Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Families of the Tri-Counties
Bastian - Raker - Schanbacher
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
This letter from a Mrs. Smith to a Mrs. Schanbacher reviews some family history and dates. These are families of Liberty Township, Tioga County PA. The letter is undated.
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Submitted by Carol Roan & Marie Aylesworth
Edited, formatted & published by Joyce M. Tice


Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
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Letter from Mrs. D.A. Smith to Mrs. Clayton Schanbacher

George Brion was born in France in 1740. He came to America and enlisted in the Revolutionary Army May 5, 1776. He served in Col. Samuel Miles’ rifle regiment. He married Mary Hinely. He died in 1801 in Union Co. Pa. Their daughter Mary Magdelene Brion was born in 1789 and died in 1857. She was married in 1810 to George Micheal SeBastion (or Bastian) who died 1835. The following children were born to them. –

Eve Bastian who married Jack Merline

Esther " " " John Beck

Eliza " " " Charles Klump

Catharine " " " Henry Miller

Mary " " " Jacob Miller

Joe " " " Miss Shriner/Crissie Moyer

George " " " Rachel Brion

Benjamin " " " Maria Raker/Maria Hedding

Benjamin Bastian married Maria Raker

    1. 1811-1864
Margaret Joseph


Benjamin Bastian married Maria Hedding





Joseph Bastian married Margaret Raker

    1. 1847
Maud 1874 Susie 1876

Jennie 1879

Martha and Mary 1881

Margaret Bastian married Francis M. Sheffer

    1. 1844-
Ada Ada Sheffer married Charles Bodine
  1. 1868
Francis S. Marc

Francis Sheffer Bodine married Maud Rackett

  1. 1891
Charles Williams born 1921 Frances Rackett " 1924

Barbara Jane " 1926

Marc Bodine married Martha Neare


Marc Williams Jr. born 1929

Martha " 1931

Samuel Bastian married Catherine Forer

    1. 1858-1931
Grace Ward

Grace Bastian married Dayton A. Smith

  1. 1879
Ward Bastian married Eunice Bailey
  1. 1883
Benjamin born 1910 Richared " 1913

Edward " 1918

Robert " 1923

Cathryn " 1927

Beatrice " 1929

Benjamin Bastian married Dorothy Wagner

    1. 1917
Richard Bastian married Elizabeth Farrell
    1. 1914
Nettie Bastian married Tom Crist
    1. 1869
Maynard Maynard Crist married Ruth Charles
  1. 1899
Robert born 1925 Mary Louise " 1930

David " 1939

Delephina Bastian married Lynn Hughes/Lawrence King

    1. 186-1925
Lawrence Lawrence King married Luella Kunkle


Esther Bastian married Oscar Landis

    1. 1868
Ethel born 1891 Carl " 1894

Lulu " 1897

Gordon " 1900

Myrtle " 1903

Ida born 1904

Guy " 1907

Walter " 1909

Irma " 1915 died 1935

Ethel Landis married Harry Roupp

  1. 1892
Paul born 1912 Lloyd born 1917

Elizabeth born 1921

Paul Roupp marred Loretta Norman

    1. 1912
Elizabeth Roupp married Gilmore Wein
  1. 1911
Dorothy born 1936 Roger " 1937

Lulu Landis marred Ervin Forrest

  1. 1899
Wendell Pierece born 1920 Myrtle " 1922

Kennith " 1924

Gordon Landis married Gertrude Evans

    1. 1907
Robert born 1931 Myrtle Landis married Clayton Schanbacher
  1. 1894
Ida Landis married Edward McMahon

1904 1900

Marcella born 1926

Subj:  Bastian Raker Schanbacher
Date:  09/13/2004 4:35:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: (gary & theresa parker)

Dear Joyce, The Mrs. Schanbacher to whom the letter was addressed is Myrtle Landis Schanbacher, wife of Clayton David Schanbacher. Clayton was a gr- uncle of mine, brother of Myrtle Schanbache Gleckler. I always enjoy finding family connections in your site of the month, keep up the good work. Gary Parker

Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
If you are not navigating this Tri-Counties Site via the left and right sidebars of the Current What's New page you are doing yourself a disservice. You can get to any place on the site easily by making yourself familiar with these subject and place topics. Try them all to be as familiar with the site's 16,000 plus pages as you can. Stop groping in the dark and take the lighted path. That's also the only way you'll find the search engines for the site or have access to the necessary messages I may leave for you. Make it easy on yourself. 


Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 13 SEP 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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