Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
797 Carlysle Kenneth Smith Athens
803 Floyd C. Smith Athens
893 Daniel Joseph Smith Athens
938 Roscoe Lyonel Smith Sayre
1207 James Sanford Smith Athens
1236 James Roy Smith Athens
1277 Kenneth Claude Smith Sayre
1502 Kenneth Woodrow Smith Sayre
1523 Theodore Augustus Smith Sayre
1525 Angelo Frank Smith Sayre
1551 Deloss Sterling Smith Camptown
1593 Joseph Earl Smith Sayre
1635 Cecil Archer Smith Sayre
1717 Lynn Olin Smith Athens
1922 Frederick Peter Smith Sayre
1923 Emerson  Smith Athens
1953 Adolph John Smith Sayre
1954 Walter Henry Smith Sayre
2086 Howard Andrew Smith Rome
2103 Elmer Frank Smith Sayre
2139 John Paul Smith Wysox
2297 James John Smith Sayre
2383 Harold Eugene Smith Athens
794 John Wesley Smith, Jr. Athens
407 Stanley Frank Smoogen Athens
502 Levi Hummer Snader Wyalusing
1097 George Nicholas Snavely Sayre
1079 Richard Henry Snedeker LeRaysville
1565 Harold William Snedeker Warren Center
213 Walter Norman Snyder Sayre
320 Walter Owen Snyder Athens
359 Harold John Snyder Athens
360 Howard William Snyder Athens
401 Charles Clifford Snyder Athens
575 Raymond Williams Snyder Sayre
515 Anthony  Solewiej Wyalusing
701 Joseph Clinton Solock Sayre
905 William Daniel Soloman Athens
1082 Lester Burdett Sommers LeRaysville
1386 Charles Daniel Sommers LeRaysville
1345 William Edgar Soper Sayre
1889 Herbert Leon Soper Wysox
1913 Robert James Soprano Sayre
664 Robert Thaddeus Sosnoski Sayre
1869 Alfred  Spadaro S. Waverly
1948 Anthony  Spagnoli S. Waverly
2003 John Peter Sparduti Sayre
329 James Arthur Spencer Wysox
432 Russell Edward Spencer Sayre
804 William  Spencer Athens
2356 Floyd Burns Spencer Athens
2313 Lloyd Charles Splain Sayre
1168 Vernal John Springer Towanda
1679 William Klein Springer Sayre
154 Sidney Rexford Sprout Sayre
1734 Ervin H. Squires Wysox
653 Harmon Hoffman Stalford Wyalusing
796 John  Stanko Athens
1336 Andrew  Stanko Sayre
2156 John Henry Stark Sayre
2195 Daniel Arthur Stark Sayre
1701 John  Starr Sayre
894 Samuel Jacob Staver S. Waverly
675 Earl William Steele Wyalusing
1504 Donald Raymond Steele Wyalusing
1854 Elbert Wayne Steele Wyalusing
1196 Fred  Steffen, Jr Rummerfield
1413 Samuel  Stein Sayre
1282 William Garrett Stephens Sayre
1499 Morgan Melvin Stephens Rummerfield
756 Leon Washington Stephenson Sayre
2370 Charles Leslie Stephenson Sayre
1712 Lewis Murray Sterling Wyalusing
159 Irving Milton Stern Sayre
238 Kenneth Howard Stethers Wyalusing
1537 John T. Stethers Sayre
1721 Cyrus Francis Stethers Wyalusing
738 John Stephen Stetz Sayre
879 Michael Metro  Stetz Sayre
1302 Nelson Perry Stevens Wysox
1558 Donald Malcom Stevens Wysox
1975 Ralph Lee Stevens Wysox
1982 Stanley George Stevens Sayre
2031 Clarence Marshall Stevens Wyalusing
2322 Wilmer Jack Stevenson Sayre
1849 George Frank Stoll Sayre
454 Elmer Joseph Storelli Athens
1798 Alack  Stovak Sayre
2380 Cecil Hezikiah Stover Sayre
1665 Edward Michael Strafford Towanda
1254 Thomas Edward Strange Sayre
2331 Charles Samuel Strange Athens
2354 Robert William StrangeAth Athens
369 William Benjamin Stranger Athens
2015 Frank Kintner Stranger Athens
467 Robert Gerald Strause Athens
429 George  Stravis Sayre
420 John Donald Strayves Sayre
1931 Stephen Charles Strickland Towanda
1934 Edward Daniel Strickland Towanda
1467 Wesley  Stromick Sayre
1739 Michael  Stromick Sayre
1101 Ivan  Strong Wyalusing
1806 Paul William Strong Rummerfield
2263 Howard Lee Strope Athens
89 Walter Raymond Stroud S. Waverly
247 Richard Carver Stroud Athens
1268 Alfred Lloyd Stroud Athens
90 Darrell Wilson Struble S. Waverly
562 Joseph John Struski Sayre
779 Mike Joseph Struski Sayre
1805 Harry Irvin Stuckey Sayre
2300 Frank  Stuvak Sayre
352 Fastus Thomas Sullivan Athens
798 Maurice Edward Sullivan Athens
2210 Kenneth Hugh Sullivan Athens
368 Orpheus Bird Sumner Athens
897 Bert Richard Sumner Athens
1436 Albert Kenneth Sundberg Rome
243 Lewis Alfred Sutton Wyalusing
1687 Glenn Henry Sutton Sayre
2076 Daniel A.  Swackhammer Rummerfield
1147 Thomas George Swales Athens
1003 William Sylvester  Swartwood Athens
1347 Joseph Raymond Sweeney Sayre
40 Festus Pearl Sweet Athens
827 Hugh Leslie Sweet Athens
1103 Edward Vantine Sydock Sayre
318 James Leonard Talada Sayre
321 Glenn Howard Talada Athens
355 Lawrence  Talada Athens
390 Orin DeWitt Talada S. Waverly
1915 Charles Gregory Talada Sayre
2175 Earl Eugene Talada Sayre
1495 Donald C. Tappan Sayre
944 Russell Fay Taylor Wyalusing
1392 Harold VanNess Taylor Sayre
1415 Elton Burgess Taylor Wyalusing
1604 Kenneth Howard Taylor Wyalusing
1751 Francis David Taylor LeRaysville
1848 John Thomas Taylor Stevensville
378 William Benjamin Taylor, Jr. Sayre
441 Francis Gerould Taylor, Jr. Rummerfield
648 Justus Vinnette Taylor, Jr. Wyalusing
2213 James B. Taynton, Jr. Athens
763 Cecil Lewis Teeter Sayre
1417 Lester Starey Tennant (alias Darling) S. Waverly
1317 Howard Clayton Terrill Athens
2400 Merle Jay  Terry Athens
1471 Marvin Guy Thall Sayre
568 Albert Edwin Theetge Sayre
1303 Willis Henery Thetga Wysox
1052 George William Thomas Sayre
1172 Herbert Charles Thomas Towanda
2293 Jack J.  Thomas Sayre
124 Lewis Edward Thompson Towanda
268 Francis Edward Thompson Ulster
851 Hartley Winfield Thompson Ulster
951 Walter J. Thompson Wyalusing
1351 Raymond Louis Thompson Sayre
1408 Leland Augustus Thompson Wyalusing
1527 Carl Walter Thompson Sayre
2024 Isaac Morgan Thompson Ulster
2244 Arminus Blair Thompson Ulster
817 Charles George Thorp Athens
1200 Robert Mahlon Thorp Rummerfield
1914 Earnest Lelon Thorpe Athens
1928 Edwin Carlton Thorpe Towanda
544 Carlyle Leon Thurston Athens
151 Marion Laverne Tiffany Athens
1322 Earl Lewellyn Tiffany Athens
210 Harry Robert Tiffany, Jr. Wyalusing
412 Edward Timm Sayre
1059 Richard Elton Timm Sayre
1396 Roy Herbert Titus Ulster
1622 Albert Regius Titus Sayre
1682 George Stanley Titus Not Given
1675 Walter  Tobbe Sayre
1213 Glen Earl Tolbert Athens
130 Ralph Orlando Tompkins Sayre
844 Harry Sterling Tompkins Ulster
1319 Ledgar Seibert Tompkins Athens
1585 George Davis Tompkins Wyalusing
1755 Roy Georgee Tompkins Athens
704 Ervin Martin Torpey Athens
115 Wilmot Louis Tracey S. Waverly
402 James Finley Tracey None given
2305 James Edward Treible Sayre
2292 Donald Ridgeway Tremain Ulster
787 Lewis Elmer Trowbridge Sayre
1028 William Whitaker Trumball Rome
1209 Sebastion Francis Trusso Sayre
1623 Raphael James Tuck Athens
641 Walter John Tuhre Athens
1411 Earl P.  Turner Sayre
2241 Howard Francis Turner Athens
572 Edward Charles Tuttle Sayre
2084 Loren Fred Tuttle Rummerfield
2107 Paul Anson Tuttle Athens
2120 Clarence Sterling Tuttle Wysox
557 John E. Twigg Sayre
2022 John Farrell Twoomey Athens
1578 Michael  Tymoski Sayre
2171 George  Tymoski Sayre
158 Bennett Alphonse Tyson Sayre
722 Edward Joseph Tyson Sayre
873 Harry Andrew Tyson Sayre
1012 Nicholas Patrick Ugliuzza Rummerfield
1086 James Joseph Ugliuzza Rummerfield
1038 Richard Walter Upham Neath
1087 Edwin Upham Neath
316 James Francis Vail Sayre
511 Guy Russel Valentine Wyalusing

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice