Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
1835 Vincent Bernard Fitzgerald S. Waverly
925 James Cyril Flanagan Athens
1384 Robert Glenn Flanagan Rummerfield
2310 Frank Scott Flood Sayre
652 Paul Joseph Flynn Sayre
1797 Theodore Murray Focht Sayre
385 Wilton Elisha Forbes S. Waverly
2134 Glenn Edward Ford Rome
1512 George Russell Foreman Camptown
988 Guy Albert Forker Wyalusing
785 Harry Wilson Forman Sayre
642 Leren William Forrest Ulster
1068 Arthur Louis Forrest Athens
1406 Alfred Mitchell Forrest Athens
2188 Robert Andrew Forrest Sayre
1562 Kenneth Maurice Foss Sayre
1542 Arthur Joseph Foster Sayre
769 Arthur Albert Foust Rummerfield
2177 Robert Albert Foux Sayre
172 Jonas Koch Fox Sayre
1424 Gilbert T. Fox Sayre
1865 John Edward Fox Sayre
1930 Carlyle Lawrence Fox Sayre
1935 Lester Augustine Fox Athens
66 Edward Albert Foxx Athens
231 Robert Christopher Fraley Athens
471 George Leroy Fraley Athens
1400 Glenn B.  Fraley Athens
818 Ralph Joseph Francke Athens
257 John Samuel Frank Sayre
1423 Harry John Frank Sayre
1910 Albert Joseph Frank Sayre
2068 Lewis Anthony Frank Sayre
388 Charles DeWitt Franklin Wyalusing
634 Charles Arthur Franklin Rome
1047 Norman Alfred Franklin Stevensville
1644 Albion Newton Franklin Sayre
410 Paul Martin Franks S. Waverly
739 George Franks Sayre
2184 Myron Levi Frantz Sayre
1447 Ralph Bernard Fravel S. Waverly
980 Edward William French Wysox
252 Robert Jacob Friant Athens
509 John Frederick Friery Wyalusing
389 Lavern Arthur Frisbie S. Waverly
1278 William  Frisbie Wyalusing
2065 William Walter Frisbie Rome
1547 Frank  Fritch Sayre
946 Lambert Mathew Fritsch Sayre
1138 John Bryon Frock Athens
1246 William Jeremiah Frock Athens
171 George Joseph Froehlich Sayre
181 Herman Frederick Froehlich Sayre
1905 Charles Thomas Frost Athens
2348 Frederick Wilson Frutchey Sayre
524 Frederick William Fuller Wilawana
1702 Allan Paul Furman Sayre
1674 Kermit Joseph Gabert Sayre
529 Stephen Henry Gable Athens
2096 Gene Tony Gabriel Wysox
1642 Wayne Cecil Gamble Warren Center
211 Max Gannon Wyalusing
1192 Harry Lafayette Gardner Rummerfield
1919 Howard Eugene Gardner Athens
2094 William Gardner Towanda
13 Vergie Joseph Garfield S. Waverly
393 Anthony Joseph Garfield S. Waverly
1364 Joseph Anthony Garfield S. Waverly
1366 Louis Anthony Garfield S. Waverly
1377 Carmine Thomas Garfield S. Waverly
1845 John James Garfield S. Waverly
1980 Fallie Louis Garfield S. Waverly
640 John  Garrison Athens
499 Robert Donald Gauss Sayre
1202 Gordon Lionel Gavitt Towanda
383 Russell Hedges Gay S. Waverly
1548 John Edward Gay Sayre
768 John Vincent Geffert Sayre
1795 Peter Paul Geffert Sayre
2235 Frank Joseph Geffert Sayre
1327 Henry David Geiger Sayre
1600 Daniel Lee Geisinger Sayre
1075 Arthur James Geiss Sayre
610 Elmer John Geiss, Jr. S. Waverly
2025 John Sylvester Gemberling Athens
1534 Walter Alfred George Sayre
1815 Irvin  George Athens
1709 John James Gergel Athens
712 Owen David Gerould Athens
9 Edward Francis Gerrity Sayre
598 Walford Dean Gibbs Rome
667 Howard Kenneth Gibbs Rome
1140 Lewis Kermit Giess Athens
483 Casimir Mike Ginalski Sayre
2298 Joseph F.  Ginalski Sayre
538 John Richard Glather Athens
2125 Harold Montague Glenn LeRaysville
1691 Jack Keeth Gleockler Athens
751 Lee S.  Gleockner Sayre
823 Martin Luther Glose Sayre
1950 Paul Redline Glose Sayre
2257 William Max Glosenger Athens
706 Millard Carmer Goble Athens
776 Delos Miller Goble Athens
1002 Fayette Bols Goble Athens
1770 Ralph Elwood Goble Athens
1871 Charles Johnson Goble Sayre
545 Joseph Benjamin Good Athens
342 George Lucian Goodenough Wyalusing
764 Jervis LaVern Goodrich Sayre
141 Archie Ramon Goodwin Towanda
1398 Elton Hulbert Goodwin Wyalusing
1466 Lowell Marvin Goodwin LeRaysville
1555 John Edwin Goodwin Wyalusing
1228 John Shannon Gordon Wysox
613 Edward Joseph Gorski S. Waverly
2365 Rex Roosevelt Gorsline Athens
1353 Bert Franklin Gould Sayre
277 Waldo Allen Gowan Athens
1076 Benjamin Edward  Goyle LeRaysville
2150 Samuel Matthew Graham Athens
1332 Albert Charles Granberg Sayre
428 Stanley Levere Granger Sayre
2170 Lyle  Granger Athens
2211 Palmer Heath Granger Athens
1820 Clifford Leroy Grant Sayre
2183 Delos Austin Grant Sayre
723 Russel Harry Gray Sayre
2390 Paul  Greco Sayre
576 Howard Dewey Green Sayre
670 Donald R. Greene Athens
246 Thomas Edward Grego Athens
527 Laverne Harlow Gregory Athens
833 Lester Stanley Gregory Athens
2389 Fred Charles Gregory Athens
1006 Raymond Wright Griffin, Jr. LeRaysville
1646 Verne Biglar Griffis Wysox
1227 Wallace Harold Griggs Towanda
543 William Adelbert Griswold Athens
1061 Holman Hujnt Griswold Sayre
2154 Bernard Joseph Groover Wysox
826 Ike Waskington Grosline Ulster
540 Arthur Clarence Guild Athens
1706 Carl William Guyer Sayre
669 Charles C. Hadlock Athens
876 John Joseph Hair Sayre
2099 Orvill Charles Haire Wysox
2165 Donald Vincent Haire Sayre
53 William Roy Hakes S. Waverly
488 Kenneth Gordon Hakes Sayre
1299 Levi  Hall Towanda
307 Michael John Haluska Sayre
604 Anthony Charles Haluska Sayre
1794 William Jones Hamm Sayre
1625 Charles  Hanas Sayre
1979 Steve  Hanas Sayre
1580 Peter  Hannas Sayre
1870 Steve  Hannas Sayre
516 Daniel Myers Hanning Wyalusing
1067 Francis  Hansell Wyalusing
1594 William Reid Hansell Wysox
1020 Paul Emerson Harbst LeRaysville
2030 Benton William Hardic Wyalusing
123 Spencer Albert Harding S. Waverly
1133 Charles Henry Harding Athens
1451 Thomas Bernard Harding S. Waverly
2309 Harold Shores Harding Athens
1211 Perry Morgan Harford LeRaysville
1743 Paul Hardin Harmon Sayre
1010 Bernard Bradley Harned Wyalusing
578 Harry Harrick Sayre
961 Charles Richard Harrington Ulster
108 Thomas Emanuel Harris Athens
240 William Edward Harris Athens
485 Leo Roabury Harris Sayre
846 Ervin Lucil Harris Ulster
892 Stanley Jay Harris Athens
1126 Mark W.  Harris Athens
1609 John Donald Harris Athens
1643 Clarence Ray Harris Athens
2196 Richard Paul Harris Sayre
2259 Irving Armstrong Harris Athens
805 Walter Raymond Hartford Athens
514 John Henry Harvey Wyalusing
1434 Lester Stephen Harvey Rome
1703 Donald Leo Harvey Athens
625 Richard Allen Hastings Athens
10 Donald Arthur Hatch Athens
630 Ralph Richard Hatch Athens
374 George Alfred Hatten Athens
291 Harry Francis Haulton Sayre
765 Glenn Russel Hausknecht Sayre
1977 John Edward Havens Sayre
57 Earl John  Havons S. Waverly

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice