Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
27 Donald W. Hawkins Sayre
889 James Alonzo Hawley Wyalusing
1040 Alvin Ross Hawley LeRaysville
1308 Maynard Paul Hawley Stevensville
1571 Alonzo Dent Hawley Wyalusing
96 Leon Winfield Hayton S. Waverly
622 Earl Wesley Hayward Rome
82 Frederick Dewey Heaman Wyalusing
1485 Philip Norman Hebel Sayre
2014 Donald Harl Hedrick Athens
136 Harvey Heeman Wyalusing
198 Spencer Lee Heeman Athens
294 Allie Clarence Heeman Wyalusing
635 Leslie LeRoy Heeman Rome
1146 Ralph  Heeman Athens
2335 Lawrence Raymond Heffron Sayre
2095 Rex Donald Heller LeRaysville
122 Lee Edgar Hemenway Athens
673 Allen LeRoy Hemenway Athens
1540 James Edward Hendershot Wyalusing
2044 Harold Burton Hendershot Rummerfield
1498 Jonathan Arthur Hendrie Sayre
853 Leo Charles Henley Ulster
60 Martin Patrick Hennessy Athens
1365 Stephen Thomas Hennessy S. Waverly
772 Carlton Roy Henning Athens
968 Peter Adrien Hennip Wysox
983 Jacob  Hennip Wysox
347 Harvey  Hennip  Towanda
327 Henry  Hennip, Jr. Wysox
2001 Richard Servoxx Henrich Sayre
713 Orrin Fay Henry Athens
1636 Howard Oliver Henry Sayre
1638 Howard Oliver Henry Sayre
1868 Paul Clinton Henry Sayre
1231 Gerald B. Herman Athens
600 Garret  Hernip Wysox
219 Theodore Roosevelt Herrick Sayre
958 Jerry Miah Hess S. Waverly
2189 Lynn Steward Hess Sayre
534 Hillis Cyrus Hettig Athens
1311 Paul Elwin Hibbard LeRaysville
870 Arthur Joseph Hickey, Jr. Sayre
1078 George Harold Hicks LeRaysville
1115 Lawrence Harold Hicks Athens
341 Joseph Clare Highwood S. Waverly
632 Claude Frank Hildebrant Athens
845 Carl Wilson Hill Ulster
1022 Chester  Hill LeRaysville
2054 Harold S. Hill Sayre
1188 Robert Edward Hipple Rummerfield
229 Leverne Wilson Hitchcock Stevensville
1746 Glenn  Hitchcock Camptown
577 Horace Melvin Hixenbaugh Sayre
1479 Delos Davis Hoagland Sayre
2109 Edward Coolbaugh Hoagland Wysox
2091 Clyde Melvin Hoaglin Wysox
1511 Raymond Arthur Hockenberry Stevensville
1486 Waring Smith Hoffman Wyalusing
1497 Warren Oliver Hoffman Athens
1966 Levi William Hoffman Wyalusing
1318 Albert Theodore Holbert Athens
1590 James Ellery Holcomb, Jr. LeRaysville
2225 Guy Douglass Holcombe Rome
1375 William Oliver Holley S. Waverly
1264 Lester Stoner Hollinger Wyalusing
2285 Jermiah Clarence Hollon Towanda
770 James Garfield Hoose Athens
2072 Charles Frederick Hoose Athens
2324 Kenneth Joseph Hoover Sayre
1660 John Raymond Hope Wyalusing
2187 Raymond Henry Horn Sayre
1667 Daniel Albert Horner Sayre
58 Charles Alfred Horton S. Waverly
129 Clifford Calvin Horton S. Waverly
168 Royce H. Horton Sayre
977 Alfred Forbes Horton Ulster
1165 Clyde Eugene Horton Towanda
1315 Clayton Darwin Horton Athens
2284 Ralph Albert Horton Sayre
721 Stanley Jesse Hotalen Sayre
917 Leste Hiram Hotaling Wysox
1500 Arthur Lewis Hotaling Wysox
2366 Clarence Paul Hotchkiss Sayre
417 Myron W. Houck Sayre
1065 Paul Edwin Houck Wyalusing
199 Paul Edward Houghtalen Sayre
319 Oscar Pearl Houghtalen Sayre
863 Eugene Gordon House Sayre
1716 Herbert Daniel Houston Sayre
898 Donald Edward Howard Athens
1131 Robert Lyndon Howard Athens
1244 Corliss Leroy Howard Athens
2117 Edward Burton Howe Wysox
1605 Wayne Joseph Howell Wyalusing
2198 Ronald Lewis Howell Sayre
2223 Floyd Willburne Howell Wysox
45 James B. Howey S. Waverly
2145 Rufus Stanton Hoyt Towanda
364 Arthur Carl Hubbard Athens
1141 Everett Arthur Hubbard Athens
107 Michael James Hubish Athens
1747 Clarence Raymond Hudleson Rummerfield
2236 Andrew Charles Hudock, Jr. Sayre
506 Andrew Walter Huffman Wyalusing
1658 Melbourne Meeks Huffman Wyalusing
2386 Kenneth Adelbert Hufford Sayre
2247 Joseph Francis Hughes Athens
233 Walter Charles Hugo Athens
382 Howard Laverne Hugo S. Waverly
1371 Lawrence Albert Hugo S. Waverly
1250 John Alfred Hulett, Jr. Athens
2393 Harold Cecil Hull Athens
273 Paul Loring Hulslander Wyalusing
2057 Richard Thomas Hulslander Sayre
849 Cary Avery Humphrey Ulster
295 Arthur Raymond Hunsinger Sayre
384 Carl Franklin Hunsinger S. Waverly
497 Phillip Glen Hunsinger Sayre
896 Delbert Lewis Hunsinger Athens
1564 Carl William Hunsinger Sayre
1821 Robert Wilford Hunsinger Wyalusing
1822 Donald Harry Hunsinger Sayre
2364 Archie LeRoy Hunsinger Athens
602 Clarence Maurice Hunt Orwell
1489 Donald Isaiah Hunt Athens
1606 Clarence Elmer Hunt Sayre
1148 Hugh Max Hunter Athens
2064 Harold Enos Hurst Sayre
34 Stanley John Husick Sayre
1056 Peter Paul Husick Sayre
1410 Edward J. Husick Sayre
1460 Casmeire Tony Hutsick Sayre
1505 William Thomas Hutsick Sayre
1754 Stephen John Hynick Athens
2097 Cecil Raymond Ingerick Towanda
380 John Dudley Inman S. Waverly
806 Guy Pruyne Isbell Athens
2126 Walter  Jackowitz Wysox
71 Lyle Laverne Jackson Athens
559 Lloyd LeRoy Jackson Athens
1426 Wardell John Jackson Wyalusing
2115 Daniel Burton Jackson Wysox
25 Otto Jacobs Sayre
2132 Fenton George Jayne LeRaysville
1405 Thomas Morgan Jenkins Athens
1671 Arthur Henry Jenkins Sayre
560 Ralph Gerald Jennings Rummerfield
1385 Cortez Wayne Jennings LeRaysville
1768 Carlton Ward Jennings Rummerfield
1807 Lyle George Jennings Rummerfield
1824 Llewellyn Nelson Jennings Wyalusing
2279 Charles Harry Jennings Wysox
1224 Michael Anthony Jerkes Athens
2341 Claude Henry Jo9hnson Athens
106 Leroy Johnson Athens
112 Philo James Johnson Sayre
317 Raymond Earsten Johnson Sayre
530 Ralph Phillip Johnson Athens
858 William Alfred Johnson Sayre
1051 Robert  Johnson Sayre
1064 Sheldon Henry Johnson Wyalusing
1070 Norman Arthur Johnson Sayre
1295 Clayton Charles Johnson Towanda
1528 Arthur Grant Johnson Rummerfield
1756 Charles Berton Johnson Towanda
1819 George Sprague Johnson Sayre
1947 Alton Leslie Johnson LeRaysville
2219 Carl Leonard Johnson Ulster
2239 Zeb  Johnson Athens
1182 Charles  Johnson, Jr. Athens
377 Alfred James Johnston Sayre
453 Samuel Clyde Johnston Sayre
789 William Lee Johnston Sayre
1685 Dana Stepens Johnston Sayre
2053 Robert Emry Johnston Athens
621 Roy David  Jojnes Orwell
163 Manley Herbert Jones None given
405 Clifford Raymond Jones Athens
442 Arsby Lee Jones Rummerfield
1027 Fenton Casbert Jones Rome
1465 Vern Henry Jones Neath
1524 Ellis C. Jones Sayre
1899 Harry Joseph Jones Wysox
2066 Edward Leroy Jones Wysox
1560 Donald Leroy Jordan Sayre
1907 Leland Charles Jordan Athens
2256 Walter Clarence Jordan LeRaysville
1895 John Woodburn Joyce Rome
1929 Robert Maurice Juenker Sayre
2353 Louis Francis Jura Sayre
624 Gerald James Kane Sayre
2164 William  Kaplowitz Sayre
686 Laurie Armas Karppala Ulster

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice