Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
1549 Wesley Marvin Nichols Athens
1939 John Frederick Nichols Athens
2026 Donald Odel Nichols Ulster
2272 Arthur James Nickeson Towanda
79 Peter Ludwig Nickole Cadis
41 Harry Kenneth Nikulich, Jr Sayre
1924 Charles Rosswell Nittinger Sayre
1963 Raymond Herman Nobles Sayre
1129 Edmund Salvatore Nocchi Sayre
647 Wood Boynton Norconk Wyalusing
1186 Charles Lealand Norris Towanda
2337 Daniel Edward North Athens
832 Chester Albert Northrup Sayre
1271 Harold Jarvis Northrup Athens
1828 Carl Ethan Northrup Towanda
1906 Hudson Curtis Northrup Towanda
2021 Howard Stanley Northrup S. Waverly
1916 Charles Abram Northrup, Jr. Athens
1538 George Earl  Norton Athens
2197 Henry Ellsworth Norton Sayre
255 George Lewis Novak Sayre
728 John  Novak Sayre
736 Harry  Novak Sayre
799 Kenneth Harvey Oakes Athens
887 John Henry Oakley Sayre
1276 Edward Nelson Oakley Sayre
1745 Donald T. Oakley Sayre
1833 Kenneth Lee Oakley Warren Center
886 Joseph  Obuch Sayre
565 William Henry O'Connell Sayre
128 Paul Allison O'Connor Rummerfield
825 John Joseph O'Connor Ulster
1326 Morton Louis O'Connor Rummerfield
97 Jack Charles O'Dell S. Waverly
1290 James E.  Oliver Camptown
558 Raymond James O'Mara Sayre
1247 Peter  Onofre Sayre
875 Nicholas  Onofre, Jr. Sayre
1208 Leroy  Orshal Athens
1514 Ralph John Orshal Rummerfield
51 Raymond Edward Osborne Ulster
801 Edgar Merle Osborne Athens
1579 Clyde Myron Osborne Sayre
695 Daniel Patrick O'Shea Athens
1334 Winston Eugene Osmun Sayre
194 Wilmot VanNess Otis Wyalusing
952 Harry Adelbert Otis Wyalusing
1990 Frank Theodore Otto Sayre
1519 Alvin Kimble Owen Athens
1120 Leo Paul Padden Athens
256 Phillip Eugene Page Sayre
1256 John David Page Athens
174 Albert Clifford Palmer Sayre
911 Howard Calvin Palmer Sayre
992 Kenneth Leroy Palmer Athens
2343 John Nathan Palmer Athens
1291 James Louis Paluzzi Sayre
1944 Angelo Joseph Paluzzi Sayre
616 Anthony Joseph Parente S. Waverly
626 Frank Cyril Parente S. Waverly
2397 Joseph Paul Parente S. Waverly
11 Harry Kenneth Park Sayre
48 Walter James Park S. Waverly
157 Ronald Comet Park Sayre
282 Charles Edward Park Athens
2234 Guy Carlton Park Athens
2317 Warren Spalding Parke Sayre
1090 Elton Bunnell Parker LeRaysville
17 Wilbur Parks S. Waverly
463 Maurice Wilmot Parks Sayre
470 James Slyvanus Parks Athens
655 Carl  Parks Wysox
867 Ernest Warren Parks Sayre
960 George Edgar Parks Wysox
1344 Burton Silas Parks Ulster
603 William Randall Parmenter Orwell
1509 Bert Lewis Parmenter Rome
1640 Cyrus  Parmenter Sayre
505 William Alexander Parsons Wyalusing
1972 Walter Leslie Parsons Sayre
1516 Ward Henry Patterson Rome
468 Harry W. Patton Athens
924 Robert William Patton S. Waverly
717 William August Benedict Paul Sayre
349 Carlton Jobe Payne Ulster
2059 John Jones Peck Athens
1759 Clarence Edgar Peckham Orwell
1676 Theodore  Pelasky Sayre
80 Arthur Dudley Pendleton Warren Center
1111 Stephen Emerson Pendleton, Jr. Warren Center
1113 Charles Franklyn Pendleton, Jr. Warren Center
2152 Robert Eugene Peppard S.Waverly
910 Charles Henry Perry Sayre
1730 John David  Perry Sayre
1526 Donald Stuart Peschko Sayre
461 Anthony James Peterpaul Sayre
1305 Jeremiah Joseph Peterpaul Sayre
1971 Victor John Peterpaul Sayre
332 Thomas Sidney Peters Sayre
1418 Richard Elkund Peterson Athens
1834 William N. J. Peterson Sayre
1545 John Peter Petritus, Jr. LeRaysville
2350 Joseph Michael Petropoly Sayre
448 Harry Curtis Pettes Rome
1582 Arthur Lloyd Pettes Wyalusing
1117 John James Pezzert Athens
1430 Irving Keir Phillips Rome
1823 Carleton Keir Phillips LeRaysville
1851 Charles Junior Phillips Laceyville
1597 Dominic Peter Piarulli Sayre
440 George Henry Pickering Rummerfield
987 Ralph Erwin Pickering Rummerfield
2027 Earl Walter Pickering Athens
14 Raymond George Pierce Sayre
337 Myron  Pierce Towanda
1818 Rodney Harold Pierce Athens
473 Francis Herbert Pietro Athens
1216 Adelbert Carlyle Pietro Athens
1830 Joseph Leonard Pike Athens
2290 Michael  Pinchak Sayre
899 Maynard Thompson Pipher Towanda
1482 Garnard Arthur Pipher Towanda
1106 Fay LaVere Pitcher Warren Center
1112 Glenn LeRoy Pitcher Warren Center
1836 Ray Emerson Pitcher Warren Center
1964 Robert Elwyn Pitcher Wysox
645 John Henry Place Wyalusing
331 Donald Erwin Platt Wysox
636 Clifford William Platt Orwell
2363 Frank Roger Platt Orwell
1859 Michael A. Ploumbo Sayre
306 Michael  Polinski Sayre
945 Steve Peter Polinski Sayre
861 John  Polinski, Jr. Sayre
348 Floyd William Pond Ulster
2 Frank Orvill Post Wyalusing
504 Lawrence Dee Post Wyalusing
1180 Ivan William Post Towanda
209 Carl Reeser Potter Wyalusing
1707 Gerald Luther Potter Athens
2000 Clark Francis Potter Sayre
127 Thomas Leigh Powell Rummerfield
1009 George Thomas Powell Stevensville
1389 David Harris Powell Stevensville
1888 Edward Harold Powers Athens
2258 Dallas Ivan Powers Wysox
1778 Samuel L. Price Athens
1223 Joseph Hector Prichard Athens
1608 Kenneth Leon Prince Cadis
373 Stanley Barton Pritchard Athens
228 Francis Damon Proof Wyalusing
2034 Claude Stephen Proof Wyalusing
103 Martin  Pryslopski Sayre
862 Nicholas Philip Pryslopski Sayre
866 Michael  Pryslopski Sayre
1575 Peter Anthony Punchello Sayre
259 Samuel Newell Puterbaugh Athens
1136 John Long Pyott Athens
724 Arthur Louis Quatrine Sayre
36 Edward James Quatrini Sayre
918 Peter Arthur Quatrini Sayre
2159 George Peter Quatrini Sayre
498 Thomas  Quattrini Sayre
1738 Leo James Quinn Sayre
582 Raymond Farissier Rabenold Sayre
2136 Harold Edward Racht LeRaysville
1030 Frank Joseph  Raczkowski Stevensville
290 Guy  Ramsay Sayre
2369 Myron George Randall Athens
2378 Donald Cooke Randall Sayre
38 Fred Allen Rathbun S. Waverly
693 Stanley Esmond Raub Sayre
1952 Charles John  Raupers Athens
2118 Paul Christopher Raupers Athens
1310 Stanley Irving Ray Stevensville
2283 Ira Lester Ray Sayre
312 Fred Strong Raymond Athens
753 Louis E. Raymond Sayre
1233 Donald T. Reagan Sayre
1999 Laurence Arthur Reagan Sayre
623 John Roland Recof Rummerfield
1985 Orville Theodore Red Sayre
923 Francis Willard Reed Sayre
737 Joseph  Reese Sayre
884 Tony  Reese Sayre
2299 Everett Lever Reeser LeRaysville
62 Ward Robert Reeve Wyalusing
1639 Carl Adrian Reeve Wyalusing
1603 James John Regan Sayre
1729 Michael Joseph Regan Ulster
1840 Lee William Reid Wyalusing
1270 Donald Raymond Reynolds Athens
2043 Harold Charles Reynolds Athens
1187 Lawrence Walter Rhinebold Rummerfield

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice