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Local Station Will Work Hard to Secure Its Quota for Uncle Sam.
The local recruiting station in the Federal building has been assigned the task of recruiting from 150 to 200 men for immediate service, before April 20, according to a telegram received yesterday by H. J. Grube, officer in charge.
A quota of 300 men is asked of the entire district, which comprises station in western New York and northern Pennsylvania. Officer Grube and Assistant Rodemick will devote their entire time to raising Elmira¹s share of the men as quickly as possible.
A telegram sent out by the Navy Department
to the recruiting districts says in par:
"There is urgent need for more men and now
is the time to show in a practical manner that the people of our district
want a powerful navy. Armed guards, composed only of naval officers
and American bluejackets, are assigned to every American ship sailing for
the war zone, and in any emergency, bluejackets will bear the brunt of
the fighting."
Men Are in Good Spirits and Believe Order to Mobilize Will Be Received
in Few Days Time.
When will Company L be called out?
This is a question that is being asked frequently in Elmira these days. As yet, Major Turnbull has heard nothing regarding the mobilizing of the Third Regiment, of which Company L is a part.
All of the members are practically ready to leave at any time and it is the belief in some circles that the company will be called out before the end of the week.
One Elmiran, in a position to know, told an Advertiser reporter he believed the entire National Guard of all the States would be called into the Federal service within the next five weeks.
During the past week, regiments in other States have been called out one at a time and it is thought the government will soon call out the balance of the guard in New York State.
Word received here last night from Rochester says it is predicted there that the Third Infantry will be ordered to entrain at any moment for Niagara Falls or New York City. There is also a possibility of the regiment being sent to Albany.
The 71st Regiment of New York City which was mustered into Federal service recently left Sunday night for some point up State. But its actual destination has not been divulged.
Buffalo has called for help in protecting its industries and it is thought that as soon as Congress takes action units of the National Guard will be sent there to assist in patrol duty.
Major Turnbull said last night that he had heard nothing from headquarters. The men are all in first class condition and good spirits and are ready for the call.
The regular weekly drill was held at the Armory last night and the company presented an excellent appearance, going through the exercises with the precision of regular army men.
War Department Sends Orders to Eastern Department Although None Are
Received in Elmira.
According to orders received by the Department of the East from the War Department, the members of Company L of this city who have relatives dependent upon them may obtain their discharge if the call of mobilization is made. As yet no such order has been received by Major Turnbull. At the present time there are about thirty members of Company L, it is said, who would be subject to this ruling.
The order from Washington says that the department commanders are authorized to "discharge from those regiments and other units of the National Guard mustered into the Federal service enlisted men with dependent relatives." The way the order is worded would make it appear that the men are not subject to discharge until they have been mustered into the Federal service.
Some time ago Major Turnbull received orders from the War Department not to enlist any married men or men with dependent relatives unless permission is obtained form the department commander.Governor Whitman has the power to draft single men to fill the ranks of the National Guard providing the volunteer enlistments do not prove sufficient to bring the commands to war strength.
Last summer the War Department permitted the discharge of married men from the service. Not one member of Company L left his post of duty as the result. A relief organization was formed by prominent Elmirans to aid the families of the members who did not have adequate support and this has been made a permanent organization. Captain J. D. S. Reid is chairman of the committee.
The members of Company L are patiently waiting for the call to arms which they know must come soon. They have been working hard and are prepared to leave on a short notice.
The Military Training Camps Association, Elmira Division, organized last Sunday for the purpose of recruiting men for the Plattsburg Military Training Camps, under the direction of Federal officers, has another purpose which is of interest. Its by laws state that it is to work in co-operation with and assist the Elmira Committee on National Defense. These resolutions have been sent to the Elmira committee and should occasion arise for local defense or to assist in maintaining order, should Co. L be called out, these men will do all in their power.
Last Sunday seven new recruits were obtained for this summer¹s camps and more are coming in right along. Next Monday night a regular business meeting will be held, followed by the first drill, the time and place to be announced within a couple of days.
Any one interested in attending the Plattsburg Camps of taking up a preparatory course in military instruction is welcome to attend the meeting, or they can communicate with any of the following officers of the association John L. Fiester, Harry Y. Iszard, Percy Rollett, G. A. Taylor, Grase? Schorstheimer, Fred S. Fish, Fred S. Duhl, Lee W. Card or Harland Seeley.
The local recruiting office of the United States Army last ngiht [night] seat 10 recruits to Fort Slocum in New York harbor. Two of the men enlisted in the aviation corps and of the total number nine are Elmirans.
The two who are desirous of becoming aviators are: Herschel B. King, of 803 Davis street, and Harley B Chapel, of 456 Spaulding street. They will report first at Fort Slocum and later they will probably be sent to the aero station at Pensacola, Fla.
The other men who enlisted follow:
Stuart H. Budd, 207 Sullivan street, cavalry;
Paul Krug, 2161-2 Madison avenue, infantry; William F. Culver, 731 South
Main street, Medina, N. Y., infantry; James J. Reilly, 305 Sutton street
infantry; Walter F. Hood, 607 West Hill street, coast artillery corps;
Archie J. Newton, 703 South Main street, coast artillery corps; Harry Woodruff,
114 East Water street, coast artillery corps; Harry A. Steele, 262 Partridge
street, infantry.
It is stated by Sergeant Rigott, in charge of the recruiting station, that men may enlist for a period of seven years with the privilege of dropping out at the end of one, three or four years in the ranks and enter the reserve corps.
Ernest W. Manadeville [Mandeville], so of Mr.
and Mrs. Hubert C. Mandeville of this city, passed his physical examination
at the New York office of the naval reserve, and was at once ordered into
service. He enlisted as an apprentice seaman, and will aid in manning
the mosquito fleet to guard harbors along the coast.
Yesterday all signs seemed to point to a rapid completion to-day and to-morrow of the recruiting necessary to bring Company L up to its full war strength. The company is now at a point about twenty men stronger than regular peace strength, with 110 men and two line officers. Had the Armory and the Federal recruiting office been open for business Sunday, several men would have put in applications.
Two of these, well-known Elmira young men, declared last night that they had gone down to the Armory yesterday forenoon for the purpose of offering themselves as recruits, but found no one on duty. Later the young men called at the recruiting offices of the regular army in the Federal building, finding this also closed.
They stated they will renew their efforts this morning. It is likely that many recruits will be enlisted to-day.
Colonel Jennings¹ Order Reads That Full Membership Is Desired
by Tuesday Young Elmirans Are Quick to Come Forward.
General orders have been received from regimental headquarters in Rochester for Company L to establish a recruiting station and fill the ranks of the company to the full war strength of 150 men. The order directs Lieutenant Riffe to adopt every possible means to speed up the recruiting.
In case that recruiting is slow, the Lieutenant is directed to get in touch with the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations with a view towards stimulating enlistments.
With the exception of the recruiting order, no further orders regarding the company have been received from headquarters as to the time of the probable departure for duty.
The officers of the company say that it is probable that nobody knows at the present time the probable destination of Company L when it is called into service, despite the many rumors that have been current for some time past. The New York regiments that have already been called into service have departed from their armories under sealer orders and no news of their destinations have been given out. When Company L departs it will probably be under similar circumstances.
The government has requested that the newspapers refrain from printing the destination of any of the military units that have departed and this request is being complied with.
The present strength of Company L is 109 men and two commissioned officers, forty-one men below the standard war strength of 150. This number must be enlisted at once and it is believed there will be no trouble in securing the men.
Saturday night prominent Elmirans appeared in all the local theaters and addressed the audiences, urging the young men to enlist in the company. Almost immediately 12 men called at the Armory and five were accepted. The oath was exacted of each recruit. Those accepted were:
Jacob S. Gladke, 662 West Church street; Gene L. Ritchie 519 South avenue; Gordon A. Kinner, 331 Norton street; Lewis Smith, Welsburg.
Of the seven applicants, five were rejected for physical disabilities and two were ordered to report at the Armory on Tuesday night for further examination.
The recruiting office at the Armory will remain open every day and every evening until the company is fully recruited. Lieutenant Riffe says Men between the ages of 18 and 45 years who have no one depending on them for support will be sought.
The members of the new Home Defense committee immediately upon receipt of the message to Company L to recruit, started in to lend all assistance possible to the company in its work.
Following is the message received from Col.
Edgar S. Jennings, of the Third Regiment.
"Headquarters, Third Regiment.
You are hereby directed to make every effort
possible to recruit your organization to war strength as soon as possible.
The Masonic Board of Trustees yesterday evidenced their approval of military training by offering the use of their hall to the newly organized Military Training Camps Association, Elmira division, and the first drill will be held there this evening at 7:30 o¹clock. The association feels deeply grateful to the Masonic trustees for this patriotic offer, as it has given them just such a hall as has been desired, and which could not otherwise be obtained. Suitable cloak rooms, good lighting and elevator service, all help to make the Masonic hall the most desired, and it is of sufficient size to accommodate the membership until the evenings become light enough to drill outside.
It is reequested [requested] that those who
desire to take in these drills, and who have not previously signed up for
the same, to appear Monday evening at 7 o¹clock so that the drill
can start promptly at 7:30.
Indications Are Local Company Will Easily Reach Its War Quota Today
Twenty-One Accepted Last Night, With Many Remaining To Be Examined
Married Men Do Not Desire to Quit.
In all probability Elmira will reach its full war strength by Tuesday, as requested by Colonel Jennings in his recent order to the Elmira company. The organization made but one call for recruits and already 26 of the 39 required to bring Company L up to its full quota have been added. It is believed that the remaining 13 will be accepted from a large list who passed the examinations last night in the recruiting depot at the Armory, but who were not sworn in on account of the departure at midnight of Lieutenant James Riffe, who was swearing the youngsters in as fast as they passed the examinations up to that hour. The doctors kept up their examinations until early morning to accommodate the applicants who were waiting.
Early in the evening recruits arrived from all parts of the city and at 8 o¹clock it is estimated that there were fully 75 sturdy and trim youngsters anxiously awaiting their turn to fill out an application. It was a quiet, solemn crowd, and they waited patiently through the long hours of the evening.
During the day Lieutenant Riffe will be at the Armory of accept applications and instruct the men as to their examinations.
Up to a late hour last night no orders had been received at the Armory relative to the action the government intended to take on the mustering out of the Federal service of married men already members of the National Guard. It is understood that it is the intention to fill the places of the married men by single men. This plan has met with severe criticism at the hands of the married men in Company L a majority of whom are anxious to go to the front, and insist on it.
Should the married men be discharged from Company L, it would mean that a much larger number would have to be recruited to fill their places, and it is also expected that a number will fail to pass the examination when the company is mustered into the Federal service. This would call for more recruits to keep the company up to the war strength of 150 men.
Orders were expected to reach the local officers during to-day relative to the handling of these questions.
Following are the young Elmirans who have
responded to the call for more men and who successfully passed the examination
and have been accepted:
Gene L. Ritchie, 18 years of age, 519 South
avenue, draughtsman at the Willys-Morrow plant.
Gordon A. Kinner, 19 years of age, 331 Norton
street, inspector at the Willys-Morrow plant.
Francis J. Bastella, 27 years of age, 403
Mathew street, inspector at the Willys-Morrow plant.
Lewis Smith, 29 years of age, Wellsburg, farmer.
Jack S. Gladke, 18 years of age, 633 West
Church street, jeweler.
Oliver D. Jacque, 730 Hopkins street.
Henry D. Egan, 1320 Baldwin street.
Charles D. Stanton, jr., 100 West Water street.
Harry R. Bosenbark, 406 Lake street.
Francis J. Ward, Jine [Pine?] Valley.
William J. Rathbun, 511 Partridge street.
Gilbert Gustin, 603 Collins street.
John J. Selfridge, 400 Pennsylvania avenue.
John H. Dunn, 214 Franklin street.
Fred R. Baker, 604 Beecher street.
William DeGroat, 627 West Water street.
John Golden, 100 Schuler avenue.
Roy M. Crandall, 400 Lake street.
Charles J. Schiefen, 409 Standish street.
Lin R. Crispen, Waverly.
Frank E. Terwilliger, 206 Colburn street.
Fred F. Snyder, 314 Baty street.
Harry G. Heller, 404 Pine street.
Joseph W. Clements, 112 Luce street.
Earl F. Morris, 103 Pennsylvania avenue.
David Hoskins, 325 West Water street.
The examining physicians are Doctors Turnbull, Zimmerman, Jones and Erway.
Recruiting Progresses Nicely, Many Elmira Youths Enlisting.
At the local Naval Recruiting Station during the past few days recruiting has been progressing very nicely, according to Chief Electrician Henry Grube, in charge. Three men will be sent to Buffalo today for final examination and two others may also go. Tomorrow two more will be sent.
On Saturday there were a large number of applicants at the recruiting station among whom was one who was a former Navy man and who wished to enlist in the aviation corps. This man¹s name will not be published until he is finally accepted. Mr. Grube expects to enlist the full quota of two hundred from the local station as requested by the Navy Department.
The Buffalo office has accepted William E. Riley, radio operator; Herbert Metcalf, electrician; and John C. Mays, who were enlisted last week, according to a notice just received.
The following men will be sent to Buffalo today:
George Patrick Westbrook, 1000 North Main street, apprentice seaman; Ernes Raymond Boucher, Mills, Pa., apprentice seaman; and Gordon Hartley Smith, Troy, Pa., apprentice seaman.
The two other men who may also be sent to Buffalo today are Joseph Bodewes, 312 Soper street, machinist; and Frank Clayton Larrison, 532 Pennsylvania avenue, machinist.
Tomorrow, Lester McDowell Stroud, 316 Baldwin street, apprentice seaman and Elmer R. Hunt, of Williamsport, Pa., machinist, will be sent to Buffalo for final examination.
There was a great increase in the number of enlistments at the local army recruiting station earlier in the week. A total of twelve applications were accepted and the applicants sent to Fort Slocum. Two of the men were accepted for training in the aviation service. They are Herschel B. King, of 803 Davis street, and Harley D. Chapel, of 456 Spaulding street.
The others who enlisted are: Stuart H. Budd No. 207 Sullivan street, cavalry; Paul Krug, 216 1/2 Madison avenue, infantry; William F. Culver, 731 South Main street, Medina, N. Y., infantry; James J. Reilly, 305 Sutton street, infantry; Walter F. Hood, 607 West Hill street, coast artillery corps; Archie J. Newton, 703 South Main street, coast artillery corps; Harry A. Steele, 262 Partridge street, infantry.
Word has been received from Cornelius J. Lorden, a local postoffice employe [employee], which says that he has successfully passed the examinations and had been assigned to Company B, 69th Regiment New York City known as the "Fighting 69th." This is the same regiment in which George Olivey, also of Elmira, was assigned during the troubles at the Mexican border.
It is said the 69th will be called into service early this week. Leaves of absence to postal employes [employees] have been cancelled, according to a dispatch from Washington in view of the unusual duties which will be imposed upon the postal department throughout the existence of the war.
In Addition to This Number, There Is a Waiting List of Fifteen Who
Have Passed Examination and Will Be Called Upon if Needed "Rookies"
Go Through the First Drill.
Company L reached its war strength about 9 o¹clock last night, when the last of the recruits to build the company up to a membership of 150 were sworn in. In addition to those accepted there will be a waiting list of about 15, who are to be held in reserve and sworn in when needed, having all passed the examination. The possibility that there will be need for 25 or 30 men in case those with dependents are discharged from the company will more than consume the present waiting list.
Company L held a regular drill last night, which was followed by a drill by the recruits, who were given the preliminary instructions. The recruits wil [will] drill again, this evening, continuing daily until the company is called out.
No new orders have been received from headquarters by Lieutenant Riffe, in command, as to the mobilization of the probably destination of the Third Regiment.
Major John T. Sadler visited the Armory yesterday morning and paid his respects to Lieutenant Riffe. He stated that huge demonstration will be given the Company L boys as soon as definite word is received regarding their departure. Captain J. D. S. Reid is chairman of the committee which arranged the demonstration last summer and will act in the same capacity again.
In addition to the recruits named in these columns yesterday morning the following were sworn in yesterday.
Earl G. Hohnes, 604 Beecher street; William V. Lynch, 768 South Main street; Claude R. Devine, 768 South Main street; Ralph Shamplain, 506 Baldwin street; Edward P. Caas, 461 West Church street; Thomas A. Porter, 127 West Hudson street; Weir A. Kellogg, 710 West Gray street; Bert E. Stage, 1053 Lincoln street; Fred Carlson, 122 West Hudson street; Earl V. Havens, 1003 Pratt street; Charles S. Castelline, transferred from Company B, of Geneva; Earl L. Platt, 402 Partridge street and Jan Hunsinger, 625 Lake street.
Every Man and Woman Between the Ages of Sixteen and Sixty-Four Will
Be Required to Report to Enrollment Bureau and Answer Questions Prepared.
ALBANY, April 11. The military census of New York State will be taken between May 1 and May 15, unless unforeseen circumstances arise, and every man and woman between the ages of 16 and 64 will be required to report to enrollment bureaus in their election district and answer questions asked by the military authorities. This announcement was made tonight in a statement issued by Adjutant General Louis W. Stotesbury.
According to the announcement, it is planned that Governor Whitman shall issue a decree within a few days, authorizing the census and requiring that every person report at the enrollment stations. It would be planned at first to have enumerators make a house to house canvass to take the census, but it was found that this would require months of hard work and was impracticable.
A list of questions will be prepared by the military authorities and the answers will contain everything of value to the authorities when the census is completed. It is said, the State will be in position to tell its exact number of men available for military duty; the number available for home defense, the number that can be used in factories and different branches of industry and also the number of women in the State and what service can be rendered by each one. It also wil [will] be informed as to all the resources of the State. The questions take up the space on both sides of a sheet of paper fourteen inches long and eight and a half inches wide. It will require fifteen minutes for a person to answer all the queries.
Many More Expected to Enlist in Training Camp Association.
Because the banquet hall of the Masonic Temple will be in use next Monday night, the Elmira division of the Military Training Camp Association wil [will] arrange to hold their weekly drill in other quarters.
It is expected that at the next meeting many more names will be enrolled, greatly swelling the membership of this promising young organization. The only requirements of those joining is that they be white and male citizens of the United States.
The following names were registered as members
at the first meeting of the Elmira division:
Raymond Allen, R. H. Butler, Thomas F. Burke,
Roger Bagley, J. E. Bush, John K. Bower, H. Bartholomew, D. P. Bone, J.
G. Breed, H. B. Copeland, Lee W. Card, C. C. Craze, William Carmody, Fred
A. Decker, F. L. Dill, Fred Duhl, Roy C. Elmendorf, D. O. Eppler, William
P. Frost, John L. Fiester, P. D. Fogg, H. I. Fiester, L. W. Fudge, Bryon
Frisbee, W. T. Ferguson, James D. Fleming, W. J. Fuller, Thomas J. Fitzgerald,
F. S. Fish, Ben Frank.
F. B. Gridley, W. A. Gorton, Thomas C. Gerity, W. A. Groff, John Hoefer, jr., Glenn C. Harris, Harry Holler, William Hurley, E. F. Hollenbeck, A. E. Houston, C. S. Harris, W. C. Henry, Harry Y. Iszard, Finla L. Jones, Francis T. Ketter, E. C. Krolder, C. L. Kinner, H. T. Kraus, A. K. LeMunyan, A. P. LaRoza, Walter Miller, R. P. McDowell, J. H. Moran, Robert McCreight, R. J. Moran, J. S. McIntire, A. Nichols, L. M. Neagle, John T. Osowski, W. P. Prentice, R. S. Prechtl, H. W. Paton, Percy A. Rollett, Gaylord Riggs, F. A. Ridall, Geo. F. Romer.
W. M. Smith, Rae B. Steele, L. B. Straw, Graser Schornstheimer, Charles D. Sheive, Harland F. Seeley, A. H. Stowell, J. A. Silsbee, J. R. Shoemaker, George D. Smith, George J. Taylor, Walter B. Townsend, George S. eVazie, S. L. Wagner, Lloyd R. Wheeler, N. C. Wheler, F. S. Whykoop.
Message From Colonel Jennings at Early Hour This Morning Orders Mobilization
of Local Unit for 8 O¹clock---Must Await Further Orders as to Time
of Departure and Destination---Will be Used for Police Purposes.
Company L, recruited on Tuesday to its full war strength of 150 members, was last night called into the Federal service by an order issued by Secretary of War Baker, which included the Third New York Infantry among a number of others which will be added to the forces now doing police duty in protecting property.
The first notice to reach Elmira came over The Advertiser¹s Associated Press wire, and the official notice from Colonel Jennings, of the Third Regiment with headquarters at Rochester, was not received at the local armory until about 12:20 o¹clock this morning.
The order from Colonel Jennings stated that the company was to assemble at the local armory at 8 o¹clock Friday morning, but the militia call on the fire bell was sounded at 1:10 this morning and the members of Company L immediately began to assemble. They will be ready for further orders long before the time mentioned in Colonel Jennings¹ order. Just where will be their destination will not be known until further orders are received from Rochester today.
The news dispatch telling of the orders from
the War Department read:
April 12.‹Secretary Baker late today ordered into the Federal
service the following additional National
Guard forces for purposes of police
First Tennessee
Infantry, Second Maine Infantry, Second and Third Regiments and
Company A, of the Kentucky Infantry, Eighteenth
Pennsylvania Infantry, Fourth New
Jersey Infantry, Third New York Infantry,
and Fifth Maryland Infantry.
The later order from Colonel Jennings reads:
Rochester, N. Y., April 12, 11:25 p. m.
Company L, Elmira, N. Y.:
Pursuant to
orders, War Department, you are hereby ordered to assemble your
company at Armory at eight a. m., Friday,
April 13.
at seventy-five cents per day enlisted men. Wire strength in officers
and enlisted men, stated separately at nine
a. m. daily to Commander General Eastern
Colonel Jennings.
12:16 a. m.
The early dispatch from Washington was shown to both First Lieutenant Riffe, in active charge of Company L and the man who is in line for the captaincy of the local unit, and Major William A. Turnbull, formerly captain of Company L, and now in command of the Third battalion of the Third Regiment, comprising Companies I, of Olean, K, of Hornell, L, of this city and M, of Auburn. Both officers were greatly interested in the news and Lieutenant Riffe waited to a late hour last night for the official word from Albany. However, he had gone home when the word came from Colonel Jennings.
Battalion headquarters at the State Armory on East Church street presented a busy scene, Lieutenant Riffe, Clerk Jones and assistants going over the data and checking up equipment.
Three more recruits presented themselves at the Armory last night and applied to Lieutenant Riffe for places in the company. This makes over fifty applicants for places in the company and will more than fill the vacancies caused when the men having dependents are dropped from the roster. It was expected that the order to drop such men from the company¹s ranks would come simultaneously with the order for active service, but such was not the case.
The applicants will be examined tonight by Dr. R. A. Turnbull, of the medical corps of the Third Battalion. These men have mostly been examined by Lieutenant Riffe and, as fast as the medical examiner finds them physically fit, they will be sworn in for service. The company will not be brought below war strength‹150 men, including three officers‹by the dropping of the married men and others with dependents.
The applications of Sergeant Rex E. Field and Private Earl DeGaberielle and Arlie C. Tenney were approved by Adjutant General Stotesbury and yesterday the last two named were sent away for training for the United States army, having joined the regulars as infantrymen. Sergeant Field has a lucrative position offered him in the West and will leave this city.
Cooks, barbers, tailors and musicians are needed in the company and applicants in these lines will probably have a preference.
The forty-one new recruits recently accepted were given their second drill Tuesday night at the Armory and are showing excellent progress in the manual of arms. They will be ready to take their places in the company before very long. These are the men whose enlistments brought the company from peace strength to war strength within two or three days¹ time. They are regular members of the company, but are yet in the wakward squad.
Word from Syracuse late yesterday afternoon was to the effect that Troop L, of the Syracuse cavalry unit of the National Guard, departed for "somewhere in New York state" yesterday morning at 7:30 o¹clock on a special train east. Another Syracuse dispatch states that Major Howard K. Brown, of the National Guard, was taken from the reserve list yesterday and placed in charge of the newly created remount station at the State Fair grounds in Syracuse, by orders of Adjutant General Stotesbury. Major Brown will raise a company of 100 men and a carload of Texas horses for use as remounts at the new station is already en route there.
Associated Press dispatches to The Advertiser from Washington last night stated that six companies of National Guard coast artillery troops were called into the Federal service yesterday for police purposes. They are the First Company, New Hampshire; Fifth, Eighth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Eighteneth [Eighteenth] of California.
Arrangements have been made by which the Army and Navy will be supplied by the American Telephone & Telegraph Company with picked engineers, to plan, set up, and operate telephone, telegraph and radio plants for war use. About 500 engineers already have been selected, some of whom have been sworn into the government service. The telephone company will pay such engineers the difference between the army, pay and their salaries with the company.
The Elmira Advertiser
Saturday Morning
April 14, 1917
Page 2
Does Not Know What Is to Be Done with Married Men, but They Are Placed
on Payroll‹May Be Early at Front.
No orders have been received as yet as to the destination of Company L, although they are momentarily expected at the Armory. It seem [seems] generally understood that the company is to do guard duty for the present, no doubt along railroad propery [property].
At six o¹clock last night the men of the company were permitted to go to their homes except those who had been assigned guard duty at the Armory. All are to return to headquarters at 8 o¹clock this morning.
When disposition is to be made of the married men of the company is still a doubt, no orders having yet been received and they were yesterday placed on the pay roll of the state along with the single men.
The recruits had another two-hour session at drilling last night and will be put through the work again this evening. On account of regimental headquarters not having passed upon the papers of the recruits, they were not placed on the pay roll yesterday.
A strong impression prevailed at the Armory last night that Company L will do guard duty in Western New York.
The report that the men who enlisted in the National Guard will serve for the duration of the war only, was explained at the Armory. It means that the men will be in the Federal service for the length of the war. As soon as the men are mustered in they will be liable for any Federal duty. At the conclusion of the war, they will return to the normal National Guard status to serve the rest of their term of enlistment.
Lieutenant Bentley and the men out twice yesterday for hikes about the city. This will be continued during their stay in Elmira.
Sergeant Edwards has charge of the "mess" and is putting up "regular feeds for the boys. ["] Starting yesterday noon the men are being served with three meals a day at the Armory.
No word has been recived [received] regarding the taking of the recruits with Company L when they depart. It seems to be the oppinion [opinion] that they will remain here and continue drilling until their uniforms and equipment arrive and join the company later in case of the departure, before the arrival of the equipment.
Major William A. Turnbull, in command of the Companies, J, K, L, and M, was at his desk in the Armory yesterday. He has named his staff officers, but will not make the names public until they are approved by regimental headquarters. Approval of the nominations of these men, and of Lieutenant Riffe to be captain and First Sergeant Varney to be First Lieutenant of the company are expected daily.
It is understood that Sergeant Varney and Lieutenant Riffe will depart for New York this morning to get their new uniforms.
Dr. Erway will act as examining physician of the depot unit and he was a busy man about the Armory last night attending to his numerous duties.
The New York National Guard does not desire men to seek enlistment "who are not anxious for service at the front," it was officially announced yesterday by Major Edward Olmstead, assistant chief of staff in a memorandum issued to the press. In view of "the past record of its regiments in the Civil and Spanish-American wars," Major Olmstead explained, "the New York division will probably be among the first American troops to see active service abroad."
The war strength of the division is 27,450
officers and men. The present strength is slightly more than 20,000,
of which five per cent [percent], may be discharged because of dependent
members of families. As soon as the War Department authorizes, Major
Olmstead said, "the division will be recruited to war strength, the vacancies
to be filled by the best men among those who enrolled as applicants, possess
the fighting spirit combined with the desire for active service at the
front," providing they have no families dependent upon them for support.
The Elmira Advertiser
Saturday Morning
April 14, 1917
Page 2
Frank Abbott, a deserter from the United States Army, walked into the local Army Recruiting Station yesterday afternoon and gave himself over to the officer. He was taken to police headquarters and later in the afternoon was committed to the county jail to await the action of the government.
Abbott claimed that he had enlisted from the far west and was with the Third Company, Coast Artillery, stationed at Fort Dupont, Delaware, when he deserted. According to his story he had wandered about the eastern country for the past four months and his desertion worked upon his mind to the extent that he was prompted to take his action of yesterday afternoon.