Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
1005 John J.  Katsock LeRaysville
1920 Donald Francis Keegan Sayre
1662 John Wells Keeler Wyalusing
1940 Harold James Keeler Sayre
2212 Oscar Bonham Keeler Athens
146 Kenneth Leon Keen Sayre
1844 Lawrence Ellis Keener Sayre
272 Burton L. Keeney Wyalusing
351 Geerald Thomas Keeney Athens
354 Ulysses Grant Keeney Athens
501 Harry Leroy Keeney Wyalusing
1867 Ray Ellsworth Keeney Wyalusing
962 Leslie Adam Keir Rome
1893 Robert  Keir Ulster
2273 Adam Blair Keir Ulster
628 Carl Dean Kelley Ulster
1105 Howard Irvin Kelley Warren Center
1981 Donald James Kelley Wysox
19 Curtis John Kellogg Athens
120 Leon Kellogg Athens
418 Bernard Andrew Kellogg Athens
491 Edward Joseph Kelly Sayre
1693 Edward Joseph Kelly Sayre
569 Harry Michael Kenish Sayre
2055 John  Kenish Sayre
1306 Joseph Lewis Kennedy Sayre
2217 Earle Dittmar Kennell Athens
1493 Karlton W. Kent Sayre
1766 Charles William Kepner, Jr. Sayre
1839 Paul Harry Kepner, Jr. Athens
1787 Eugene Faber Kercher Sayre
2010 Charles Wilson Kercher Sayre
646 Howard Thomas Kerschner Wyalusing
2141 Harold James Kilmer S.Waverly
2149 Andrew Eugene King Athens
2275 Clifton J.  King LeRaysville
1651 Joseph Dominick Kingsley Wyalusing
2330 Thomas James Kingston Sayre
241 William Milton Kinner Wyalusing
1718 Robert Grant Kinner Athens
2209 Sidney Steven Kinner, Jr. Athens
85 Arthur Eugene Kinney Wyalusing
755 Howard Lewis Kinney Towanda
2007 Ralph Leon Kinney Sayre
299 Emerson Dickerman Kipp Sayre
965 Andrew Howard Kipp Wysox
156 Donald Henry Kirkland Sayre
546 Charles Iven Kisner, Jr. Athens
549 Howard Walters Kisner, Jr. Athens
508 William Lafferty Kissel Wyalusing
1553 James Samuel Kithcart Wyalusing
2038 Roy Harold Kithcart Wyalusing
2372 Fred Gee Kittell Rome
472 Richard H. Klick Athens
1994 Duane Walter Klinko Sayre
1652 Nicholas  Klym Stevensville
2205 John  Klym Stevensville
553 Oscar Lawrence Knaller Rummerfield
47 Charles Elmer Knickerbocker Athens
1586 Lester Ronald Knight Wyalusing
167 James Arthur Knowles Sayre
2202 Edward B. Knowles Sayre
1033 Edward Jo Koniszewski Stevensville
356 George Allen Koons Athens
881 Floyd Harold Koons S. Waverly
1239 Carl Samuel Koons Not given
2277 Raymond R. Kramer Sayre
752 Alton Joseph Kraus Sayre
266 Frank Joseph Kreamer Athens
2237 John Nicholson Kreamer Athens
121 Michael John Kreel Sayre
496 Allen Hoffan Kreichbaum Sayre
580 James Earl Kreidler Sayre
1191 Louis Edward Kress Rummerfield
423 John Kenneth Krotzer Sayre
1355 Carl Emerson Krotzer Sayre
452 John Pershing Krouse Athens
184 Harry Franklin Kunkle Towanda
1773 Fred C. R. Kunkler Sayre
1801 Myron W. LaBarr Sayre
972 Charles Francis LaBarre Wysox
860 Elmore James Laman Sayre
2307 Harold F. Lambert Athens
1281 Clifford Ray LaMont Athens
744 Joseph John Lampazzi Sayre
32 Daniel Webster Lane Sayre
766 Harold Jay Lane Sayre
931 Rodney Eruin Lane Sayre
1973 Raymond Hurlbert Langeland Athens
2351 Gordon Eugene Langford Athens
1978 Jack Edward Langland Sayre
460 Luther Leland Lantz Athens
1088 Clifton Andrew Lantz LeRaysville
1352 Donald Edward Lantz Sayre
1395 Ellsworth Alvah Lantz Towanda
1484 William Peter Lantz LeRaysville
1997 James Edmond Lantz Sayre
1296 Reuben  Larabee Towanda
1284 Larry  Larose Sayre
188 Frank Charles Larrabee Towanda
654 Earl Nelson Larrabee Wyalusing
698 George Floyd Larrabee Athens
1427 Charles Frederick Larrabee Wyalusing
2040 Fred B. Larrabee Athens
2124 Jakie  Larrabee Rome
1570 Miles B. Larue LeRaysville
114 Vincent Latini Wyalusing
692 Gabriel Paul Latini Sayre
956 Fiore Renaldo Latini Wyalusing
1554 Ralph Bruce Lattimer Camptown
1901 Claude  Lattimer Wyalusing
2289 Donald William Lattimer Sayre
2336 Louis  Lattimer Sayre
2344 Boyd Byron Lattimer Sayre
2008 Helmuth Francis Laux Sayre
81 Charles Salvatore LaVeachio Sayre
2148 George Bye Lawes S.Waverly
2147 William  Layer Athens
33 John Edward Layton Sayre
16 Gerald Edward Leahy Sayre
236 William John Leahy Sayre
322 Nathan Arden Learn Athens
345 Gerald Hayward Learn Sayre
555 Edward John Lee Sayre
840 Perley  Lee Athens
1199 Isaac George Leek Rummerfield
1099 Keith Almon Lehman Athens
2226 Carl Richard Lehman Sayre
520 Benjamin T. Lehy Sayre
251 Herman Earl Leibowitz Sayre
344 Leroy Kenneth Lenex Ulster
689 Bruce Percival Lent Towanda
1925 Francis A Leonard Athens
1316 Kenneth Donald  Levering Athens
133 Gaylord John Lewis Sayre
478 Donald Edward Lewis Sayre
807 Donald Jessee Lewis Athens
1598 Miels ReRoy Lewis Athens
1708 Everett Lavern Lewis Athens
1799 Clarence Raymond Liebhaber Sayre
1098 Max Henry Light Sayre
2248 August Liguori Sayre
1220 John Michael Limerick S. Waverly
1373 Stephen Edward Limerick S. Waverly
379 Francis Lindley Towanda
2128 Joseph Roy Lines LeRaysville
676 Michael Joseph Liquori Sayre
1416 Clarence Theodore Little Sayre
1263 Jack John Loomis Sayre
300 Joseph Clayton Loushay Athens
1183 Harold Albert Lowery Wyalusing
225 Andrew Joseph Loyack Wyalusing
742 Thomas Anthony Lucchetti Sayre
2151 Hilbert George Luce Stevensville
1692 John  Luchaco Sayre
1731 George  Luchaco Sayre
2325 John Markham Lucy Athens
309 William Laverne Lundy Wysox
554 Carl Renwick Lundy Wysox
663 Floyd Thomas Lundy Wysox
916 Ralph Clagett Lundy Wysox
1610 Donald Timothy Lundy Wysox
1269 George William Lunn Athens
784 Harry Bernard Lutz Sayre
1921 Jack Henry Lydon Sayre
477 Joseph Thomas Lynch Athens
1506 James Edward Lynch Athens
242 John Oliver Lynn Wyalusing
714 Robert James Lyons Sayre
718 Edward William Lyons Sayre
1457 Paul John Lyons Sayre
1732 Wallace Elmer Lyons Sayre
1777 Henry Perry MacDonald Sayre
59 Karl Molyneaux Machel S. Waverly
372 Carl Theodore Maciejewski Athens
1962 Clifford Frederic MacMorran Sayre
1361 Paul Weldon MacNeal S. Waverly
2207 Bernard  MacNeal Sayre
1492 Joseph J Macone Sayre
1866 James Edward Madigan Sayre
2308 John Patrick Madigan Sayre
590 Charles Raymond Magee Sayre
175 Donald Robert Mahoney Sayre
1253 James Francis Mahoney Sayre
1648 Edward Jophes Mahoney Sayre
1741 Willis Arden Mahood Wysox
21 Clarence J. Maine Athens
1367 Raymond Joseph Malanoski S. Waverly
1102 Edward Walter Manahan Athens
1832 Herman Earl Manahan Athens
227 Emmett Wilby Manchester Rome
1100 Gilbert Clair Manchester Rome
1876 Willard Manville Manchester Rome
2255 Bruce Lawton Manchester Rome

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice