Maple Syrup time in Bradford County Photo March 2000 by Joyce M. Tice |
Transcribed and submitted by J. Kelsey Jones
There were eleven school districts in Wells Township in 1869: Aspinwall,
Baker, Beckwith, Brown, Garrison Hill, Judson Hill, Knapp, Mosherville,
Orange, Rowley Hill, and Wortendyke. The names below are given alphabetically
with the school district they resided in. Aspinwall (now Coryland) was
in southern Wells and bordered Columbia township, Baker was in east central
Wells and bordered South Creek, Beckwith was in central Wells, Brown was
in northeast Wells and bordered New York State and South Creek, Garrison
Hill was in southwest Wells and bordered Columbia and Tioga County, Judson
Hill was in west central Wells and bordered Jackson Township in Tioga County,
Knapp was in east central Wells north of Baker and south of Brown and bordered
South Creek, Mosherville was in west central Wells where the village of
Mosherville is and bordered Jackson Township in Tioga County, Orange was
in northwest Wells and comprised the Hammond and Seeley Creek Valleys for
the most part and bordered New York State and Jackson township in Tioga
County, Rowley Hill was in south central Wells south of Baker and north
of Wortendyke and bordered South Creek, Wortendyke was in southeast Wells
and bordered Columbia and South Creek. Besides residences, three public
cemeteries are shown, three churches, businesses, and roads are designated.
There were three post offices: Aspinwall or Old Hickory (the area that
is now Coryland), Edsallville (area of Garrison Hill District and southern
Judson Hill), French Mills or Mosherville.
Adams, N. - Judson Hill District
Allen, D. W. - Brown District
Ayers, D. - Garrison Hill District
Ayers, J. A. Est. - Judson Hill District
Ayers, S. E. - Garrison Hill District
Ayres, J. J. - Knapp District
Baker, D. - Knapp District
Baker, H. - Rowley Hill District
Baker, J. W. - Judson Hill District
Baker, L. E. - Baker District
Barns, Mrs. P. - Judson Hill District
Barrett, Mrs. - Beckwith District
Barton, C. - Brown District
Barton, J. - Brown District
Beardslee, P. - Wortendyke District
Beardsley, W. - Baker District
Beckwith, Mrs. - Beckwith District
Beers, A. J. - Rowley Hill District
Beers, C. - Beckwith District
Bond, T. - Judson Hill District
Boughton, M. - Knapp District
Bowman, A. P., Pleasant Hill Farm - Rowley Hill District
Bowman, F. P. - Rowley Hill District
Brasted, J. R. - Garrison Hill District, Edsallville (only initials J. R. B., but beside William Brasted and assumed to be James R. Brasted)
Brasted, W., Orchard Home Farm - Garrison Hill District, Edsallville
Brewer, E. - Brown District
Brewer, J. - Brown District
Brewer, J. Est. - Garrison Hill District
Brewer, H. - Brown District
Brewer, W. - Garrison Hill District
Brink, A. C. - Rowley Hill District
Brink, G. W. - Knapp District
Brink, J. H., Sunny Side Place Farm - Rowley Hill District
Bristol, D. - Knapp District
Bristol, J. H. - Knapp District
Brooks, R. - Brown District
Burdick, E. - Mosherville District
Canfield, M. - Orange District
Capron, M. - Mosherville District
Carr, M. - Mosherville District
Carr, M. M., Homestead by the Hillside Farm, farmer and dairyman - Aspinwall District and Wortendyke District
Chadwick, Mrs. L. - Judson Hill District
Churchill, O. - Knapp District
Clary, T. - Knapp District
Cook, J. E. - Brown District
Corey, D. - Aspinwall District, Aspinwall Corners
Corey, G. - Aspinwall District, Aspinwall Corners
Coursen, J. B. - Judson Hill District
Cunningham, J. - Beckwith District
Dalrymple, D. - Beckwith District
Davey, N. - Beckwith District
Davis, E. - Wortendyke District
Davis, G. S. - Judson Hill District
Dillistin, E. - Aspinwall District
Dunning, H. - Judson Hill District
Dunning, W. - Wortendyke District
Edsall, A. - Aspinwall District
Edsall, J. Est. - Garrison Hill District
Edsall, Jesse - Garrison Hill District, Aspinwall Corners
Edward, F. O. - Brown District
Eldridge, Dr. - Beckwith District
Ellison, N. - Brown District
Faringer, A. - Baker District
Ferguson, J. C., Hillsdale Farm - Brown District
Ferguson - see Furgerson
Fitzsimmons, J., Locust Grove Farm - Orange District, Seeley Creek Valley
French, H. C. - Judson Hill District
French, L., Spring Meadows Farm - Mosherville District, Seeley Creek Valley
French, S. G., Pleasant Farm - Judson Hill District
Fuller, A. - Rowley Hill District
Furgerson, A., Mt. Holly Farm - Rowley Hill District
Furgerson, B. - Beckwith District
Fries, D. - Aspinwall District
Garrison, F. - Beckwith District
Gifford, W., Fair View Farm - Mosherville District
Gray, D. - Brown District
Griffin - Orange District
Grinnell, Mrs. R., Pleasant Grove Farm - Beckwith District
Griswold, J. - Baker District, Beckwith District
Grover, J. & Co. - Brown District
Harr, S., wagon shop, blacksmith shop - Mosherville District, village
Hart, G. - Brown District
Hatfield, W. R. - Knapp District
Hathaway, A. - Mosherville District, village
Havens, W., Quiet Home Farm - Brown District
Heater, J. - Knapp District
Helme, F. S., Grove Cottage Farm - Orange District, Seeley Creek Valley
Hill, M. - Brown District, Judson Hill District
Holbert, N. - Knapp District
Holdredge, D. - Rowley Hill District
Ingals, Mrs. C. - Mosherville District, village
Johnson, A. - Orange District
Johnson, H. - Orange District, Seeley Creek Valley
Jones, S. - Mosherville District, village
Judson, A. - Mosherville District, Seeley Creek Valley
Kilgore, W. - Wortendyke District
Killgore, D. - Wortendyke District
Knapp, A. - Aspinwall District
Knapp, A. W. - Rowley Hill District
Knapp, L. W. - Knapp District
Knapp, P. - Aspinwall District
Kymer, G. - Garrison Hill District, Edsallville
Lawrence, D. - Rowley Hill District
Lawrence, L. - Rowley Hill District
Leonard, C. H. - Baker District
Leonard, V. C. - Rowley Hill District
Lewis, G. - Judson Hill District
Lighthill, T. - Beckwith District
Little, S. T. - Mosherville District
Ludlow, J. - Judson Hill District
Mapes, P. Est. - Knapp District
McLane, J. - Aspinwall District
Miller, W. - Orange District, Hammond Creek Valley
Moore, E. - Wortendyke District
Moore, Mrs. J. - Mosherville District
Mott, J. - Rowley Hill District
Murdaugh, A. - Judson Hill District
Newton, D. J. - Brown District
Newton, J. S. - Brown District
Nichols, C. G. - Brown District
Noble, A. C. - Beckwith District
O’Neil, Mrs. - Beckwith District
Opdyke, C. - Judson Hill District
Opdyke, J. - Orange District
Opdyke, M. - Judson Hill District
Opdyke, R. - Knapp District
Osgood, J. I., farmer and manufacturer of lumber - Mosherville District, village
Osgood, M. - Rowley Hill District
Owens, T. - Orange District, Seeley Creek Valley
Parmenter, S. - Judson Hill District
Pedrick, B. - Orange District
Pedrick, J. - Orange District, Seeley Creek Valley
Perry, J. A. - Judson Hill District
Pinkney, A. - Judson Hill District
Quell, R. - Beckwith District
Randall, J. O., store & PO - Aspinwall District, Aspinwall Corners
Rathburn, Mrs. - Baker District
Relyea, W. - Baker District
Rightmire, Mrs. - Knapp District
Roberts, H. - Judson Hill District
Roberts, J. - Mosherville District, village
Robinson, Mrs. - Beckwith District
Rolison, H. - Wortendyke District
Roy, J. - Baker District
Roy, J. A., Pine Grove Farm - Mosherville District, Beckwith District, Brown District
Sayre, D. M. - Orange District
Schofield, M. - Knapp District
Seely, Mrs. - Orange District, Hammond Creek Valley
Seely, A. - Knapp District
Seely, A., Pleasant Valley Farm - Orange District, Hammond Creek Valley
Seely, J. - Baker District
Seely, S. - Beckwith District
Sheive, C. - Judson Hill District
Shepard, C. L., Dealer in General Merchandise - Mosherville District, village
Shepard, S. - Beckwith District
Shephard, M. - Wortendyke District
Shermann, L. - Mosherville District
Shiner, J. - Orange District
Smith, M. - Orange District
Soper, B. - Brown District
Spencer, S. - Brown District
Stafford, H. - Mosherville District, Beckwith District
Stafford, J. - Brown District
Stone, O., Hotel - Mosherville District, village
Strong, Mrs. L. - Beckwith District
Sturdevant, A. - Judson Hill District
Sturdevant, J. - Judson Hill District, Knapp District
Swayze, A. - Aspinwall District
Swayze, H. - Aspinwall District
Sweet, A. - Brown District
Sweet, J. S. - Aspinwall District, Aspinwall Corners
Still, J. - Garrison Hill District
Tanner, R. - Brown District
Tillinghast, G. L. - Knapp District
Tillinghast, R. - Orange District, Hammond Creek Valley
Updike/Updyke - see Opdyke
Utter, L. J. - Brown District
VanSkiver, A. - Mosherville District
VanWert, J. - Wortendyke District
Vernier, C. - Baker District
Wagener, A. - Garrison Hill District
Warner, A. - Rowley Hill District
Warner, B. - Rowley Hill District
Warner, B. - Brown District
Warner, F. - Rowley Hill District
Warner, T. B. - Rowley Hill District
Wells, J. - Rowley Hill District
West, H. - Wortendyke District
Westbrook, J. - Brown District
Wickham, E. - Knapp District
Wilson, J. - Orange District
Wilson, J. A. - Beckwith District
Wilson, G. - Orange District, Hammond Creek Valley
Wilson, N. - Orange District
Wilson, Capt. W. R., Maple Grove Farm - Mosherville District
Wright, J. - Beckwith District
Wright, S. - Mosherville District, village
Wylie, W. P., Pleasant View Farm - Garrison Hill District
J. Kelsey Jones
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