Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
941 Morgan Seymour Rice Athens
1723 Glenn Harry Rice Towanda
459 Alton Samuel Richards Athens
1686 Lloyd Douglass Richards Sayre
1488 Lloyd Carleton Rifenburg Sayre
353 Lawrence Dowd Riley Athens
531 David Silas Riley Athens
1109 Vincent John Riley Warren Center
1238 Lewis Domer Riley Athens
720 Harold LeRoy Rimbey Sayre
864 John Elwood Rimbey Sayre
1573 Robert Elmer Rimbey Sayre
1695 Lester William Rimbey Sayre
1932 Floyd Byron Rimbey Sayre
995 Lewis Hicks Rinebold Athens
1474 Daniel Henry Rinebold Wysox
939 Clyde Henry Rinehuls Athens
2112 Kenneth Leroy Rinehuls Wysox
1809 Lester Earl Ripley Wyalusing
735 Watson Lewis Robbins Sayre
1222 Harold Grover Robbins Sayre
1583 Harold Edward Robbins Sayre
263 Owen Wayne Roberts Warren Center
749 Gerald Amasa Roberts Sayre
1125 Joseph John Roberts Athens
1683 William Samuel Roberts Athens
963 Lucius Edward Robinson Ulster
989 Harold Martin Robinson Wyalusing
1902 Stanley Irvon Robinson Athens
2361 Donald Edward Robinson Rummerfield
2381 Donald Edward Robinson Athens
532 Robert John  Rock Athens
1937 Francis Lewis Rockefelier Towanda
1628 Mervin Horace Rockefeller Warren Center
1589 William George Rockett Athens
1715 Manley  Rockman Sayre
822 Eugene  Rockwell Ulster
1230 Herbert Frederick Rockwell Wyalusing
2140 Paul Leon Rockwell Athens
269 Raymond Francis Roers Athens
629 Stanley Holcomb Rogers Athens
1333 Orlando Henry Rogers Sayre
1572 James Burton Rogers Sayre
1711 Stanley James Rogers Athens
903 Henry Timothy Rolfe Athens
250 William Rosa Rolls Sayre
1654 William  Romania Sayre
891 John Jefferson Roof Wysox
991 Ralph Roy Roof Rummerfield
1294 Abner Bennett Roof Wysox
650 Edward Charles Ropp S. Waverly
687 George William Ropp S. Waverly
1974 Curt  Rosenberger, Jr. Nichols
1733 Russell Achcraft Rosengrant Wyalusing
279 Lavvie Rosh Sayre
182 John James Ross Sayre
212 Edward Sterling Ross Rome
1036 Eugene William Ross LeRaysville
1045 Elwin Clinton Ross LeRaysville
2316 Carl Frank Ross Sayre
1128 George Sidney Rounds Sayre
1360 Harlan James Rowe Sayre
1469 Walter Gordon Rowe LeRaysville
2104 William Murray Rowe Wysox
2269 Harold Edward Rowe Rome
627 Stanley Isaac Roy Columbia Crossroads
1946 Lee Watson Ruger Wyalusing
237 Robert Edward Rumble Sayre
201 Harold Willard Rumpff Athens
1267 George Nellis Rumpff Athens
1404 John Frederick Rumpff Athens
633 Harold Carlyle Russell Orwell
859 Robert Leo Russell Sayre
1189 John Benjamin Russell Sayre
1193 William Blair Russell Wysox
1714 Raymond  Russell Athens
674 Joseph Stanley Russick Wyalusing
1846 Alson Arthur Ryan Athens
484 Howard  Sackett Ulster
606 Leonard Leon Safford Wyalusing
1699 Ralph Eldred Sager Sayre
1719 LaVerne Russell Sager Sayre
2231 Donald Wilson Sager Sayre
2291 Paul LeRoy Sager Sayre
1215 Haze Augustus Salsman Laceyville
1720 Roland Lowell Salsman Athens
2359 Donald Carl Sampson Rome
387 Patrick Anthony Sander Wyalusing
942 Joseph  Sandor Wyalusing
731 Thomas John Sandroni Sayre
1779 Frederick Edmondson Sanford Sayre
567 Fred Patrick Santucci Sayre
1689 Joseph Daniel  Sarik Sayre
1788 Clarence Ellsworth Satterly Sayre
1374 Raymond Lee Saunders S. Waverly
1069 Harold Lester Savacool Athens
754 Donald Edward Saxe Sayre
1587 Raymond Gerard Saxe Sayre
28 Durwood Houghton Saxon Athens
177 Melvin Wesley Saxon Sayre
267 Joel Adelbert Saxon Athens
570 James Thomas Scanlin Sayre
781 Paul Joseph Scanlin Sayre
185 Paul William Schmeckenbecher Towanda
2074 Charles Kiston Schmeckenbecher Wysox
202 Bert LaVerne Schoonover Athens
913 Paul Austin Schoonover Rummerfield
928 Reginald Lee Schoonover Ulster
966 Charles Samuel Schoonover Wysox
1034 Joseph Lyndon Schoonover Stevensville
1280 John Roland Schoonover Athens
1443 Ralph Harland Schoonover Rome
1473 Edward Anstin Schoonover Wysox
1825 James Neal Schoonover Wysox
1283 Bernard Thomas Schrader Athens
305 Robert Francis Schram Sayre
657 Harry Spaulding Schreck S. Waverly
637 Frank William Schrier Athens
180 Harry Edwin Schrimp Sayre
830 Wilbur George Schrimp Sayre
1144 Harry  Schuchardt Sayre
50 William Herman Schulse Wyalusing
2281 Herman C. Schultz Sayre
1356 Mickie  Schusco Sayre
1847 Michael  Schusco Sayre
1292 Leo Franklin Scott Athens
1370 Hobert David Scott S. Waverly
842 Robert William Searfoss Ulster
775 Alfred Myers Segar Athens
2362 Benjamin Franklin Segar Athens
690 Martin Andrew Seibel Sayre
783 Paul Edward Seibel Sayre
1724 Earl Maynard Seiger Sayre
615 Michael Louie Selle (alias Celallilo) S. Waverly
392 Carmon Tony Selle (Alias Colalillo) S. Waverly
1588 Nelson Harvey Seymore Stevensville
49 Wilbur Ed Shaffer S. Waverly
150 Charles Alvin Shaffer Sayre
173 Thomas Anthony Shaffer Sayre
283 Charles Harold Shaffer Sayre
665 Ralph Donald Shaffer Wyalusing
828 Edward Anthony Shaffer Towanda
1130 Clarence David Shaffer Sayre
1357 Louis Clarence Shaffer Sayre
1633 Clair Lawrence Shaffer Sayre
1727 Robert Leland Shaffer Sayre
1789 George William Shaffer Towanda
741 John  Shamot Sayre
1285 Nicholas Mickey Shamot Sayre
2314 Mike  Shamot Sayre
1748 Walter Henry Sharer Laceyville
1380 Wilbur Kirby Sharpsteen S. Waverly
61 John Alva Shaver Sayre
2396 Howard Cunninghamj Shaver Sayre
1991 David Francis Shaw Sayre
439 Lawrence Edward Shay Sayre
907 Elwyn Clark Shay Athens
2230 Donald Rockefeller Shay Athens
206 Luke Parsons Shear Athens
1776 Paul Lester Shedden Sayre
1142 Victor Herbert Sheehan Athens
795 Robert Vincent Shepps Athens
8 Richard Joseph Sheridan Sayre
215 John Henry Sherman Sayre
1796 Wilbur Francis Sherman Sayre
2110 George Arthur Sherman Athens
2088 Anthony John Shetoski Rome
815 Alfred Winslow Shoemaker Wilawana
1221 Donald Champlin Shoemaker Warren Center
2013 Arthur Ralph Shoemaker Sayre
145 Harold L. Shores Towanda
1864 Earl D'Alton Shores Ulster
2387 Perl Arthur Shores Ulster
1900 Dean Evans Shroat Athens
2041 Thurston Carter Shumway Wyalusing
1083 James Frederick Sibley LeRaysville
2399 Nelson Edwin Sickler S. Waverly
959 William Joseph Sidock Sayre
662 David Acothicus Simons Rome
1158 Earl Lester Simons Ulster
2138 Manley Fay Simons Athens
1162 Thomas Charles Simpson Athens
1752 Ivan Wayne Simpson Wyalusing
2190 Harold Edwin Simpson Sayre
54 Rocco Frank Sindoni S. Waverly
104 Peter James Sindoni S. Waverly
1376 Samuel Louis Sindoni S. Waverly
552 Dana Thomas Sink Rome
971 Elgin Clower Sink Rome
973 Paul Fulton Sink Rome
1455 Harry Franklin Sittler Sayre
1557 Ernherd William  Sjostrom Sayre
767 Michael John Skerpon Sayre
2311 Charles John Skinner Athens
678 John Charles Slater Athens
1956 Alexander Vincent Slattery Sayre
1293 Albert Edson Sleeper Warren Center
732 Sanford Eugene Sloat Sayre
176 Harry Alfred Smith Sayre
217 Roswell Gould Smith Athens
234 Henry Ledon Smith Athens
310 Harvey Ceasar Smith Ulster
395 Edward Lewis Smith S. Waverly
419 Harry Kendall Smith Wyalusing
482 Michael Joseph Smith Sayre
525 Stephen  Smith Warren Center
566 Melvin LaRue Smith Sayre
592 Karl Adelbert Smith Sayre
605 Ervin  Smith Wyalusing
617 Herbert  Smith S. Waverly
656 Sydney Earl Smith Ulster
703 James Guy Smith Athens
759 Harold Blair Smith Ulster

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice