Mr. and Mrs. David Edinger of Spring Hill Celebrate Their Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary
A pleasant wedding anniversary was celebrated at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. David Edinger on South Spring Hill, last Friday, May 27, 1878, in honor of the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. At 12 o'clock a bounteous dinner of seasonable dainties was served on the spacious lawn with covers laid for fifty guests. The afternoon was spent sociably. Short addresses of congratulation were made by Revs. J. Custard and James Rainey, and W. I. Barrowcliff read an interesting historical sketch of the family, from which we extract the following: David Edinger was born May 28, 1818, in Pocono, Northhampton (now Monroe) county. His father Henry Edinger, who ancestors came originally from Germany, died in 1836. there were eleven children in the family as follows: Sally Evans, John, Betsey, Catherine, Henry, Magdalene, David and Abraham twins, Adam, Peter and Mary Ann. There are four still living-David, Adam, Peter and Mary Ann. The oldest is 80 and the youngest 74 years. David Edinger was married May 27, 1838 to Sarah Learn, a daughter of Peter Learn. Their union was blessed with eight children, as follows: Mary Jane, Margaret Ann, Peter Henry, Eliza, Martha, Stewart, Demma and Lalla. There are twenty-six grandchildren and five great-great grandchildren, and only three deaths have occurred in the family for two generations. Mr. and Mrs. Edinger commenced housekeeping at Pocono, where they lived ten years, moving then to Paradise, Pa, where they lived on a farm for ten years. They came to their present home in April, 1858, purchasing what is known as the old Vandervait farm, which is no one of the finest in Eastern Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Edinger were the recipients of several handsome presents, among which we noticed two rocking chairs for their declining years. We hope this grand couple may live to enjoy many happy returns of the day. How many changes have take place during the lives of these persons. The first coal stove he ever saw he purchased at Stroudsburg some two or three years after his marriage; he paid $45 for it, and it was as good as the stoves of the present day. There were no matches at that day of the world. The fist lucifer match he ever saw was while residing at Pocono. The first steam car he ever rode in was from Utica to Albany, in 1837; he having made a trip from home to Ohio, taking him eight days. The first kerosene lamp he bought since he came to Bradford County. Mowing machines, and reapers were not in use until after he came to his present residence. Butter was worth only six cents in trade. A pound of nails could not be bought in Laceyville or Skinners Eddy. The first money tax paid on the farm was between $6 and $7; it is now between $46 and $47.
B.W. Wood, Charles Davidson, Mrs. Eliza Wakely and Mrs. Zermiah Gates are the only persons now living in the neighborhood that were citizens here when he came here. Submitted by Patty Shumway.
The home of Mr. & Mrs. Asa Camp of Herrick, was the scene of a
very pretty wedding last Wednesday, Nov. 14th [1917], when their daughter,
Miss Cleo B. Camp was united in marriage to Ralph F. Taylor, also of Herrick.
Rev. Milton Lewis Cook of Merryall, officiated. - Wyalusing Rocket, November
Wyalusing Rocket, February 11, 1931
Herrick Township Couple are Married
Carlton B. Cole, son of Rev. & Mrs. Frank Cole of Herrickville
and Miss Eleanor Marie Welliver, daughter of Mrs. James Welliver were united
in marriage at the home of Rev. & Mrs. Cole at 10 o'clock, Wednesday
evening, January 28, [1931].
Contributed by Bonnie Sutton
Wyalusing Rocket, November 30, 1931
Rummerfield Couple Wedded Fifty Years
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Taylor of Rummerfield, RFD, celebrated their Golden
Wedding Anniversary Monday, November 23 [1931]. Mr. Taylor is 81 years
of age and resides on the farm where he was born. He is able to do considerable
work about the place and every morning walks a mile for his mail.
Wyalusing Rocket, June 24, 1931
Mr. & Mrs. Strong are Hosts to Happy Gathering
Many friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John
Strong, Homets Ferry, in Sunday, June 21st [1931], and helped them celebrate
their 25th wedding anniversary. A bountiful dinner was served to about
thirty guests which was greatly enjoyed. Those present were: Mr. &
Mrs. C.H. Rogers and Mr. & Mrs. Dorson Rogers and son, Larabee, of
Seneca Falls, NY; Mr. & Mrs. L. Schoonover and grandson, Buddy, of
Sayre; Rev. & Mrs. W.H. Demorest and Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Franklin
and family, all of Sugar Run; Mr. B.R. Kinney, Mrs. Mulligan and daughters,
Grace and Chrystal, all of Wyalusing.
Wyalusing Rocket- 1918. Submitted By Bonny Sutton
The home of Mr.William B.Wells, of this Place, was the scene of a pretty
wedding on Thursday evening, August 8,1918, when his only daughter, Hazel
Gertrude, became the bride of J.George Keeler. The spacious rooms, profusely
decorated with the gorgeous hues of summer flowers made a beautiful setting
for the bridal party. At nine o'clock, the appointed hour, to the
familiar strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, played by Miss Jessie
Homet, of Wyalusing, the bridal couple preceded by Gertrude Fuller, flower
girl and Wilhelmina Keeler, ring bearer, took their places before a bank
of flowers where they met by Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Smith who acted as
Best Man and Matron of Honor. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Joshua
Brundle, pastor of the Methodist Church, of Luzerne,Pa., in his usual impressive
manner using the entire marriage service of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
The youthful bride made a charming picture in her veil and gown of ivory
satin while the groom wore the conventional black.
Mr. and Mrs. Keeler are popular young people in Wyalusing, the bride
having given much pleasure with her talents as a musician and reader.
To Mrs. Keeler and Mr.Keeler who is the editor of the Wyalusing Rocket
and the LeRaysville Times, the readers extend their congratulations and
best wish's.
This couple is buried in the Memorial Park Cemetery N. Towanda.
According to the Glancing backward in today's (8/29/10)Daily Review,
75 years ago - 1935
Yesterday Ross Elmer Cragle and Iva M. Snedeker of LeRaysville were
married in front of the grandstand on the fairgrounds in Towanda at the
Bradford County Fair.