Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Marriages of the Tri-Counties
Marriage Announcements Connected to Elmira NY
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Township: Town & City of Elmira, Chemung County NY
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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Marriage Records and  Marriage Clippings on the site by using the Marriage button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Be aware that you will also find some marriage notices in the Clippings partition and on the Bibles pages.
The marriage of Miss Hilda Butcher of 421 Linden Pl., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butcher of Millerton, and Robert Segar, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Segar of Millerton, took place Saturday at 7 p.m. in the Oakwood Methodist Church. The ring ceremony was solemnized by the Rev. E. D. Van Dyke.The couple was attended by Miss Corlyn Winner and Thomas Butcher, Jr., brother of the bride both of Millerton.Mr. Segar is employed by the Lackawanna Railroad, and the bride as a position with the Precision Tool Division of Remington Rand Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Segar will reside in Elmira. (handwritten on article Apr. 16, 1938)

"The Marriage Solemnized Last Evening at the Residence of the Bride's Parents.
"Last evening at the pleasant home of Frederick Schweppe on Carroll Street, occurred the marriage of his daughter, Miss Willa, to Jacob Duhl of the firm of Duhl Brothers [Meat Market in Elmira]. The interesting ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Kammerer, of the German Evangelical Church, in the presence of the relatives and friends of the popular young couple. Miss Emma Studlen [may be a typo for Schidlen] of Buffalo acted as bridesmaid and Otto Weyer, also of Buffalo, performed the duties of best man on this interesting occasion. At the conclusion of the ceremony a bounteous wedding supper was served and the good cheer was partaken of by a large number of friends. Many and beautiful were the presents of which the happy couple were the recipients, one being a handsome marble clock presented by the German Evangelical Church, Mrs. and Mr[s]. Duhl being members of the choir. After receiving the congratulations and hearty good wishes of their many friends the couple left on the Northern Central at 11:55 o'clock for a wedding tour to Washington D.C. and other places."

Birth names: William Jacob Duhl, Wilhelmina Johannsmeyer Schweppe
Source: Elmira Daily Gazette & Free Press, June 10, 1891, p. 5.
Transcribed by Barbara Ann Ross, who added the material in brackets.

DATE: 21 JUNE 1884, Elmira NY
SOURCE: Elmira Advertiser, Fri., 27 June 1884
Transcriber: Anne Ross
MINSTER-FURY--At 369 Norton street, in this city, June 21, 1884, by the Rev. J.S. Harrington. Joseph Minster and Miss Kate Fury both of this city."

Elmira Daily Gazette and Free Press – May 24, 1899
The lot of Mr. and Mrs. James McCann of Oakwood Avenue
Celebrated Yesterday Afternoon and Evening in a Royal Manner – Many Gueste in Attendance and the Event Was Very Enjoyable.  Fifty years of prosperous wedded life does not fall to the lot of every couple yet such is the case with Mr. and Mrs. James McCann of NO. 2052 Oakwood Avenue at Elmira Heights, who yesterday afternoon and evening celebrated their golden wedding. Nearly 300 invitations had been issued for the event and the majority of the guests were in attendance.  The spacious residence was handsomely decorated with floral designs and cut flowers. May blossoms predominating. They were arranged under the direction of Robert Leavitt of Hoffman’s. The porches were enclosed with awnings. McHenry’s orchestra discoursed delightful music on one during the afternoon and evening, while the other was utilized by the men as a smoking room.  From 3 until 5 and from 7 to 10 the guests were received by Mr. and Mrs. McCann in the front parlor. Here too the guests were greeted by Mrs. Charles Heller and the three sons, John, George and James D., and their wives. Mrs. Heller was the bridesmaid of fifty years ago and it was expected that Valentine Farr, the groomsman, would be present, but he was unable to attend owing to illness. He resides at Big Flats.  In the back parlor Mrs. M. N. Lewis and Mrs. Frederick Bright received and in the dining room Mrs. Martin Hammond, Mrs. E. J. Young, Mrs. O. M. Wixon and Mrs. Margaret McNulty alternated in presiding over the coffee urn during the afternoon and evening. Mrs. James McCann, 2d, Miss Crete McCann, Miss Mary Thurston, Miss Martha Hammond, Miss Louise McNulty assisted in serving the refreshments, which were in charge of Miss Murphy, the caterer.  The family and relatives enjoyed a supper at 6 p.m. Among the guests were six sisters and three brothers of Mrs. McCann, living within ten miles of each other in this county, Mrs. Charles Heller, Miss Isabelle Neish, Mrs. William N. Lewis, Mrs. M. H. Thurston, Mrs. Martin Hammond, Mrs. E. J. Young, Andrew, James B. and Alexander Neish, Mr. and Mrs. John McCann and five children, two sons and three daughters, Mr. and Mrs. George McCann and son, Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. James D. McCann and little daughter, Helen, the youngest of the grandchildren. It was regretted that George McCann, brother of Mr. McCann, was unable to be present owing to illness.  James McCann was born on September 2, 1820, in the old homestead, which was rebuilt in 1833. His wife, formerly Miss Helen Neish, was born in Andes, Deleware County, in 1829. Three sons survive.  Mr. McCann’s father, John, came to the United States about 1800 from County Antrim, Ireland. The family are of Scotch extraction and came to Ireland during the persecution of the Christians at the time of the Reformation. In 1804 John, in company with John Suffern, came to New York to Elmira, on horseback, through the woods. He married Susan Adams, formerly of Orange county.  Yesterday’s anniversary was an occasion which will linger long in the memories of those who participated as one of the bright spots of the past. Mr. and Mrs. McCann were the recipients of many and sincere congratulations and well wishes for many more years of wedded life and prosperity.

 Miss Sara Gell, of Blossburg, and Benjamin Miller, of Elmira, were married Sept. 4, at the High Street Temple in Elmira, Rabbi M. Eckstein officiating.  The couple were attended by Sam Gell, of Blossburg, and Lena Miller, of Hamilton, Ontario, Irving Miller, of New York city, and Elias Miller, both brothers of the bridgegroom, played the wedding march and Irving Miller sang “Oh Promise Me.”  The bride was attired in embroidered white Canton crepe and carried white roses.  After the ceremony a reception was held, about 55 guests attending.  Mr. And Mrs. Miller left for Rochester, Toronto and Hamilton, Ont., after which they will reside in Rochester.  Among the out-of-town guests were:  Dr. and Mrs. Sam Kantz, the Misses Dorothy, Helen and Florence Kantz, of Brooklyn, NY; Mrs. I. Blumanthral, Hamilton, Ont.; Harry Miller and son, Louis, Altoona, Pa.; Lena Miller, Hamilton, Ont.; Irving Miller, New York city; Mr. And Mrs. Harry Hyman and daughter, Barbara, of Detroit, Mich.; Max Hyman, of Detroit, Mich.; Mr. And Mrs. M. Gell, of Blossburg, Pa.; Miss Oppenheim and Mr. Snowess, of Blossburg, Pa.; Mr. And Mrs. J. Gell of New York city; Herman Gell, of New York; Sam and Louis Gell, of Blossburg. (The Agitator:  Wellsboro, PA, Wednesday, September 14, 1921)

 Tioga, June 7---Miss Myrtle Harriet Daggett, of Tioga was married on Wednesday morning, June 2 at 10:30 in Elmira to Neil Kenneth McNeill, of Elmira and Albany.  The wedding took place in the study of the First Presbyterian Church at Elmira, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Benham. Mr. And Mrs. McNeill left immediately after the ceremony for a week’s trip to New York, Boston and Albany.  On their return they will be at home at the Gleason Health Resort at Elmira.  Mr. McNeill has been for the past two years manager of the Gleason Health Resort, Mrs. McNeill is a niece of Mrs. Harriet N. Wheeler of Tioga.  She is a graduate of the Mansfield State Normal School, and of the Nurses’ School of the Arnot-Ogden Memorial Hospital of Elmira.  She has been a lifelong resident of Tioga, and her many friends there wish her much happiness. (The Agitator, Wellsboro, PA, Wednesday, June 19, 1926)

 Miss Annice Richardson, of Elmira, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. John Richardson, of Charleston, and Fredrick D. Seaman, of Elmira, son of Mr. And Mrs. Horace Seaman were married at noon Monday, May 24, at the parsonage of the Presbyterian church at Cortland, NY, by Rev. Carl Schovel. Miss Richardson was attended by Miss Blanche Seaman as maid of honor and Clifford Congdon acted as best man.  The bride wore a gown of orchid crepe de chene and carried pale yellow roses.  Miss Seaman carried pink roses.  After a short wedding trip Mr. And Mrs. Seaman will make their home in Cortland, NY. (The Agitator:  Wellsboro, PA, Wednesday, June 19, 1926)

Miss Doris Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Benson, of Mansfield, R.D. 1, and Mr. Emerson Oldroyd, of Troy, were married June 20 by the pastor of the Southside Baptist Church, Elmira.  The community extends congratulations.  They will reside at the home of the bride. [SRGP 37278 / 37276]

Elmira Heights WOOD- MERILL- Wedding Banns Young people Were Married Saturday- Elmira Heights, May 5.- A quiet wedding was solemnized Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Merrill of West Sixteenth street, when Miss Cora Mae WOOD of Big Flats and their only son, Orlo Stuart Merrill, were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. P. Coman, pastor of Oakwood Avenue M. E. Church. Mrs. A. P. Coman played the Lohengrin wedding march. They were attended by Clarence Wescott and Miss Marian Stuart, cousins of the bridegroom. Lille Miss Elsie Merill, sister of the bridegroom was the ring bearer. Only the immediate relatives were present. The bride wore a dark blue traveling gown and carried a bouquet of pink and white roses. A wedding luncheon was served after the ceremony and Mr. and Mrs. Merrill left over the Erie Railroad at 6 o'clock for Binghamton, amid showers of confetti and best wishes for their future happiness. The bridegroom is an employe of the Eclipse Machine Company. The bride has lived in Elmira Heights for some time and both have many friend, who extend congratulations. They will reside at the home of the bridegroom's parents.

JOHNSON/ FEENEY--- Mr Bert Johnson, of this place, and Miss Anna Feeney, of Elmira, were married at the home of the bride on Judy 20th. Congratulations.

Miss Margaret Lavona Houseknecht, daughter of Mrs. Lee Bartholomew, of Lawrenceville, and George Houseknecht of Delhi, N. Y., and Robert Keck, of Wellsboro, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Keck, of Wellsboro, were married Dec. 8, at 6 p. m., in the North Presbyterian church, Elmira. Rev. W. H. Willits, D. D., performed the ceremony. They were attended by Miss Dorothy Richardson, and Charles Hollenbeck, of Wellsboro. The bride wore a dusty rose crepe gown, brown accessories and a corsage of pink rose buds. Miss Richardson's gown was of blue crepe and she wore a corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Keck are graduates of the Wellsboro High School, class of 1938. Mr. Keck is employed by the Evans Auto Company of Wellsboro - In 1940, Margaret Houseknecht married Robert Keck. From Wellsboro Agitator 12-18-1940:
Celebration of Life
St. Joseph's Hospital, Elmira, NY
Dr. Jones is not Forgotten

Miss Barker, Dr. F. H. Jones Wed in Florida
  Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Anna G. Barker and Floyd H. Jones which took place Thursday, Feb. 10, 1944, in Miami, Fla. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Marcia D. Barker, 617 Hart St., and the late Capt. James T. Barker. Dr. Jones is the son of Mrs. Minta Jones, 410 William St.
  The Rev. Scharf performed the ceremony at 4 p. m. at the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. James Drake of Miami, Fla., formerly of Elmira, were attendants.
Star Gazette-Feb. 15, 1944-clipping saved by Grant H. Jones

Florence Marie Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Benson, and Charles A. Peet, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet, Knoxville, were married Sunday morning, April 9, 1939, at eight o’clock at the Southside Baptist Church, Elmira, by Rev. C. W. Hardy in the presence of about 100 guests. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to the immediate families at the home of the bride’s parents. The bridal couple left for a short wedding trip to New York and will make their home in Elmira.

In the presence of 60 guests, Miss Jessie Grace Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse M. Miller, of 205 Crete Avenue, became the bride of Malcolm DeVere Gibson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm D. Gibson of 529 ½ West Water Street, Friday morning at 11 o’clock in the Lady Chapel of Grace Episcopal Church. The Very Rev. Frederick Henstridge read the service.
Bouquets of white and bronze chrysanthemums were placed on the altar, and the wedding music was played by William H. Morvan, church organist. Miss Miller, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a white satin princess style gown, with waist length veil, which fell from her small white cap. Her bouquet was composed of white roses and lilies-of-the-valley. Miss Lola Kendall of 232 Kendall Place, maid-of-honor, wore an emerald green princess style dress, with matching cap and accessories. She carried Token roses and lilies-of-the-valley. The bride’s mother was attired in navy blue silk with accessories to match, and Mrs. Gibson, mother of the bridegroom selected a brown dress, with white trim and brown accessories for the occasion. William Miller, brother of the bride, was best man.Following the ceremony, a small reception for the immediate families was held at the bride’s parents. For going-away, Mrs. Gibson selected a black velvet suit, with black accessories.
The couple have left for a short trip to New York City and Washington, D. C. Upon their return they will live on 14th Street, Elmira Heights.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Gibson attended Elmira schools and were graduated from the Elmira Free Academy with the class of ’35. Mr. Gibson is now affiliated with the Household Specialty Company. Out-of-town guests present for the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Gladke, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Fisher, Buffalo; Albert S. Gallatin, Troy. Pre-nuptial parties honoring the bride were given by Miss Eunice Clark and Miss Kendall. Invitations had been received by Troy relatives and friends of the groom to the wedding of Edward Ray Parke and Miss Caroline, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Housel of Lewisburg, at St. John’s Reformed Church, Lewisburg on April 7.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 25 AUG 2005
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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