Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
NUMBER NAME TOWN (Post Office)  
James Herbert Campbell
Burlington 24-Oct-1940
124 Glenn Rexford Campbell Canton 24-Oct-1940
201 Charles Richard Campbell Canton 24-Oct-1940
431 Andrew Mark Campbell Canton 24-Oct-1940
1834 Emerson Floyd Campbell Canton 24-Oct-1940
2003 Harley Ellsworth Campbell Canton 24-Oct-1940
1100 Earl Washington Campbell Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
359 George William Campbell East Smithfield 24-Oct-1940
2503 Edward Eugene Campbell Milan 26-Oct-1940
171 Rex Gardner Campbell New Albany 24-Oct-1940
602 Samuel Arby Campbell Troy 24-Oct-1940
1379 Carlton Phelps Campbell Troy 24-Oct-1940
1656 Claude Edward Canfield New Albany 24-Oct-1940
1577 Lewis Fraley Canfield Snedekerville 24-Oct-1940
989 Olin James Canfield Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1061 Angelo Anthony Capitano Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2547 Robert Lawrence Capwell New Albany 04-Nov-1940
518 Bowen Oliver Card, Jr. Sylvania 24-Oct-1940
1857 Joseph Bradford Card Troy 24-Oct-1940
780 Earl Leslie Carey Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
474 Donald Charles Carman Burlington 24-Oct-1940
1269 Earl William Carman Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1878 Floyd Leo Carman Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1880 Francis Carl Carman Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1302 Roy Pershing Carman Troy 24-Oct-1940
1376 Claude Smith Carman Troy 24-Oct-1940
1960 Harold Edwin Carnegie Alba 24-Oct-1940
266 Paul Lowell Carnegie Canton 24-Oct-1940
2546 William John Carnright Columbia Cross Roads 04-Nov-1940
1022 Jon Evan Caro Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1700 Andrew Carola Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2545 Rollin Merl Carpenter East Smithfield 04-Nov-1940
2290 Charles Milow Carpenter Wyalusing 24-Oct-1940
1589 james Joseph Carroll Milan 24-Oct-1940
1908 Francis Patrick Carroll Milan 24-Oct-1940
1451 Frank Silas Carrozza Canton 24-Oct-1940
2300 Gordon Ransford Carson Troy 24-Oct-1940
552 Laurence Arnold Case Canton 24-Oct-1940
768 Ardell Eugene Case Troy 24-Oct-1940
1021 Franklin Marshall Case Troy 24-Oct-1940
2278 Thomas Byron Case Troy 24-Oct-1940
1356 Gordon Ellis Cass Towanda 24-Oct-1940
160 Leonard Leroy Casselberry Towanda 24-Oct-1940
188 Robert Claude Castle Canton 24-Oct-1940
750 Edward Daniel Cease Canton 24-Oct-1940
1958 Nelson Dudley Cease Canton 24-Oct-1940
823 John Lewis Cease Troy 24-Oct-1940
1713 Roy Chaapel Troy 24-Oct-1940
311 Henry Bird Chace Gillett 24-Oct-1940
1746 James Fred Chaffee Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2544 Quenton Roosevelt Chaffee Towanda 04-Nov-1940
946 George Edward Chamberlain Burlington 24-Oct-1940
1300 Warren Leslie Chamberlain Burlington 24-Oct-1940
2386 James Arthur Chamberlain Burlington 24-Oct-1940
832 Ralph Stanley Chamberlain Canton 24-Oct-1940
2049 Harry Leroy Chamberlain Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
2481 Roger Calvin Chamberlain Milan 25-Oct-1940
1133 Laverne Lester Chamberlain Snedekerville 24-Oct-1940
1866 Ulysses Monroe Chamberlain Snedekerville 24-Oct-1940
916 William LaRue Chamberlain Towanda 24-Oct-1940
303 Floyd William Chamberlain Troy 24-Oct-1940
511 Samuel James Chamberlain Ulster 24-Oct-1940
627 Harry M. Chamberlain Wellsburg, NY 24-Oct-1940
628 John Rolfe Chamberlain Wellsburg, NY 24-Oct-1940
2543 Tracey Champluvier New Albany 04-Nov-1940
2502 Kenneth Lloyd Chandler Milan 26-Oct-1940
2238 Carlton Leslie Chandler Wyalusing 24-Oct-1940
686 Clyde Chapel  Canton 24-Oct-1940
789 Kenneth Leolyn Chapman Canton 24-Oct-1940
81 Albert Aac Chapman New Albany 24-Oct-1940
1094 Harold Joseph Charland Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1355 William Franklin Chase Gillett 24-Oct-1940
1463 Merle Jay Chase Gillett 24-Oct-1940
2542 Claude Roy Chase New Albany 04-Nov-1940
2184 Theodore Orlando Chicarilli Towanda 24-Oct-1940
102 Robert Gorse Childs Troy 24-Oct-1940
826 Charles Frederick Chilson New Albany 24-Oct-1940
404 Harry Franklin Chilson Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1202 Willis Earl Chilson Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1851 Robert Edward Chilson Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2249 Cecil Franklin Chilson Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2541 Roy Earl Chilson Towanda 04-Nov-1940
1068 Robert Christopher Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
278 Gerald Henry Chubbuck Towanda 24-Oct-1940
481 Elmer Weiss Clark Canton 24-Oct-1940
1232 Albert Kenneth Clark Canton 24-Oct-1940
1598 Herbert Wm. Clark Canton 24-Oct-1940
1320 Charles Lewis Clark Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
65 Manley Edwin Clark Milan 24-Oct-1940
420 Glenn Robert Clark Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
2357 Kenneth William Clark Snedekerville 24-Oct-1940
542 Gordon F. Close Towanda 24-Oct-1940
863 James Otis Close Towanda 24-Oct-1940
887 Francis Joseph Coe Towanda 24-Oct-1940
726 James Edward Coe Troy 24-Oct-1940
1284 Horace Cohen Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1032 Joseph Andrew Colby Wellsboro 24-Oct-1940
685 Robert Lewis Cole Canton 24-Oct-1940
2456 William Clyde Cole Canton 25-Oct-1940
210 Walter Sumner Cole Gillett 24-Oct-1940
1318 Frank Marshall Cole Granville Summit 24-Oct-1940
543 Arthur Franklin Cole Powell 24-Oct-1940
156 George Thomas Cole Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1087 Earl Edward Cole Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1374 Robert Harry Cole Troy 24-Oct-1940
1548 Eldon George Cole Troy 24-Oct-1940
935 Paul Upton Cole Wellsburg, NY 24-Oct-1940
1235 Kenneth Laverne Cole Granville Summit 24-Oct-1940
1206 John Joseph Coleman Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1984 George Leslie Coleman Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2291 Thomas Edward Coleman Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2169 Arthur Larue Collins Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
883 Cornelius Joseph Collins, Jr. Towanda 24-Oct-1940
514 Wilbur Colton Granville Summit 24-Oct-1940
1166 Melvin Walter Colton LeRoy 24-Oct-1940
2416 John Joseph Comerinsky Powell 24-Oct-1940
2421 Edward Joseph Cummiskey New Albany 24-Oct-1940
1118 William Chauncey Compton Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
2485 Blake Edward Comstock Wyalusing 26-Oct-1940
878 Edward Ellsworth Conklin Towanda 24-Oct-1940
48 Daniel Vincent Connor Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2038 Charles Webster Conrad Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
917 Karl Frederick Cook Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
1864 Sidney William Cook Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
1935 Ashley John Cook Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
829 Donald William Cook New Albany 24-Oct-1940
274 John Harold Cook Towanda 24-Oct-1940
656 Wilbert Henry Cook Towanda 24-Oct-1940
727 Arland Benson Cooke Troy 24-Oct-1940
2051 Norman Victor Coolbaugh Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
1347 Fred James Coolbaugh Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2349 Merwin Burns Coolbaugh Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1776 Robert Joseph Coon Towanda 24-Oct-1940
209 Harold Steen Cooper Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
1674 Clinton Leroy Cooper Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
1333 Lester Cooper Gillett 24-Oct-1940
1781 Alfred Junious Cooper Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1617 Grant Newbury Cooper Ulster 24-Oct-1940
2263 Sydney Joseph Cooper Ulster 24-Oct-1940
2501 Bert Lewis Corneby Milan 26-Oct-1940
2192 Nathan Albert Cornell Canton 24-Oct-1940
1747 Leon Leport Cornish Troy 24-Oct-1940
2226 Donald James Cornish Troy 24-Oct-1940
2459 Harry William Cornish Troy 25-Oct-1940
1433 Arthur Costley Millerton 24-Oct-1940
2194 Allan Dewey Courtney Canton 24-Oct-1940
216 Walter Raymond Covell Milan 24-Oct-1940
277 Eugene Ira Covey New Albany 24-Oct-1940
1173 Ernest Earl Cowell Towanda 24-Oct-1940
633 Russel James Cowl Troy 24-Oct-1940
2039 Morris Aften Cox Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
2436 John David Cox Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
1130 Joseph Benjamin Craig Wellsburg, NY 24-Oct-1940
8 George Andrew Crain Canton 24-Oct-1940
519 Norman Lee Crain Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2186 Earl Wilson Crandall Alba 24-Oct-1940
2041 Philip Lee Crandall Canton 24-Oct-1940
1505 Paul Lewis Crandall Granville Summit 24-Oct-1940
894 Murrell Louis Crandall Milan 24-Oct-1940
1574 Elmo Crandall Milan 24-Oct-1940
257 Albert Marshall Crandall Towanda 24-Oct-1940
600 Amos Britton Crandell Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
2368 James Churchill Crandle Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
824 Everitt Arthur Crandle Troy 24-Oct-1940
1996 Robert Ellsworth Crane Gillett 24-Oct-1940
1469 Clarence Elmer Crane Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2010 David Dorson Crane Towanda 24-Oct-1940
880 Paul Newton Cranmer Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
70 Gerald Robert Cranmer Powell 24-Oct-1940
1951 Jack Albro Cranmer Powell 24-Oct-1940
2034 Albert Leone Crayton Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
2109 Arthur Leland Crayton Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
2033 Robert Lewis Crimbring Canton 24-Oct-1940
2415 Wilfred LaRue Croft  Towanda 24-Oct-1940
292 Fay George Cron Powell 24-Oct-1940
2196 James Arthur Cron Powell 24-Oct-1940
2197 Clarence Richard Cron Powell 24-Oct-1940
2460 Clement Howard Crumm Canton 25-Oct-1940
693 Leonard Thomas Cullen New Albany 24-Oct-1940
1194 Ivan Eugene Cullen New Albany 24-Oct-1940
3 Girard Patrick Cumiskey New Albany 24-Oct-1940
2142 Ralph Lee Cummings Canton 24-Oct-1940
1885 Raymond Anthony Cummiskey Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1812 Donald Denn Cundon Canton 24-Oct-1940
2473 Robert William Curren Millerton 25-Oct-1940
2230 Carl Francis Curtis Towanda 24-Oct-1940
43 Michael Cushaney Towanda 24-Oct-1940
746 Joseph Eugene Daly Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1214 Joseph John Danna Troy 24-Oct-1940
172 Charles Joseph Dannemann Towanda 24-Oct-1940
951 Edward Lyons Dannemann Towanda 24-Oct-1940
943 Henry Sinclair Darrow Granville Summit 24-Oct-1940
1787 Lloyd Riley Darrow Milan 24-Oct-1940

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice