Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
824 Anthony Francis Mancone Sayre
1595 Cuerino Juluis Mangialardo Sayre
1951 Harry Whipple Mann Wyalusing
2047 Everett Warren Mann S. Waverly
564 Robert Wert Mantz Sayre
841 Michael  Manzek Sayre
1842 Joseph Penn Marek Wyalusing
91 Elwin Wesley Marithew Athens
431 William Irvin Markle Sayre
117 Floyd Marritt, Jr. Sayre
1184 Carl  Marshall Wyalusing
1657 Kenneth William Marshall Sayre
791 William Rodney Marshall, Jr. Towanda
666 Raymond Clair Martin Towanda
1428 Louis Francis Martin S. Waverly
1438 John Gillette Martin Rome
1444 Arthur Theodore Martin Rome
579 Joseph Michael Martini Sayre
902 Marley  Maryott Athens
2143 Quentin  Maryott Wysox
2245 Lyle  Maryott Wysox
1808 James Edward Massey Rummerfield
20 Neil Lee Mate Sayre
810 Lyman Watson Mathews Sayre
986 Clifford James Matson Wyalusing
1201 Chester Arthur Matson Wyalusing
500 Elmer Lester Maurer Sayre
1988 Luther Sunday Maurer Sayre
1501 John Walter Maxim Sayre
1987 Stanley  Maxim Sayre
214 John Maxwell Sayre
953 David Walter May Wyalusing
1171 Leonard Edward May Towanda
1176 Kenneth  May Towanda
399 Emerson Elmore Maynard Wysox
2075 Vinton Otis Maynard Wysox
2157 George Earl Maynard Wysox
872 Victor  McAuliffe Sayre
1917 Clifford Woodrow McCann Athens
335 James John McCarthy Towanda
1055 John William McCarthy Sayre
2130 Donald Wilmot McCarthy LeRaysville
101 Leon Charles McCarty Sayre
1957 Murray Joshua McCarty Wyalusing
2163 Hugh Christian McCauley Athens
711 Clifford Nathan McCloe Athens
72 James Francis McCormack Athens
105 Harold John McCormick Athens
792 Harold Lyle  McCracken Athens
42 Richard Leon McCraney Sayre
489 Charles Frederick McCutcheon Sayre
743 Harry Ellsworth McCutcheon Sayre
358 Edward Andrew McDonald Athens
1320 Bernard Patrick McDonald Athens
1668 Eugene Paul McDonald Athens
1672 Joseph John McDonald Athens
2398 Leo Francis McDonald Athens
23 William Joseph McGovern Sayre
443 Philip  McGovern Rummerfield
1190 William James McGovern Rummerfield
1882 John Leo McHale Sayre
2070 Kenneth Charles McIntire Rome
1431 Merle Stanley McIntrye Rome
869 William Joyce McKaig Sayre
1349 Kenneth Collins McKee Sayre
457 Dorward Harvey McKeel Athens
908 Kenneth Merton McKeel Athens
638 Michael Donald McKenna Athens
1694 John Francis McKenna Sayre
6 Bernard John McKernan Towanda
315 Francis Thomas McKinery Sayre
2042 Archibald  McKinlay Athens
1155 James Bernard McMahon Athens
1266 Walter William McMahon Sayre
1744 Michael Francis McMahon Athens
1257 Carl Edward McNamara Athens
2079 James Howard McNamee Wysox
208 John Nelson McNeal Wyalusing
1203 Henry Manville McNeal Wysox
1339 Floyd  McNeal Rummerfield
2262 Herman James McNeal Wysox
249 John Tracey McPherson Wyalusing
1004 Richard Aloysius McSparron Athens
1763 Joseph Patrick McSparron Sayre
357 Henry Wiliam Meeker Athens
232 Ernest Maynard Melvin Athens
1696 Russell Jacob Mentger Sayre
1490 George Bert Merithew Athens
126 John Buxton Merrill Towanda
2346 Harry Lawrence Merrill Wyalus
248 Clarence  Merritt Athens
1259 Harrison  Merritt Athens
1574 Robert Emil Messner Sayre
1936 Alphonse  Miceli Sayre
593 John Milton Michener Sayre
1698 Albert James Micklitsch Sayre
486 Leo Anthony Mico Sayre
2016 Florian Frank Mikelonis, Jr. Rome
1817 Charles Ira Millard Sayre
86 Earle Horace Miller Wilawana
507 Howard James Miller Wyalusing
596 Harry Walter Miller Sayre
912 Albert Ossar Miller Wyalusing
1093 Richard William Miller LeRaysville
1174 Stephen Ellsworth Miller Towanda
1195 Donald Charles Miller Rome
1480 Wesley F. Miller Sayre
1522 Roy Fayette Miller Athens
2085 George Elemer Miller LeRaysville
2168 John F. Miller Sayre
2180 Robert Delaney Miller Sayre
2332 Leslie Ross Miller Sayre
56 Charles Maxwell Milliren Rome
2264 Charles Edward Mills, Jr. Athens
65 Conrad Joseph Miner Sayre
503 Eugene Clifford Minier Wyalusing
548 Arthur Clair Minier Athens
694 Robert John Mission Wysox
1314 Donald LaGrange Misson Wysox
55 Edward Frank Mitchell Athens
93 Robert Donald  Mitchell Athens
155 Bennie p. Mitchell Sayre
253 Joseph Michael Mitchell Sayre
1229 James Myers Mitchell Athens
1918 Thomas James Mitchell Sayre
683 Verncil LaMar Molyneaux Athens
1321 Orval Eugene Molyneaux Athens
1680 Edward Lewis Molyneaux Athens
138 Harold Francis Monk Wyalusing
301 Harry Henry Romeyn Montgomery Wyalusing
547 Charles Lewis Montgomery Athens
1023 Fred  Montgomery Rome
1137 Howard Ellsworth Montgomery Athens
1669 Harry Edward Montgomery Athens
2294 Donald Francis Montgomery Sayre
1911 Russell William Montz Sayre
1260 Charles Grant Moody Athens
1618 Charles M. Moody Sayre
398 Max A. Moore Athens
733 Rex Edward Moore Sayre
932 Gerald Frank Moore Rome
1212 Frederick Abell Moore LeRaysville
1764 Edward Hazen Moore Rome
2092 Robert Elwood Moore LeRaysville
2240 Claude Ferris Moore Rome
2384 Elmer Tyrell Moore Rome
1862 Harry Lloyd Morely S. Waverly
782 Robert Dahl Morgan Sayre
1210 Henry Elbert Morgan LeRaysville
2111 John Rexford Morgan LeRaysville
289 Glenn Earl Morley Sayre
790 John Frederick Morley Athens
1114 John Lyle Morley Athens
152 Elden Isaac Morningstar Sayre
450 Herman Charles Morningstar Sayre
88 Grant Wilbur Morris Wilawana
244 Guy Edward Morris Athens
1402 Donald Allemn Morris Athens
1592 Joseph Harold Morris Sayre
1802 John Oliver Morris Sayre
2052 Lloyd Clifford Morse Sayre
22 Charles Leslie Mosier New Albany
271 August Glenn Mosier Athens
1780 George  Mott, Jr. Sayre
682 Robert Jackson Mullen Athens
1841 Howard Earl Mullen Athens
837 George Raymond Munn Athens
2179 Guy Russell Munn Athens
856 Jerome Leo Murphy Sayre
1016 Ralph Nathaniel Murphy LeRaysville
1983 Ellwood Ralph Murphy Sayre
1793 Willard Francis Murray Athens
2224 James Arthur Murray Athens
1337 Lawrence Willard Myers Sayre
1860 Isaac  Myers Athens
1863 Ralph Victor Myers Sayre
1477 Joseph James Nagle Sayre
586 Andrew John Nailen Sayre
30 George Edward Namet S. Waverly
1949 Wesley Lawrence Namet Sayre
260 Andrew  Namet, Jr. Sayre
854 Harvey Lloyd Naugle Ulster
1785 Ira Benjamin Naugle Sayre
1856 D. J. Naunas Sayre
539 Orrin Russell Neiewonger Athens
1886 Jerome Boniepart Neiley, Jr Athens
1614 Melvin Arlo Nelson Wyalusing
99 George Clifford Newkirk Athens
1481 Montie Arnold Newman Sayre
1627 Leigh Anson Newman Warren Center
2129 Malcolm John Newman LeRaysville
2153 Rexford Grant Newman LeRaysville
716 Andrew Joseph Newpower Sayre
705 Sylvenous Sidney Nichols Athens

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice