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Roster of the

27th Regiment (Infantry)

N. Y. Volunteers

Taken from History of the 27th Regiment N.Y. Vols.:, Carl and Matthews, printers, c1888.
Transcribed and submitted by Darla Hogaboom

The 27th Regiment (Infantry) N.Y. Volunteers was organized at Elmira, on the 21st of May, 1861. It was composed of companies, recruited and accepted as follows:

Company Where Recruited By whom Recruited Date of Acceptance

A. White Plains Capt. Jos. J. Chambers April 30, 1861

B. Lyons Capt. Alex D. Adams May 2, 1861

C. Binghamton Capt. Jos. J. Bartlett May 2, 1861

D. Binghamton Capt. Hiram C. Rogers May 8, 1861

E. Rochester Capt. George G. Wanzer May 7, 1861

F. Binghamton Capt. Peter Jay May 8, 1861

G. Lima Capt. James Perkins May 7, 1861

H. Mount Morris Capt. Charles E. Martin May 11, 1861

I. Angelica Capt. Curtis C. Gardiner May 13, 1861

K. Albion Capt. Henry L. Achilles, Jr. May 16, 1861

The companies were organized into a regiment by General VanValkenburgh, when the following field officers were elected, viz.: Henry W. Slocum, Colonel; Joseph J. Chambers, Lieutenant-Colonel; Joseph J. Bartlett, Major. The State Military Board confirmed the election of the 21st day of May, by General Order No. 208, and the regiment was accepted, and numbered "27;" and Colonel Slocum was directed to report for duty, and hold his regiment in readiness to be mustered into service of the United States.

The officers of the 27th, being gentlemen and manly and gallant bearing, were cordially received into the best society at Elmira; a circumstance which led those of other regiments who had been less favored, to facetiously christen the "Twenty-seventh" officers as the "Mutual Admiration Society".

On the morning of July 10, 1861 orders were received to leave Elmira for Washington.

The following is a copy of the Muster-out Rolls of each company. The numbers following the name denotes the age of the soldier when he enlisted. Where no date or remarks occur after the soldier’s name, it is to be understood that he was mustered into service with the regiment May 21, 1861 and discharged May 31, 1863. The names of all recruits are followed by the date of muster.

Company "I" was the only company with every officer and man present to answer to his name.

Company "A" numbering 78 officers and men, *had 11 absent.

Company "B" numbering 77 officers and men, had 1 absent.

Company "C" numbering 81 officers and men, had 2 absent.

Company "D" numbering 81 officers and men, had 6 absent.

Company "E" numbering 77 officers and men, had 8 absent.

Company "F" numbering 85 officers and men, had 3 absent.

Company "G" numbering 81 officers and men, had 1 absent.

Company "H" numbering 83 officers and men, had 19 absent.

Company "I" numbering 77 officers and men, had 0 absent.

Company "K" numbering 77 officers and men, had 6 absent.

*Nine borrowed men were included in Company "A".

The total number of the first Muster Roll, including field and staff, was 809.



1. Henry W. Slocum, promoted to Brigadier-General, Sept. 1, 1861, to Major General July 4, 1862.

2. Joseph J. Bartlett, promoted from Major to Colonel Sept. 1, 1861, to Brigadier-General October 4, 1862.

3. Alexander D. Adams, promoted from Captain of Co. "B" to Lieutenant-Colonel Sept. 1, 1861, to Colonel Oct. 4, 1862


1. Joseph J. Chambers, resigned August 9, 1861.

2. Alexander D. Adams, promoted to Colonel.

3. Joseph H. Bodine, promoted from First-Lieutenant to Captain of Co. "H" Feb. 6, 1862, to Major July 24, 1862, to Lieutenant-Colonel Oct. 4, 1862.


1. Joseph J. Bartlett, promoted to Colonel.

2. Curtiss C. Gardiner, promoted from Captain of Co. "I" Sept. 1, 1861, resigned July 24, 1862 on account of disability resulting from wounds received on Gaines’ Mill.

3. Joseph H. Bodine, promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel.

4. George G. Wanzer, promoted from Captain of Co. "E" to Major Oct. 4, 1862.


1. John P. Jenkins, resigned Nov. 1861.

2. Melville W. Goodrich, promoted from First-Sergeant of Co. "B" to Adjutant Dec. 1, 1861. Dismissed Aug. 30, 1862.

3. Charles E. Thompson, promoted from Private of Co. "D" to Sergeant-Major Nov. 1, 1861, to Adjutant Aug. 30, 1862.


1. James A. Hamilton, resigned Oct. 7, 1862. Captured by the rebel General Stewart while on his way home.

2. James P. Kirby, promoted to Corporal Nov. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Feb. 8, 1862, to Lieutenant and Quartermaster from Co. "D" Oct. 7, 1862. Discharged by General Orders No. 2, November 22, 1862.

3. Texas Angel, promoted from Private to Commissary-Sergeant from Co. "I" July 1, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant Feb. 6, 1862, to First-Lieutenant Sept. 26, 1862, to Lieutenant and Quartermaster Nov. 22, 1862.


1. Norman S. Barnes, Surgeon from enrollment.


1. Barnett W. Morse, resigned July 19, 1862.


1. William H. Stuart, Assistant Surgeon from enrollment Aug. 15, 1862.


1. D. D. Buck, mustered July 1, 1861, resigned Feb. 26, 1862.

2. John G. Webster, mustered Oct. 1, 1862, resigned Mar. 18, 1863.



1. Charles L. Gaul, promoted from Sergeant-Major to Second-Lieutenant of Co. "B" Sept. 1, 1861. Died of disease Aug. 20, 1862.

2. William H. H. Brainard, promoted from Private of Co. "D" to Sergeant-Major Sept. 1, 1861, reduced to the ranks Oct. 31, 1861.

3. Clark E. Ellis, promoted from Private of Co. "B" to Sergeant-Major Aug. 30, 1862.

4. Charles E. Thompson, promoted to Adjutant.


1. Lewis C. Bartlett, discharged for disability Aug. 1861, re-enlisted in Co. "A".

2. Benjamin S. Coffin, promoted to Corporal of Co. "G" Nov. 1, 1861, to Quartermaster-Sergeant Mar. 1, 1862.


1. Texas Angel, mustered July 1, 1861, promoted from Private of Co. "I" to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861, to Commissary-Sergeant Mar. 1, 1862.

2. Daniel P. Newell, mustered Aug. 2, 1861; promoted from Co. "K".


1. W. Fitch Cheney, promoted from Private of Co. "E" to Hospital Steward June 1, 1861. Discharged for disability Mar. 1, 1862.

2. Daniel W. Bosley, promoted from Private of Co. "E" to Hospital Steward Mar. 1, 1862.


1. George H. Cook, mustered out of service Oct. 18, 1862.


1. Fred Bender, promoted from Corporal of Co. "E" June 30, 1861, mustered out of service Oct.18, 1862.



1. William M. Blakely, 25, First-Lieutenant to June 1, 1861, to Captain to Feb. 8, 1862, when he resigned.

2. Edwin D. Comstock, 21, transferred and promoted from First-Lieutenant of Co. "D" to Captain of Co. "A" Feb. 8, 1862.


1. Henry Ford, 29, Second-Lieutenant to June 1, 1862, to First-Lieutenant to Aug. 1, 1862 when he resigned.

2. Thomas W. Dick, 32, First-Lieutenant to June 1, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant to Aug. 20, 1861, to First-Lieutenant to Jan. 30, 1862 when he resigned.

3. Benjamin Rankin, 30, mustered Feb. 18, 1862, appointed First-Lieutenant Feb. 18, 1862, resigned July 27, 1862.

4. Lewis C. Bartlett, 20, mustered Aug. 1, 1862, appointed First-Lieutenant Aug. 1, 1862, detailed on General Bartlett’s Staff.


1. James C. Croft, 25, Second-Sergeant to June 1, 1861, to First-Sergeant to Aug. 20, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant to Jan. 30, 1862 when he resigned.

2. Nicholas Christman, 21, Third-Sergeant to June 1, 1861, Second-Sergeant to Mar. 2, 1862, to Second-Lieutenant to Nov. 20, 1862 when he resigned.

3. Alexander McKay, 29, Private to Sept. 19, 1861, to Corporal to Jan. 1, 1862, then Sergeant to Nov. 20, 1862, to Second-Lieutenant to Mar. 20, 1863, then mustered out.

4. John C. Fairchild, 22, Corporal to Mar. 1, 1862, to Sergeant to Mar. 20, 1863, then Second-Lieutenant.


1. Joseph Fitzgerald, 22, Private to Apr. 1, 1862 then Sergeant.

2. William Nicholson, 23, Private to Jan. 1, 1862, to Corporal to Nov. 20, 1862, then Sergeant.

3. James Reed, 22, Private to Jan. 1, 1863, then Corporal to Nov. 22, 1863, then Sergeant.

4. Albert Blakely, Corporal to Nov. 22, 1861, then Sergeant.


1. Thomas Riley, 20, promoted to Corporal, Dec. 1, 1862.

2. William D. Gilleo, 23.

3. Richard Champenois, 18, promoted July 1, 1862.

4. Andrew J. Beisinger, 19, promoted July 21, 1862.

5. Henry Zorn, 28, promoted July 21, 1862.

6. Norman P. Brown, 24, mustered Feb. 25, 1862, promoted July 21, 1862.

7. Samuel Murdock, 22, mustered Dec. 6, 1861, promoted Mar. 1, 1863.

8. Alonzo E. Harding, 18, mustered Mar. 17, 1862, promoted Mar. 1, 1863.


1. John Horton, 25, mustered June 25, 1861.

2. Charles Jessup, mustered Sept. 1, 1861.


1. Albaugh, Isaac, 21, mustered Sept. 1, 1861.

2. Buckley, William, 34.

3. Barnes, John, 33.

4. Burns, Patrick, 18.

5. Burns, James, 19.

6. Bunyea, Albert, 21.

7. Crawford, James R. T., 30.

8. Collard, Augustus, 23.

9. Conklin, Abram G., 25.

10. Craigin, George W., 23.

11. Cronan, Timothy, 24.

12. Dykeman, Albert, 20.

13. Delavan, Charles H., 19, mustered Sept. 1, 1861.

14. Dick, Charles W., 22.

15. Demarest, Charles, 18, mustered July 10, 1861, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run, July 21, 1861, returned to regiment Apr. 30, 1863.

16. Felter, William H., 21, mustered Mar. 4, 1861.

17. Gale, George, 19.

18. Green, Lawrence, 23.

19. Harris, Samuel, 18.

20. Jones, William, 18.

21. Lavinus, Abram F., 18.

22. Lavinus, George, 23, mustered July 10, 1861.

23. Martin, William, 22.

24. McLean, Robert, 35, mustered July 10, 1861.

25. McAinch, Daniel, 22.

26. O’Brien, Andrew, 28.

27. Pattison, Henry D., 18, mustered July 10, 1861.

28. Quinn, Christopher, 21.

29. Reynolds, Edward, 22.

30. Shaughnessy, John, 22.

31. Stokem, Alexander, 36, mustered Aug. 20, 1861.

32. Smith, Willard, 25, mustered Aug. 20, 1861.

33. Williamson, James, 24.

34. Whiston, Charles B., 28.

35. Wright, Lewis, 25.

36. White, Martin, 39, mustered July 10, 1861.


1. Billings, George, 18, discharged Feb. 10, 1863.

2. Cole, John, 26, mustered Sept. 1, 1861, discharged Feb. 10, 1863.

3. Dibble, William, 26, discharged Oct. 31, 1862.

4. Dixon, John, 26, mustered Nov. 18, 1861, discharged Feb. 5, 1863.

5. Driscoll, Timothy, 40, mustered Sept. 1, 1861, discharged Nov. 20, 1862.

6. Evans, John, 26, discharged May 15, 1863.

7. Fisher, David G., 22, mustered July 10, 1861, discharged July 14, 1863.

8. Gray, Charles, 18, mustered July 10, 1861, discharged Mar. 29, 1862.

9. Johnson, John, 32, discharged Sept. 1, 1861.

10. Kane, John, 21, discharged Oct. 25, 1861.

11. Mason, Nathaniel, 45, mustered July 10, 1861, discharged Dec. 24, 1862.

12. Pride, Theodore, 21, mustered Sept. 6, 1861, discharged Feb. 10, 1863.

13. Purdy, Eugene, 18, discharged Mar. 25, 1862.

14. Riker, William H., 23, discharged Aug. 20, 1862.

15. Sweeney, James, 25, mustered July 10, 1861, discharged Oct. 25, 1862.

16. Travis, William, 18, discharged Mar. 25, 1862.

17. Thompson, Samuel M., 24, mustered Mar. 4, 1862, discharged Dec. 12, 1862.

18. Wright, John, 23, discharged July 10, 1862.

19. Wright, Nathaniel, mustered July 10, 1861, discharged May 25, 1862.


1. Frazer, Henry, 20, transferred to Co. "H", Sept. 10, 1861 by order of Col. Bartlett.

2. Tucker, Jacob, 21, transferred to Co. "K", June 20, 1861 by order of Col. Bartlett.


1. Burke, Charles, 24, mustered July 9, 1861, died Oct. 16, 1861.

2. Cantlin, John, 26, mustered Feb. 20, 1862, killed in battle of Crampton’s Pass, Sept. 14, 1862.

3. Hawkins, Thomas, 33, accidentally shot Nov. 27, 1862 at Alexandria, VA 4. Hoyt, Jesse, 20, mustered July 10, 1861, died in hospital, Hagerstown, MD, Oct. 29, 1862.

5. Murden, Jerry, 22, mustered July 10, 1861, murdered in Elmira, NY, July 21, 1861.

6. Newman, John, 36, died in hospital Mar. 11, 1862.

7. Simonton, John, 25, mustered July 10, 1861, died in hospital Jan. 12, 1862.

8. Walker, Henry H., 20, died in hospital, Philadelphia, Aug. 22, 1862 from wounds received at Gaines’ Mill.


1. Boyer, John G., 21, mustered Feb. 25, 1862, deserted May 20, 1862.

2. Chamberlain, John, 19, taken prisoner at Bull Run on July 21, 1861, deserted June 18, 1862.

3. Corney, George, 21, deserted from battle-field of Antietam on Sept. 16, 1862.

4. De Noyelles, Levi L., 18, deserted from battle-field of Gaines’ Mill on June 27, 1862.

5. Farrington, Daniel D., 25, mustered July 10, 1861, deserted from Alexandria, VA on Sept. 16, 1862.

6. Huver, John, 28, mustered July 10, 1861, deserted from Alexandria, VA on Apr. 20, 1862.

7. Lent, Cyrus, 22, deserted from Washington, D. C., Aug. 22, 1862.

8. Nains, George W., 23, deserted from Elmira, NY, June 18, 1861.

9. Shaffer, Lewis, Sergeant, 20, deserted from Alexandria, VA Aug. 20, 1862.

10. Shreaves, Charles, 23, deserted from Alexandria, VA Oct. 22, 1861.

11. Sloat, Jesse B., 19, deserted from battle-field of Gaines’ Mill, June 27, 1862.

12. Washington, James F., 24, deserted from Antietam, Sept. 16, 1862.


(In accordance with General Order No. 162, Headquarters Army of the Potomac.)

1. Barret, Elias, 22. taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861.

2. Sherwood, Aaron, 21.

3. Smith, Thomas, 19, taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861.

4. Miller, Samuel, 21, Musician.

5. Bronson, James, 21.



1. Alexander D. Adams, 28, Captain from enrollment to Sept. 1, 1861, then Lieutenant-Colonel to Oct. 4, 1862, then Colonel.

2. Henry R. White, 27, First-Lieutenant from enrollment to Sept. 1, 1861, then Captain. Wounded in battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.


1. William H. Swan, 44, Second-Lieutenant from enrollment to Sept. 1, 1861, then First-Lieutenant to July 24, 1862, then Captain Co. "H" until Mar. 1862, then resigned.

2. William C. Belden, 19, Corporal to Sept. 1, 1861, then Fifth-Sergeant to Dec. 1, 1861, then Fourth-Sergeant to Aug. 5, 1862, then Second-Sergeant to July 25, 1862, then First-Lieutenant to Jan. 4, 1863, then resigned. Lost left arm in the battle of Crampton’s Pass Sept. 14, 1862.

3. Crosby Hopkins, 30, Third-Sergeant to Aug. 20, 1862 then Second-Lieutenant to Jan. 4, 1863, then First-Lieutenant.


1. Charles L. Gaul, 26, Sergeant-Major to Sept. 1, 1861, then Second-Lieutenant to Aug. 20, 1862, then died of disease at New York City.

2. Charles Sherman, 22, Fourth-Sergeant to Dec. 1, 1861, then Third-Sergeant to Aug. 5, 1862, then First-Sergeant to Jan. 4, 1863, then Second-Lieutenant.


1. George M. Belden, 21, Private from enrollment to Sept. 1, 1861, then Corporal to Dec. 1, 1861, then Fifth-Sergeant to Aug. 5, 1862, then Third-Sergeant to Jan. 4, 1863, then First-Sergeant.

2. William Shattuck, 23, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861, to Third-Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862, to Second-Sergeant Jan. 4, 1863.

3. John C. Hooper, 26, promoted to Corporal Dec. 1, 1861, to Fourth-Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862, to Third-Sergeant Jan. 4, 1863, wounded at Fredericksburg, May 3, 1863.

4. James C. Bowen, 23, promoted from Corporal to Fifth-Sergeant Jan. 4, 1863.


1. John D. McVicar, 21, wounded in battle of Gaines’ Mill, June 27, 1862.

2. Almeron Crannell, 20, promoted to Corporal Aug. 1, 1862. Taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

3. John Forsmire, 24, promoted to Corporal Aug. 1, 1862.

4. James Ellison, 26, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1862.

5. Joseph C. Sampson, 24, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1862.

6. Franklin Hecox, 19, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1862.

7. George C. Rooker, 18, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1862.

8. William H. McIntyre, 20, promoted to Corporal Jan. 4, 1863.


1. Allen, Willard, 18.

2. Althen, Charles, 19.

3. Adams, Lewis, 19, dropped and restored.

4. Braden, Joseph A., 21.

5. Brott, William, 18.

6. Brown, Henry W., 26, wounded in battle of Fredricksburgh, May 3, 1863.

7. Bulyea, Francis, 18.

8. Buell, Dexter, 19, mustered July 5, 1861.

9. Cassidy, Andrew, 28.

10. Czerny, Godfred, 28, mustered July 5, 1861.

11. Disbrow, Robert, 19, taken prisoner May 4, 1863, battle of Fredericksburg.

12. Durkee, Robert M., 20.

13. Durkee, James, 27.

14. Dwinnell, Roderick, 20.

15. Dwinnell, Myron H., 18.

16. Dunn, Gibson, 20.

17. Eames, John C., 31.

18. Ehret, Michael, mustered Nov. 28, 1861.

19. Foster, George, 34, mustered Nov. 28, 1861.

20. Hill, Sylvester C., 21.

21. Hilliard, Thomas, 40, mustered July 5, 1861.

22. Jensee, Charles K., 30, mustered July 5, 1861.

23. Knoblock, John, 18.

24. Klumpp, George, 18, mustered Nov. 27, 1861.

25. Lehner, George, 18.

26. Lawrence, Raymond D., 18, dropped from rolls and restored May 11, 1863.

27. Murphy, Cornelius W., 21.

28. Murphy, Patrick, 18, mustered July 5, 1861.

29. McCumber, Edwin, 18, mustered Nov. 26, 1861.

30. Mahoney, James, 19, mustered July 5, 1861.

31. Odell, Charles, 21.

32. Puffer, Charles A., 18.

33. Potter, Henry, 31, taken sick Aug. 28, 1862, in hospital till Dec. 15, 1862.

34. Pudney, Richard D., 19, dropped from the rolls, and restored Apr. 17, 1863.

35. Rowling, William, 19.

36. Rooker, Henry, 20.

37. Smith, William, 18.

38. Smith, John T., 20.

39. Sherman, Lafayette, 19, taken prisoner Dec. 12, 1862 and paroled.

40. Snitzel, John H., 18.

41. Snedaker, James W., 21.

42. Tindall, George W., 26.

43. Tifling, Thomas H., 20.

44. Thomas, William, 25.

45. Walrath, George H., taken prisoner May 4, 1863 at Fredericksburg.

46. Westfall, David, 22.

47. Williams, George, W., 19.

48. Westfall, Martin, 21.

49. Whitney, Myron H., 22.

50. Zimmerman, Augustus, 18.


1. Bullock, Royal J., 44, discharged Dec. 29, 1862.

2. Betts, Thomas S., 21, discharged Aug. 14, 1861.

3. Cosart, John H., 17, discharged Aug. 26, 1861. Minor.

4. Carey, John E., 18, discharged Feb. 18, 1863.

5. Foster, Edward P., discharged Aug. 10, 1861.

6. Hill, Eben L., 18, discharged Aug. 14, 1861.

7. Jones, David, 25, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged Apr. 14, 1862.

8. Klumpp, Theodore, 19, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged June 19, 1862.

9. King, Thomas, 24, mustered Nov. 25, 1861, wounded in battle of Gaines’ Mill, discharged Dec. 31, 1862.

10. Leonard, Ambrose, 19, discharged Apr. 5, 1862.

11. Leach, Edwin, 18, discharged Nov. 21, 1862.

12. Miller, Otto, 32, discharged Dec. 29, 1862.

13. Rhodenback, Jacob, 22, discharged Oct. 25, 1862.

14. Smith, George N., 18, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged Jan. 7, 1863.

15. Vosburgh, William, 19, discharged Apr. 29, 1862.

16. Vaughn, James, 33, wounded in battle of Gaines’ Mill, discharged Sept. 13, 1862.

17. Van Amburgh, Abram, 25, discharged Aug. 3, 1862.

18. Vaughn, James, 33, wounded in battle of Gaines’ Mill, discharged Sept. 13, 1862.

19. Wiley, Jonathan G., 21, discharged Oct. 1, 1861.

20. Williams, Seneca, 19, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged July 12, 1862.


1. Ellis, Clark C., 23, promoted to Sergeant-Major, Aug. 30, 1862.

2. Goodrich, Melville W., 27, promoted to Adjutant Dec. 1, 1861, dismissed Aug. 30, 1862.

3. Holmes, Robert E., 21, promoted to First-Sergeant Dec. 1, 1861, Aug. 5, 1862 to Second-Lieutenant in 108th New York, and killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862.


1. Allee, Edward, 21, wounded and taken prisoner in the battle of Gaines’ Mill, exchanged and died July 29, 1862.

2. Anderson, Rowland B., 23, July 2, 1862 died of wounds received in battle of Gaines’ Mill.

3. Brink, Chester, 38, prisoner, died in Richmond, VA July 2, 1862.

4. Dunn, Charles, 18, died of disease Dec. 2, 1861.

5. Hennington, Edward, 18, died of disease Nov. 20, 1862.

6. Kessler, Alfred, 21, died of disease Dec. 15, 1861.

7. Laper, Frederick, 35, died of disease Oct. 13, 1862.

8. Mills, Joseph, 21, died of disease Dec. 13, 1861.

9. Morey, George, 23, mustered Nov. 27, 1861, died of disease Apr. 3, 1862.

10. McElvain, William, 18, mustered July 5, 1861, died July 2, 1862 of wounds received at battle of Gaines’ Mill.

11. Strickland, Lewis C., 18, died July 2, 1862 of wounds received at battle of Gaines’ Mill.

12. Seavey, Joseph, 23, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861, killed in battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.


1. Blynn, Chauncey, mustered July 5, 1861, deserted Aug. 13, 1861.

2. Singleton, John, 21, deserted Aug. 30, 1862.

3. Fossett, Samuel, mustered July 5, 1861, deserted July 22, 1861.

4. Graves, George C., 24, mustered Nov. 28, 1861, deserted Aug. 30, 1862.

5. Martens, Adolph, 30, deserted July 22, 1861.

6. Phillips, Andrew, mustered July 5, 1861, deserted July 26, 1861.

7. Richardson, David, mustered July 5, 1861, deserted Aug. 13, 1861.


1. Lake, Abram, mustered Nov. 29, 1861, whereabouts unknown.

2. Metzker, Jacob, 44, Nov. 29, 1861, supposed to have been killed in the battle of Gaines’ Mill.

3. Thorn, Samuel, 25, whereabouts unknown.

4. Weaver, Spencer C., 21, in hospital, Fort Schuyler.



1. Joseph J. Bartlett, 26, Captain from enrollment to May 21, 1861, then Major until Sept. 1, 1861, promoted to Brigadier-General Oct. 4, 1862.

2. Edward L. Lewis, 21, First-Lieutenant from enrollment to May 21, 1861, then Captain until Aug. 2, 1861, then resigned.

3. Charles A. Wells, 19, Second-Lieutenant from enrollment until May 21, 1861, then First-Lieutenant to Sept. 1, 1861, then Captain. Assigned to duty as Ordnance Officer, 1st Division, 6th Corps, Apr. 20, 1863.


1. George H. Hurd, discharged Feb. 23, 1862, by order of General McClellan.

2. James M. Watson, 20, promoted from Third-Sergeant Feb. 15, 1862, in command of the Company after July 2, 1862.


1. James King, 20, mustered Feb. 5, 1861, promoted from Private Sept. 1, 1861, resigned Mar. 8, 1862.

2. John E. Ronk, 18, promoted from Fourth-Sergeant May 7, 1862, wounded at Gaines’ Mill, resigned Nov. 13, 1862.

3. Eri S. Watson, 26, promoted from Corporal to First Sergeant May 7, 1862, to Second-Lieutenant Nov. 13, 1862.


1. Joshua V. N. Williams, 18, promoted to First-Sergeant Nov. 13, 1862.

2. Frederick L. Gleason, 23, promoted from Corporal May 7, 1862.

3. Gilbert Mix, 22, promoted from Private Dec. 3, 1862.

4. Robert Way, 20, mustered July 5, 1861, promoted from Private Dec. 3, 1862.

5. Allen Banks, 20, mustered July 5, 1861, promoted from Private Nov. 13, 1862.


1. Orlan Harmon, 36, promoted May 7, 1862.

2. George W. F. Fanning, 22, promoted May 7, 1862, taken prisoner at Bull Run.

3. Howard Evans, 21, mustered Oct. 18, 1861, promoted May 7, 1862.

4. Alvin Gibbs, 25, mustered July 5, 1861, promoted Dec. 3, 1862.

5. John Stowell, 20, mustered Sept. 1, 1861, promoted Dec. 3, 1862.

6. Alexander Bailey, 23, promoted Jan. 24, 1863.

7. Charles F. Yenne, 20, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, returned Dec. 10, 1862, promoted Jan. 24, 1863.

8. Alonzo C. Taft, 19, promoted Jan. 24, 1863.


1. Lewis W. Chichester, 30.

2. Claude Dempsey, 20.


1. Austin, William C., 25.

2. Abell, Oramel D., 23.

3. Anson, John, 26, mustered July 5, 1861.

4. Allard, Andrew H., 20, mustered Oct. 12, 1861.

5. Adams, Martin, H., 20.

6. Bacon, Orville, 20.

7. Bowker, William H., 25.

8. Benson, Henry N., 18.

9. Benson, Isaac, 21, mustered Sept. 1, 1861, absent (sick) from Sept. 15, 1862 to May 5, 1863.

10. Brown, David, 21.

11. Brown, Simeon, 19.

12. Black, Sherlock F., 20.

13. Burrows, Worchester S., 20, mustered July 5, 1861.

14. Barlow, Abel J., 21, mustered Oct. 16, 1861.

15. Burrows, George W., 18, mustered Oct. 17, 1861.

16. Bixby, Calvin H., 24.

17. Boyden, John, 19, taken prisoner at Bull Run.

18. Case, S. Girard, 24.

19. Clow, John, 21, mustered Sept. 30, 1861.

20. Dorn, John, 19.

21. Driscoll, Michael, 21.

22. Divine, Eber S., 22, mustered Oct. 6, 1861.

23. Fowler, Harvey C., 22, mustered Oct. 12, 1861.

24. French, Jonathan, 21.

25. Gillick, Thomas, 21.

26. Groat, Simon, 28.

27. Hokirk, Oliver, 21.

28. Johnson, Levi R., 19.

29. Jay, William S., 18.

30. Lambert, Clark, 19.

31. Lovejoy, George, 43, mustered Oct. 18, 1861.

32. Lovelace, James F., 25, mustered Oct. 16, 1861.

33. Leonard, Charles R., mustered Oct. 12, 1861.

34. Lakin, James C., 24, mustered Sept. 20, 1861.

35. Lull, Harrison, 19, mustered Feb. 5, 1861.

36. Millmore, Patrick, 22.

37. Martin, Robert, 18.

38. Pratt, Francis, 19, mustered Feb. 5, 1861.

39. Post, Lewis J., 21, mustered Oct. 17, 1861.

40. Sterling, Melvin F., 27.

41. Short, Joseph, 32.

42. Southworth, Charles., 27, mustered July 5, 1861.

43. Stoutenburg, Lawrence N., 20, mustered Sept. 23, 1861.

44. Tripp, William H., 19, mustered Oct. 28, 1861, dropped and restored.

45. Vandervort, John, 23, mustered Oct. 17, 1861.

46. Van Alstin, William H., 35, taken prisoner at Bull Run.

47. Whitman, Albert G., 23.

48. Whitney, Franklin, 19.

49. Walker, Abram, 27, mustered Oct. 12, 1861.


1. Blair, Morris P., 22, Corporal, discharged Jan. 5, 1863.

2. Ballard, Lewis W., 29, discharged Aug. 12, 1861.

3. Blanshan, Everett, 18, mustered Oct. 12, 1861, discharged Feb. 9, 1863.

4. Burrows, Avery W., 21, mustered Oct. 17, 1861, discharged Feb. 9, 1863.

5. Butler, John W., 19, discharged Jan. 28, 1863.

6. Coe, Henry, 21, discharged Mar. 28, 1862.

7. Crumb, Samuel B., 19, musician, discharged Aug. 1, 1861.

8. Conrow, Jacob, 44, mustered Oct. 16, 1861, discharged Jan. 5, 1863.

9. Cafferty, Edward M., 19, discharged Aug. 12, 1861.

10. Durand, Frederick, 18, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, wounded in battle of Crampton’s Pass, discharged Mar. 14, 1863.

11. Hokirk, George, 18, discharged Sept. 30, 1861.

12. Hulse, Hiram W., 44, mustered Oct. 16, 1861, discharged Feb. 10, 1862 on account of injuries received while on line of duty.

13. Hotchkiss, Horatio G., 30, mustered Oct. 16, 1861, discharged Apr. 25, 1862.

14. Hangi, Joseph, 30, discharged Apr. 14, 1863.

15. Lynch, Thomas, 44, mustered Oct. 23, 1861, discharged Dec. 3, 1862 for old age, fifth enlistment.

16. Lakin, Chester, 26, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged Oct. 12, 1862, loss of finger by accident.

17. Landphier, Deronda, 18, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged Aug. 6, 1861.

18. McGuire, Michael, 20, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged Jan. 10, 1862.

19. Perry, Charles, 18, discharged Jan. 10, 1862.

20. Potter, William H., 22, mustered Feb. 5, 1861, discharged Aug. 12, 1862.

21. Schramm, Charles B., 33, discharged Oct. 31, 1862.

22. Service, Charles W., mustered Feb. 5, 1861, discharged Aug. 8, 1861.

23. Tompkins, William H., 24, discharged Dec. 28, 1861.

24. Tompkins, Thomas W., 20, discharged Aug. 6, 1861.

25. Wheeler, Henry O., 21, Sergeant, mustered Feb. 5, 1861, discharged Jan. 17, 1862.


1. Andrews, George W., 19, taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run, died at Richmond, VA, Aug. 15, 1861.

2. Butler, George, 19, taken prisoner at Bull Run, paroled in May 1862, died Aug. 21, 1862.

3. Clark, Jason B., 20, died June 10, 1861 at Elmira, NY.

4. Green, Martin, 28, died Dec. 11, 1861.

5. Maine, Cornelius W., 23, Sergeant, died Dec. 23, 1862.

6. Shaw, James G., 39, mustered Oct. 24, 1861, died Mar. 29, 1862.

7. Ward, James B., 33, mustered Oct. 16, 1861, died July 1862 after having been paroled.


1. Butler, John, 19, at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861.

2. Coe, John, 20, killed at battle of Fredericksburg, VA, May 4, 1863.

3. Esterbrook, Samuel, 22, killed at battle Bull Run, July 21, 1861.

4. Miller, Norman S., 23, killed at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861.

5. Parker, William H., 20, killed at battle of Gaines’ Mill, June 27, 1862.


1. Bartholomew, James, 25, deserted Aug. 7, 1861.

2. Davis, George, 21, deserted Aug. 14, 1861.

3. Dalton, Gilbert, 36, mustered Oct. 28, 1861, deserted Jan. 25, 1862.

4. Gaffney, John, 18, mustered Oct. 7, 1861, deserted Sept. 17, 1862.

5. Hill, John S., 38, deserted Aug. 21, 1861.

6. Larkin, Daniel W., 28, deserted Apr. 15, 1862.

7. Leonard, Theodore M., 20, Sergeant, deserted Oct. 2, 1861.

8. Richmond, Edwin S., 19, deserted Sept. 1861.

9. Twitchell, Theodore, 22, deserted Aug. 11, 1861.

10. Warner, Samuel H., 33, deserted July 21, 1861.


1. Barnes, William, 25, taken prisoner at Bull Run.

2. Barwise, James, 21, nurse in hospital at Fortress Monroe.

3. Dunn, George W., 21, Sergeant, taken prisoner at Bull Run, paroled in May 1862, commissioned as Captain 109th New York Regiment.

4. Davis, Eugene M., 24, Sergeant, taken prisoner at Bull Run, paroled in May 1862, commissioned as Captain 109th New York Regiment.


1. Carmer, Charles E., 22, transferred to the Second Regular Battery.



1. Hiram C. Rogers, 26, promoted to A.A.G. on Gen. Slocum’s staff July 20, 1862.

2. Albert G. Northrop, 27, was Sergeant to July 21, 1861, Second-Lieutenant to July 2, 1862, Captain to Nov. 27, 1862 when he resigned.

3. Albert M. Taylor, 26, was Private to July 20, 1862, the Second-Lieutenant till Nov. 27, 1862, then Captain, assigned to duty as Assistant Commissioner of Muster, Headquarters First Division, Sixth Corps, Apr. 20, 1863.


1. Henry C. Jackson, 26, resigned Aug. 7, 1861.

2. Edwin D. Comstock, 21, Sergeant to Aug. 7, 1861, then First-Lieutenant. Feb. 8 promoted to Captain of Co. "A".

3. George A. Dickson, 24, promoted to First-Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861, to First-Lieutenant Feb. 8, 1862. Dismissed by Order of President Oct. 11, 1862.

4. William M. Nimbs, 21, promoted Oct. 11, 1862 from Sergeant in Co. "H" to First-Lieutenant Co. "D".


1. Asa Park, 35, killed in battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861.

2. Charles N. Elliott, 18, promoted to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant Nov. 27, 1862.


1. Oliver A. Kilmer, 22, promoted to Corporal Nov. 1, 1861, then Sergeant May 6, 1862.

2. Chauncey J. Durfee, 25, promoted from Private Sept. 1, 1861.

3. Edward M. Watson, 23, promoted from Corporal Sept. 1, 1862.

4. Frank Coleman, 18, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Mar. 1, 1863.

5. Charles B. Fairchild, 19, taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861, paroled May 22, 1862, returned to regiment Oct. 4, 1862, promoted from Corporal Mar. 1, 1863.


1. Lewis Walton, 34, promoted Sept. 1, 1862.

2. Lewis H. Brown, 18, mustered July 4, 1861, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

3. Henry M. Crocker, 18, promoted Nov. 1, 1861.

4. George O. Pratt, 28, mustered Aug. 22, 1861, promoted Sept. 12, 1862.

5. William H. Siple, 20, mustered Aug. 26, 1861, promoted Sept. 12, 1862.

6. William E. Johnson, 23, mustered Oct. 3, 1861, promoted Mar. 1, 1863.

7. William H. Gray, 22, promoted Mar. 1, 1863.

8. Williams, Elijah P., 18, promoted to Corporal, Feb. 8, 1862.


1. Charles Winter, 22.

2. Charles Van Horn, 19.


1. Aylsworth, William J., mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

2. Burrows, John W., 24.

3. Bentley, Francis, 36.

4. Cole, Russell S., 21.

5. Crawford, Alexander, 20, mustered Sept. 30, 1861.

6. Case, John G., 20, mustered Aug. 30, 1861, dropped and restored to roll having been absent, sick in hospital.

7. Dickinson, Alonzo, 23, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

8. Dickinson, Reuben J., 25.

9. Dyer, Pardee S., 25, mustered Sept. 1, 1861, dropped, absent (sick in hospital), returned May 20, 1863.

10. Fagen, James P., 20.

11. Fowler, Frederick, 22.

12. Finch, Abel, 28.

13. Forker, Richard, 20, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

14. Gage, Aaron W., 21.

15. Gorman, Matthias, 22.

16. Harding, Charles A., 23.

17. Hobbs, Jonas, 35, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

18. Hurlburt, George E., 21, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

19. Johnson, William E., 18, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

20. Kilmer, George L., 18, mustered Mar. 20, 1862.

21. Lay, William H., 24.

22. McLaughlin, John, 24.

23. Minkler, Jesse, 34, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

24. Moore, James E., 18, mustered Oct. 12, 1861.

25. Paddleford, Zael, 24, mustered May 24, 1861.

26. Pratt, David, 24, mustered Aug. 27, 1861.

27. Platt, Charles W., 20, taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861, paroled May 3, 1862, dropped and restored to roll Mar. 30, 1863.

28. Reid, Edwin S., 18, dropped and restored to roll.

29. Spencer, Benjamin F., 24.

30. Spencer, Nelson, 21.

31. Spencer, William W., 27.

32. Spendley, William J., 20.

33. Slater, Charles, 19, accidentally wounded, absent (sick in hospital) since Jan. 10, 1863.

34. Scott, Arthur, 18, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

35. Seymour, Albert, 19, mustered Oct. 3, 1861.

36. Smith, Henry M., 25, mustered Sept. 30, 1862.

37. Sampson, William P., 19, wounded and taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run.

38. Tanner, Watson B., 23, mustered Oct. 12, 1861.

39. Webber, Charles, 22.

40. Wilkins, John, 30.

41. Williams, Daniel F., mustered July 4, 1861.

42. Whittlesey, L. Hibbard, 20, mustered July 4, 1861.

43. Wilson, Benton H., 18.

44. White, Addison G., 28, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

45. Whitehead, James, 23, mustered Oct. 1, 1861.

46. Winchell, Samuel, 21, mustered Oct. 5, 1861.

47. Waldorff, Henry, 31, mustered Oct. 12, 1861.


1. Bartram, William H., 22, First-Sergeant, discharged Aug. 1, 1861.

2. Armstrong, Albert D., 20, Corporal, discharged Sept. 1, 1861.

3. Bolls, William D., 19, discharged Nov. 1, 1862.

4. Booth, Alva, 20, mustered Oct. 12, 1861, discharged May 1, 1862.

5. Burrows, Stewart A., 23, discharged May 8, 1863.

6. Canoll, Heber, 18, discharged May 1862.

7. Crawford, Alexander H., 27, mustered Oct. 1, 1861, discharged March 1, 1862.

8. Crissman, Philip, 18, mustered Aug. 12, 1861, discharged Dec. 12, 1862.

9. Cone, Clark J., 18, Corporal, discharged May 8, 1863.

10. Francisco, Frank, 28, discharged Sept. 1, 1861.

11. Fairchild, Charles H., 24, discharged Jan. 8, 1862.

12. Gates, William H., 30, mustered July 4, 1861, discharged Oct. 31, 1862.

13. Grimes, Frank, 28, mustered July 4, 1861, discharged Nov. 15, 1861.

14. Howard, Asa L., 20, mustered July 4, 1861, discharged Aug. 2, 1861.

15. Hopkins, William H., 20, mustered Aug. 12, 1861, discharged May 25, 1861.

16. Hughes, Albert, 23, mustered Aug. 12, 1861, discharged Dec. 1, 1862.

17. Leonard, Gilbert, 18, mustered Oct. 12, 1861, discharged Feb. 18, 1862.

18. Lester, James, 30, discharged Feb. 1, 1862.

19. Monroe, Thaddeus S., 22, discharged Dec. 3, 1862.

20. McKune, Sidney A., 20, wounded and taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, discharged Feb. 16, 1862.

21. Newman, Melvin A., 20, Corporal, discharged Aug. 18, 1862.

22. Osborn, Joseph R., 19, discharged Aug. 2, 1861.

23. Paddleford, Newell, 28, mustered July 4, 1861, discharged July 21, 1862.

24. Payne, Delos, 34, discharged Jan. 20, 1862.

25. Randall, William J., 37, musician, discharged Jan. 10, 1863.

26. Sturdevant, Stephen A., 22, discharged Aug. 30, 1861.

27. Smith, Charles W., 20, mustered Oct. 12, 1861, discharged Aug. 30, 1861.

28. Thompson, Charles, 18, discharged Aug. 3, 1861.

29. Tripp, Joseph F., 35, discharged Jan. 1, 1863.

30. VanAukin, Gideon, 21, discharged Jan. 1, 1863.

31. Wilcox, George L., 27, discharged Jan. 1, 1862.

32. Williamson, George, 23, Sergeant, discharged Jan. 1, 1863.


1. Brainard, William H. H., 20, promoted to Second-Lieutenant and transferred to Co. "F", Dec. 14, 1862.

2. Kirby, James P., 28, promoted to Corporal, Nov. 1, 1861, promoted and transferred to Reg. Staff, Oct. 15, 1862.

3. McCauley, James N., 19, mustered July 4, 1861, taken prisoner at Bull Run, transferred to Pennsylvania Volunteers.

4. Thompson, Charles E., 23, mustered July 4, 1861, Corporal, promoted to Sergeant-Major Nov. 1, 1861.


1. Bailey, John L., 21, promoted from Corporal to First-Sergeant, shot by a rebel scout at West Point, VA, May 6, 1862.

2. Burge, Irvin S., 28, killed in action at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

3. Brackett, Samuel, 26, mustered July 4, 1861, died Jan. 14, 1862 at Alexandria, VA.

4. Dwight, Webster, 22, mustered Aug. 30, 1861, died Jan. 20, 1862 at New York.

5. Dwight, Joseph B., 26, mustered Aug. 20, 1861, died Dec. 21, 1861 at Alexandria, VA.

6. Frederick, Ira, 24, mustered July 4, 1861, killed in action at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

7. Goodrich, J. Lafayette, 20, mustered Oct. 5, 1861, killed in action at Battle of Crampton’s Pass Sept. 14, 1862.

8. Harding, Henry A., 20, wounded at the battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862, died Aug. 15, 1862 at Philadelphia, PA.

9. Meacham, Calvin, 26, killed in action at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

10. Phelps, Oscar, 22, mustered July 4, 1861, died Aug. 11, 1862 at Philadelphia, PA.

11. Pardee, Cyrus, 26, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run, died in Richmond, VA about Aug. 1, 1861.

12. Snedaker, James V., 19, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run, died in Richmond, VA on Sept. 14, 1861.


1. Hogan, John H., 25, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, released Jan. 21, 1862, deserted Feb. 14, 1862.

2. Howard, Chester, 28, deserted Apr. 4, 1862.

3. Hoyt, David, 25, mustered Oct. 11, 1861, deserted Mar. 20, 1862.

4. Trail, William, 23, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, deserted Mar. 20, 1862.

5. Tiffany, George, 22, mustered Oct. 11, 1861, deserted Dec. 31, 1861.

6. Ransom, George, 21, mustered Sept. 1, 1861, deserted Aug. 26, 1862.


1. Coon, James, 20, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run, dropped by General Order No. 162, Aug. 14, 1862, sub-muster out Aug. 19, 1864.

2. Hedding, George, 17, dropped Aug. 14, 1862 by General Order No. 162.



1. George G. Wanzer, 21, promoted to Major Oct. 4, 1862.

2. Edward P. Gould, 26, promoted from Second-Lieutenant to First-Lieutenant Feb. 26, 1862, to Captain Oct. 4, 1862.


1. Charles S. Baker, 23, resigned on account of disability Feb. 26, 1862.

2. George H. Robertson, promoted from First-Sergeant in Co. "G" to Second-Lieutenant July 22, 1862, to First-Lieutenant Oct. 4, 1862.


1. Joseph Webster, 28, promoted from Sergeant to First-Sergeant Dec. 1, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant Feb. 26, 1862, died July 22, 1862 at Portsmouth, VA while a prisoner, from wounds received at Gaines’ Mill.

2. Clinton E. Hodgeman, 22, promoted from Sergeant Co. "K" to Second-Lieutenant Oct. 4, 1862.


1. William E. Hyatt, 24, promoted from Corporal to Sergeant Nov. 1, 1861, to First-Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862.

2. Morton H. Gould, 25, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

3. Charles W. Peacock, 22, promoted from Corporal to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861.

4. Newton Thompson, 25, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862.

5. Duncan L. Brown, 32, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1862, to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862.


1. Frederick W. Crampton, mustered July 5, 1861, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

2. James H. Price, 26, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

3. John P. Colby, 36, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

4. John F. Cooper, 20, promoted Nov. 1, 1861.

5. John T. Clague, 20, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run, promoted Sept. 1, 1862.

6. Clark Sturdevant, 19, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, promoted Sept. 1, 1862, wounded at battle of Fredericksburg May 3, 1863.

7. Thomas Carloan, 18, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.


1. Bolton, Isaac, 19, mustered Aug. 28, 1861.

2. Brophy, James, 36, mustered Aug. 28, 1861.

3. Brady, William H., 22, mustered Aug. 28, 1861.

4. Banker, George, 18.

5. Bond, George A., 19.

6. Bachman, Sigismund, 21.

7. Bells, John L. Jr., 18.

8. Bounds, John, 18.

9. Cooney, Patrick, 46, mustered July 5, 1861.

10. Coppernail, Andrew, 18, mustered July 5, 1861.

11. Cowles, Roswell B., 18, mustered Aug. 28, 1861.

12. Derx, Conrad, 20.

13. Dumphy, Patrick, 19.

14. Edson, John B., 23.

15. Gunther, Frank, 19.

16. Hall, John T., 20.

17. Hibbard, Horace, 27.

18. Hickman, Joseph H., 18.

19. Hosmer, Henry, 19, mustered Aug. 28, 1861.

20. Harrington, Michael, 18, musician.

21. Hilton, Peter, 21.

22. Harper, Joseph, 18, mustered Aug. 28, 1861.

23. Kneale, William, 28.

24. Kent, George W., 19.

25. Mason, John H., 21.

26. Mack, John F., 22.

27. Mylacraine, Robert, 18.

28. Nellis, Michael, 18.

29. O’Conner, Christopher, 19, mustered July 5, 1861.

30. Page, John G., 19.

31. Phalan, Thomas, 28.

32. Pike, Robert R., 46, mustered Aug. 28, 1861.

33. Richards, Joseph F., 25.

34. Ross, David C., 19.

35. Reynolds, William W., 18, mustered Aug. 28, 1861.

36. Schomann, Frederick, 21.

37. Schroeder, Frederick, 19.

38. Tracy, Samuel, 20.

39. Tierney, Daniel, 24.

40. Vunk, Joseph C., 22.

41. Van Antwerp, John H., 18, mustered July 5, 1861.

42. Wilson, John, 25, mustered July 5, 1861.

43. Wallis, Frederick, 18, mustered Aug. 28, 1861.

44. Weeks, James E., 19, mustered Aug. 28. 1861.


1. Andrews, James M., 23, discharged Aug. 28, 1861.

2. Armstrong, Delos, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, discharged Feb. 10, 1863.

3. Bachelder, Milton D., 20, Corporal, discharged Oct. 4, 1862.

4. Baker, Thomas F., 22, discharged Aug. 4, 1861.

5. Booth, Cyrus M., mustered Aug. 28, 1861, discharged Mar. 6, 1862.

6. Burbank, John K., 20, discharged Jan. 19, 1863, from wounds received at battle of Gaines’ Mill.

7. Butler, Edward, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged Mar. 25, 1863 from wounds received at Gaines’ Mill.

8. Cottrell, William O., 19, discharged Sept. 9, 1861.

9. Ellerbeck, Robert E., 25, First-Sergeant, discharged Oct. 1, 1861.

10. Freeland, Christopher, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, discharged Sept. 15, 1862.

11. Goodwin, Frank, 18, discharged Sept. 27, 1861, minor and foreigner (request of Lord Lyons).

12. Gibbs, Augustus, 18, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, discharged Jan. 27, 1862.

13. Hafner, Paul, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged Sept. 1, 1861.

14. Hanlon, William, 19, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run, leg amputated, discharged Nov. 2, 1861.

15. Hopwood, John M., 18, discharged Oct. 1, 1861.

16. Jumph, Walter V., 22, discharged July 6, 1861.

17. Kelly, Mark H., 26, discharged Aug. 18, 1861, over exertion returning from Bull Run July 21, 1861.

18. Lawrence, Henry C., discharged Aug. 27, 1861, being a minor.

19. Merrill, William H., 26, Corporal, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, exchanged Jan. 3, 1862, discharged Mar. 6, 1862.

20. Morrison, Thomas, 19, discharged Feb. 14, 1862.

21. Mills, Charles, 18, no dates given.

22. Tallon, William, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, discharged Oct. 1861.

23. Tourgee, Albion W., 23, Sergeant, discharged Aug. 8, 1861, injury of spine received at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

24. Wadsworth, Charles, 19, discharged Dec. 31, 1862.

25. Watson, John, 19, discharged Feb. 8, 1863.


1. Bosley, Daniel W., 21, promoted to hospital steward of regiment.

2. Cole, Daniel D., mustered Aug. 28, 1861, transferred to 86th Regiment N.Y. Volunteers June 18, 1862.

3. Cheney, W. Fitch, 28, promoted to hospital steward of regiment.


1. Crawford, Walter, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, died Feb. 25, 1863 at Smoketown, MD hospital.

2. Dee, John, died Jan. 29, 1862.

3. Durkee, Lafayette, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, killed at battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

4. Fuller, Gilbert W., 29, musician, killed June 5, 1862 at Mechanicsville, VA.

5. Guiner, Jacob G., 21, died May 29, 1862 at Savage Station, VA.

6. Hosmer, Charles A., 18, killed in battle of Fredericksburg, VA, May 3, 1863.

7. Lavis, Richard, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, died Nov. 1, 1862 at Hagerstown, MD.

8. Richardson, William, mustered July 5, 1861, died Nov. 7, 1862 at Hagerstown, MD.

9. Stillson, Everard P., 22, Corporal, promoted to Sergeant, killed at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.


1. Ambrose, Edward T., 18, deserted Aug. 13, 1861 from

Washington, D. C.

2. Arnot, John T., 21, deserted Aug. 10, 1861, on furlough since Aug. 1, 1861.

3. Decroyft, Abram W., 24, deserted July 6, 1861 from Elmira, NY.

4. Goubleman, Edward, 18, deserted Feb. 4, 1862, from Camp Franklin, VA.

5. Hislop, Ebenezer, deserted Feb. 4, 1862 from Camp Franklin, VA.

6. Halstead, James W., Corporal, mustered July 5, 1861, deserted Aug. 1, 1862 from hospital at Portsmouth, VA.

7. Jenks, Woodburn C., 21, deserted Aug. 18, 1862, on the march from Harrison’s Landing,

8. Moore, James, 20, deserted Aug. 5, 1861.

9. Morton, Henry, 22, promoted to Sergeant Oct. 1, 1861, deserted Aug. 8, 1862 from Harrison’s Landing, VA.

10. O’Brien, Patrick, mustered July 5, 1861, deserted Aug. 21, 1861, still on furlough of 7 days.

11. McGettrick, Michael, 21, taken prisoner at Bull Run, exchanged, but never returned to Company.

12. Marshall, Charles, mustered Aug. 28, 1861, deserted Apr. 8, 1862 from Catlett’s Station, VA.

13. Patnode, John, 19, deserted Aug. 1, 1861.

14. Putney, William, 21, deserted July 1861.

15. White, James, 18, deserted July 1861.



1. Peter Jay, 37, resigned Aug. 14, 1862.

2. William H. H. Brainard, promoted to Second-Lieutenant from Co. "D" Dec. 14, 1861, to Captain Aug. 11, 1862, resigned Nov. 27, 1862.

3. George H. Roman, 20, promoted from Corporal to Sergeant Aug. 1, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant Aug. 14, 1862, to Captain Nov. 27, 1862.


1. William S. Sheldon, 23, resigned Aug. 1, 1861.

2. Lafayette Cross, 35, promoted from Second-Lieutenant to First-Lieutenant Aug. 1, 1861, resigned Feb. 22, 1862.

3. Andrew Patrullo, appointed First-Lieutenant Feb. 22, 1862, resigned Jan. 18, 1863.

4. John R. Briggs, 21, promoted from Second-Lieutenant Co. "G" Jan. 18, 1863.


1. Frank E. Northrop, 20, promoted from Sergeant Aug. 1, 1861, resigned Dec. 14, 1861.

2. Frederick Randall, 21, promoted from Corporal to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861, reduced to ranks July 1, 1862, promoted to Second Lieutenant Nov. 27, 1862.


1. Joseph L. Ross, 28, promoted to First Sergeant Aug. 1, 1862 from Sergeant.

2. Luther N. Hubbard, 23.

3. Daniel W. Wetherell, promoted to Corporal, Aug. 1, 1861, to Sergeant July 27, 1862.

4. William M. Robinson, 22, mustered July 5, 1861, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Feb. 20, 1863.

5. Rollin B. Truesdell, 21, promoted to Corporal Nov. 1, 1862, to Sergeant Feb. 20, 1863.


1. Edwin J. Wilbur, 18, promoted Aug. 1, 1862.

2. Thompson P. Howland, 23, mustered July 5, 1861, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

3. Albert Kniffin, 26, mustered July 8, 1861, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

4. William B. Westerfelt, 24, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

5. John N. Kennedy, 22, promoted Aug. 1, 1862.

6. Solomon Darling, 24, promoted Sept. 1, 1862.

7. Harrison Guiles, 20, promoted Nov. 1, 1862.

8. Sanford Bradbury, 21, promoted Feb. 20, 1863.


1. Thomas C. Smith, 18, mustered July 5, 1861.


1. Bogart, James S., 23, mustered Oct. 21, 1861.

2. Brown, Hiram Jr., 19.

3. Burnside, Gould, 18, mustered Oct. 3, 1861.

4. Bowker, Charles A., 19.

5. Corey, Henry, 19.

6. Cummings, Benjamin, 20.

7. Conklin, Owen D., 21.

8. Corby, Leonard, 21, mustered July 5, 1861.

9. Dunning, James L., 24.

10. Dunning, John, 28.

11. Evans, Bailey, 20, mustered July 5, 1861.

12. Evans, James H., 18.

13. Finch, George W., 19.

14. Gorman, Nathaniel, 42.

15. Handy, Charles O., 27.

16. Hayes, Timothy, 18.

17. Holland, Harland, 21.

18. Houlihan, Patrick, 19.

19. Howland, Warren, 35.

20. Kearn, John, 24, taken prisoner at Bull Run.

21. Keeler, David T., 21, mustered Oct. 21, 1861, wounded at battle of Crampton’s Pass Sept. 14, 1862, in hospital till May 17, 1863.

22. Kelly, Thomas, 21.

23. Lander, Oscar K., 19.

24. Lester, David A., 19.

25. Miller, Charles, 36.

26. Monroe, Alexander, 23, mustered Oct. 21, 1861.

27. Ostrander, J. Washington, 19.

28. Perry, Albert, 23, mustered July 8, 1861.

29. Redfield, Henry, 23.

30. Rood, Andrew, 21.

31. Slater, Timothy S., 19.

32. VanValkenburg, William S. 19, taken prisoner at Bull Run, returned to regiment Feb. 10, 1863.

33. Welch, Albert, 25.

34. Wright, Reuben A., 18, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, returned to regiment Apr. 7, 1863.

35. Walker, David, 24.

36. Yates, Theodore H., 21, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.


1. Benedict, Ira C., 20, Aug. 8, 1861.

2. Bishop, George W., 18, mustered Oct. 2, 1861, discharged June 24, 1862.

3. Benedict, George H., 18, June 24, 1862.

4. Butts, Charles W., 22, wounded at Gaines’ Mill, discharged Sept. 24, 1862.

5. Barry, James, 34, wounded at Gaines’ Mill, discharged May 1, 1863.

6. Cooper, George, 21, mustered July 3, 1861, discharged Jan. 1, 1862.

7. Crary, Charles, 18, mustered Oct. 2, 1861, discharged Mar. 21, 1862.

8. Dawson, Lee T., 18, Aug. 1, 1862, Minor.

9. Durfee, James, 40, Dec. 11, 1862 at Philadelphia, PA.

10. David, Joseph L., 18, discharged Sept. 24, 1862 from wounds received at battle of Gaines’ Mill.

11. French, Franklin, 41, musician, discharged Dec. 12, 1861.

12. French, William, 20, mustered Dec. 2, 1861, discharged Mar. 3, 1863 from wounds received at Battle of Crampton’s Pass Sept. 14, 1862.

13. June, John, 22, Corporal, discharged Aug. 16, 1861.

14. Kelsey, George E., 21, mustered Oct. 3, 1861, discharged Dec. 15, 1862 from wounds received at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

15. Livermore, Edward, 18, mustered Aug. 30, 1861, discharged June 23, 1862.

16. Lobdell, Rosander, 27, discharged Nov. 20, 1862.

17. Lade, Joseph, 23, discharged Dec. 31, 1862 from wounds received at battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

18. Rose, Josiah H., 40, discharged Mar. 3, 1863.

19. Spencer, James, 23, discharged Aug. 8, 1861.

20. Shaw, Philander P., 20, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged July 3, 1863.

21. Troop, Lucius, 18, discharged Feb. 20, 1863.

22. Van Dusen, Charles, 24, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged Apr. 16, 1863.

23. Williams, Henry, 18, discharged Nov. 24, 1862.

24. Whitney, Harvey D., 19, Sergeant, was Corporal till Aug. 14, 1862, discharged Feb. 20, 1863.


1. Benedict, Davolson P., 24, Sergeant, July 27, 1862.

2. Burgee, Charles, 20, Oct. 20, 1862.

3. Coon, Jesse P., 28, Dec. 25, 1861.

4. Cresson, Miles, 18, killed in battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

5. Curren, William E., 18, Feb. 2, 1862.

6. Ferguson, John R., 26, Aug. 16, 1861.

7. Hawkins, Daniel, 23, Mar. 12, 1862.

8. Lockwood, Silas W., 26, mustered July 5, 1861, died Feb. 9, 1863.

9. Rogers, Frank B., 19, killed at Battle of Crampton’s Pass Sept. 14, 1862.

10. Reynolds, James D., 19, Nov. 24, 1862.

11. Randall, Wesley, 25, mustered July 5, 1861, killed in battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

12. Turner, David M., 23, Jan. 28, 1863.

13. Waterman, James Frederick, 19, killed at Battle of Crampton’s Pass Sept. 14, 1862.

14. Warner, Edgar H., 21, taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861, died Aug. 1, 1862.


1. Beckford, George W., 22, Aug. 1, 1861.

2. Barrow, Eben E., 26, mustered Oct. 2, 1861, deserted Mar. 31, 1862.

3. Barrows, Seth, 21, mustered Oct. 2, 1861, deserted Feb. 1863.

4. Boyd, Edward C., 18, mustered July 5, 1861, deserted July 7, 1862.

5. Evans, Charles E., 18, Nov. 9, 1861.

6. Gerig, Harrison, 20, Apr. 17, 1862.

7. Holland, Charles, 19, Aug. 3, 1861.

8. McAvoy, Joseph H., 19, Apr. 17, 1862.

9. Osborn, William L., 21, Oct. 1, 1861.

10. Pierce, Melvin J., Corporal, promoted Sept. 1, 1861, deserted Apr. 17, 1862.

11. Sherwood, Charles C., mustered July 5, 1861, deserted from battlefield of Fredericksburg May 2, 1863. Second desertion.

12. Smith, William H., 24, mustered Oct. 10, 1861, deserted Apr. 17, 1862.

13. Snell, Archibald, 19, Apr. 17, 1862.

14. Taylor, Daniel H., 35, mustered Oct. 2, 1861, deserted Sept. 1, 1862.


1. Corson, Nicholson A., 35, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

2. Hygard, John, 19, missing since battle of Bull Run.

3. Lawson, Allen, 20, mustered Oct. 3, 1861, sent to hospital May 1, 1862. Never heard from since.

4. Watrous, Edwin M., 19, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.



1. James Perkins, 58, resigned Nov. 7, 1861.

2. Philo D. Phillips, 29, promoted from First-Lieutenant Nov. 7, 1861, resigned Apr. 26, 1862.

3. H. Seymour Hall, 24, promoted from Second-Lieutenant Apr. 24, 1862, after Jan. 1863 on detached service as Brigade Inspector on Staff of Gen. J. J. Bartlett.


1. Seymour Pierce, 27, promoted to First-Lieutenant from First-Sergeant Nov. 7, 1861, to Captain of Co. "K" June 9, 1862, after Nov. 7, 1861 on detached service in Signal Corps.

2. Charles Rock, 24, promoted to Corporal Nov. 7, 1861, to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862, to First-Lieutenant Nov. 28, 1862.


1. John R. Briggs, 21, promoted from Sergeant to First-Sergeant Nov. 7, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant Apr. 26, 1862, to First-Lieutenant of Co. "F" Jan. 18, 1863.

2. Edward H. Brady, 20, promoted from Sergeant to First-Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862, to Second-Lieutenant Jan. 18, 1863.


1. J. Herbert Perkins, 24, mustered Sept. 21, 1861, promoted to Sergeant Nov. 7, 1861, to First-Sergeant Feb. 18, 1863.

2. Arch L. VanNess, 18, promoted to Corporal Nov. 7, 1861, to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1862.

3. Van R. Pratt, 18, promoted to Corporal Dec. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Nov. 1, 1862.

4. George Banks, 22, promoted to Corporal Apr. 24, 1862, to Sergeant Nov. 1, 1862.

5. Silas A. Sylvester, promoted to Corporal Nov. 7, 1861, to Sergeant Feb. 18, 1863.


1. George A. Spring, 21, promoted June 21, 1862.

2. John A. Copeland, 18, promoted Sept. 1, 1862.

3. Solomon Wood, 29, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, exchanged Jan. 3, 1862 and returned Jan. 13, 1862.

4. Charles F. Wells, 18, promoted Nov. 1, 1862.

5. Charles H. Mitchell, 23, promoted Nov. 1, 1862.

6. Myron C. Watkins, 24, promoted to Sergeant from Corporal Apr. 24, 1862, reduced to ranks till Nov. 1, 1862, then promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1862.

7. Tyler, J. Briggs, 23, taken prisoner at Bull Run, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1862.

8. Michael Cavanaugh, 26, promoted Feb. 18, 1863.


1. Agard, Gardner W., 22, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, released June 3, 1862.

2. Atchinson, Jonathan B., 21.

3. Baker, William N., 18.

4. Brabon, Robert, 26.

5. Boyd, Alexander, 20.

6. Chappell, George H., 23.

7. Clark, William H., 21, mustered Sept. 21, 1861, sent to hospital May 7, 1862.

8. Emmons, Seymour, mustered Sept. 1, 1861, taken prisoner at Savage Station Jan. 29, 1862.

9. Frazee, Robert S., 21, on detached service, General Hospital at Frederick City, since Sept. 14, 1862.

10. Frazee, Charles W., 20.

11. Gardner, Perry, 19.

12. Grover, Charles A., 22.

13. Hanington, Ovid G., 18.

14. Hibbard, Henry, 24.

15. Joiner, Andrew J., 20, mustered July 8, 1861.

16. Jenkins, Artimas, 22.

17. Loveland, Norman P., 47.

18. Markham, Henry, 21.

19. Marra, William, 18.

20. Maltman, William, 25.

21. Mileham, William, 27, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

22. Marble, Albert B., mustered Dec. 14, 1861.

23. Merritt, John, 19, mustered July 8, 1861, taken prisoner at Bull Run, July 21, 1861.

24. Peak, Stephen, 29.

25. Preston, Atwood, 23, mustered July 8, 1861.

26. Rice, James H., 21, on detached service at First Div. General Hospital at Alexandria, VA since June 29, 1862.

27. Stone, Francis M., 20.

28. Stone, Henry H., 19.

29. Sterling, Henry H., 20, deserted Aug. 30, 1862. returned Apr. 8, 1863 under President’s Proclamation.

30. Speer, Jacob C., mustered Dec. 4, 1861.

31. Taft, Myron L., 20.

32. Wells, Henry G., 18.

33. Willis, David, 21, left in hospital at Alexandria, VA Aug. 28, 1862.

34. Willison, William, 28, absent without leave from Oct. 15, 1862 to Apr. 17, 1863, returned under President’s Proclamation.

35. Westbrook, Nehemiah, 28.

36. Willoughby, Thomas, 27.


1. Butler, Joseph B., 21, discharged Nov. 8, 1861, on account of wounds received at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

2. Bartlett, Charles E., 21, mustered Dec. 14, 1861, discharged Feb. 4, 1863.

3. Burr, Charles W., 21, Sept. 11, 1862 on account of wounds received at battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

4. Bond, Edwin E., 23, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run, discharged July 16, 1862.

5. Carter, John H., 22, discharged Jan. 20, 1862.

6. Coe, William H., 20, discharged Nov. 22, 1862.

7. Dartt, Rollin P., 18, discharged Aug. 12, 1862, by reason of wounds received at Gaines’ Mill.

8. Davis, E. Amergo, mustered July 8, 1861, discharged July 31, 1861.

9. Hunt, Arthur H., 21, taken prisoner at Bull Run, discharged Aug. 4, 1862.

10. Hamilton, Mills D., 18, discharged Feb. 11, 1862.

11. Hall, William, 23, discharged May 11, 1862.

12. Johnson, William F., mustered July 8, 1861, discharged Aug. 3, 1861.

13. Keeney, Ennis A., mustered Dec. 14, 1861, discharged June 14, 1862.

14. Loveland, John C., mustered July 12, 1861, discharged Apr. 13, 1862.

15. Laity, Henry, mustered July 18, 1861, discharged Aug. 8, 1861.

16. Paul, Samuel, mustered July 8, 1861, discharged Aug. 8, 1861.

17. Sewell, Thomas E., 18, discharged Oct. 29, 1862 by reason of wounds received at Gaines’ Mill.

18. Steele, Lawrence J., mustered July 8, 1861, discharged July 31, 1861.

19. Smith, John, mustered July 8, 1861, discharged Sept. 10, 1861.

20. Stone, Theodore, 19, discharged Dec. 2, 1862.

21. Wells, G. Wiley, discharged Jan. 12, 1862.


1. Bender, Frederick, Corporal transferred to Non-Commissioned Staff, May 29, 1861.

2. Cook, George H., Musician, transferred to Non-Commissioned Staff May 29, 1861.

3. Coffin, Benjamin S., 23, Corporal, transferred to Non-Commissioned Staff, Quartermaster’s Sergeant, May 1, 1862.

4. Fleming, Benson S., mustered Aug. 30, 1862, transferred May 14, 1863 to Sixth Army Corps Hospital.

5. Fladuny, George, mustered Sept. 1, 1862, transferred May 31, 1863, sent back to Sixth Army Corps Hospital from Elmira, NY.

6. Guinean, Martin, mustered Sept. 31, 1862, transferred May 31, 1863, sent back to Sixth Army Corps Hospital from Elmira, NY.

7. McMahon, William H., 22, promoted to Corporal Nov. 7, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant of Co. "K" Sept. 11, 1862.

8. Robertson, George H., promoted from Sergeant to First-Sergeant Apr. 24, 1862, to Second-Lieutenant of Co. "E" Sept. 14, 1862.

9. Smith, John B., mustered Sept. 8, 1862, transferred to Sixth Army Corps Hospital May 14, 1863.

10. Woodard, Philo B., mustered Aug. 31, 1862, transferred to Sixth Army Corps Hospital May 14, 1863.

11. Young, Frank, mustered Aug. 31, 1862 to Sixth Army Corps Hospital May 31, 1863 from Elmira, NY.


1. Burlison, James H., 24, Corporal, killed at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

2. Baxter, William H., mustered July 8, 1861, killed at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

3. Davis, Hiram, mustered July 8, 1861, killed at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

4. Dunn, James A., mustered Dec. 14, 1861, died Dec. 29, 1862.

5. Dunn, John N., mustered Dec. 14, 1861, died Aug. 27, 1862.

6. Darrow, Andrew J., 21, killed at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

7. George, William, 32, Dec. 20, 1861.

8. Gould, Henry M., 22, killed at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

9. Headly, Oscar, mustered Dec. 14, 1861, died Apr. 15, 1862.

10. Hunt, George S., mustered July 8, 1861, died July 25, 1862.

11. Hunt, Armemius M., 21, taken prisoner at Bull Run, died in Richmond, VA Sept. 13, 1861.

12. Lindsley, William F., 21, Aug. 20, 1862.

13. Miles, Alexander, mustered Sept. 21, 1861, killed at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

14. Roberts, John N., mustered Sept. 21, 1861, died Oct. 13, 1862.

15. Robinson, Charles W., 21, Sergeant, killed at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

16. Rappel, Eugene, 21, killed at Gaines’ Mill, June 27, 1862.

17. Wood, Nicholas K., mustered Dec. 14, 1861, died Feb. 18, 1862.

18. Webster, Daniel, 21, died Dec. 19, 1862.

19. Wright, Frederick, mustered Sept. 21, 1861, died Dec. 27, 1861.


1. Curry, Edward, 19, deserted June 30, 1862.

2. Chattis, Thomas, mustered Aug. 31, 1862, deserted Jan. 1, 1863.

3. Dutcher, John, 26, deserted Sept. 17, 1862.

4. Dutcher, Charles, 21, deserted Sept. 17, 1862.

5. Fairchild, Andrew, mustered Dec. 14, 1861, deserted June 30, 1862.

6. Griffiths, Elias, 20, deserted Aug. 28, 1862.

7. Lee, Abram, mustered July 8, 1861, deserted Sept. 12, 1861.

8. Melrose, Orlando, mustered Aug. 31, 1861, deserted Jan. 1, 1863.

9. Smith, Jacob L., mustered July 8, 1861, deserted Aug. 3, 1861.

10. Sutherland, Oscar, mustered July 8, 1861, deserted Sept. 17, 1862.

11. Vosburgh, Emory P., mustered Oct. 25, 1861, deserted Aug. 31, 1862.


1. Hanna, John N., mustered Nov. 1, 1861, left in hospital at Alexandria, VA, Apr. 11, 1862.

2. Stamford, Harmon E., mustered July 8, 1861; wounded at Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862, has not been heard from since.



1. Charles E. Martin, 41, resigned Feb. 10, 1862.

2. Joseph H. Bodine, 24, promoted from First-Lieutenant to Captain Feb. 10, 1862 to Major July 24, 1862.

3. William H. Swan, 44, promoted from First-Lieutenant of Co. "B" July 24, 1862, resigned Mar. 9, 1863.

4. Sherman M. Seeley, 38, mustered May 6, 1861, promoted from First-Lieutenant Mar. 9, 1863.


1. Joseph H. Bodine, 24, promoted to Captain Feb. 10, 1862.

2. Sherman M. Seeley, 38, appointed First-Lieutenant Apr. 25, 1862 from a Private in Sturgis’s Rifles.

3. Edward C. Camp, 19, promoted Mar. 9, 1863 from Second-Lieutenant.


1. Oscar Phillips, 41, resigned Aug. 14, 1861.

2. Edward Williams, 21, promoted from Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861, resigned Nov. 28, 1862.

3. Edward C. Camp, 19, promoted to Sergeant from Private Sept. 1, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant Nov. 28, 1862, to First-Lieutenant Mar. 9, 1863.

4. Harvey R. Clark, 22, promoted to First-Sergeant from Private Nov. 28, 1862, to Second-Lieutenant Mar. 9, 1863.


1. John Kruhten, 22, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861, to First-Sergeant Nov. 28, 1862.

2. David Summey, 18, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Nov. 28, 1862.

3. Dwight Graham, 18, mustered Sept. 21, 1861, promoted to Corporal Sept. 15, 1862 to Sergeant Mar. 9, 1863.

4. Benjamin H. Tallman, 21, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Mar. 9, 1863.

5. Henry Phillips, 21, promoted to Corporal Nov. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Mar. 9, 1863.


1. James Roberts, 32, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

2. William Briggs, 24, promoted Nov. 28, 1862, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

3. Daniel D. Stram, 24, promoted Nov. 28, 1862.

4. Adam Miller, 23, promoted Nov. 28, 1862.

5. Albert Young, 23, promoted Nov. 28, 1862.

6. Charles L. Seiffert, 18, mustered Aug. 20, 1861, promoted Nov. 28, 1862.

7. George Stout, Jr., 20, promoted Mar. 9, 1863, taken prisoner at Bull Run, leg broken while a prisoner.


1. Armstrong, Selma, 18.

2. Ashton, William M., 24.

3. Cady, George, 19.

4. Clancey, Michael, 18.

5. Coffrin, George H., 20.

6. Clark, David N., 36.

7. Donahue, James, 23, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

8. Dunlava, Anthony, 18, mustered Aug. 16, 1861.

9. Flynn, Francis, 29.

10. Jones, James H., 26.

11. Kemp, Walter, 24.

12. Leddick, Samuel, 33.

13. Martin, Charles A., 20, mustered Mar. 1, 1862.

14. Morgan, Franklin M., 23.

15. Magee, Marvin, 20.

16. McCormick, Michael, 19.

17. Miller, John, 18, mustered Aug. 16, 1861.

18. McNeilly, Thomas, 21, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

19. McNeilly, Robert, 18.

20. McCarthy, Dennis, 21, mustered Sept. 21, 1862.

21. McGalpin, Thaddeus L., 19, mustered Sept. 21, 1861.

22. McArthur, Henry, 18.

23. Rathbun, Artemas M., 40.

24. Ryan, Thomas, 18.

25. Rulapaugh, John W., 22, mustered Sept. 21, 1861.

26. Skelly, John, 18, mustered Aug. 22, 1861.

27. Sheppard, Joseph A., 18, mustered Aug. 23, 1861.

28. Talbert, Richard, 28.

29. Wheelock, Charles B., 18, mustered Aug. 30, 1861.

30. Willis, Lafayette C., 25.

31. Welch, William, 44, taken prisoner at Bull Run.

32. Williams, Henry, 22.


1. Aplin, William W., 44, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, discharged Feb. 18, 1863.

2. Bingham, George W., 20, Corporal, discharged June 15, 1862.

3. Barney, George W., 18, Musician, discharged Dec. 1, 1861.

4. Cathrell, Abiather V., 39, discharged June 2, 1862.

5. Dunn, John, 19, discharged June 5, 1862.

6. Edsall, David A., 19, discharged Aug. 10, 1861.

7. Fraser, William H., transferred from Co. "A" Nov. 1, 1861, discharged Dec. 29, 1862.

8. Hellikee, George, 35, discharged Feb. 7, 1863.

9. Hosmer, Edward, 24, discharged Oct. 16, 1861.

10. Howden, Alexander, 21, mustered Mar. 26, 1862, discharged Oct. 14, 1862.

11. Hammond, Reuben, 23, mustered Apr. 1, 1862, discharged Dec. 17, 1862.

12. Hunt, Charles H., 20, taken prisoner at Bull Run, discharged Apr. 26, 1862.

13. Kellogg, John J., 39, discharged Oct. 31, 1862.

14. Nichols, John M., 23, discharged Oct. 14, 1862.

15. Parker, Ebenezer R., 21, Sergeant, discharged from hospital on account of wounds received in battle.

16. Roy, Simon, 29, Corporal, discharged Feb. 18, 1863.

17. Scribner, James J., 19, mustered Jan. 13, 1862, discharged Sept. 19, 1862.

18. Wightman, Samuel, 43, discharged July 1, 1862.

19. White, Jesse D., Jesse D., 19, mustered Mar. 3, 1862, discharged Oct. 25, 1862.

20. Wilson, James W., 32, discharged Apr. 10, 1862.

21. William B. Robertson.


1. Beggs, John, 24, First-Sergeant, killed in battle of Crampton’s Pass Sept. 14, 1862.

2. Chilson, William H., 21, mustered Jan. 13, 1862, died June 29, 1862 from wounds received in battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

3. Caughlin, Jeremiah, 20, mustered Sept. 21, 1861, died May 19, 1862.

4. Driskscom, James, 21, died June 29, 1862 from wounds received at battle of Gaines’ Mill.

5. Garrett, William, 42, died Jan. 24, 1862.

6. Griffith, Willis, 21, Corporal, died Dec. 24, 1862.

7. Johnson, Joseph R. Jr., 20, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run, died in Richmond, VA on Aug. 22, 1861.

8. Lockwood, Henry, 22, mustered Mar. 28, 1862, killed in the battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

9. Shannon, Robert, 22, died Mar. 6, 1862.

10. Sullivan, Florence, 22, killed at Bull Run July 21, 1861.


1. Abrams, William H., 19, deserted Aug. 7, 1861.

2. Busk, Richard, 30, deserted July 18, 1861.

3. Bush, Zimri, 23, deserted Aug. 8, 1861.

4. Boyd, Harlan, 19, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, deserted Feb. 12, 1862.

5. Drue, Jerome, 28, deserted Aug. 14, 1861.

6. Fitch, William, 23, deserted Aug. 14, 1861.

7. Hanna, Joseph M., 19, Corporal, deserted Aug. 14, 1861.

8. Havens, John R., 22, deserted Aug. 3, 1861.

9. Jones, Jonathan W., 21, mustered Mar. 13, 1862, deserted Sept. 13, 1862.

10. Lockwood, Martin, 26, mustered Apr. 1, 1862, deserted May 1, 1862.

11. Magee, Philander, 21, deserted Nov. 5, 1861.

12. Murdock, John, 31, deserted Aug. 29, 1861.

13. Odell, Orrin, 22, deserted Aug. 11, 1861.

14. Palmer, Charles, 28, deserted Aug. 11, 1861.

15. Pendergrass, John, 23, deserted Aug. 7, 1861.

16. Reynolds, Merriam J., 19, deserted Aug. 14, 1861.

17. Reynolds, Lyman, 24, May 7, 1862.

18. Rodgers, Edmund D., deserted June 18, 1862.


1. Robertson, William B., 19, dropped Jan. 1, 1863 by General Order No. 162, A. of P., was wounded and taken prisoner at battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862. Leg amputated. Reported Jan. 28, 1864 at Elmira, NY for muster out and discharge.

2. Staples, Squire, 21, mustered Mar. 10, 1862, dropped Jan. 1, 1863 by General Order No. 162, A. of P.


1. Horton, James D., 21, Corporal, mustered Mar. 19, 1862, transferred to Sixth Army Corps to finish term of enlistment, June 1863.

2. Lockwood, Joseph W., 22, mustered Mar. 27, 1862, transferred to Sixth Army Corps to finish term of enlistment, June 1863.

3. Nimbs, William M., 20, Sergeant, promoted to First-Lieutenant of Co. "D" Oct. 11, 1862.

4. O’Regan, Timothy, 18, mustered Mar. 4, 1862, transferred to Sixth Army Corps to finish term of enlistment, June 1863.

5. Tanner, Albert S., 22, mustered Mar. 10, 1862, transferred to Sixth Army Corps to finish term of enlistment, June 1863.



1. Curtis C. Gardiner, 39, promoted to Major Sept. 1, 1861.

2. Samuel M. Harmon, 29, promoted from First-Lieutenant to Captain Sept. 1, 1861, resigned Sept. 26, 1862.

3. Burton Freeman, 33, promoted from Sergeant to First-Sergeant July 21, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1861, to First-Lieutenant Feb. 6, 1862, to Captain Sept. 26, 1862, was Color Sergeant in battle of Bull Run.


1. Samuel M. Harmon, 29, promoted.

2. Davis C. Hartshorne, 29, promoted from First-Sergeant to Second-Lieutenant Aug. 1, 1861, to First-Lieutenant Sept. 1, 1861, resigned Feb. 6, 1862.

3. Burton Freeman, 33, promoted.

4. Texas Angel, 21, promoted to Commissary-Sergeant July 1, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant Feb. 6, 1862, to First-Lieutenant Sept. 26, 1862. Regional Quartermaster after Nov. 22, 1862.

5. Darwin Maltby, 21, promoted to Corporal July 21, 1861, to First-Sergeant Mar. 1, 1862, to Second-Lieutenant Sept. 26, 1862, to First-Lieutenant Nov. 22, 1862.


1. Charles D. Rice, 23, resigned Aug. 1, 1861.

2. Davis C. Hartshorne, 29, promoted.

3. Burton Freeman, 33, promoted.

4. Texas Angel, 21, promoted.

5. Darwin Maltby, 21, promoted.

6. Willis J. Kendall, 20, promoted from Corporal to Sergeant July 21, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant Nov. 22, 1862.


1. Delos C. Cornell, 30, promoted from Corporal to Sergeant July 21, 1861, to First-Sergeant Apr. 16, 1862.

2. Romulus D. Dennison, 34, mustered July 5, 1861, promoted to Corporal July 21, 1861, to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861.

3. Allan A. McDonald, 23, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861 to Sergeant Sept. 26, 1862.

4. Philander Ellithorp, 20, promoted to Corporal Mar. 15, 1862, to Sergeant Mar. 1, 1863.

5. William Seaver, 21, promoted to Corporal Mar. 1, 1862, to Sergeant Mar. 1, 1863.


1. Henry Heinemann, 26, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

2. Joseph B. Howe, 21, mustered July 5, 1861, promoted Sept. 26, 1862.

3. David Wafler, Jr., 20, promoted Mar. 1, 1863.

4. Frank H. Gardiner, 22, mustered June 16, 1861, promoted Mar. 1, 1863.

5. John J. Stanton, 22, mustered July 5, 1861, promoted Mar. 1, 1863.

6. Christian Hornberg, 19, promoted Mar. 1, 1863.

7. Silas S. Seeley, 19, mustered Sept. 20, 1861, promoted Mar. 1, 1863.


1. Bullock, George H., 25, mustered July 5, 1861.

2. Byrne, Edward A., 22, mustered July 5, 1861.

3. Burdick, Melvin A., 36, mustered Aug. 31, 1861; detailed on Signal Service Dec. 26, 1862, date of discharge not known.

4. Button, Louis D., 22, reduced to ranks from Sergeant Apr. 26, 1862.

5. Burnham, George C., 15.

6. Burt, Charles M., 18.

7. Berry, Charles W., 23, mustered July 5, 1861, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

8. Burlingame, Henry, 21, taken prisoner at Gaines’ Mill, dropped from the rolls, returned May 27, 1863.

9. Charles, Timothy C., 23.

10. Carpenter, Robert, 28.

11. Cilley, Henry D., 32.

12. Coats, Alfred, 18.

13. Coon, Sebeus B., 26.

14. Cranston, Stillman, 21.

15. Champlin, Albert B., mustered July 5, 1861.

16. Clark, Franklin D., 21, mustered July 5, 1861, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, reported to his company Mar. 31, 1863.

17. Dake, Albert J., 21.

18. Dunn, James, 22.

19. Fox, Peter, 37, mustered Aug. 31, 1861.

20. Heers, Christopher, 22.

21. Heald, John R., 18.

22. Hultz, Rawson B., 20, mustered July 5, 1861.

23. Huntley, Edwin, 21, mustered July 5, 1861.

24. Hall, Randall L., 18, mustered Sept. 20, 1861.

25. Hooper, Isaac M., 21, reduced to ranks from Corporal. On detached service till May 18, 1863.

26. Hurley, Dennis, 21, mustered Aug. 31, 1861.

27. Hurlburt, Alson, 22, mustered Sept. 20, 1861. Absent without leave from Sept. 6, 1862 to Apr. 27, 1863, returned to duty under President’s proclamation.

28. Lane, Lester, 21.

29. Lewis, William H., 21, mustered July 5, 1861.

30. McDonald, John, 24.

31. McDonald, William, 26.

32. McDonald, Patrick, 21, mustered Sept. 20, 1861.

33. McMane, James, 21, mustered Sept. 20, 1861.

34. Mapes, Charles, 23.

35. Macken, Valletia, 17, mustered Aug. 31, 1861.

36. Merrill, Thomas R., 18, mustered Jan. 16, 1862.

37. Powers, Lawrence, 19, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

38. Quigley, Winfield, 19, mustered July 5, 1861.

39. Rogers, Orin C., 20, mustered Aug. 31, 1861.

40. Reading, Jeremiah K., 24, mustered July 5, 1861, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

41. Smith, David, 21.

42. Tufts, Winfield, 18.

43. Utter, George L., 21.

44. Van Nostrand, Everett, 21.

45. VanGorder, John, 21.

46. Weaver, Jacob D., 18, returned from absent, sick, Apr. 16, 1862.

47. Wright, Aaron H., 28.

48. Weymer, Daniel G., 22.

49. Worthington, Ira C., 19.


1. Ames, Ira, 24, discharged Feb. 11, 1863.

2. Benjamin, Roman, 20, discharged Aug. 9, 1862.

3. Bingham, Justin, 45, discharged Mar. 18, 1862. "Old Mexico".

4. Baxter, Daniel B., 45, mustered Sept. 20, 1861, discharged Mar. 1863.

5. Carpenter, David D., 26, discharged Aug. 9, 1861.

6. Crandall, John II, 19, mustered July 5, 1861, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, discharged Sept. 5, 1861.

7. Chamberlain, Wilber S., 18, mustered July 5, 1861, discharged Sept. 1862.

8. Estabrook, George L., 21, discharged Aug. 9, 1861.

9. Jacques, Warren W., 26, mustered Sept. 20, 1862, discharged Sept. 1862.

10. Jacques, Lafayette, 19, mustered Sept, 20, 1862, discharged Sept. 1862.

11. Lewis, Clinton R., 22, discharged Sept. 5, 1861.

12. Lewis, Amos C., 22, mustered Sept. 20, 1861, discharged Feb. 1863.

13. Lewis, Henry D., 19, discharged Feb. 1863.

14. Metzger, John, 32, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, never returned to regiment.

15. Oliver, Judson S., 18, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, supposed to have been discharged, no records.

16. Ogden, John, 24, supposed to have been discharged, no records.

17. Robinson, John, 40, discharged Sept. 1862.

18. Snow, Harvey C., 22, Corporal, discharged Aug. 19, 1861.

19. Van Horn, Nicholas II, 21, discharged Feb. 11, 1862.

20. Wellman, Jonas G., 23, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, leg amputated, discharged Dec. 15, 1862.

21. Woodruff, Charles A., 21, discharged from General Hospital, no dates given.

22. White, Joseph B., 21, discharged Sept. 29, 1861.

23. Wilson, Charles J., 30, discharged Aug. 9, 1861.

24. Waters, George, 24, discharged Aug. 9, 1861.


1. Bliss, William B., Sergeant, 23, died at Savage Station June 29, 1862.

2. Bishop, John W., 23, mustered July 5, 1861, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, died in Richmond, VA.

3. Babbitt, Albert, 26, killed at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

4. Collier, Thomas, 21, died Oct. 28, 1862.

5. Ferrin, Eugene, 23, killed at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

6. Haver, Wilber, 21, Corporal, killed at battle of Fredericksburg May 3, 1863

7. Hobart, Stanley, 32, died Dec. 3, 1862.

8. Hobart, Charles J., 19, mustered July 5, 1861, died Nov. 29, 1862 of wounds received at battle of Crampton’s Pass, Sept. 14, 1862.

9. Hibbard, Enoch, 34, died July 1, 1862.

10. Kidder, Henry D., 29, died July 22, 1861.


1. Adams, Frank O., 22, mustered July 5, 1861, deserted Aug. 7, 1861.

2. Engle, George W., 20, deserted Aug. 4, 1861.

3. Franklin, Ashley L., 19, deserted Apr. 17, 1862.

4. Gillman, Calvin B., 22, deserted Aug. 7, 1861.

5. Kidder, William B., 25, deserted Aug. 7, 1861.

6. Rice, Robert, 24, deserted Aug. 4, 1861.

7. Strong, Frank, 19, mustered Sept. 20, 1861, deserted Feb. 20, 1862.

8. Spencer, Alfred W., 21, deserted Sept. 15, 1862.


1. Andrews, James O., 26, wounded and taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, never returned to regiment.



1. Henry L. Achilles, 26, resigned June 9, 1862 on account of disability.

2. Seymour Price, 22, promoted to Captain June 9, 1862, detached on Signal Service.


1. William H. Coan, 22, died Sept. 11, 1862.

2. George S. Gaskill, 20, promoted from Corporal to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861, to Second-Lieutenant July 10, 1862, to First-Lieutenant Sept. 6, 1862, and assigned to command the Company.


1. Henry H. Hanington, 22, resigned July 10, 1862 on account of disability.

2. William H. McMahon, 25, promoted to Second-Lieutenant from Co. "G" Sept. 6, 1862.


1. Henry B. Barnard, 23, promoted from Sergeant to First-Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861.

2. James Kennelly, 23, promoted to Corporal Aug. 15, 1861, to Sergeant Sept. 1, 1861.

3. Ami Whitney, 22, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Dec. 1, 1862.

4. John Ball, 21, promoted to Corporal Mar. 1, 1861, to Sergeant Dec. 1, 1862.

5. John F. Stewart, 23, promoted to Corporal Sept. 1, 1862, to Sergeant Dec. 1, 1862.


1. Frank S. Hayden, 20.

2. Arteus H. Allen, 25.

3. Charles W. Sickles, 21, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

4. William White, 20, promoted Sept. 1, 1861.

5. John Bannister, 22, promoted Dec. 1, 1862.

6. Martin G. Wood, 22, promoted Dec. 1, 1862.

7. Orson T. Jewett, 20, taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861, promoted Dec. 1, 1862.

8. Henry T. Latimer, mustered July 15, 1861, promoted Dec. 1, 1862.


1. Lewis M. Clifford, 20.


1. Ashley, George A., 18.

2. Atwell, Freeman J., 28.

3. Ashby, Charles, 39, mustered Sept. 5, 1861.

4. Barber, Charles, 22.

5. Beach, Orrin D., 21, returned from absent sick May 18, 1863.

6. Beardsley, George, 19.

7. Bishop, Jacob H., 28.

8. Blackwell, George W., 19, mustered July 15, 1861, returned from absent sick May 18, 1863.

9. Bowman, William, 18, mustered July 5, 1861.

10. Barnes, Parrish, 18, mustered Sept. 5, 1861.

11. Blanchard, Orrin D., 19.

12. Brignall, John, 27.

13. Chapman, Galusha, 24.

14. Clement, Lewis, 32.

15. Cook, Joseph, 19.

16. Dwinnell, Charles, 28, taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

17. Doane, Oscar, 21.

18. Dorrance, Joseph, 35.

19. Eggleston, Seneca, 18.

20. Fowler, John C., 22, taken prisoner at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

21. Gaylor, Frederick F., 25.0

22. Harris, Isaac, 23.

23. Hart, Charles, 21.

24. Hanson, William J. C., 23.

25. Henry, Harrison, 22.

26. Howard, Charles, 18, mustered July 15, 1861.

27. Hunt, Alvin G., 18, mustered July 15, 1861.

28. Harris, James, 19, mustered Sept. 5, 1861.

29. Hobbs, Ira, 20, mustered Sept. 5, 1861.

30. Hall, John, 24, mustered July 15, 1861, absent sick in hospital, returned to Company May 18, 1863.

31. Harding, Horace J., 21.

32. Johnson, Andrew J., 23.

33. Johnson, William, 22.

34. Jones, Edward D. C., 20, mustered July 15, 1861.

35. Kingman, Albert E., 18.

36. Kincade, Eugene C., 22.

37. King, Charles, 20, mustered July 15, 1861.

38. Lawrence, George, 22.

39. Lake, William, 23, mustered Sept. 5, 1861.

40. Mallory, William H. H., 20.

41. Mudge, Volney, 19, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

42. Moore, Orra H., 20, mustered Sept. 5, 1861.

43. Nash, Charles, 19.

44. Paul, James, 21, mustered July 15, 1861.

45. Pinney, Edward F., 22, mustered Sept. 5, 1861.

46. Simmons, John M., 20.

47. Sackett, Hiram, 18.

48. Tucker, Henry C., 20, mustered July 15, 1861.

49. Tucker, Jacob, 18, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

50. Viele, Philip, 38.

51. Van Dresser, Henry L., 23, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.

52. Wilson, Nathan M., 23.

53. Wells, Henry S., 23, mustered July 15, 1861, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861.


1. Allins, Albert, 25, discharged Aug. 7, 1861.

2. Avery, Francis G., 22, discharged Mar. 31, 1862.

3. Aplin, Briggs, 19, mustered Sept. 5, 1861, discharged Oct. 9, 1862.

4. Clift, Amos Jr., 22, discharged Mar. 16, 1862.

5. Doty, Walter, 22, discharged July 1, 1861.

6. Dalton, Martin, 26, discharged Oct. 3, 1861.

7. Dorrance, William, 20, discharged Jan. 15, 1863.

8. Durkee, Oscar, 23, mustered Sept. 5, 1861, discharged Apr. 4, 1862.

9. Eastman, Charles B., 24, discharged Aug. 4, 1861.

10. Howard, John D., 21, discharged Dec. 2, 1862.

11. King, John F., 40, discharged Dec. 12, 1862.

12. McElroy, Michael, 20, discharged Aug. 14, 1861.

13. McPherson, John, 23, discharged Aug. 14, 1861.

14. Mudge, Jay L., 18, taken prisoner at Bull Run July 21, 1861, discharged Jan. 9, 1863.

15. Peterson, Frederick H., 18, mustered July 15, 1861, discharged Nov. 6, 1862.

16. Towsley, Rathbun C., 25, Corporal, mustered Sept. 5, 1861, discharged Dec. 25, 1861.

17. Wells, James E., 19, discharged Oct. 9, 1862.


1. Bowen, James, 22, Sergeant, died Sept. 11, 1861.

2. Cook, Dwight, 24, Corporal, killed in battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

3. Curtis, Delos, 35, mustered July 15, 1861, died of wounds received at battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

4. Edwin, Eddy, 23, Sergeant, killed in battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

5. Kellogg, Albertus, 19, mustered July 15, 1861, killed in battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

6. King, Henry J., 27, killed Aug. 20, 1861 by being thrown from a horse in Washington.

7. Larwood, Andrew, 18, mustered Dec. 17, 1861, killed in battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.

8. Murphy, Clinton, 26, Corporal, died Apr. 12, 1862.

9. McKenzie, Peter, 26, mustered July 15, 1861, killed in battle of Bull Run July 21, 1861.

10. Mason, George K., 28, died Jan. 19, 1863.

11. Nash, William H., 20, died in hospital at Washington, date not given.

12. Rowley, Oliver G., 18, died May 25, 1862.

13. Squires, Edson, 20, mustered Dec. 17, 1861, run over by the cars at Baltimore, MD May 16, 1862, died from injuries May 17, 1862.

14. Tibbits, Charles W., 22, taken prisoner at the battle of Bull Run, shot and killed by a rebel sentry while a prisoner in Richmond, VA Nov. 12, 1861.

15. Thornton, Hira H., 18, killed in the battle of Gaines’ Mill June 27, 1862.


1. Humphrey, Carlos, 22, deserted Aug. 4, 1861.

2. Murdock, William, 21, deserted Aug. 4, 1861.

3. Sawyer, Charles W., 22, Sergeant, deserted Aug. 1, 1862.


1. Hodgeman, Clinton E., 22, Sergeant, Oct. 4, 1861, by promotion to Co. "E".

2. Newell, Daniel P., 22, mustered Aug. 2, 1861, discharged Dec. 1, 1862, by promotion to Commissary Sergeant.

3. Steel, Lawrence J., 20, transferred July 5, 1861 to Co. "G".

4. Vickers, William, 18, mustered Sept. 5, 1861, transferred to Battery "D" Second U. S. Artillery, Regulars, Feb. 15, 1863.


Showing whole numbers of Officers and Enlisted Men of the Twenty-Seventh Regiment, New York Volunteer Infantry, and Mustered into the United States’ Service during its term of service from May 21, 1861 to May 31, 1863.


Mustered into United States’ service with Regiment, May 21, 1861…………………....37

Appointed from Civil Life………………………………………………………………………7

Appointed from enlisted men of regiment…………………………………………………..51


Promoted out of regiment-Slocum, Bartlett, Rodgers………………………………………3


Discharged for disability………………………………………………………………………...5

Died of disease-Gaul, Coan…………………………………………………………………….2

Died of wounds-Webster………………………………………………………………………..1

Killed in battle-Park………………………………………………………………………………1

Discharged by order-Goodrich, Dickinson, Kirby, McKay…………………………………...4

Mustered out by general order-musicians…………………………………………………….2

Mustered out with regiment May 31, 1863…………………………………………………..41

Co. Mustered out May 31, 1863. Killed in action Died of wounds Died of Disease Died by accident Discharged for wounds Discharged for Disability Deserted Transferred to other Companies Transferred to other Commands Dropped from the Rolls Promoted to Commissioned Officer Total Enrollment
A 50 1 1 4 2   19 12 2   5 5 101
B 63 1 4 8   2 18 7     5 6 114
C 64 5   7   3 22 10   1 4 4 120
D 62 6 2 4     32 6   1 2 8 123
E 56 3   6   6 19 15 2 1   1 109
F 50 3   11   6 17 14     5 3 109
G 49 8   11   5 22 11 3 6 2 6 123
H 44 3 3 4   2 20 18   4 1 5 104
I 61 3 3 4   1 23 8     1 5 109
K 67 8   6 1   17 3 2 1   3 108
*Field and Staff                         12
Officers   1 1 2                 33
Totals 566 42 14 67 3 25 209 104 9 14 25 46 1165
Less those duplicated by transfer and promotion
Total number enrolled, not including the band (20 pieces)
*Other than those promoted from the Companies

REMARKS-The table does not show all of the actual casualties to the enlisted men. For example, the column of "dropped" is known to include many who had been wounded and sent to hospitals; and likewise many who had been prisoners and returned incapacitated for duty. The column of "dropped" includes some who were taken prisoner and never afterwards heard from. It is to be noted and regretted that there is no record of all those who lost a leg or an arm, or otherwise permanently disabled.

The statement of officers and enlisted men does not include Alexander Scott’s Cornet Band of twenty men, who were a part of the regiment for about one year, and who will ever be remembered with soldierly regard by all comrades.

In regard to the deserters, many served honorably in other commands afterwards. Not a few so marked left the regiment to enlist with relatives or friends in other organizations, where associations were more congenial or chances of promotions better; and quite a number were men who had been taken prisoner, and never returned.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 16 SEP 2005
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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