Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
1173 Robert Martin Carroll Towanda
2155 John Andrew Carroll Sayre
601 Clifford Lee Case Rome
193 Harold Edward Casselbury Wyalusing
1092 Dannie Eugene Casselbury Rummerfield
1387 Walter Harold Casselbury Rummerfield
857 John Bradford Casterline Sayre
44 Thomas Leroy Cater Sayre
479 Robert Lewis Catlin Sayre
1123 Robert Alford Catlin Athens
2304 Ernest  Catlin, Jr. Athens
1288 Joseph James Cerio Sayre
1927 Lewis Thomas Cerio Sayre
197 Theodore Paul Chacona Sayre
293 John Paul Chacona Sayre
1655 Nicholas Paul Chacona Sayre
517 Norman James Chaffee Towanda
1015 Olyn Samuel Chaffee LeRaysville
1037 John Frank Chaffee LeRaysville
1104 George Albert Chaffee Warren Center
2127 Hugh Foster Chaffee LeRaysville
1368 Warren Elton Chamberlain S. Waverly
2218 Gale Brennan Chamberlain Sayre
1393 Cleon Lavern Chamberlin Wyalusing
35 Robert Charles Chambers Athens
535 Howard George Chambers Athens
1163 Leo James Chambers Athens
1620 Daniel Frances Chambers Athens
1335 Harry Leon Champion, Jr. Sayre
1541 Royal Carr Champluvier Laceyville
802 Wilbur Warren Chandler Athens
1403 Charles Harold Chapman Athens
1853 Ernest  Chapman Sayre
258 Ralph Lamar Chase Rummerfield
1240 Orrin Truman Cheeks Athens
1710 Clifton  Cheeks Athens
487 Peter  Cheresnowski Sayre
573 Andrew C. Cheresnowsky Sayre
583 Nicholas  Cheresnowsky Sayre
1025 Edward Henry Childen Rome
46 Jack Benjiman Chilson S. Waverly
528 Kenneth Oscar Chilson Athens
708 Kenneth Edward Chilson Sayre
883 Quinlan V. Chilson Athens
1330 Carlton Henry Chilson Athens
1331 Stephen Lawrence Chilson Rome
1419 George Robert Chilson Rummerfield
2375 Rean D-Ecavreal Chilson Athens
1647 William Russell Chubbuck Sayre
436 Joseph Charles Cianfoni Sayre
1 Julius Joseph Ciavardini Sayre
1313 Stanley John Cimmons Athens
77 Peter Cioti Sayre
12 David Cipperley S. Waverly
900 Elmer Burnard Clark Ulster
914 F. Edward Clark Rummerfield
1601 Floyd James Clark Sayre
1624 Clayton Joseph Clark Sayre
1969 Walter Harold Clark Sayre
2192 George Ely Clark Athens
1181 Ambrose James Clarke LeRaysville
1837 William Thomas Clarke S. Waverly
2174 William Edward Clarken Sayre
1890 Clarence James Claypool, Jr. Athens
1178 George Treadwell Cleveland Wysox
1026 Howard Lee Clink Rome
2133 Leon Adam Clink LeRaysville
1771 Rex George Closenger Sayre
1134 Harry Keeney Cobb Wyalusing
1309 Gerald Robert Cobb Stevensville
1483 Cecil Alford Cobb LeRaysville
1517 Donald Joseph Coddington Athens
936 Gerald Cornelius Coe Towanda
2315 Leland Frederick Coe Athens
367 Barnard  Cohen Athens
455 Milton Albert Cohen Athens
1584 Charles Ord Colder Rummerfield
760 Verne Harry Cole Ulster
847 Leonard Cole Ulster
1286 Frank Raymond Cole Sayre
1536 Ernest Wesley Cole Wysox
1602 Ray Elmer Cole Athens
1742 Lee Godfrey Cole Ulster
2176 Victor Edward Cole Sayre
2222 Robert Fox Cole Athens
2270 Douglas King Cole Athens
29 Herbert Gordon Cole, Jr. Sayre
63 Sidney Felix Cole, Jr. Sayre
98 William Ellsworth Cole, Jr. Athens
119 Milton Frank Cole, Jr. Rummerfield
1008 Harvey Lee Colegrove LeRaysville
230 George Lewis Coleman Stevensville
245 Walter Blair Coleman Ulster
1014 George  Coleman Stevensville
1041 Carl Edmon Coleman Stevensville
1042 Fary Arthur Coleman LeRaysville
1084 William Owen Coleman LeRaysville
1039 Stanley Charles Colgrove LeRaysville
406 Donald Frederick Collins Athens
462 Cornelious Bernard Collins Athens
536 Brooks John Collins Athens
1035 Milo LaVerne Collins Stevensville
1160 Carl Jeremiah Collins Athens
1206 John Paul Collins Athens
1561 Harold Francis Collins Athens
1892 Cornelius Clifford Collins Athens
2360 Lavere  Collins Athens
1287 Nester  Comerinsky S. Waverly
974 Clayton Andrew Comstock Ulster
2018 Elmer Clifford Comstock Wysox
2073 Herman John Comstock Sayre
1450 Joseph Bartholomew Connolly S. Waverly
1896 Donald Ray Connor Athens
1167 John Edward Conrad Towanda
2249 Lynn Dennis Conrad Towanda
1124 Roger Dean Converse Athens
381 Arthur William Cook S. Waverly
696 Norman Bert Cook Sayre
895 Edward Manley Cook Rome
1159 LeRoy Mace Cook Athens
1383 James LeRoy Cook Rome
1441 Raymond Reed Cook Wysox
1569 Robert Howard Cook Wysox
2061 Martin Francis Cook Athens
2063 Francis Wilbur Cook Wysox
2242 Maurice Alvin Cook Rome
1043 Ellis Fulton Coolbaugh LeRaysville
1546 Marvin Washington Coolbaugh LeRaysville
2161 William Ward Coolbaugh LeRaysville
313 Roy Weller Coombs Rome
371 Harold Zebulon Coons Athens
1903 Carroll Fay Coons Athens
729 Guy Earl Cooper Sayre
2067 Robert J. Cooper Sayre
490 Paul  Copee Sayre
292 Michael Dennis Copie Sayre
1960 Francis Lewis Copp Sayre
921 Guthrie Gerald Kenneth Copwell Wyalusing
1878 George Grant Corbin Rome
2200 Percy LaVerne Corbin Orwell
422 Marvin William Corby Sayre
581 William Joseph Corby Sayre
2278 Francis E. Cordner Sayre
1127 Leon Frederick Cordnor Athens
1550 Isaac Dewitt Corey Wyalusing
1857 Stanley Koreah Corey Not given
865 Umberto Don Cori Sayre
937 James Morley Corl Not Given
1017 Frank Edward Corneby Athens
672 Harold E. Corner Athens
1955 Mathew Leo Corner Sayre
76 William Vincent Costello S. Waverly
1272 Anderson Bernard Costic Sayre
1681 Peter Jerome Costic Sayre
476 James Louellyn Coston Athens
411 Martin Joseph Cotter Sayre
1804 James  Cotter Sayre
275 Vern William Cotton Athens
1071 Dominic Carl Covello Sayre
761 Andrew Bernard Coveney Towanda
948 Daniel Joseph  Coveney Town
265 James Laverne Covey Athens
1700 Adelbert Benjamin Covey Athens
1725 John Chester Covey Sayre
1757 Leonard Bryd Covey Towanda
270 Leon Glen Covy Athens
2083 Ross Elmer Cragle LeRaysville
2135 Ralph Edgar Cragle LeRaysville
2137 Anthony Leon Cragle LeRaysville
324 Elmer Wallace Crain Wysox
981 Clarence Kellogg Crain Wysox
1219 Frank Milton Crane Athens
2078 Ray  Crawford Towanda
1185 Leon Robert Crawn Rummerfield
1177 David Paul  Crayton Towanda
1062 Henry Albert Crockenberg Sayre
113 Clarence H. Croke Sayre
494 Clarence A. Crone Athens
777 Paul Martin Crotty Rome
1713 Joseph Paul Crowley Athens
1827 Robert Paul Crowley Athens
1912 Lorne Stanley Crowley Athens
424 DeWayne C. Cuddeback Sayre
829 Kenneth Darwin Cuddeback Sayre
2012 James William Cullen Sayre
2345 Paul John Cummings Sayre
835 John Bahtisa Cuozzo Not given
1422 Harold Hubert Curtis Wyalusing
179 Carmel Anthony Cusano Sayre
880 Herman Andrew Cusano Sayre
2250 Peter Vincent Dabbieri Sayre
254 Jack Michael Daddona Sayre
433 Patrick Anthony Daddona Sayre
888 Archie Joseph Daddona Sayre

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice