Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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BY BRADFORD COUNTY BOARD NO. 1 - October 24, 1940
Because of the Rural Delivery Routes your ancestor may not be listed where you expect.  Example:  Wellsburg, NY addresses were used in Ridgebury, PA
NUMBER NAME TOWN (Post Office)  
991 Gerald Leon Peet Towanda 24-Oct-1940
898 Francis David Pellor Gillett 24-Oct-1940
167 Albert Leo Pelton Troy 24-Oct-1940
1083 James Drysdale Pelton Ulster 24-Oct-1940
288 Edward Lafayette Pennay Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2043 Charles Frederick Pennay Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1168 Hartley Clarence Pennay Wyalusing 24-Oct-1940
967 Lynn Arthur Pepper Canton 24-Oct-1940
1434 Fredrick Wendell Pepper Canton 24-Oct-1940
1666 Kenneth Llewellyn Pepper Granville Summit 24-Oct-1940
37 Lyle Holcombe Pepper LeRoy 24-Oct-1940
1361 Elton Leon Pepper Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
262 Paul Percival LeRoy 24-Oct-1940
299 Ernest Wesley Perry Canton 24-Oct-1940
492 Arthur William Perry Canton 24-Oct-1940
1811 Robert Wesley Perry Canton 24-Oct-1940
1875 Harold LaVerne Perry Canton 24-Oct-1940
59 Vernon Irvin Perry Powell 24-Oct-1940
1098 Paul Francis Perry Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1428 Wesley Perry Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2042 Gerald Vincent Perry Towanda 24-Oct-1940
467 John D. Perry Troy 24-Oct-1940
2455 James Raymond Pett Canton 25-Oct-1940
1768 Jerome Leonard Pettengill Gillett 24-Oct-1940
1934 Edsall Selleck Petty Gillett 24-Oct-1940
2066 Harold Andrew Phelps Ulster 24-Oct-1940
958 Tracy B. Phillips  Canton 24-Oct-1940
1856 David Preston Phillips New Albany 24-Oct-1940
2266 Fleming Richard Phillips Troy 24-Oct-1940
1905 Benjamin Richard Phillips Wellsburg, NY 24-Oct-1940
2603 John B. Phillipson Towanda 04-Nov-1940
2248 Ronald DeVere Phinney Troy 24-Oct-1940
792 Henry Richard Pierce Burlington 24-Oct-1940
848 James William Pierce Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1178 Francis Chester Pierce Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1267 Carl Roy Pierce Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1734 Burton Joseph Pierce Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1945 John Edwin Pierce Towanda 24-Oct-1940
203 George Pierce Wyalusing 24-Oct-1940
1782 Joseph Pierce  Wyalusing 24-Oct-1940
2138 Clarence Elmer Pine Troy 24-Oct-1940
1966 Victor Roy Pinkham Canton 24-Oct-1940
730 Edwin Wood Pipher Ulster 24-Oct-1940
343 Donald Abram Pipher Wellsburg, NY 24-Oct-1940
605 Paul Dean Place Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
1354 Gordon Lester Place Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
2252 Wayne Reed Place  Powell 24-Oct-1940
98 Leonard Bartley Place Towanda 24-Oct-1940
430 Harold Fred Place Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1956 Harry Place Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2296 Leslie Place Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1454 George John Platt Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
113 Joe Frederick Platt Towanda 24-Oct-1940
265 Leon Leroy Platt Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1749 Joseph Frederick Platt Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1417 LeRoy Plouse Wilawana 24-Oct-1940
723 Leland Hayes Pond Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
2602 Donald Francis Pond Monroeton 04-Nov-1940
2243 Rexford Arthur Porter Granville Summit 24-Oct-1940
1580 Frank Andrew Porter Sugar Run 24-Oct-1940
974 Eustace Clayson Porter Troy 24-Oct-1940
1961 Denton Orrin Porter Wyalusing 24-Oct-1940
227 Herbert Charles Post Towanda 24-Oct-1940
208 George Thomas Potter Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
1274 Kenneth Reeser Potter New Albany 24-Oct-1940
1473 David Bowman Potter New Albany 24-Oct-1940
204 Donald Irven Potter Sugar Run 24-Oct-1940
1886 Ford Woodrow Potter Sugar Run 24-Oct-1940
105 Paul Peter Potter Towanda 24-Oct-1940
477 Gerald Edmund Potter Towanda 24-Oct-1940
515 Joseph William Potter Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1316 James Potter Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2420 Eugene Potter Towanda 24-Oct-1940
836 Lynn Potter Ulster 24-Oct-1940
2079 Thomas Severineous Powers Canton 24-Oct-1940
721 Leland Daniel Pratt Troy 24-Oct-1940
31 Frank Preston Grover 24-Oct-1940
2250 Colburn Andrew Preston Troy 24-Oct-1940
1823 James Richard Pruyne Canton 24-Oct-1940
85 Charles Knapp Pruyne Milan 24-Oct-1940
2260 Robert Claude Pruyne Milan 24-Oct-1940
2207 William Blair Pruyne Ulster 24-Oct-1940
1601 Earl Prymer Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1810 George Washington Purcell Gillett 24-Oct-1940
1557 Nicholas Ottiwell Pursack Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2429 William Henry Putnam Canton 24-Oct-1940
744 Robert Alfred Putnam Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1582 Lester Milton Putnam Troy 24-Oct-1940
534 John Robert Putnam Troy 24-Oct-1940
1550 Francis Edward Putnam Troy 24-Oct-1940
2344 Harold Dean Putnam Troy 24-Oct-1940
2271 Nicholas Quattrini Troy 24-Oct-1940
720 James Dester Queal Gillett 24-Oct-1940
1450 Howard Everson Quinn Troy 24-Oct-1940
2276 Clyde Edward Quinn Troy 24-Oct-1940
110 Amos Paul Radney Towanda 24-Oct-1940
762 Charles Raymond Radney Towanda 24-Oct-1940
513 Emerson Curtis Randall Troy 24-Oct-1940
875 Stephen Henry Randall Troy 24-Oct-1940
446 William Harrison Ransom, Jr. Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2332 Isiah Leslie Ratcliffe Granville Summit 24-Oct-1940
1715 John Albert Rathbun Canton 24-Oct-1940
1635 William Lynn Rathgeber Troy 24-Oct-1940
2497 John Peter Raupers Milan 26-Oct-1940
1903 William Harvey Raymond, Jr. Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
1431 Dealton Albert Raymond Troy 24-Oct-1940
517 Johnnie Truman Raymond Ulster 24-Oct-1940
273 Willis Arthur Redding Towanda 24-Oct-1940
326 James Mapleson Reed Sugar Run 24-Oct-1940
1099 Lewis James Reed Sugar Run 24-Oct-1940
382 Sanford William Reedy Canton 24-Oct-1940
2600 Samuel W. Reese Canton 04-Nov-1940
2601 Laverne Elwin Reese Gillett 04-Nov-1940
567 John Harkness Reeser Snedekerville 24-Oct-1940
1638 John Francis Regan Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1975 Elvin Andrew Rege Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2088 George Bruce Reider Towanda 24-Oct-1940
653 Jack Winner Remsnyder Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2237 Frank Leech Remsnyder Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2598 Frederick William Reuter, Jr. Towanda 04-Nov-1940
2599 Donald Reuter Towanda 04-Nov-1940
1445 Lee John Reynard Canton 24-Oct-1940
1558 Clifford Freemont Reynard Canton 24-Oct-1940
2131 Howard James Rhodes Canton 24-Oct-1940
651 Donald DeWight Rhodes Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1625 John Garfield Rhodes Troy 24-Oct-1940
1884 Michael Riaubia Towanda 24-Oct-1940
584 Stephen Ribovich Canton 24-Oct-1940
2183 William Lyons Rice Towanda 24-Oct-1940
795 Charles Edward Rice Troy 24-Oct-1940
1906 Peter Paul Rice Wellsburg, NY 24-Oct-1940
1801 Edward Ralph Richards Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2150 Arthur LeGrand Richards Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2113 Edward Paul Richie Milan 24-Oct-1940
2500 David Irvin Richie Milan 26-Oct-1940
2145 Joseph Henry Rickard Canton 24-Oct-1940
619 Clyde Laverne Rider Monroeton 24-Oct-1940
1042 Arthur Eugene Rider Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2062 Albert M. Rider Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2272 Donald Edward Riggs Canton 24-Oct-1940
1141 George Arnold Rightmire Sayre 24-Oct-1940
1292 Parcell Allen Rightmire Sayre 24-Oct-1940
640 Howard Charles Ritchlin Towanda 24-Oct-1940
838 George Harold Ritter Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1410 Larue M. Ritz Snedekerville 24-Oct-1940
1735 Theron Clyde Robbins Canton 24-Oct-1940
1411 Ray Howard Robbins Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
1900 Vernon Oscar Robbins Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
168 Lester Burton Robert Troy 24-Oct-1940
2353 Harry North Roberts Alba 24-Oct-1940
2499 Milan Elwood Roberts Milan 26-Oct-1940
129 Harold Matthias Roberts Wyalusing 24-Oct-1940
2643 Parker Robertson Troy ND
807 Othel LaVerne Robinson Canton 24-Oct-1940
1748 Robert LeRoy Robinson Gillett 24-Oct-1940
2341 Leon Philip Robinson Gillett 24-Oct-1940
2480 Earl Lincoln Robinson Milan 25-Oct-1940
145 Ivan Leslie Robinson New Albany 24-Oct-1940
876 Walter Harlow Robinson New Albany 24-Oct-1940
126 Karl Andrew Rockl Ulster 24-Oct-1940
956 George Wilbur Rockwell Canton 24-Oct-1940
2217 Max Harry Rockwell Canton 24-Oct-1940
158 Phillip Daniel Rockwell Sugar Run 24-Oct-1940
99 Russell Henry Rockwell Troy 24-Oct-1940
356 Arthur McKean Rockwell Troy 24-Oct-1940
841 Max William Rockwell Troy 24-Oct-1940
2275 James Arthur Rockwell Troy 24-Oct-1940
2384 Carl Eden Rockwell Troy 24-Oct-1940
879 William Henry Rockwell Ulster 24-Oct-1940
2439 Hugh Llewellyn Rogers Canton 25-Oct-1940
926 Raymond Leslie Rogers Columbia Cross Roads 24-Oct-1940
1618 Cecil Maurice Rogers Ulster 24-Oct-1940
527 Harry Root Wyalusing 24-Oct-1940
1675 Robert James Ross Sugar Run 24-Oct-1940
2597 Albert Henry Rothrock Towanda 04-Nov-1940
1983 Dewitt Cole Rowe Ulster 24-Oct-1940
645 Robert Archibald Ruggles Troy 24-Oct-1940
2596 Emery Earl Rumsey Columbia Cross Roads 04-Nov-1940
337 Harold Clark Rumsey Troy 24-Oct-1940
2477 Floyd Stillwell Rundell Snedekerville 25-Oct-1940
1399 John Rusin, Jr. New Albany 24-Oct-1940
1048 Carl Alden Russell Towanda 24-Oct-1940
1881 Howard Elmer Russell Towanda 24-Oct-1940
598 Mercur Louis Russell Troy 24-Oct-1940
238 Carl George Ryan Towanda 24-Oct-1940
851 Paul Harrison Ryder LeRoy 24-Oct-1940
562 Edison Elmer Rynearson Gillett 24-Oct-1940
2251 Edward William Sage Towanda 24-Oct-1940
2104 John Edward Salsbury New Albany 24-Oct-1940
2504 Carroll Stroud Salsman Milan 26-Oct-1940
523 George Elmer Sanders Towanda 24-Oct-1940
24 Gerald Harlo Sargeant Troy 24-Oct-1940
1745 Russell Burritt Sargeant Troy 24-Oct-1940

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/27/2001
By Joyce M. Tice