Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
1753 Modestine Joseph Dadona Sayre
160 John Raymond Daniels Athens
537 Charles Frederick Daniels Athens
1926 George Keibler Daniels Sayre
137 Ignatz Thomas DanKeys Laceyville
7 Steril Erwin Daron Camptown
2039 Miles William Daub Sayre
325 Burton Francis Daugherty Wysox
1050 Roger Louis Daugherty Rome
1340 Glen Edward Daughterty Sayre
1984 James Adelbert Davenport Sayre
710 Francis  Davidson Athens
852 Conroy Paul Davidson Ulster
1242 Paul Guy Davidson Sayre
1452 C. E.  Davidson Sayre
1249 Augustus  Davis Wyalusing
1659 Basil Elroy Davis Sayre
730 Franklin James Dawson Sayre
456 William Orin Dean Athens
1976 George Edward Dean Wyalusing
2395 Richard Hill Dearolf Sayre
2201 Ralph Waldo Deats LeRaysville
336 Paul Arthur Decker Towanda
1053 Edgar Myers Decker Sayre
1421 Alfred Alonzo Decker Wyalusing
1663 Vincent Paul Decker Athens
1765 Warren Charles Decker Sayre
2251 John L. Dehaa Rome
328 Harry Benjamin DeHaven Athens
1454 John Derwood Deitrick Athens
930 Chris William Delaney Athens
2087 George William DeLong Stevensville
1458 Paul  Demoski Sayre
1054 Howard Ephraim DeMott Warren Center
970 Dana Ackley Depew Wysox
1001 Fred Leslie Depew Athens
1891 Howard Leslie Depew Ulster
1261 Joseph  DeProspero Athens
333 Desmond Kintner Desher S. Waverly
1073 Frank Bernard DeSisti Sayre
1341 Louis  DeSisti Sayre
1666 Joseph  DeSisti Sayre
220 John Earl Detrick S. Waverly
594 Franklin Edward Detrick Not given
1762 Floyd Earl Detrick Athens
1967 Ralph Theron Detrick Sayre
69 Earl Edward Deubler Waverly
746 Walter Stanley Deubler Sayre
816 Chester Burton Devine Athens
1539 Carlton Clayton Devine Wyalusing
235 John Gordon Dewitt Athens
996 Walter Rorce Dewitt Athens
1262 Glenn Alfred Dewitt Athens
1728 Charles Walter DeWitt Camptown
550 Orind Donald Dibble Wysox
1767 Bruce Sloan Dibble Wyalusing
2077 Charles Harold Dibble Wysox
2287 Jerry Thomas Dickinson Sayre
2101 Byron Edward Dickson LeRaysville
363 Earl Kenneth Dill Athens
589 Roy Clayton Dilmore Sayre
2102 Guy Harvey Diltz LeRaysville
1379 Anthony John DiMeo S. Waverly
1243 Glenn Harvey Dimock Athens
1814 Stanley Raymond Dimock Athens
2338 Lewis Elmer Dimock Sayre
1884 Alvin K. Ditzler Sayre
1241 Chrystie Preston Divine Athens
366 Howard William Dixon Athens
2274 Robert Martin Dixon Athens
1151 Harry Arthur Dixson Laceyville
1156 Lawrence Edward Dobson Ulster
599 Edmund Joseph Dodge Athens
2377 Arvin Woodrow Dodge Athens
800 Henry J.  Dolan Athens
2185 Daniel Joseph Donlin Sayre
2252 Herbert Paul Donlin Sayre
1529 Leo Ambrose Donlon Sayre
1786 John James Donlon Sayre
1089 Clifton Eugene Dougal LeRaysville
2108 Samuel Edward Douglass Wysox
2261 Robert Ezra Douglass Athens
1362 Stephen Gregory Downs S. Waverly
927 Harry Bayard Drake Athens
1348 Charles Lewis  Drake Sayre
1453 Raymond Clyde Drake Sayre
556 Harry Lewis Draper Sayre
591 Charles William Draper Sayre
1218 Lawrence Eli Draper Sayre
2367 Frank Vincent Draper Athens
92 Clifford Edwin Drew Athens
715 Donald Lynn Drew Sayre
639 Gerald Patrick Driscoll Athens
1769 Francis Leo Drislane Sayre
466 Ralph Sherman DuBoise Athens
1781 John Hugh Dugan Sayre
809 Gomer Llewellyn Duggan Athens
1121 Clyde Robert Dull Athens
2319 Lewis James Dunbar Athens
1324 William Banning Dunbar, Jr Athens
186 James Kenneth Dunfee Sayre
1535 William Francis Dunfee Sayre
2303 George J Dunfee, Jr. Sayre
362 James Ralph Dunham Athens
2232 Harry Otto  Dunham Ulster
1518 Edward Andrew Dunne Sayre
1194 Alfred Milton Durand Rummerfield
350 John Proof Durham Ulster
1135 George Lewis Dyer Wyalusing
1153 Samuel Everett Dyer Wyalusing
1255 Firman Harold Eastham Athens
940 Harry Smith Eaton Wyalusing
102 Clifford Earnest Eckenstein Sayre
1760 Leman Edward Eckenstein Sayre
747 George Seward Eddleston Sayre
1369 Orville Clifford Eddy S. Waverly
1898 Eugene Victor Eddy Athens
2005 Clarence Lamont Eddy Athens
2123 George Dewey Edsall LeRaysville
955 Gilbert Edward Edsell Wyalusing
1013 Floyd Kenneth Edsell Stevensville
1044 Avery Bentley Edsell LeRaysville
1464 Walter Irvine Edsell LeRaysville
2098 Boyd Manchester Edsell LeRaysville
1119 Hugh Stanford Edwards Athens
1838 Elwin Clifford Edwards Stevensville
2288 Russell Daniel Ehrhart Athens
1897 Claude Levern Eiffert Rome
1060 Herbert Bladgett Eike Sayre
964 Clayton Blair Eiklor Ulster
447 George Walter Eisner Rome
1463 Donald Irvin Eldred Sayre
1749 Raymond LaVere Eldred, Jr. Sayre
264 Malcolm G. Ellers Sayre
1992 Bertram Allison Ellers Sayre
978 Bernard Emory Elliott Wysox
2318 Donald Hohr Elliott Sayre
414 Edsall Minard Ellis Sayre
969 George Chester Ellis Wysox
1461 Emmett Eugene Ellis LeRaysville
1688 Samuel Edward Ellis Sayre
2023 Charles Frederick Ellis Athens
2271 Sterling Robert Ellis Ulster
2329 Gene Edward Ellis Athens
1289 James Leroy Ellison S Waverly
125 Francis Mye Ellsworth Wyalusing
2229 Jess  Emory Wysox
1468 Thomas Edward Enders Sayre
2246 Elmore Joseph England Sayre
2221 Max LeRoy English Athens
915 Raymond Charles  Ennis Wysox
1072 Frank Alexander Ennis Sayre
1304 Frederick Worthington Ennis Wysox
1612 Burton John Ennis Wysox
2017 Jack  Erle Sayre
2265 Ralph John eteer Wysox
216 Miller Frank Evans Sayre
585 Austin Baron Evans Sayre
1704 Robert Morris Evans Sayre
1826 Roert Earl Evans Camptown
1852 Raymond Louis Evans Athens
1784 George  Fairchok Sayre
24 John Fairlie Athens
1775 Thaddeus Joseph Falsey Sayre
1894 Francis Joseph Faltisco Sayre
919 John Lewis  Farr Wyalusing
70 Willian John Farrell Sayre
1637 Thomas Paul Farrell Sayre
1342 Henry Levo Fassett Towanda
2216 Owen Henry Fassett Athens
2394 Floyd Parke Fassett Sayre
386 Carlos Fichard Featherson S. Waverly
1145 Philip  Fedchak Athens
435 Joseph Anthony Fell Sayre
474 Ralph Wright Felt Athens
831 John Henry Felton Sayre
288 John William Fennimore Sayre
437 Victor Eugene Ferrar Sayre
587 Hilton Earl Ferris Sayre
1942 Alfred Burdett Ferris Sayre
1986 Newell Doty Ferris Sayre
465 Victor Thomas Ferro Sayre
2033 Sylvester  Ferro Sayre
287 John William Fice Athens
588 Marshall Louis Field Sayre
1445 Rodney William Field S. Waverly
2181 Harry Allen Field Sayre
2122 Ray Burgess Finney LeRaysville
2295 Gerald  Firestine Athens
1245 Clarence Caswell Fish Wyalusing
1066 Clayton Reed Fisk Wyalusing
2266 Albert Leroy Fisk Athens
618 Norman Joseph Fitzgerald S. Waverly
1446 Leo Rein Fitzgerald S. Waverly

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice