Nothing is more important than our story. We have been fortunate to have the opportunity to record the stories of many of Mansfield's residents. Some of them are no longer with us, but we still have their face, their mannerisms, their voice and their stories to see again and again. It is a wonderful way to remember these people. Come in and tell us your story. We want to hear from you, too.
Video interview with Leslie Evans about growing up in Mansfield and teaching. 2011
Video interview with Rich Miller about growing up in Mansfield and teaching. 2011.
Video interview with Allen Walker about the Wren's Nest and the Morris Family. 2011. In four segments.
Video interview with Chester P. Bailey about the Fabulous 1890s Weekend. 2011
Video interview with Chester P. Bailey about Smythe Park and the fair. 2011
Video interview with Chester P. Bailey about Roads and Highways. 2011
VHS of 1890s Parade 1994 and 1995
DVD of 1890 Parade 1994 and 1995
DVD of 1890 Parade 1993
VHS of 1890s Parade 1993
DVD of 1890 Parade 1993 and 1994
VHS of 1890s Parade 1993 and 1994
DVD of 1890 Parade 1992
VHS of 1890 Parade 1992
Video interview with Chester P. Bailey about Growing up in Mansfield. 2011
Video interview with Chester P. Bailey about the 1972 Flood. 2011
Chester Bailey 99th Birthday Party. 2011
Brief interview with Howie Carlson about his years at the Silverskate Rollarena in Mansfield PA. Mar. 20, 2016.
Joan Nash O'Dell, Growing up in Sullivan, Mansfield. 2011
Kevin Abrams, Flood of 72, Mansfield. 2011
Mary Ann Knowlton Walker - Mansfield Library - 2011
Lois York Garrision Interview. Growing up. 2011
Margaret Nelson "Auwater". 2011. In 2 segments
Tom Wierbowski - Flood of 1972. 2012
Video interview with John Antonio about Twain Theater and other business ventures. 2013
Video interview with Francis Murphy about the Grange and the Twain Theater. 2014
Video interview with Francis Murphy about his acting career with Elmira's Little Theater. 2015
Video interview with William Frutiger about Liberty and the Farmer's National Bank of Liberty. 2015. 3 segments.