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Several Brave Soldiers How They Died in Mexico
The following extract from some remarks made by Gen. Pierce, of New
Hampshire, at his public reception in Concord, on the 26th ult., shows
how many of our brave soldiers died in Mexico: And Concord, too, was well
represented among them. There was Henry CALDWELL--one of the bravest
and most determined soldiers in the army. There was Sergeant STOWELL,
who was shot plump through the heart at Churchbusco. As his last
breath flowed, he whispered to me--do the boys say I behaved well?
If I have write home to my people. Then there was Sergeant PIKE who
had his leg shot off in advancing alone on a causeway swept by three batteries.
The amputation which did not answer the purpose were performed, and a third
was deemed hopeless. Die he must, it was thought. I know better
then they do, he said. I’ll try another; and when they out it again
I hope they will cut it so it will stay cut. A third amputation was
performed and he lived through it. He and the others named were printers.
In the new levies, the printers exceeded by 20%, those of any other vocation;
and on account of their intelligence and high spirit they have proved the
most efficient soldiers in the field. Gen. Pierce also named BROWN and
SWETT, of Connecticut, as particularly distinguished, and Captain CADY
and Lieut. POTTER and DANA, of the old line. Nor did he forget Sergeant
WEST, of Manchester, who fell at the head of his column, and was always
there when there was any fighting to be done. But in mentioning the
men of New Hampshire, or of New England, he would claim for them no superiority
over others. The present army was made up of artillery, cavalry,
the army and the new levies, representing every state of the Union, and
it was not in the power of man to say which had done the best service.
To many it had been a matter of great surprise that the new levies should
have fought as they had done. But it is in the race. He would
take from the audience before him a regiment who would do the same.
In executing manoeuvres; and forming combinations in front an enemy, by
wheeling, countermarching, &c., old soldiers are undoubtedly better;
but when it came to close fighting, as in storming or charging it was the
man that did the work and not the maneuvering, and in such work the men
who had never before been under fire or handled a bayonet, stood well side
by side with the long trained soldier. Another cause of the success of
our troops, new and old, was the conduct of the officers, who, from the
highest to the lowest, led and cheered on their columns. Hence the disproportion
in the loss of officers and men. Hence the lost of that most brave
and accomplished officer of the 10 new regiments--Colonel RANSOM.
He kept pressing up--pressing up--till he was shot dead at the head of
his column. The same was true of Col. Martin SCOTT the first shot
in the army--a son of N. Hampshire. He raised himself above the protection
of a wall. A brother officer begged him not to expose himself unnecessarily.
He replied, “Martin Scott never stooped.” The next moment a shot
passed through his heart. He fell upon his back, deliberately, placed
his cap upon his breast and died. Colonel GRAHAM, after receiving
six severe wounds, continued on at the head of his men; and upon receiving
a seventh, through his heart, slowly dropped from his horse, and as he
fell upon the ground, said-- “Forward my men! my word is always, forward!”
and so saying, he died. (Thursday, March 1, 1848, Tioga Eagle, Wellsboro,
Tioga Co, Pa.)
Otis Reports on Casualties.
The following report from General Otis has been received at the war
department: Following casualties in First brigade, First division:
Tenth Pennsylvania: Major E. Brierer, a flesh wound on arm, very
slight, Lieutenant Albert J. Buttermore, flesh wound, slight; Sergeant
Joseph Sheldon, Company I(?), slight fresh wound on thigh, Private Hiram
Coager, Company H., abdomen penetrated, serious; Private Edward Caldwell,
Company D, lung penetrated, serious; Private Debalt, flesh wound on back,
slight. First Montana: Private Reynolds, Company H, ears slightly
wounded, Private Charles Rummels, flesh wound on leg, slight, Corporal
Hayes, Company H, missing, probably killed; Private John Serenson, Company
L, head wound, probably dead; Private Mayersick, Company I, lungs penetrated,
serious; Corporal I. Skinner, Company L, slight thigh wound. First Colorado:
Private Orton Tweves, Company B, wounded on left thigh; Private Charles
Morrison, Company B, wounded on left hand; Private Maurice Parkhurst, Company
B, wounded in pubes, Private C. D. White, Company D, missing, supposed
drowned; Private Elmer F. Doran, Company I, killed, shot in chest; Private
William Erle, Company I, wounded on left cheek and arm; Private Charles
Carlson, Company L, killed, shot in head; Private Charles B. Boyce, Company
L, flesh wound on left knee; First Lieutenant Charles Haughwound(or t),
flesh wound on knee. First South Dakota: Private Horace J. McCrancken,
Company H, killed; Private Fred E. Green, Company I, killed; Private William
Z. Lewis, Company I, killed, Private Benjamin Phelps, wounded on right
thigh; Corporal Eugene E. Stevens, Company K, wounded on right thigh; Private
Frank G. McLain, Company G, wounded on right hip; Private Hiram Fay, Company
I, wounded on right knee, Corporal Carl H. Osgood, Company F, sprained
knee; Private A. Hasket(?), slight wound on neck. Third artillery:
Sergeant Bernard Sharp, Company L, flesh wound on leg, slight; Private
Orian Ryan, Company L, shot in head, serious; Private Edward Lundstrom,
Company L, shot through hand, slight; Private James Gleason, flesh wound
on thigh, slight. Fourteenth infantry--Corporals Soden, Company E; Henry,
Company F; Thompson, Company M; Privates Jesse A. Hale, Company A; Maurice
L. Seeman, Company A; Louis V. Dietz, Company D; James Harvey Knight, Charles
W. Douglass, Frank H. Issinghausen, Charles A. Seitz and Alphonso Bonner,
Company M, and Peter M. Stormont, Company L, Sixth artillery--Private W.
A. Goodman, Company D, First Idaho--Major Ed McConville, Corporal Frank
R. Calwerel, Company B; Private James Frazer, Company C. First California--Privates
J. J. Dewar, Company K; Tom Bryan, Company H, and Joseph Maher, Company
M. First Washington--Corporal George W. McGowan, Company A; Privates
Ralph W. Simonds, Company A; George B. Reichart, Frank Smith, Matthias
H. Cherry, Company E; Sherman Harding, Edward H. Perry, Company I;
Walter N. Hanson, Company L, and Arno H. Meicke, Company H. Wounded in
action: Fourteenth infantry--Sergeant Samuel E. Boakler, Company
I; Corporal James Neary, Company M; Musician--Joseph W. Osberger, Company
M; Private Dixon A. Everett, Company A; Michael Kennedy, Augustin Berry,
Company F;’ Benjamin A. Harbour, Hugh P. McClellan, Herman Steinhagen,
A. B. Wright, Company I; William Sloat, Company K; Arthur L. Osleurn, Richard
Hughes and Albert E. Barth, Company M.
Died of wounds: Lieutenant James Mitchell, Fourteenth infantry, at 2:05 p.m., Feb. 6; Private George W. Hall, Company G, First Idaho; Colonel William C. Smith, First Tennessee, of apoplexy at head of his command on firing line Feb. 5. (February 3, 1899, Bradford County Republican, Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.)
Otis Reports on Casualties at Manilla:
Twentieth Kansas.--Killed: First Lieutenant Alfred C. Alford, Company H; Private Charles E. Pratt. Wounded: Company B, Artificer Charles A. Kelson; Privates Dan Hewitt, John Gillitan; Company D, Raymond Chark; Company I, Sergeant Jay Sheldon, Privates William A. McGraw, Ernest Fritz; Company M, Edward Ziebel. Fourteenth infantry--Killed: Company H, Privates Ransom Class, Newton Hanry, Wounded: Company A, Private Frank A. Goodons, Company B, Hans Jensin Company D, Elmer D. Hough; Company C, Nicholas N. Foulks, Corporal Hanford Bennington, Private John Brady; Company I, William S. Kennedy; Charles A. Glanton; Company G, Corporal Spencer Company K, ---- Lipscomb, Howard Middleton, Privates John Carey, Patrick Horgan, Charles Read, Fred Geezenback, John Powers, William Howard, James Kane, Jerry A. Heckathorn; Company M, James Miller. First Idaho--Killed: Company G, Private Orlan L. Darras. Wounded: Company D. Sergeant William Teller, Privates John N. Lutjens; Company G, James Ryan; Company B, Richard B. Jones. First California--Wounded: Company E, Privates David J. Sinclair, Company G, Frank Aust; Company K, Henry M. Kalkins. First Washington--Wounded: Company H, Private John J. Carlile, Corporal Charles A. Augstein, Missing: Private Oval F. Gibson. First Montana--Wounded; Company N, Private George W. Rowland. Third artillery--Killed: Battery G, Private Branry Haag, Wounded: Company D, Private Robert B. Ostrum; Company L, Sergeant D. C. Sissenouth; Company G, Privates Herman Hansen, A. D. Philo; Company K, John Stadleman. First Wyoming--Wounded: Company F, Private Harry R. Cruarino. (Thursday, February 9, 1899, Bradford County Republican, Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.)
General Otis Reports casualties on March 13 near Cacoocan(?):
Killed--Twentieth Kansas, Company L, Private James W. Kline. Near Guadalupe: Killed--Twenty-second infantry, Company B, Privates George Stewart; Company K, Winne, P. Munson; Company D, Wesley J. Hennessy. Wounded--Twenty-second infantry. Company M, Privates William Renshart, leg, moderate; Company D, Willet Harman, scalp, slight; William S. O’Brien, head, severe; John Mubahille, scalp, slight; Company A, Theodore A. Mizner, finger, severe; Daniel Carroll, forearm, slight; Company E, Joseph Hoffman, thigh, severe; Joseph B. Cox, thumb severe; Company I, John Blazek, chest, severe; David Mulholand, arm, moderate. 20th infantry, Company K, Corporal Chris Thompson, side, severe; Company I, Privates Charles Simon, back, moderate; Company K, Thomas Miller, hand, severe; Company D, Frank Nash, knee, severe; Company M, Richard F. Piper, thigh; slight; Company G, Lester M. Folger, neck, slight; Company H, Charles Sharkey, thigh, slight; Charles Davis, neck, severe. Second Oregon, Company B, Private Walter Irwin, foot, moderate, accidentally injured. 22nd infantry, Company B, Corporal Charles J. Usley, contusion, side. 20th infantry, Company E, Privates William Sampson, sprained ankle; Company M, Adolph G. Keepher, sprained ankle; Company B, Peter J. Phelan, hand, moderate; Company F, Corporal John E. Hoffman, sprained ankle, March 14, near Guadalupe; Killed--First Washington, Company E, Private Ralph Van Buskirk. Wounded--Second Oregon, Company D, Privates Alford O. Carden, chest severe; Company F, W. O. B. Dodson, ankle, slight. Company E, Charles J. Olson, foot, severe. (Thursday, March 16, 1899, Bradford County Republican, Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.)
Fred Curtiss
Fred Curtiss formerly of Rienzi, who about a month ago enlisted in
the light artillery at Washington, DC, has with his company been ordered
to Manila to do guard duty; he leaves Washington this week going by the
way of San Francisco. (Thursday, March 9, 1899, Bradford County Republican,
Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.)
Brooke’s Report of Deaths.
Washington, March 20.--General Brooke sends the following death report
from Havana: Death report, 16th, 17th and 18th: Camp Columbia, Sergeant
H. M. Barrier, Company L, First North Carolina, died 16th, typhoid; Private
Albe Isdeell, Company K, 49th Iowa, 18th, typhoid; Santiago, Second Lieutenant
F. W. Dunn, volunteer signal corp, 16th, accident falling tree; Private
John McDonald, Company L, Second immunes, 17th, dysentery. (Thursday,
March 23, 1899, Bradford County Republican, Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.)
Brooke’s Death Report
Washington, March 22.--The following has been received at the war department
from General Brooke: Death report 19th and 20th: Puerto Principe,
Joseph Schuelz, saddler, Company F, 8th Cavalry, 20th, typhoid; Private
Curtis McCabe, Company C, 15th infantry, 20th, morphine; Santiago, Corporal
Charles Wood, Company B, Second immunes, 18th, fatty heart. (Thursday,
March 23, 1899, Bradford County Republican, Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.)
General Otis has cabled the following additional casualties to Adjutant General Corbin:
“March 28 Killed: Third artillery--Battery G, Private J. J. Whitney, Private Charles Johnson. “Wounded Tenth Pennsylvania--Company E, Private Christopher Fibert(?), hand severe, accidental. Third artillery--Battery G, First Sergeant John C. O’Connor, eye slight. “Injured--Twentieth Kansas--Company B, Private Louis J. Ross, root slight.” (Thursday, March 30, 1899, Bradford County Republican, Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.)
Many deaths in Cuba.
Washington, March 27.--General Brooke forwards the following reports
from Havana: “Death report, 24th Havana--Private Claude G. Bannister, Company
B, 8th infantry, died 22d gunshot wound from civilian. Puerto Principe--Private
Henry K. Smith, Company K, 8th cavalry, 22d, typhoid Private Clarence M.
Jones, Company G Third Georgia, 22d, typhoid. Santiago--Private Walter
Verrett, Company M, 9th immunes, 22d, malarial cachxia Private Anderson
Godchall, Company E 9th immunes, 23d, gunshot, thorax Camp Columbia--Edward
J. Keogh, blacksmith, Company B, 7th cavalry, 23d, drowned March 25, hospital
No. 2 Havana--William Flood, quartermaster’s employee, nephritis parenchymitous.
(Thursday, March 30, 1899, Bradford County Republican, Towanda, Bradford
Co, Pa.)
Mr. Darius Bullock
Mr. Darius Bullock of Monroeton is in receipt of a communication from
Capt. C. B. Satterlee of Battery K, 6th U. S. Artillery, announcing the
promotion of George E. Bullock to be a corporal. (Thursday, March
30, 1899, Bradford County Republican, Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.)
The following people may be missing:
Manlia, April 19.--Admiral Dewey has received details of the strange
disappearance of the strange dissappearance of Lieutenant J. C. Gilmore
and 14 members of the crew of the United States gunboat Yorktown.
On Saturday last the Yorktown anchored off Baler, on the east coast of
the island of Luzon and about 200 miles from here, where there was a Spanish
garrison of about 50 men, which had been defending itself against several
hundred Filipinos for months past. The following are missing:
Chief Quartermaster W. Walton, Cockswain J. Elisworth, Gunner’s Mate, H.
J. Nygard, Salmaker’s Mate Vandolt, Seamen W. H. Rynders and C. W. Woodbury,
Apprentices D. W. A. Venville and J. Peterson, Ordinary Seamen S. Brisolese
and O. B. McDonald, Landsmen L. T. Edwards, F. Anderson, J. Dillon and
C. A. Morrissey.” (Thursday, April 20, 1899, Bradford County Republican,
Towanda, Bradford Co, Pa.)