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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Marriage Records and  Marriage Clippings on the site by using the Marriage button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Be aware that you will also find some marriage notices in the Clippings partition and on the Bibles pages.
Tri County Clippings- Page Sixty Seven
These obituaries are presented in scrapbook order. I can't think of a better way of understanding a community than by reading an obituary scrapbook. If the scrapbook compiler did not include a date or newspaper, then we do not know that information. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through a scrapbook, these will be included in the Search Engine which you can reach from the "Front Door" of the Tri-County Genealogy & History sites by Joyce M. Tice.

Tri-Counties Scrapbook 3C-B - Marriages

From Photocopy in possession of J. Kelsey Jones

Typed by Barbara COMSTOCK Coy 
ALLINGTON-BIERWILER ALLINGTON-BIERWILER Miss Della Allington of Arcadia Avenue and Fritz Bierwiler of Corning were married Feb. 23 by the Rev. A. M. Laird of the First Church of Christ, Disciples. (handwritten on article 1931)
APGAR-CONKLIN Miss Nellie R. Apgar and Harry E. Conklin both of Southport Corners were married Saturday afternoon at 4 o’clock in Southport Corners. They were attended by Mrs. E. A. Corey, a sister of the bride and Harry Conklin and Miss Lizzie Conklin, brother and sister of the groom. The bride wore a gown of tan foulard and wore a corsage bouquet of pansies. They will reside on the South Creek road. (handwritten on article June 13 1914)
BACKER-GORDEN BACKER-GORDEN Rev. Francis Sherer united in marriage at his home on South Avenue on April 2, Miss Jennie E. Backer, of Gillett, Pa., and Mr. Charles W. Gorden of this city. (handwritten on article 1903)
BAILEY-ADNEY Miss Bertha Bailey of 411 Dewitt avenue and Clyde Adney of 109 High Street were united in marriage, January 31, at the Waverly Methodist parsonage by the Rev. David McDonald. (handwritten on article 1920)
BAILEY-ADNEY Mrs. Flora Bell Bailey and Charles Henry Adney, both of Elmira, were united in marriage Monday evening at 7 o’clock at the German Evangelical parsonage on Dewitt avenue. The Rev. R. Vieweg performed the ceremony. The witnesses were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Adney. (handwritten on article Mar 2 1925)
BAILEY-CONNELLY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adney of 411 Dewitt Avenue announce the marriage of their daughter, Marjorie Bailey of this city, to John Eugene Connelly of Watkins Glen, which took place Dec. 28. Mr. Connelly is a sailor in the United States Navy, stationed at Coco Solo, Canal Zone. At present he is home on leave. Mr. Connelly has two years to serve in the navy.
BAILEY-SAXBURY One of the pretty weddings of the season took place on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David McCann of Pine City, when their daughter Carrie Marie was united in marriage with Le Val Saxbury. The marriage was performed by the Rev. Hugh Kane. The beautiful and impressive ring service was used. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Frances Balmer. The bride’s gown was of white silk and georgette crepe. Her veil was of silk tulle and was caught at the back with orange blossoms. She carried a large bouquet of white asters. The bridesmaid, Miss Iva Saxbury, was gowned in white voile with a cap of silk tulle. Her bouquet was of pink asters. The ring bearer, little Miss Leona Comfort, wore a white dress of marquisette and voile. She carried the ring in a tiny basket filled with tulle. Roy MacNaney of Elmira attended the groom.The color scheme was yellow and white and this was carried out throughout the house. After the ceremony a delicious dinner was served. Covers were laid for about 70. Mr. and Mrs. Sax
BALMER-COE On March 12, 1900, at the residence of D. G. Beckwith, in Southport, by D. G. Beckwith, Esq., Caleb H. Coe and Miss Grace Balmer, both of Southport, N.Y. (handwritten on article Mar 12 1900)
BALMER-FERREN BALMER-FERREN At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Balmer, of Southport, occurred on Wednesday evening, the marriage of their daughter, Anna Elizabeth, to Mr. Finley B. Ferren of Wells, Pa. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. M. Walker, of Daggett, Pa., and was witnessed by about sixty relatives and friends. After a short wedding trip they will reside at Wells, Pa. (handwritten on article Mar 14, 1906)
BALMER-KIBBY Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Balmer of Gillett, Pa., announce the marriage of their daughter, Helen, to Leland Kibby of Cameron Mills on Saturday. The Rev. A. M. Laird performed the ceremony. The bride wore a dark red ensemble suit, hat to match, black shoes and gloves. She carried yellow roses and baby’s breath. She was attended by her sister, Miss Edna Balmer. The bridesmaid wore a dark brown dress, slippers, hose and gloves to match. She carried pink roses and baby’s breath. Jacob J. Welch, cousin of the bride, was best man. A wedding dinner was served at Miller Villa. After a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Kibby will reside in Susquehanna. (handwritten on article Aug 20 1932)
BALMER-WELCH BALMER-WELCH Miss Lena M. Balmer and Samuel J. Welch were united in marriage this morning by Rev. J. W. Roberts, at his home, No. 105 Columbia Street. The bride is the daughter of James Balmer of Fassett, Pa., and the groom is the son of the late Jacob Welch of Gillett, Pa. The marriage was performed in the presence of relatives of both parties. (handwritten on article Oct 23 1902)
BARRETT-McCANN BARRETT-McCANN The marriage of Miss A. H. Barrett, of Pine City to Charles McCann of this city, was solemnized at 8 o’clock last evening at 323 South Avenue, by the Rev. L. M. Sirrell. The couple will live on East Second Street. (handwritten on article Jan 22, 1912)
BARRETT-TOOLEY BARRETT-TOOLEY Miss Clara E. Tooley and Burt M. Barrett, both of Southport, were united in marriage Tuesday evening September 3 at the Pennsylvania Avenue M. E. parsonage by the Rev. G. M. Whiting. (handwritten on article 1918)
BARTLE-HOMMEL MARRIED BY MR. CRAWFORD Rev. C. C. Crawford of 361 South Main Street, performed the ceremony last evening making Miss Maud N. Bartle of Sagetown, N.Y. Mrs. Fraleigh P. Hommel. They will reside at 523 Pennsylvania Avenue, the groom being a Northern entra? Employee (handwritten on article Dec 14, 1898)
BEARDSLEY-TRIPP BEARDSLEY-TRIPP Married at Southport, November 18, 1903, by Andrew Bowen, Esq., Mr. James B. Beardsley of Mt. Jewett, Pa., and Miss Eva Tripp of Southport, N.Y.
BENNETT-COMFORT The marriage of Lemira Bennett, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bennett of 504 Lyon street and Leman Comfort of 803 Holdridge street, was solemnized at the home of the Rev. Charles Kreidler, 402 Mr. Zoar street, Monday evening. The young couple are very popular. The bride is employed at the Wright Electric company as stenographer. The bridegroom holds a position on the Willys-Morrow plant. (handwritten on article Feb. 13 1922)
BENTLEY-BROWN PRETTY WEDDING AT HORSEHEADS Miss Almah Hull Bentley Charming Bride of Charles A. Brown – Young People Popular With Many Friends - Horseheads, June 28 – St. Matthews’ church, this village, was the scene of a very pretty wedding last evening at 8 o’clock when Miss Almah Hull Bentley became the bride of Charles Augustus Brown. The Rev. David Weeks, rector of the church, performed the ceremony. The altar was banked with palms, ferns and daisies and while the guests were arriving Miss Mary Hibbard, who was graduated from the Ithaca Conservatory this month, played several organ selections and Miss Ruth Reynolds of Montour Falls sang “O, Promise Me.” When the bridal party came down the aisle Miss Hibbard played Mendelssohn’s Wedding March on the violin, accompanied on the organ by her mother, Mrs.Almira Hibbard. Miss Reynolds sang “The Nuptial” during the ceremony. The ushers were Messrs. A. R. Platt, T. R. Hibbard, Frank Matthews and Clayton Judson. After them in the bridal procession came Francis Perkins, Margar
BENTLEY-BROWN (cont.) After the ceremony a wedding supper and reception was held at the home of the bride’s aunt, Mrs. A. C. Weston. Miss Reidy catered. The house was prettily decorated in laurel and roses. The bride’s table was in pink and white with covers laid for 18. The centerpiece was a silver basket with white roses and swansonia. There were 50 guests present. The young people serving were Misses Helen bush, Laura Boeltker, Elizabeth and Ruth Voigt, Mary Hibbard and Ivan Wood. The bride wore a white messaline gown over satin with bolero yoke effect of Venice lace with a veil and carried Bride’s roses. The matron of honor was gowned in white satin, with a picture hat trimmed with willow plumes. The little girls were gowned in pink and white. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will be “at home” to their friends after July 1 on Main Street.Mrs. Brown has made a host of friends in this village, where she has resided with her aunt for many years. Mr. Brown is the popular druggist of the village and their friends extend best wishes for a very ha
BENTLEY-SLATTERY Miss Mae J. Bentley 724 Spaulding Street and Thomas F. Slattery, 91 Pennsylvania Avenue, were united in marriage at 6 o’clock, Thursday evening at the parsonage of Centenary M. E. Church. The Rev. C. G. McConnell, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony. After a short wedding trip, the couple will be “at home” to their friends at 903 Pennsylvania Avenue. (handwritten on article June 25, 1928)
BLAIR-LOWN BLAIR-LOWN A pretty wedding took place Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Blair, of 525 South Avenue when their daughter, Frances E. and John W. Lown, of this city were united in marriage by the Rev. J.D. Warren, of South Presbyterian Church. The relatives and immediate friends witnessed the ceremony. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Blair. Mr. Blair being a brother of the bride. After the ceremony a delicious wedding dinner was served. The color scheme was gold and white. The bride was charmingly gowned in canary colored charmeuse adorned with shadow lace. After a wedding trip they will reside on Southport Street, this city. Mr. Lown is a well known jeweler of the Southside. (handwritten on article Sept 24 1913)
BOULD-STOWELL BOULD-STOWELL Miss Hattie Bould and Joseph Stowell were married by the Rev. Eli Pittman at the Hedding M. E. parsonage on Saturday, March 31. They will be at home to their friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill, No. 4 Gates place, after May 1. (handwritten on article 1906)
BOWEN-KNISKERN BOWEN-KNISKERN A pretty home wedding took place today at high noon when Miss Edna Marguerite Bowen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Pellett Bowen of 636 West Gray Street and James Wesley Kniskern of this city were married. The Rev. Albert G. Cornwell of the Park Church performed the ceremony in the presence of fifty relatives and friends. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Florence H. Bosard was the maid of honor and Edgar F. Bowen, a brother of the bride, acted as best man. The house was artistically decorated in palms, ferns and golden rod. A delicious wedding dinner was served, Miss Reidy catering. The bride was gowned in white crepe de chine trimmed with venice lace and carried Bride’s roses. The honor maid wore a gown of blue marquisette and carried white roses. Mrs. Ray Dewitt Herrick sang beautifully “Beloved, It Is Morn,”accompanied by Miss Susan Hitchcock who also played Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March”. Mr. Kniskern is employed by Sheehan, Dean and Company where he has been employed in
BOYNTON-STADELMAIER BOYNTON-STADELMAIER At St. Mary’s Church Monday the Rev. Father Quigley united in marriage Miss Grace Louise Boynton and Herman Stadelmaier, both of Southport. (handwritten on article 1909)
BREWER-VAN DINE BREWER-VAN DINE On Tuesday evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Brewer at Wells, Pa., occurred the wedding of their daughter, Lucy Pearl, to Edward Earl Van Dine, of Ithaca. Rev. Dr. Huff, of Pine City, performed the ceremony in the presence of about fifty guests. They were attended by Miss Jennie Grinnell and William Knapp. A sumptuous wedding supper was served, at which time the congratulations and best wishes of their many admiring friends were extended. The groom is an employee of the Ithaca Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Van Dine will take a short bridal trip, after which they will make their residence in the city of Ithaca. 
BRIGGS-RAPLEE BRIGGS-RAPLEE A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs. O. J. Briggs, yesterday morning at 8 o’clock, when her daughter, Eva, was united to marriage to Llewllyn Raplee, of New York City, by the Rev. I. N. Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Raplee left for their future home in New York where Mr. Raplee is employed with the staff of the United States Weather Bureau. (handwritten on article Sept. 7, 1914)
BRITENBAKER-BAKER BRITENBAKER-BAKER A pretty wedding took place at the home of F. S. Bryan of 908 Pennsylvania Avenue, Saturday noon, when Miss Grace A. Britenbaker and Mahlon George Baker, both of this city, were united in marriage by the Rev. A. L. Hobart. The ring service was used. They were attended by Miss Grace Baker. After a southern trip they will reside at 908 Pennsylvania Avenue. Mr. Baker is a shipping clerk for the Curtis Company. (handwritten on article Apr 1914)
BROWN-ANDRUS Miss Lena Brown, an estimable young lady of this place, was united in marriage last Thursday to Judson Andrus, of Gillett, at the South Side Baptist Church, Elmira, Rev. Reynolds performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Andrus went to housekeeping immediately at Alba, where the groom is principal of a school—Millerton Advocate. (handwritten on article Sept 11, 1902)
BROWN-PAINTON BROWN-PAINTON Mrs. Winifred Brown and Evelyn Painton were united in marriage Sunday, November 1, in Sayre by the Rev. Mr. Petrie at the Presbyterian church parsonage. Mrs. Painton was formerly of Sodus. Mr. Painton is well known in this city and is connected with the Painton bakery on South Main Street. They will reside at 200 South Main Street. (handwritten on article 1908)
BROWN-SHULTZ BROWN-SHULTZ A beautiful home wedding took place at noon yesterday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown near Wellsburg when their only daughter, Jessie S. R. Brown and Charles H. Shultz of Elmira, were united in marriage by the Rev. e. B. Dwyer of Gillett, Pa. They were attended by Miss Mary M. Abell, cousin of the bride, and L. Herbert Brown, brother of the bride. The wedding was a quiet affair, only the nearest relatives and friends being present. The decorations in the parlor consisted of a large laurel arch, underneath which hung a huge white bell; roses and daisies were also used in profusion. The bride wore a beautiful princess gown of white desoie with crystal trimmings. She wore a picture hat of white silk battenberg with willow plumes and carried a bouquet of Bride’s Roses. The bridesmaid wore a princess gown of white India-linen embroidered with daisies. She wore a black picture hat and carried a bouquet of white daisies. The table decorations were of daisies and pansies and the place-cards were
BURLEY-HARRISON September 2 George Harrison, of Browntown, and Miss Florence Burley,of Kelly Hill,were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage in Caton Center by Rev. C. V. Smith.(handwritten on article 1906)
CARPENTER-BURT CARPENTER-BURT Miss Florence B. Carpenter, of Southport and Jay O. Burt, of this city were united in marriage at 323 South Avenue, Wednesday afternoon, by the Rev. Delos E. Abrams, pastor of the Southside Baptist Church. They were attended by Ellison McNeill and Miss Mabel Carpenter. After a short wedding trip they will be “at home” to their friends in their home in Herrick Street. (handwritten on article Dec 10 1913)
CARPENTER-CRISS The marriage of Odetta B. Carpenter of Southport and Samuel B. Criss of Millerton, Pa., took place at the Pennsylvania Avenue Methodist Church parsonage last night at 8:30 o’clock, the Rev. E. M. Cullinan officiating. The couple left for a trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic City, and on their return will make their home in Mosherville, Pa. (handwritten on article Aug 11 1921)
CARPENTER-GOBLE Miss Frances D. Carpenter, Southport, and Harry Goble, 1355 Lake street Elmira, were married at 703 Broadway by the Rev. Delos E. Abrams Tuesday evening, September 28. They were attended by Mrs. S. Przymusik and Mabel E. Carpenter. (handwritten on article Sept 28 1920)
CARPENTER-PRZYMUSICK CARPENTER-PRZYMUSICK The marriage of Mildred Carpenter of 430 West Fourth Street and Stanley Przymusick of 1215 Magee Street took place on Wednesday morning in St. Casimir’s church, the Rev. J. A. Balcerak, performing the ceremony. The couple was attended by Mabel Carpenter and Vincent ?. (handwritten on article June 18, 1919)
CASTBER-SHEELY Following the wedding ceremony, a delicious buffet luncheon was served at the home of the bride. The dining room was tastefully decorated with yellow and white ribbons, which were festooned from the dome over the bride’s table, the center piece being yellow and white chrysanthemums, and was waited upon by the Misses Clara Graves, Freda Dalrymple, Harriet LeMunyan, Louise Flaacke, Sarah Dalrymple, Constance Flaacke, Mildred Surdam, Frank Flaacke and Marie Quigley. Mr. and Mrs. Seely left for a trip to Washington, D.C. The bride’s traveling suit was of dark blue etamine cloth, trimmed with black fur and hat to match. On their return they will reside at the Heights at the home of the bride’s mother on Tenth street. About 80 guests were present at the reception at the home of the bride, who was the recipient of many beautiful presents, among them a case of Madam Jumel silver from the office force of the American Salesbook Company, where the bride was employed in the collection department. The groom is the son of
CASTBER-SHEELY(cont) A very pretty wedding took place at 7:30 o’clock last evening at St. John’s Church, Elmira Heights, when Miss Wave Temma Castner, only daughter of Mrs. Eva Castner, was united in marriage to Gordon Henry Sheely of this city by the Rev. Arthur Rudd, rector of Grace church, using the ring service. The altar was beautifully decorated with white roses, white asters and ferns, while the altar rail was banked with autumn foliage. The seats reserved for the relatives were decorated with white chrysanthemums and yellow ribbons. To the strains of the “Lohengrin” wedding march, played by Merrit Welch, organist, the bridal party entered the church, preceded by Miss Agatha Fosdeck as flower girl. They were followed by Miss Alta Sheely as bridesmaid, and Harry Hazen as best man. The ushers were Bert Clark and Marshal Brownlow. The bride was charmingly gowned in white charmeuse entrain, trimmed with white tulle and chantilly lace, and wore a veil caught with orange blossoms, and carried a shower bouquet of Bride’s roses ti
CASTERLINE-MEEKS CASTERLINE-MEEKS A pretty wedding took place Wednesday noon at the Linwood Avenue Methodist Church, Buffalo, when Miss Lillian Casterline, formerly of this city and Dalton Meeks were united in marriage by the Rev. C. C. Roszell.They were unattended. The bride, who is a very charming young woman, wore a traveling suit of blue broadcloth with hat to match and a corsage bouquet of Bride’s roses and valley lilies. A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony at the Hotel Touraine to the immediate families. Covers were laid for twelve, and the centerpiece was a handsome basket of pink and white rose. Mrs. Meeks while in this city was in the dressmaking business with Miss Sheely, and also with Miss Addie Bentley, the modiste. She has many friends in the city who extend best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Meeks left for an eastern trip and will be “at home” after November 1 at 210 Anderson Place, Buffalo. (handwritten on article Sept 23. 1914)
CHILSON-KNAPP CHILSON-KNAPP Leman O. Knapp and Miss Addie L. Chilson were married at South Creek at the South Presbyterian manse yesterday by the Rev. J. D. Warren. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hill. (handwritten on article Jan 1912)
CHIVER-VAUGHN CHIVER-VAUGHN About sixty guests assembled last evening at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Fannie Stevenson, No. 558 Spaulding street to witness the marriage of Miss Kate Chivers and Festus Vaughn.Miss Chivers’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chivers, reside in England. The Rev. William t. Henry pronounced the solemn words which made the couple man and wife, suing the impressive ring service. The pair was unattended. The bride was gowned in a white silk princess costume and carried pink carnations. After the ceremony an elaborate wedding supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn left for a trip through Pennsylvania and on their return will reside at No. 558 Spaulding street, with Mrs. Stevenson. Many costly and beautiful wedding gifts were received by the bride. The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bartlett of Cameron Mill, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuttle and Frank Barlett, of Corning. Among the guests was the grandmother of the groom, Mrs. Maria Hunter, of this city, who is ninety years old. (hand
COLE SCHRADER COLE SCHRADER The marriage of Miss Grace Marie Cole and Lee George Schrader, both of Elmira, was solemnized at high noon yesterday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Cole of 818 Holdridge Street. The Rev. Dr. William T. Henry performed the ceremony. Miss Laura Hammond and Harry J. Cole brother of the bride, attended the couple. A company of relatives witnessed the ceremony, after which a bountiful dinner was served. The groom is in the employ of the Morrow Company. They will reside on Holdridge Street. (handwritten on article New Years 1914)
COLE-THOMAS COLE-THOMAS Mrs. Genevieve E. Cole of Rochester and John P. Thomas of East Rochester were united in marriage Wednesday, September 30, at 8 o’clock, at the home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas of East Rochester. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. B. L. Lewis of Harrison Valley, a cousin of the bride. After a wedding supper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas left for a trip to New York. They will reside in Rochester. The young couple are well known and Miss Cole formerly resided in this city, being connected with the Arnot-Ogden Hospital. Those present from this city were: Mrs. A. C. Lewis, Mrs. Lafayette Cole, mother of the bride., Miss Margaret Crowley and Chauncey Cole, brother of the bride. (handwritten on article 1908)
COLLINS-M’NANEY COLLINS-M’NANEY Miss Nellie A. Collins of 226 Caldwell Avenue and Mr. E.J. McNaney, of Buffalo, were married Saturday morning, August 14, by the Rev. J. J. Morarity, rector of St. Mary’s church. They were attended by Philip L. Collins and Mrs. T. G. Fitzgerald of Binghamton, niece and nephew of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. McNaney left immediately for a trip of the Great Lakes, upon their return they will reside in Buffalo. Their many friends in this city extend their congratulations and best wishes. (handwritten on article 1915)
COMBS-CONKLIN The marriage of Mida Combs and LeRoy A. Conklin, both of Pine City, took place at high noon on Tuesday, February 14 at the parsonage of the Pennsylvania Avenue Methodist church. The Rev. W. C. B. Turner, pastor of the church performed the ceremony. (handwritten on article 1922)
COMFORT - BARTHOLOMEW The Rev. Charles M. Kreidler, pastor of the First Church of Christ (Disciples,) officiated at the marriage Tuesday night of Miss Erma Comfort and Louis Bartholomew at the home of the bride’s father, Elton L. Comfort, on Hopkins street. After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew will reside in this city, he being employed by the Morrow Manufacturing Company. Many friends are offering congratulations and best wishes. (handwritten on article Dec 14 1915)
COMFORT-BARTHOLOMAY COMFORT-BARTHOLOMAY Miss Erma Comfort and Louis Bartholomay were united in marriage last evening at the home of the bride’s brother, Elton L. Comfort, 722 Hopkins Street. The Rev. Charles M. Kreidler, pastor of the First Church of Christ (disciples), performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomay will reside in this city where the groom is an employee of the Morrow Manufacturing Company. (handwritten on article Dec. 13, 1915)
COMFORT-BENJAMIN The marriage of Lillian Comfort and Frank Benjamin, both of this city, took place at noon today in the parsonage of the Lake Street Presbyterian Church. Dr. R. Lew Williams, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin will reside in this city. (handwritten on article May 13 1922)
COMFORT-COLE COMFORT-COLE Miss Florence M. Comfort and Leon E. Cole, both of Pine City were married at the Pennsylvania Avenue Methodist Episcopal parsonage, 1010 Pennsylvania Avenue, Wednesday evening, by the Rev. H. C. Sears. Miss Grace Cole and Henry Shappee were the attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Cole will reside at Horseheads. (handwritten on article Mar 29, 1911)
COMFORT-CROSS At the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Ezra Walker in this village, November 10, 1898, by Rev. J. C. Moyer of Cortland, N.Y., Mr. Edward J. Cross and Miss Ida M. Comfort, both of Elmira, were married. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served, after which the bridal party took the 4:02 p.m. train for Cortland, where they will spend a few days. They will then go to Chicago, where they expect to make their home. The groomsman and bridesmaid were Mr. Clayton A. Budd and Miss Ella M. McNaney, of Elmira.
COMFORT-HOCKSTAFF Marriage licenses have recently been issued to Edwin J. Hockstaff and Ethel M. Comfort both of this city (handwritten on article Nov 11 1916)
COMFORT-SEYMOUR COMFORT-SEYMOUR The marriage of Miss Louise B. Comfort and Edward Seymour, both of Elmira took place Saturday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s brother Elton Comfort, 722 Hopkins Street. The Rev. Charles M. Kreidler performed the ceremony. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Elton Comfort. A wedding supper was served after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour will reside at 722 Hopkins Street. (handwritten on article Dec. 18, 1915)
COMFORT-WASHBURN Elmira Heights- June 3- The wedding of Miss Gladys Comfort of Elmira and Wilmer Washburn of Elmira Heights took place Thursday, May 29, at the home of the bridegroom on O’Hanlon Avenue, in this village. The Rev. Charles W. Walker, pastor of the Oakwood Avenue M. C. Church, officiated. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Collin Storrs. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Eliza Cook. The bride wore a gown of white canton crepe with a bridal veil and orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses. The maid of honor wore white taffeta and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Following the ceremony, a wedding supper was served, covers being laid for eight at the bride’s table. There were a number of other guests present. The bride was the recipient of a cut glass set, linens and many other gifts. The bridegroom is an employee of the Eclipse Machine Company. Mr. and Mrs. Washburn will reside at the home of his mother, in O’Hanlon Avenue, Wilbur Plot.
CONGDON-DOUGLAS CONGDON-DOUGLAS Miss Blanche Congdon of Gillett, Pa. and Albert Raymond Douglas of this city, were united in marriage at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon at the First Baptist church parsonage, the Rev. William T. Henry performing the ceremony. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas will leave soon for California where they will make their home. (handwritten on article Sept 24 1913)
CONKLIN-DEVINE The marriage of Miss Minnie R. Conklin and Claude R. Devine, both of this city, took place Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Lake Street Presbyterian manse. Dr. R. Lew Williams, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate families of the couple. Mr. and Mrs. Devine will make their home in this city. (handwritten on article Mar 17 1921)
CONKLIN-M’CANN CONKLIN-M’CANN Miss Emma L. Conklin and Raymond T. McCann, both of this city were united in marriage last evening at the parsonage of the First Methodist Episcopal church, the Rev. A. J. Saxe performing the ceremony. They were attended by the bride’s sister, Miss Myrtle Conklin, and the groom’s brother Herbert McCann. (handwritten on article Nov. 10, 1911)
CONKLIN-RICHMOND CONKLIN-RICHMOND Miss Lula Belle Conklin and Hugh N. Richmond, both of this city, were united in marriage last evening by the Rev. A. J. Saxe at the First Methodist Church parsonage. (handwritten on article Dec 19 1909)
COOK-THEETGE COOK-THEETGE Miss Irene Cook of Elmira, formerly of Caton, and Andrew Theetge, of this city, were united in marriage of noon Christmas day, at the parsonage of the Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church, the Rev. H. B. Redick performing the ceremony. They will reside at 444 West Fifth Street. Mr. Theetge is an employee of the Morrow Manufacturing Company. (handwritten on article Christmas 1911)
CORWIN-ELWOOD CORWIN-ELWOOD At the home of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Shepard, East Water Street, Miss Minnie May Corwin of Millerton, Pa., was united in marriage to Robert Tracey Elwood on Saturday evening last. The Rev. Eli Pittman, pastor of Hedding Methodist Episcopal Church performed the ceremony. After a brief wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Elwood will be at home at 310 South Main Street. (handwritten on article 1907)
CORWIN-MITCHELL Charles Mitchell, of Painted Post, N.Y. and Miss Nellie Corwin, of Millerton, were united in marriage May 11 at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. G. W. Shephard, by the Rev. Eli Pitman, pastor of Hedding M. E. Church, Elmira. The newly married couple will reside at Painted Post..
COX-McWHORTER COX-McWHORTER Miss M. Meredith Cox and Stephen McWhorter were united in marriage yesterday afternoon by the Rev. Delos E. Abrams at his home, 703 Broadway. They were attended by Miss Helen Bryan and Miss Leah Landon. Miss Cox was county superintendent of schools in one of the districts of Chemung County and is well-known among the teachers and school children of the district schools of the county. They will reside in this city. (handwritten on article Apr. 15, 1915)
CRANE-GRAY CRANE-GRAY Miss Nettie G. Crane and Mr. Herbert C. Gray, both of this city, were quietly married on October 2, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Groom, on South Broadway. The Rev. Herbert S. Southall, pastor of Centenary Methodist church, performed the ceremony. (handwritten on article 1906)
CULVER-SEYMOUR CULVER-SEYMOUR A pretty wedding was solemnized at 210 Partridge Street Thursday evening at 8 o’clock when Miss Ivah M. Culver was united in marriage to Bradley S. Seymour. The Rev. J. D. Warren performed the ceremony. The bride was gowned in a light blue silk with veil. She carried white sweet peas with smilax. About 20 friends and relatives attended. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Parker Gee. (handwritten on article Aug 6, 1914)
DALRYMPLE-METCALFE Miss Sarah Dalrymple was married to Charles Metcalfe Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dalrymple of South Broadway. The Rev. J. W. White performed the ceremony. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Frederica Dalrymple and Cressy Mowrey acted as best man. The bride’s gown was of white crepe meteor and lace. She wore a long tulle veil arranged with a frill at the back of the head. Her bouquet was of Bride’s roses. The bridesmaids wore a white net dress with Nile green satin trimmings and carried pink and white roses. The wedding music was played by Miss Mildred Sheely, violin and Miss Olive Sheely, piano. Before the ceremony, Miss Eva Johnson sang, “Beloved It Is Morn”. A wedding supper was served after the ceremony, covers being laid for 60. The decorations on the bride’s table were red roses and smilax. Laurel and daisies were used in the other rooms. Nine friends of the bride assisted in serving the refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalfe left for a western trip. Th
DANIELS-BOUGHTON On Wednesday at the parsonage, Rev. C. C. Crawford united in marriage Arthur Boughton and Miss Lena Daniels, both of Gillett, Pa. (handwritten on article Apr 2 1902)
DE GRAW-PHILLIPS DE GRAW-PHILLIPS Last Monday evening, December 23, at the residence of the bride, Miss Mabel E. DeGraw and Richard T. Philips were united in marriage by the Rev. P. J. Williams. The young people are highly respected young people of Elmira Heights. The house was prettily decorated with flowers and a delicious wedding dinner was served. (handwritten on article 1907)
DEWELL-THOMPSON DEWELL-THOMPSON Miss Almira Dewell and Frank R. Thompson both of Southport Corners, were married last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boughton of Pennsylvania Avenue by the Rev. H. B. Reddick in the presence of the immediate families and a few friends. The ceremony took place at 8 o’clock, after which an elaborate wedding supper was served. After their trip they will reside in Browntown, near Caton. (handwritten on article Jan 30 1912)
DRAPER-ROSS Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Draper of the Glen Ella cottage on East Hill announce the marriage of their daughter, Olga M. to William P. Ross, also of this city, which took place this morning at 11 o’clock in the parsonage of the Pennsylvania Avenue Methodist Church. The Rev. W. C. B. Turner performed the ceremony. The couple was attended by Mrs. T. J. Petzold, sister of the bride and Claude Fanning. A wedding breakfast was enjoyed after the ceremony at the Chocolate Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Ross left for a short wedding trip. They will be at home at 905 East Market street after October 1. They have the best wishes of their many friends. (handwritten on article Sept 2 1922)
EATON-BROWN Robert M. Brown of Burlington Township, and Miss Nina M. Eaton, of this place, were happily united in marriage at the Southside Baptist parsonage in Elmira, by Rev. F. W. Reynolds on Sunday, June 29, 1902. The affair has been kept a secret from all but the parents of the bride and groom until Tuesday.
ELWELL-EATON The marriage of Pearl Elwell to Walter Eaton, both of Pine City, took place this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the parsonage of the Pennsylvania Avenue Methodist church, the Rev. George E. Whiting performing the ceremony. (handwritten on article Feb. 14, 1917)
FARNSWORTH-M’CANN Miss Laura Farnsworth and Francis McCann, both of Elmira Heights, were married April 5 in Hornell by the Rev. A. P.Coman, a former pastor of the Oakwood Avenue M. E. Church. They were attended by Miss Elsie Werden and Clifford Farnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. McCann will reside in Elmira Heights, where they are both highly esteemed and have many friends. Mr. McCann is an employee of the Eclipse Machine Company.
FARREN-SMITH FARREN-SMITH Miss Rean Farren of this village and Louis Smith, of Pine City were married Saturday evening at the Methodist parsonage by the Rev. George M. Whiting. They were attended by the bride’s sister, Miss Ruth Farren, and Theodore Smith of Big Flats. After a short wedding trip they will make their home here. (handwritten on article Mar 24, 1928)
FARREN-STREETER FARREN-STREETER Miss Emma E. Farren of Wells, Pa. and Harry L. Streeter of this city were united in marriage Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock by the Rev. Arthur Dougall at his home, 323 West Church Street. They will reside on High Street. (handwritten on article Feb 14 1908)
FEDDER-MILLER FEDDER-MILLER The marriage of Miss Eleanora C. Fedder of corning to Ralph Edmund Miller of Elmira, took place yesterday morning at the parochial residence of St. Mary’s Church in Corning; the Rev. Father Cassady performing the ceremony. The matron of honor was Mrs.Albert Miller, of Elmira, and Thomas McGrath of Corning, acted as the best man. Miss Catherine Krebe of Corning, was flower girl. The bride’s gown was an exquisite French crepe de chine trimmed with duchesse lace, and the matron wore a beautiful macramé robe. The bride carried a shower bouquet of white sweet peas, and the matron’s bouquet was of pink sweet peas. The flower girl carried a pretty basket of lavender sweet peas. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride’s parents. Pink and green was the color scheme of the decorations, the house and table being profusely decorated with sweet peas. Mrs. Naugle of Corning, catered for the breakfast. The many friends of the newly wedded couple extend heartiest congratulatio
FERREN-BURCH FERREN-BURCH Miss Inez Ferren and Harold Burch were married last evening at 7 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hilton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. M. A. Soper of Horseheads. The bridal couple stood in front of a bank of ferns and cut flowers in the parlor, the color scheme, green and white being carried out in all the rooms. The bride’s gown was of white satin and shadow lace with a white hat. Mrs. Hilton, the bride’s attendant and sister wore a pale green silk gown trimmed with net lace and beads. Immediately after the ceremony, a wedding supper was served. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Burch left for their new home on Mr. Burch’s farm near Horseheads. (handwritten on article June 10, 1915)
FOSTER-STORCH FOSTER-STORCH Miss Mina Foster, of Horseheads, and Mrs. Carl W. Storch, of Elmira, were united in marriage Wednesday, May 10, by the Rev. L. S. Green, at the home of Mrs. Deering in Van Etten. (handwritten on article 1905)
FRREMAAN-HESS-GERE DOUBLE WEDDING The month of roses reached its ideal of beauty last Wednesday when the double wedding of Miss Helen May Freeman to Mr. Henry Hess, and Miss ?Ida Belle Freeman to Mr. Llewellyn Gere, occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Freeman. The ceremony was pronounced at half after four by the Rev. Mr. Fanning, pastor of the Barrington M. E. Church. As Mendelsohn’s Wedding March was being played by Miss Mabel Washburn of Pulteney, the bridal party entered the room. The ushers were Miss Clarissa Smallige of Penn Yan and Miss Laura Adams of Middlesex. Miss Mae Hess, sister of one of the grooms, acted as maid of honor, and S. Jason Botsford, cousin of the bride’s, accompanied the grooms. The brides were gowned in white silk and carried shower bouquets of white roses. The ring ceremony was used, and during the service Miss Washburn played the Flower Song. The house was very tastefully decorated with roses, ferns and laurel. After the congratulations the wedding supper was served on
GARDNER-NIVER GARDNER-NIVER Caton, Jan. 2—Two of Caton’s most popular young people, Miss Maude Alice Gardner, daughter of the late Edward Clark Gardner and Winfield Clay Niver, eldest son of A. T. Niver, were married at the Methodist parsonage at Montour Falls on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock by the Rev. H. B. Reddick. After a bountiful wedding dinner at the parsonage Mr. and Mrs. Niver returned to Caton.
GARRISON-LEWIS GARRISON-LEWIS Last evening at 8 o’clock occurred a very pretty wedding at the home of Mrs. Justus J. Garrison, No. 607 ½ College Avenue, when her daughter Clara, was united in marriage to Arthur A. Lewis, both of this city. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. K. M. Walker, of the Wellsburg Methodist Church, former pastor of the bride, at Daggett, Pa. The rooms were decorated with pink and white carnations. The bride carried a beautiful bouquet of bride’s roses. The ceremony was performed under an arch of ferns and snowballs. Following the ceremony a delicious supper was served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Lewis left on a trip to New York and vicinity. On their return they will spend the remainder of the summer at their cottage on the Chemung and will make their home later at No. 237 Mr. Zoar Street. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have a host of friends who wish them a long life of happiness. (handwritten on article June 26 1909)

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