorin May Estep Oct 12 1955 Ded 13 1945
died Dec 9 1951 Jennie Gates Jan 24 1946 Feb 8 1951
Requsted to be dropped Grace Greenough Feb 13 1947 Mar 27 1952
info Nerttie Greenough May 23 1946 April 12 1951
info Grace Gritsmaker May 11 1972 May 11 1972
info Edith  Haight Feb 8 1951 Feb 8 1956
info Emogene Hartsocxk Feb 8 1951 Feb 8 1954
Non- contribut ing Memership Anna Hickok July 11 1946 1967
Withdrawal card Eloise Howell Apr 27 1972 Apr 27 1973
info Alice Jones May 11 1972 Apr 10 1975
info Ina Kellogg/ Schucker Oct 27 1960 Oct 26 1967
info Betty Kendall Dec 9 1971 Dec 11 1975
info Zada Kennedy Feb 8 1951 Feb 23 1956
info Dorothy  Kilgore April 30 1942 April 14 1949
info Allie Kitner Apr 8 1948 Feb 14 1966
info Maude Kitner Jan 2 1946 Jan 9 1975
info Esther Lathrop Oct 9 1952 Jan 10 1962
info Wineogene Mallory Dec 19 1965 Dec 11 1975
Deceased Feb 16 1962 Eleanor Manley Nov 19 1942 Jan 1 1962
info Helen  Manley/Estep Nov 19 1942 Feb 10 1955
info Elizabeth  Manley/Ripley Jan 1 1944 Oct 11 1962
info Eleanor May Feb 22 1973 April 10 1976
info Howard McMahon Jan 24 1946 Feb 9 1956
info Laura McMahon Jan 24 1946 Feb 9 1956
info Marian McMorran May 11 1946 Oct 23 1947
Withdrawn Irene McNett April 11 1946 Mar 27 1947
info Betsey Elizabeth Miller Mar 13 1974 Dec 8 1975
info Rowena Mingos/Ward Feb 24 1844 Apr 25 1946
info Bertty Morris Nov 19 1942 July 12 1951
info Sue Morris Mar 8 1947 Feb 10 1964
info Edna Murray Nov 18 1943 Oct 26 1950
info Anna  Murray/Crandle Nov 13 1952 Dec 3 1956
info Matie Newell Feb 14 1946 Dec 11 1975
info Hazel Page Jan 1 1944 Mar 13 1975
info Frances Parisella Mar 8 1045 Mar 8 1945
info Eva Pfannmuller Jan 10 1946 Dec 12 1974
info Maude Porter Oct 9 1947 Sept 10 1964
died Sept 1948 Anna Quinn Febg 14 1946 Aug 12 1948
Died Oct 12 1963 Edith Rathbun Feb 13 1947 Jan 10 1963
Withdrawal Card Dororthy Reed April 12 1951 June 30 1955
info Mary Reed Nov 12 1953 Feb 9 1956
info Shirley Reed Nov 12 1953 Jan 26 1956
Suspended by request Julia Rexford Jan 8 1948 Oct 10 1957
info Ada Reynolds Apr 25 1946 Feb 8 1968
info Velma Ripley/Steffin Feb 24 1944 Last Pmt
info Dorothy Schmouder Apr 27 1944 Apr 27 1944
info Eva J Schwab Feb 24 1944 Mar 19 1975
info Christine Scott Oct 13 1955 Oct 143 1955
info Doris Scott Jan 4 1947 Sept 12 1975
Deceased Bessie Secules Jan 13 1955 April 11 1963
info Eloise Shook Jan 23 1969 Jan 9 1975
Deceased Ida Shook Maar 31 1943 Feb 26 1959
info Hila Sickler/ Walcheski May 22 1947 Sept 26 1968
info Ina Simcoe/Kellogg/ Schucker Jan 1 1944 May 8 1975
info Bessie Sinclair Apr 11 1946 Dec 12 1974
info Florence Slingerland Mar 13 1947 Feb 11 1960
Died Dec 13 1072 Franc H Smirth Jul 24 1947 Sept 10 1970
Deceased Jennie Smith Jan 24 1946 Feb 14 1963
info LaRancie Smith Apr 27 1944 Feb 24 1949
Died Dec 1 1961 Ida Spencer Jan 24 1946 Jan 12 1961
Transferred to Dolly Madison Austinville ==died Aug 5 1953 Lillian Squires May 24 1945 May 24 1951
info Helen Staab Jan 22 1948 Jan 22 1948
Deceased Daphine Starkweather Jan 12 196 Jan 12 1951
info Velma Steffin Feb 12 1953 Septr 22 1955
info Alberta Swain/Payne Mar 14 1946 July 24 1947
Died Oct 17 1963 Elizabeth (Libbie) Sweeney/ Spencer Jan 8 1948 Apr 4 1963
Withdrawal Card Gladys Sweet Jan 4 1947 Nov 15 1948
Deceased Rhoda Taylor June 1 1954 Oct 10 1963
info Margaret Thomas Jan 120 1946 Sept 27 1973
Deceased Lora VanHorn Aug 13 1942 Sept 13 1974
info Raxchel VanHorn Feb 14 1963 Feb 14 1975
info Diane  VanNoy Nov 9 1972 Aug 8 1964
info Gladys VanNoy July 27 1972 July 24 1975
info Emma Vreeland Feb 24 1944 Mar 13 1975
info Louise Ward Mar 24 1966 Apr 9 1970
info Janet Ward/Terry Feb 25 1944 June 26 1947
info Beatrice Warner/ Wolfe July 24 1947 May 22 1975
info Dorothy Warner/Shook Jan 24 1947 Apr 18 1954
Withdrawal Carde Bernetta Weisbrod June 26 1947 Apr 14 1949
Deceased Irene Weisbrod Mar 24 1962 Sept 12 1963
Suspended by request Edith Whiting Feb 28 1946 Sept 10 1953
info Edith Whiting Oct 10 1957 Mar 12 1964
info Agnes Wolfe May 9 1946 Jan 1 1955
died Feb 7 1952 Monroe Wood Sept 26 1946 Oct 26 1950
Resigned Drusilla Young Feb 24 1944 Feb 26 1953
info Mary Ann Young Feb 12 1948 May 13 1948


Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 23 OCT 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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