Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Our Tri-County World War One History
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Article From the Mansfield Advertiser Scrapbook
Postcard from Chester P. Bailey packet
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
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.Article From Page 7 of scrapbook
The following is a list of local soldiers who have returned home after having been in service overseas, as far as we have been able to learn.  If you know of any not in the list, please send in their names.
Col. B. Mart Bailey,
Harry Briggs,
Victor Bartlett,
Edward F. Bolt,
Prof. Brandt,
Arthur Dalaba,
Howard Dorsett,
Lewis Dorsett,
Grant Feathers,
Caspar Gillette,
Townsend Gillette,
Howard Hanyen,
Donald Hoard,
Wilfred Jupenlaz, (on way)
Ransom Keeney,
Walter Leach,
George McCann,
Herman McNeal,
Carl R. Root,
Maurice Schucker,
George Seymour,
Albert Stilwell,
Harold Welch,
Robert Wilson.
The following boys from this vicinity are still overseas, as far as we have been able to learn.  There may be some whom we have missed, or some of the ones named below may be in the States now, but if we have erred, and you know it, please send in the corrections.
Leigh Allen,
Wright Bailey,
Leo Bailey,
Ross Bailey,
Hiram Benson,
Frank Bedenk,
Raymond Bogardus,
Lee Clark,
Earl Cook,
Bryce Cogswell,
Bob Crossley,
Howard Connelly,
Elmer Conklin,
Percy Early,
Roscoe H. Goodall,
Richard Hayes,
Howard Harvey,
Russell Hitchcock,
Colie Jenkins,
Wade Judge,
Harry Kelley,
Ross and John Kiley,
Fred B. Lamb,
Harry Love,
Raymond Miller,
Lester McConnell,
George Myers,
Kenneth O’Dell,
Harry Redfield,
Charles Ross,
Lewis Van Ness Seeley,
Nelson Shaw,
Anson and Rayburn Smith,
David Sweeley,
Colie Smith,
Jay Sigsbee,
Floyd Tomlinson,
William Webster,
William Welch,
Reed Wilcox,
Floyd C. Wilson,
Ralph Wilson,
Walter F. Wilson
- W. S. S. –
This article apparently a few days after the other Article above  - This is From Page 12 of scrapbook
The following are among the boys who have returned home, to the best of our recollection:
Col. B. Mart Bailey
Harry Briggs
Victor Bartlett
Edward F. Bolt
Prof. Brandt
Arthur Dalaba
Howard Dorsett
Grant Feathers
Townsend Gillette
Donald Hoard
Wilfred Jupenlaz, (on way)
Wade Judge (on way)
Ransom Kenney
Walter Leach
Herman McNeal
Murice Schucker 
George Seymour
Albert Stilwell
Harold Welch
Robert Wilson
The following are still overseas:
Leigh Allen
Wright Bailey
Leo Bailey
Ross Bailey
Hiram Benson
Frank Bedenk
Raymond Bogardus
Lee Clark
Earl Cook
Bryce Cogswell
Bob Crossley
Howard Connelly
Elmer Conklin
Lewis Dorsett
Percy Earley
Caspar Gillette
Richard Hayes
Howard Harvey
Russell Hitchcock
Colie Jenkins
Harry Kelley
Ross and John Kiley
Harry Love
Raymond Miller
Lester McConnell
George McCann
George Myers
Kenneth O’Dell
Harry Redfield
Charles Ross
Anson and Rayburn Smith
David Sweeley
Colie Smith
Jay Sigsbee
Floyd Tomlinson
William Webster
William Welch
Ralph Wilson
 If there are any corrections or additions to these names please let us know.
Blossburg Boys Arrive Home
Raymond Lawrence GUERNSEY, who has been overseas for thirteen months arrived home Tuesday.  Mr. Guernsey was captured by the Germans and held prisoner for eight months, working nearly twenty-four hours a day and living on very poor and scanty food.  He has some very interesting experiences to relate.  Mr. Guernsey has the distinction of being the only Tioga county man to be held prisoner b the Germans.  Machine Gunner Glen Ellis, of the famous 77th, arrived home Tuesday, after seeing thirteen months service in France.  Mr. Ellis was wounded in the battle of the Argonne Forest.  Fred Bryant arrived home Tuesday after thirteen months service overseas.  Mr. Bryant was severely wounded in the battle at Chateau Thierry.  He was also gassed and was in a hospital for several months.  Sergeant Kimbal Marvin and Frank Roberts arrived home Wednesday evening.  Both men saw some hard fighting in the Argonne Forest.
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/15/2003
By Joyce M. Tice

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