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George McCann, Chairman Campaign Committee |
Masonic Temple, Elmira, N. Y. |
This Means you
Will You Read What Follows and Think It Over?
What is Waste?
Not getting full value for your money.
Can there be Waste in Charity?
Yes, if you give unwisely; if you give to those who don’t know how to use your gift; if you give where the expense of distribution is high; if you duplicate another’s gift.
What is the Remedy?
Not to give for fear of misuse? NO! The whole world was never in such great need as now. The remedy is organization of relief work. Make every dollar count.
What is the Chemung County War Chest?
An organization of patriotic citizens whose purpose is to get together all the many necessary war relief enterprises in this county, centralize them, abolish the separate appeals for funds, and put into one single treasury all the money collected, and disburse it with the least possible cost.
The most important of these, of course, is the Red Cross work and added thereto are all of the other war charities, to which residents of this county have been contributing in the past such as Y. M. C. A, Knights of Columbus, Salvation Army, Jewish, Armenian and Syrian relief work, and others too numerous to mention; in short, all of the war charities excepting only Red Cross memberships.
How much money is it planned to raise?
A careful survey of the amounts contributed by residents of the county to war charities of various kinds during the past year indicates that this amount was clearly in excess of $200,000. The scope of the war so far as our country is concerned is increasing daily; the number of our men in France is multiplying rapidly; the number of crippled soldiers that will be returned to us will shortly be a large factor; the Red Cross mother care for our own boys is rapidly becoming a need of the greatest magnitude. Furthermore, there will be losses of contributors through moving out of town and certain waste in collections and calls from entirely new sources. These factors and others indicate that our goal should be for a minimum of $300,000.
What is the advantage of Centralization?
It means that one office handles everything, one mailing force, one executive committee to direct all relief work, to study the needs of all the organizations crying out for help, to know the whole field and to use the contributions carefully and wisely. It means that instead of numerous canvassers asking your subscription, there is only one organization that ask it. It means that instead of your wondering what war charity it is best to help you will know that the War Chest covers all benevolent purposes and that your contribution will be used rightly.
Can I trust the people back of this organization?
Read the names on the general and special committees. Do you think that these men and women would publish their names if they were not willing to have their work speak for them?
Do they get anything out of it?
Not one cent. They are giving their time, their energy. And they are giving their money.
How much of this $300,000 will be expended for expenses in this campaign?
Not one cent. Arrangements have been made for providing for the necessary expenses of this campaign by other means. Every contributor will have the knowledge that one hundred cents out of every dollar that he contributes will go directly for war needs.
Has this War Chest been tried elsewhere?
Yes. It is being worked out in our great cities, in our small towns,
in our farming communities. It is spreading all over the country. Why?
it works! It works better than any other plan that has been tried since
the war began. The following examples show the amounts according to population
that have been raised elsewhere, and demonstrate that our request is within
reasonable bounds:
Population | Amount Raised | |
Syracuse, N. Y. | 150,000 | $1,200,000 |
Rome, N. Y. | 22,000 | 345,000 |
Ithaca, N. Y. | 17,000 | 98,000 |
Norwich, N. Y. | 9,000 | 78,000 |
How much am I expected to give?
This is primarily a question for each individual to decide. It will
not be possible to raise this sum unless every citizen makes the greatest
possible sacrifices consistent with his income and circumstances. This
is a war burden that must be assumed by the people as such. The directors
have adopted a schedule of giving which they submit herewith as suggestive
of what may fairly be expected on an average.
Income | Per Month | Per Year |
$ 500 to $1,000 | $ 1.00 | $ 12.00 |
1,000 to 1,500 | 2.00 | 24.00 |
1,500 to 2,000 | 3.00 | 36.00 |
2,000 to 2,500 | 5.00 | 60.00 |
2,500 to 3,000 | 7.00 | 84.00 |
3,000 to 4,000 | 10.00 | 120.00 |
4,000 to 5,000 | 20.00 | 240.00 |
Above $5,000 the subscription should increase in proportion on a rising scale. The Directors believe that the above ratings taken in connection with the circumstances which will vary with different individuals, will afford a fair basis upon which to estimate the gift expected of you.
What does the Government think of this plan?
It will be used to Win the War. To make our armed forces abler to fight, to care for the wounded, to provide for the relief of those whom war has disabled, to make every boy on the front and in the camps a stronger, better man because he knows the folks at home are behind him every day and every hour, and that the minute he needs it our hand is stretched out to him. Not a weak hand, but a strong, willing hand. The lame, the halt and the blind, the destitute and the bereaved, the men and the women who have given their all for their country ~ all these will learn that while we live and breathe they have friends on whom they can rely.
Ought not the Government do all this?
Suppose it did, who would pay for it. You and I. How? In increased taxes. Would you rather help freely now, or be taxed later? He gives twice who gives quickly.
Has the Government a right to count on the People’s patriotism?
Friend, THIS IS AMERICA! It has the right to count on every last one of us to do his level best.
Who can become a member of the War Chest organization?
YOU can. Any member of your family can, down to the baby in arms.
What am I to do, now that I have read this?
THINK IT OVER. And when the War Chest man comes to talk to you, have your answer ready. Our boys are fighting in France, they are fighting on the turbulent seas, fighting for the greatest cause the world has ever known. They are doing their duty. It is for us to do ours. We want to be able to look a returning soldier in the face, and say, "You have been fighting for me the best you knew how, and the best I knew how I have been fighting for you."
May 18, 1918
Hon, George McCann,
Elmira, N. Y.
My Dear Judge McCann:
I heartily endorse the patriotic task which is to be undertaken by the citizens of Chemung County in the War Chest Campaign which is now under way, this fund to be used in discharging war obligations for relief and welfare work incident to the activities of the Red Cross, Young Men’s Christian Association, Knights of Columbus, and other relief organizations.
This campaign merits the generous support of every patriotic citizen of Chemung County to the extent that the chest may be filled to overflowing.
Cordially yours,
Mayor Hoffman says of the scheme:
"I recommend it to the citizens of Elmira and of Chemung County, and I do hereby proclaim the week beginning Monday, May 27, 1918, as a WAR CHEST WEEK for the City of Elmira, and I do hereby accordingly call upon all the citizens of Elmira to contribute during that period to the WAR CHEST FUND for war philanthropy; and for the purpose of promoting and protecting this plan for the benefit of all concerned. I further proclaim that with the inauguration of the campaign herein referred to, and during the continuance of the war, there shall be no authorized agency for the collection of war relief funds within the City of Elmira other than the "CHEMUNG COUNTY WAR CHEST ASSOCIATION, INC.," except such as for some special reason is now not anticipated and may receive the unanimous sanction of the War Chest Board of Directors."
"When the war has been won,
When our duty is done,
When our sailors come sailing the foam;
When our men of the air
And the guns over there
All the nation is welcoming home;
They will come to your door,
The young winners of war,
They will look you up, over and thru,
And in word or in thought,
They will ask like as not,
Well, we did quite a lot – What did you?"
Let your answer be-
"I enlisted in the Chemung County War Chest."