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Conrad Menges arrived at the Port of Phila.on Oct 26, 1754 on the ship Mary & Sarah. Rupp's book "30,000 Immigrants" states that the inhabitants of the Mary & Sarah were from Franconia,Wirtemberg and the Palatinate. On the enclosed Germany map we have found three Menges at Hebstahl and one at Etzean.Research continues to locate this Conrad Menges.
Also with him was his 1st wife Margaretha and their dau.Maria Elizabeth Menges Laucks. Since she was b.April 1754, this Menges family, along with his sister Catharine Menges Desslock, started down the Rhine river later in the spring of 1754. Of the eight male Menges on the two ships 1749 & 1754, only this Conrad and Carlotus Menges of 1754 from Hebstahl, Hessen, did not sign their names. The clerk marked for them.A great deal of research went into separating all the Conrad Mengesin Pa .We have evidence of ten Conrad's, all about the same time in Pa.
Conrad's early history in the Easton, Pa area is numerous. His land records are at the Easton Court House. His church records are in several Lutheran churches. His military record is in the Pa Archives and the NY Historic Society Collections.The administraton of his estate is on file at the at the Easton Court House.
Conrad may have had to work off the passage for his family. His first evidence is the birth of his son Conrad, Jr. on Sept 24,1757 in the Old Williams Twsp Congregation records with second wife Anna Maria (SurnameUnknown ). The baptism was not until July 2, 1758. Then several years later he paid Williams Twsp taxes of six pounds in 1761.This was the 1st Northampton Co tax list.
He is found at the Dryland Church, Hecktown from 1763-1770 with his sister Catharine Menges Desslock. On 4/21/1766 he purchased farmland in Forks Twsp, Northampton Co. He may be m. to his 3rd wife Susan Catharine now, as in Dryland 1768 there is a Conrad & Catharine Menges.
Conrad's Revolutionary War records are numerous, and by 1779 both
he and Conrad, Jr are paying taxes in Forks Twsp. On Jan 3, 1789
he sells his Forks farm to his son-in-law, Henry Lauchs, and moves
with Susan Catharine to "solitude" in Hamilton Twsp. By 1796 he is cared
for by Henry Lauchs and his dau Maria Elizabeth. He dies Dec 9, 1797 and
the coffin must be buried on the farm. In the 1798 direct US Tax, only
Conrad (F3) shows in Lower Mt
Bethal.Conrad, Jr dies after the 1790 Census.His widow, Anna Maria
, is alone in 1794 at St. John's.
In 1817 he sold his land at Portland and moved to Lansing, Thompkins Co, NY. There Alonzo Mingos was born in April 1818 and his son John m. a neighbors daughter, Nancy Shaver. Peter, eldest son of Conrad, and Conrad Jr's wife, settled earlier in Stueben Co, NY near the towns of Wayne, Tyrone or Bradford . As the Co lines changed, by 1860 this was Orange Twsp, Schuyler Co.
Conrad and Sarah with their growing family moved to Independence, NY on April 15, 1823.They bought land on the high ground above Fulmer Valley. John and Nancy also followed and established a farm nearby.The 1856 land map of Allegany Co. shows the original properties occupied now by his sons George and Charles, and that of his youngest son Conrad the 4th (b 1825). There are Minges, Mingus in Allegany Co today.
Conrad and his family moved again and bought land on Dec 29, 1837
on the high ground of Ellis Hill, Monroe Township from John Reed. He probably
moved to Bradford Co to expand the lands for his sons. It is understood
that he occupied the farm on the road that goes from South Towanda up onto
Ellis Hill. The house is now just a stone celler ruins, a few hundred yards
on the Monroe side of the Asylum Twsp border. On the 1858 map by Lake Ames
it is shown as J. Mingos. His son John bought land on Hollon Hill from
John Reed on Feb 1840. Some of these farms stayed in the Mingos family
until the 1970's. By 1853 he transferred all his lands to his sons Alonzo,
John and Joe. In a military land grant application in the early 1850's
he could only make his mark. He died August 16, 1863 and is buried
in Liberty Corners cemetery along with many of his family. Sarah's gravestone,
along side of his , shows she was born 1779 and died 1853. A new marker
was placed in 1984 for Conrad. Coonrad was the progenitor of all Mingos,
the name becoming unique to Bradford Co. There are no family items
from the first three Menges generations.
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Alonzo Mingos, farmer and youngest son of Conrad to come to Monroe Twp, m. Pursila Bois (Boice) as soon as they appeared on Hollon Hill. Their 1st ch:Edward E. was b. 1844 and named after a Bois that d in 1844. Alonzo bought land in Monroe Twp in 1845 and maybe moved into the original farm after Sarah's death in 1853. There is an 1857 letter in his handwriting. Only his son, Edward, had a child that continued this line. A marker for Alonzo was placed in Coles cemetery beside Pursila. |
Edward E Mingos was b 1844 . He worked in the stores and was a teamster. He enlisted for the Civil War in 1864 along with George Arnot in the 188th NY Vol's. He was wounded in the left hand at Petersburg, Va. His brother Wells Mingos served with the 15th Pa Vol's. Edward occupied the house across New St. from the Marcy Hotel. He became Burgess of Monroeton, and remarried after the death of his wife, Francis L Bowman.
His son Fred E Mingos was b 1869 and was one of Monroeton's highly
respected citizens. He married Leah Snell of Chemung, NY in 1898. He was
the Lehigh Valley RR station agent for thirty eight
years. He was clerk of the Monroe Council, fire policeman for the Monroe
Hose Co, Past Master of the Evergreen Masonic Lodge and a life member of
the Presbyterian Church. He died at Sayre hospital of a blood clot in 1936
while recovering from an ulcer operation.
Fred's second son, F Carl Mingos m. Vera Schrag of Kansas during
WW2, and the Alonzo Mingos line continues through their eight grandchildren.
Carl graduated from Mansfield and Penn State with a degree in music, and
later got a masters degree from Kansas Univ. In the 1980's he became branch
manager of Payne Webber in Topeka, Ka.
Henry E Mingos, the last of many Monroeton Mingos, was b
May 17, 1900 and lived most of his life in Monroeton. He was the fifth
generation in Monroe Twp of Conrad and Sarah of Ellis Hill. He m. Margaret
Hart of Wilkes-Barre in 1926 and they lived lastly at 310 Main St, Monroeton
-which was built in 1905 by Fred Mingos. Henry graduated from Monroeton
HS in 1917, and was employed by the railroad. He then worked 25 years at
Humphrey Lumber Yards. He hunted, fished, bowled and was a charter member
of the Monroeton Gun Club on the mountain near Wheelerville. He was a Past
Master and long time Secretary of Evergreen Masonic Lodge, a 50 year Mason
and a Shriner.He was secretary of the Monroe Council during the wake of
the 1972 Hurricane Agnes flood and was very involved in securing flood
relief appropriations following the near inundation of Monroe Boro.
Margaret Hart was b. in 1902 , raised in Wilkes-Barre and
graduated from Bloomsburg State Teachers College. In the 1940's she started
MARGARET'S CARD SHOP in Monroeton. She taught special education in the
Towanda schools for 18 years after WW2. She was Past President of the Towanda
Area Ed. Asso., The Towanda Gun Club Aux. and past Nat'l Grand of the Monroe
Rebekah Lodge. She was an avid bridge player, bowled and a member of the
Eastern Star. In the Hart lineage she has seven nieces and nephews from
her siblings - "the merry hearts".
Their son John Frederick Mingos m Jeanine Keener of Brookville, Ohio in 1962. He was raised in Monroeton and as a pre-teen rode his bicycle to Towanda and paid ten cents for the Saturday western movies. He was in the 1st 7th grade class to be bussed to Towanda in 1945. John was active in sports and band at Towanda Valley Joint HS. He graduated with honors, and played on the last Monroeton baseball teams of the early 1950's. He graduated from Penn State University , was an Industrial Engineer in the USAF and worked 35 years for IBM in computer marketing. He won the Senior Golf Championships at Redgate Golf Course and Montgomery Village Golf Club. He was the Maryland Correspondence Chess Champion in 1995,1998 and 2000. He was the 1998 Co-Champion of the Corr. Chess League of America and is a life member of the Bradford Co, Pa Historical Society.
1 Conrad Menges 1730 - 1797
... +Margaretha 1730 - 1756
........... 2 Maria Elizabetha Menges 1754 - 1807
................. +Henry Laucks 1754 - 1824
......................... 3 Anna Maria Laucks 1778 -
............................... +John Raefly 1777 -
......................... 3 Heinrich Laucks 1780 - 1799
............................... +Catharine Stecher 1799 -
......................... 3 Catherine Laucks 1782 - 1863
............................... +George Stecher 1780 -
......................... 3 Henrietta Laucks 1784 -
......................... 3 Elizabeth Laucks 1784 -
*2nd Wife of Conrad Menges:
... +AnaMaria 1735 - 1758
........... 2 Conrad Jr Menges 1757 - 1790
................. +Anna Maria 1757 - 1843
......................... 3 Coonrad Mingos 1777 - 1863
............................... +Sarah 1779 - 1853
....................................... 4 Peter Mingus
1797 - 1860
............................................. +Susan 1797 - 1861
...................................................... 5
Henry B Mingus 1819 - 1886
+Maria Christler 1817 - 1886
6 Susan Mingus 1843 -
6 William Mingus 1844 - 1864
6 Sarah Mingus 1846 - 1913
6 Catharine Mingus 1848 -
6 Peter L Mingus 1849 - 1860
6 Frank Mingus 1851 - 1900
+Henretta Mingous 1840 - 1910
...................................................... 5
Ann Mingus 1821 -
+Joseph Moore 1820 -
...................................................... 5
James Mingous Mingus 1822 - 1879
+Jane 1823 - 1900
6 Asa Mingous 1851 - 1910
+Elizabeth Marks 1870 -
7 Stepdau Lillian Marks 1899 -
*2nd Wife of Asa Mingous:
+Lizzie 1880 - 1920
7 Carl F Mingous 1901 -
6 Winfield Mingus 1853 - 1870
6 Chaney L Mingus 1854 - 1870
6 Martha D Mingus 1859 - 1910
6 Albert C Mingous 1859 - 1920
+Lou 1867 - 1902
7 Clyde Mingous 1889 -
7 Zella A Mingous 1891 -
7 Willard Mingous 1893 -
7 Herbert Mingous 1894 -
7 Francis Olandin Mingous 1898 - 1960
+Clara Catharine 1927 -
8 Louada Frances Mingous 1947 -
7 Albert Forest Mingous 1902 -
6 John Mingous 1864 - 1920
6 Sarah Mattie Mingous 1866 -
6 Rachel Mingous 1868 - 1900
...................................................... 5
Sarah Mingus 1823 -
...................................................... 5
Levi Mingus 1827 - 1862
+Catharine 1832 -
6 Wilford Mingus 1858 - 1879
...................................................... 5
Mary Mingus 1829 -
...................................................... 5
George Mingus 1831 - 1900
...................................................... 5
Catharine Mingus 1833 - 1900
...................................................... 5
Margaret Mingus 1836 -
....................................... 4 Maria Mingus
1799 - 1810
....................................... 4 John Mingos 1800
- 1871
............................................. +Nancy Shaver 1802
- 1862
...................................................... 5
Amanda Mingos 1822 - 1904
+Evan Lewis 1823 -
...................................................... 5
Mary Mingos 1823 - 1870
+Lewis Lewis 1820 -
...................................................... 5
Sarah Mingos 1824 - 1891
+Jonas Strouse 1815 - 1859
6 Aaron Strouse 1847 - 1913
+Sarah Ann Rice 1853 - 1920
7 Harry Lawrence Strouse 1878 - 1952
+Leila Marie Wood 1879 - 1959
8 Harry Lawrence Strouse 1913 -
+Ruth Evelyn Johnson 1917 - 1958
9 Alice Marie Strouse 1953 -
+Glenn Doug Ellingsberg 1951 -
*2nd Wife of Harry Lawrence Strouse:
+Evelyn Ritter 1914 -
6 Levie Strouse 1855 -
6 Benjamin Strouse 1857 -
...................................................... *2nd Husband
of Sarah Mingos:
+Alexander English 1823 - 1904
...................................................... 5
Hannah Mingos 1826 - 1895
+John Morris Piatt 1824 - 1900
...................................................... 5
Sophia Mingos 1828 - 1852
+John White 1809 - 1898
6 Daniel Miller White 1852 - 1927
+Emeline Coursen 1846 - 1923
7 Mamie Belle White 1880 - 1971
+Elmer Stillwell 1861 - 1925
8 Nelson Stillwell 1912 -
+Lucella Atwater 1912 -
9 PatriciaE Stillwell Mims 1948 -
...................................................... 5
Philo Mingos 1830 - 1878
+Mary Benjamin 1831 - 1855
6 Orrin F Mingos 1852 - 1889
+Angelina 1852 - 1922
7 Lloyd W Mingos 1875 - 1927
+Lucia 1875 - 1937
7 Harry Lee Mingos 1879 - 1930
+CoraB 1880 - 1930
8 Alice L Mingos 1912 -
6 George William Mingos 1855 - 1919
+Alverdor Alverilla Fox 1856 - 1885
*2nd Wife of George William Mingos:
+LottieE 1866 - 1901
7 Howard L Mingos 1891 - 1955
+Kate Marjorie 1890 - 1967
7 Flora L Mingos 1893 - 1970
7 Mildred M Mingos 1894 - 1957
+Charles A Russell 1890 -
8 Kathlyn Alberta Russell 1918 -
8 Mary Alleyne Russell 1919 - 1996
9 Susan Kay Lewis 1941 -
+Robert Frank Clark 1937 -
10 Allison Colleen Clark 1973 -
*3rd Wife of George William Mingos:
+Mary Pratt 1871 - 1945
...................................................... *2nd Wife
of Philo Mingos:
+Emma J Trumbull 1837 - 1911
6 D Edgar Mingos 1859 - 1909
+Martha Ellen Carkuff 1858 - 1894
7 Bessie C Mingos 1883 - 1976
Leona May Mingos 1884 -
+Harry Child 1886 -
7 Albert John Mingos 1886 - 1942
6 Fred C Mingos 1861 - 1903
+MaryS 1867 - 1920
7 Sadie Mingos 1884 - 1920
+Fred Rauner 1877 - 1920
*2nd Wife of Fred C Mingos:
+Polly Benjamin 1863 -
7 Edward Edwin Benjamin 1896 -
+Julia Wandell 1998 -
6 Hattie E Mingos 1864 - 1935
+Charles E White 1862 - 1928
6 Nellie Mingos 1868 - 1903
+Max McConnell 1865 -
6 Alberta Mingos 1872 - 1902
...................................................... 5
Benjamin C Mingos 1831 - 1907
+Lovicy A Trumbull 1839 - 1897
6 Leonard W Mingos 1859 - 1906
+Laura Ellen Chilson 1863 - 1944
7 Llewellyn Ralph Mingos 1882 - 1929
+Orpha Barnes 1881 - 1940
8 Marshall L Mingos 1901 - 1975
8 Albert Lorenzo Mingos 1906 - 1979
+VaunetaL 1910 - 2000
9 Ray L Mingos 1939 - 1982
+SallyE Meade 1928 - 2005
9 Phyllis Mingos 1942 -
9 Hilda Mingos 1943 -
9 Marshall Llewellyn Mingos 1944 - 1971
10 Michael D Mingos 1966 -
+Teresa J 1968 -
8 Laura D Mingos 1908 - 1986
+William Plowman 1905 - 1961
7 Charlotte E Mingos 1889 -
7 Amanda M Mingos 1893 -
7 Flora L Mingos 1895 -
7 Eleanor L Mingos 1905 - 1998
+Brad Abrams 1900 -
8 Leon Dwight Abrams 1924 -
...................................................... 5
Lorenzo Albert Mingos 1833 - 1906
+PhebeElizabeth Trumbull 1842 - 1911
6 Cora A Mingos 1874 - 1949
...................................................... 5
David S. Mingos 1835 - 1907
+Martha Benjamin 1838 - 1920
6 Mary E Mingos 1857 - 1942
6 John S Mingos 1859 - 1921
+Ida Bell Bois 1860 - 1916
7 Daisey Mingos 1885 - 1972
+Dewey Dennis 1880 - 1954
7 Jay Dr Mingos 1890 - 1944
+Ethyl Boggs 1890 - 1934
8 John Jack Franklin Mingos 1924 - 1945
7 Ruth Mildred Mingos 1892 - 1962
+Harry Decker Bull 1872 - 1957
6 Minnie A Mingos 1879 - 1952
+Henry Homer Spencer 1875 - 1964
7 Jay Ralph Spencer 1898 - 1982
+Minnie Margaret Williams 1896 - 1963
8 Bernada Shirley Spencer 1926 -
+Donald Philip Daly 1927 -
9 Mark Spencer Daly 1960 -
*2nd Husband of Minnie A Mingos:
+Frank Doty 1875 - 1944
...................................................... 5
Irene Mingos 1837 - 1920
+Peter Vangorder 1833 - 1897
...................................................... 5
Martha Mingos 1840 - 1894
+Eli W Gale 1837 - 1914
...................................................... 5
Eliza M. Mingos 1842 -
+Alonzo L Benjamin 1838 - 1936
...................................................... 5
George Gilbert Mingos 1846 - 1886
+Clara E Whitney 1847 - 1941
6 W Leslie Mingos 1867 - 1916
+Bernice Grenell 1874 - 1957
7 Lindroff G Mingos 1895 - 1961
+Littie 1897 -
7 Max Alton Mingos 1903 - 1986
+Rebecca McKean 1894 - 1977
8 Rowena Mingos 1925 -
+Robert L Ward 1925 - 1984
6 Perry Clinton Mingos 1868 - 1942
+Cora Mae Eastman 1875 - 1963
7 Laura Mingos 1898 - 1925
8 Annamae Marvin Mingos 1919 -
+Robert W Brown 1908 - 1980
9 Robert Mingos Brown 1942 -
9 Mary Suzanne Brown 1943 -
9 Laura Brown 1948 -
7 Frank Arthur Mingos 1901 - 1994
+Marion Malone 1907 - 2000
8 Gerald E Mingos 1927 - 2005
+Estella Scrivens 1931 - 2004
9 Melvin M Mingos 1951 -
+Tammy Mills 1952 -
10 Rocky Lee Mingos 1977 -
9 Stephanie Josephine Mingos 1954 -
9 Carolyn Ann Mingos 1957 -
9 Perry Lynn Mingos 1961 -
+JenniferM 1962 -
8 David C Mingos 1929 - 1936
8 Mary Clare Mingos 1935 -
6 Franklin Frank Mingos 1871 - 1950
+Marion McDonald 1873 - 1925
7 James George Mingos 1897 - 1985
+Viola May Wandell 1901 - 1972
8 Marion Ethelyn Mingos 1925 -
+Charles Luckey 1926 -
8 George Franklin Mingos 1927 - 1990
+Juanita Josephine Foster 1929 - 1949
9 Nancy Mingos 1948 -
*2nd Wife of George Franklin Mingos:
+Dorothy Ruth King 1933 -
9 George Nathaniel Mingos 1953 - 1999
+Pamela Bell Mitchell 1953 -
*2nd Wife of George Nathaniel Mingos:
+April Diane Lucht 1960 -
10 Jody Adopted Mingos 1986 -
9 Jerry Lee Mingos 1957 -
+Wanda Juanita Herman 1957 -
10 Adam John Mingos 1977 -
10 James David Mingos 1979 -
8 Ellen Christine Mingos 1929 -
+Frederick Perley Maryott 1926 - 1990
8 Robert James Mingos 1932 - 1979
+Pauline King 1939 -
9 Ronald James Mingos 1960 -
+Linda James Tomas 1960 -
10 Mallory Ann Mingos 1992 -
10 Jacob Mingos 1994 -
*2nd Wife of Ronald James Mingos:
+Laurie Cease 1959 -
10 Lonnie Mingos 1977 -
9 Richard Lee Mingos 1963 -
+Jennifer Lynn Renninger 1963 -
10 Christina Lynn Mingos 1983 -
10 Robert James Mingos 1986 -
*2nd Wife of Richard Lee Mingos:
+Lucy 1963 -
10 Scott Alan Mingos 1990 -
8 Esther May Mingos 1933 -
8 Leslie LeRoy Mingos 1935 -
+Ruth Ann Curtis 1941 -
9 Gail Ruth Mingos 1960 -
9 Terri Lynn Mingos 1961 -
9 Donald Leslie Mingos 1963 -
+Betty Georgette McFall 1962 -
10 Nicole Marie Mingos 1983 -
10 Tasha Michelle Mingos 1984 -
9 Vickie Mary Mingos 1966 -
8 Betty Marie Mingos 1936 -
8 Julia Lucille Mingos 1939 -
8 Frank Eugene Mingos 1942 -
+Nancy Lee Butters 1942 -
9 Michael James Butters 1966 - 1990
9 David Eugene Mingos 1967 -
+Roxanne Sargent 1967 -
10 Katie Mae Mingos 1999 -
8 Hila Ann Mingos 1944 -
8 Peggy Jean Mingos 1946 -
7 Helen Marie Mingos 1899 - 1996
7 Clara E Mingos 1905 - 1999
...................................................... 5
William L. Mingos 1848 - 1848
....................................... 4 Elizabeth Mingos
1803 - 1842
............................................. +Christopher Piatt
1799 - 1856
....................................... 4 Philip Mingos
1805 - 1879
...................................................... 5
Nancy Mingos 1836 -
....................................... 4 George Mingus
1808 - 1890
............................................. +Susan Fulmer 1808
- 1875
...................................................... 5
Lucinda Mingus 1835 -
...................................................... 5
Fanny Mingus 1837 -
...................................................... 5
Louisa Mingus 1838 -
...................................................... 5
Monroe George Mingus 1848 - 1910
+Clara Aurilla Kemp 1856 - 1920
6 Robert D Mingus 1876 - 1935
+Myrtha 1878 -
7 Ruth Mingus 1899 -
7 Howard R Mingus 1902 -
+Winfred Day 1902 - 1928
8 Donald E Mingus 1927 - 2005
+Bonnie Huber 1928 -
9 Yvonne Mingus 1950 -
*2nd Wife of Howard R Mingus:
+Caroline Smith 1910 - 2005
8 Robert Mingus 1931 - 2001
+Doris Donovan 1932 -
9 Michael Mingus 1955 -
9 Steve Mingus 1956 -
9 Diane Mingus 1958 -
9 Andrew Mingus 1962 -
10 Zachery Mingus 1995 -
10 Sean Mingus 2000 -
9 Monica Mingus 1967 -
7 George Mingus 1904 -
6 Bertha Mingus 1879 -
6 [2] Helen Adopted Mingus 1891 -
+[1] Louis LewisE Minges 1882 -
....................................... 4 Charles Minges
1813 - 1899
............................................. +Mary Teeter 1814
- 1879
...................................................... 5
Sarah Ann Minges 1841 - 1913
+Andrew J Griggs 1841 -
6 Mary Ann Griggs 1868 -
...................................................... 5
Melvin Manville Minges 1844 - 1915
+Estelle Parker 1852 -
6 Hettie Estelle Minges 1875 - 1956
+John Vincent Lynch 1868 - 1928
7 Madeleine Estelle Lynch 1906 - 1996
...................................................... 5
Marion F Minges 1846 - 1907
+Adeline Mathewson 1853 - 1900
6 Fred C Minges 1872 - 1909
+Carrie Mary Graves 1870 - 1910
6 Owen Minges 1877 - 1942
+Nora Perkins 1876 - 1942
7 Claire Adopted Minges 1908 -
8 James C Minges 1930 -
...................................................... 5
Henry Minges 1849 - 1910
...................................................... 5
Charles Minges 1852 - 1920
+Evelina Conklin 1865 - 1910
6 [1] Louis LewisE Minges 1882 -
+[2] Helen Adopted Mingus 1891 -
....................................... 4 Joseph A Mingos
1815 - 1901
............................................. +Almira Martha
1816 - 1870
...................................................... 5
Helen Sarah Mingos 1842 - 1919
+Joseph L Ridgway 1836 - 1920
6 Alma S Ridgway Mingos 1866 -
...................................................... *2nd Husband
of Helen Sarah Mingos:
+Guy W Northrop 1852 - 1925
...................................................... 5
John Wallace Mingos 1846 - 1915
+Helen Simpson 1864 - 1930
...................................................... 5
George DrWilliam Mingos 1848 - 1922
+E.J. 1847 - 1888
...................................................... *2nd Wife
of George DrWilliam Mingos:
+Helen 1875 -
6 Lavina Adopted Mingos 1905 -
...................................................... 5
Leonard Dr Mingos 1853 - 1910
+Helen E Smith 1857 - 1935
6 Leanore Mingos 1880 - 1935
+Sidney Aronstein 1880 -
6 Bessie A Mingos 1886 - 1976
6 Joseph H Mingos 1888 - 1926
+Margaret Duggan Devaney 1887 - 1961
7 Helen Mingos 1907 -
7 Pauline Mingos 1909 -
7 Edward J Mingos 1910 - 1993
7 Louise Mingos 1915 - 1948
7 Marguerite Mingos 1916 - 2004
7 Joseph Jr Huron Mingos 1918 - 1991
+Amelia Frawley 1919 - 2005
8 Baby Margaret Mingos 1943 - 1943
8 Joseph E Mingos 1945 -
+Martha Sue Allen 1945 -
9 Kate Marie Mingos 1970 -
9 Beth Ann Mingos 1973 -
9 Mark Allen Mingos 1977 -
8 Marilyn Mingos 1949 -
8 William Leonard Mingos 1951 -
+Susan Louise Dibble 1951 -
9 Kelly Elizabeth Mingos 1975 -
9 David William Mingos 1978 -
8 Michael Mingos 1956 -
7 Dorothy Mingos 1921 - 2000
7 Ruth Mingos 1924 -
+Malcom Young 1920 - 1999
7 John Robert Mingos 1927 - 1980
+Barbara Latham 1930 - Unknown
8 John R Mingos 1950 -
+Sally 1950 -
9 Melissa A Mingos 1978 -
....................................... 4 Alonzo Mingos
1818 - 1884
............................................. +Pursila Bois 1823
- 1863
...................................................... 5
Edward E. Mingos 1844 - 1916
+Francis L. Bowman 1844 - 1892
6 Markie Mingos 1867 - 1869
6 Frederick E Mingos 1869 - 1936
+Leah Maud Snell 1876 - 1968
7 Henry Edward Mingos 1900 - 1972
+Margaret Delphine Hart 1902 - 1976
8 John Frederick Mingos 1933 -
+Jeanine Lee Keener 1936 -
7 Francis Carl Mingos 1918 - 2000
+Vera Ruth Schrag 1920 -
8 Vera Ann Mingos 1945 -
+Charles Pattison Graham 1940 -
9 Vera Michelle Graham 1969 -
9 Katie McKoy Graham 1972 -
9 Caroline Pattison Graham 1976 -
9 Morey McLean Graham 1976 -
8 Steven C Mingos 1950 -
+Maria DeArmond 1954 -
9 Steven C Taylor Mingos 1985 -
9 Peter Jacob Mingos 1987 -
9 Stephanie Maria Mingos 1988 -
9 Kristina Jean Mingos 1990 -
...................................................... *2nd Wife
of Edward E. Mingos:
+SusannahH 1846 - 1920
...................................................... 5
Wells Mingos 1847 - 1873
...................................................... 5
Mary Ann Mingos 1848 -
+Frank Piersall 1847 - 1891
...................................................... 5
Warren Mingos 1852 - 1917
+DenaH 1852 -
...................................................... 5
Charles Mingos 1856 - 1914
+Bella Ackley 1859 - 1935
6 Theodore A Mingos 1881 - 1930
+Ellen 1884 - 1940
7 Beatrice Mingos 1908 -
...................................................... 5
Frank Mingos 1859 - 1882
...................................................... 5
Abram Mingos 1860 - 1883
....................................... *2nd Wife of Alonzo Mingos:
............................................. +Cornelia S David
1832 - 1905
...................................................... 5
Legrande B Mingos 1870 - 1925
+Frankie Carpenter 1876 - 1899
6 Helen Nellie Mingos 1897 -
...................................................... *2nd Wife
of Legrande B Mingos:
+Olive 1883 -
....................................... 4 Conrad Mingus
1825 - 1898
............................................. +Electa Melissa
Lewis 1828 - 1893
...................................................... 5
Ellen Goodeth Mingus 1849 -
+Albert A McCarn 1849 -
...................................................... 5
Mila E Mingus 1856 - 1933
+Loren Pingrey 1832 - 1913
...................................................... 5
Arthur Miles Mingus 1861 -
+Margaret Morisson 1862 -
......................... 3 Maria Elizabeth Menges 1781
............................... +Daniel Labar 1780 - 1853
......................... 3 Heinrich Menges 1785 -
......................... 3 Maria Menges 1788 -
*3rd Wife of Conrad Menges:
... +SusanCatherine 1732 - 1795
Generation No. 1
1. CONRAD1 MENGES was born Abt. 1730 in Erbach Province, Germany, and
died 9 December 1797 in Forks Tnshp, Norhampton, PA. He married (1) ANA
MARIA. She was born 1730 in Germany, and died in Easton, Norhampton, PA.
He married (2) SUSAN CATHERINE. She was born Abt. 1732, and died Abt. 1795.
He married (3) MARGARETTA. She was born in Germany.
Children of CONRAD MENGES and ANA MARIA are:
2. i. JOHANN CONRAD2 MENGES, b. 24 September 1757, Northampton County,
Pennsylvania; d. Aft. 1790, prob. Forks, Northampton, PA.
ii. MARIA ELIZABETH MENGES, b. April 1754, Germany; d. 29 December
1809; m. HENRY LAUCKS.
Generation No. 2
2. JOHANN CONRAD2 MENGES (CONRAD1) was born 24 September 1757 in Northampton
County, Pennsylvania (Source: Old Williams Cong. Ch. Recds Vol. 18), and
died Aft. 1790 in prob. Forks, Northampton, PA. He married MARIA. She was
born 13 June 1757 in Pennsylvania, and died 11 October 1843 in Wayne, Steuben
Co., NY.
Children of JOHANN MENGES and MARIA are:
3. i. CONRAD3 MENGES, b. September 1777, Easton, Northampton, PA; d.
16 August 1863, Monroe Tnshp, Bradford, PA.
ii. ELIZABETH MENGES, b. 18 September 1871; m. DANIEL LAWER.
iii. HEINRICH MENGES, b. 15 August 1785, Easton, Norhampton,
PA; d. Abt. 1835.
iv. MARIA MENGES, b. 26 September 1789, Easton, Norhampton, PA.
Generation No. 3
3. CONRAD3 MENGES (JOHANN CONRAD2, CONRAD1) was born September 1777
in Easton, Northampton, PA, and died 16 August 1863 in Monroe Tnshp, Bradford,
PA. He married SARAH Abt. 1796 in Forks Tnshp. Northampton, PA. She was
born 1772 in prob. Easton, Northampton, PA, and died 19 October 1853 in
Monroe Tnshp, Bradford, PA.
Children of CONRAD MENGES and SARAH are:
ii. PETER MINGUS, b. 12 July 1797, PA; d. 15 September 1860,
Steuben Co. Ny.
4. iii. JOHN MINGOS, b. 5 May 1800, Forks Tnshp, Northampton, PA; d.
13 December 1871, Liberty Corners, Bradford, PA.
iv. ELIZABETH MINGOS, b. 1804, Northampton Co. PA; m. CHRISTOPHER
PIATT, Allegany Co. NY; b. 1799, NJ.
5. v. PHILLIP MINGOS, b. 12 April 1805, Mt. Bethel Tnshp. Northampton,
PA; d. 18 January 1879, Monroe Tnshp, Bradford, PA.
vi. GEORGE MINGOS, b. 25 February 1808, Upper Mt. Bethel Tnshp,
Northampton, PA; d. 29 July 1890, Allegany Co. NY.
vii. CHARLES MINGOS, b. 24 July 1813; d. 24 July 1899; m. MARY
TEETER, Allegany Co. NY.
6. viii. JOSEPH MINGOS (JOE), b. 18 October 1815, Upper Mt. Bethel
Tnshp, Northampton, PA; d. 6 October 1901, Liberty Corners, Bradford, PA.
7. ix. ALONZO MINGOS, b. 1 April 1818, Lansing, Tompkins, NY; d. 27
June 1884, Monroe Tnshp, Bradford, PA.
x. CONRAD MINGOS, b. 13 February 1825, Independence, Allegeny,
NY; d. 23 September 1898, Andover, NY; m. ELECTA LEWIS.
Generation No. 4
5 May 1800 in Forks Tnshp, Northampton, PA, and died 13 December 1871 in
Liberty Corners, Bradford, PA. He married NANCY SHAVER 1821 in Prob. Tompkins
Co. NY, daughter of BENJAMIN SHAVER and MARY LODER. She was born 1808 in
NJ, and died 14 January 1862 in Liberty Corners, Bradford, PA.
Children of JOHN MINGOS and NANCY SHAVER are:
i. SARAH5 MINGOS, b. September 1824, Allegany Co. NY; d. 26 January
1891, Albany Tnshp, Bradford, PA; m. (1) JONAS STROUSE, 1 May 1843, Towanda,
Bradford, PA; b. Abt. 1815, NY; d. 18 May 1859, Southport, Chemung, NY;
m. (2) ALEXANDER ENGLISH, 5 September 1875, Burlington, Bradford, PA; b.
13 June 1823, Bath, Steuben, NY; d. 24 May 1904, Albany Tnshp, Bradford,
ii. MARY MINGOS, b. Abt. 1825, Allegany Co. NY; d. Bef. 1870;
m. LEWIS LEWIS, 7 April 1843, Ulster, Bradford, PA; b. 1820, Wales.
iii. AMANDA MINGOS, b. 1822, prob. Allegany Co. NY; m. EVAN LEWIS,
6 November 1850, Ulster, Bradford, PA; b. 1823, Wales.
iv. HANNAH MINGOS, b. 23 March 1826; d. 22 July 1895, Ulster,
Bradford, PA; m. JOHN M. PIATT, 2 November 1848, Ulster, Bradford, PA.
v. PHILO MINGOS, b. 19 March 1830, Allegany Co. NY; d. 1 October
1878, Liberty Corners, Bradford, PA; m. EMMA, Bef. 1858; b. 1837, NY.
vi. BENJAMIN MINGOS, b. 4 February 1831, Allegany Co. NY; d.
16 December 1907, Liberty Corners, Bradford, PA; m. LOVIEY TRUMBLE.
vii. LORENZO MINGOS, b. 30 July 1833; d. 16 June 1906, Liberty
Corners, Bradford, PA; m. MARTHA; b. 1839, PA; d. Bef. 1870, Liberty Corners,
Bradford, PA.
viii. DAVID S. MINGOS, b. 1835; d. 1907, Liberty Corners, Bradford,
PA; m. MARTHA, Abt. 1850; b. 1839, PA.
ix. IRENE MINGOS, b. 3 February 1837; d. 1 March 1920, Liberty
Corners, Bradford, PA; m. PETER VANGORDER.
xi. MARTHA MINGOS, b. 1838; m. ELI GALE.
xii. ELIZA M. MINGOS, b. 1842; m. -?- BENJAMIN.
xiii. GEORGE G. MINGOS, b. January 1846, Bradford Co. PA; d.
26 September 1886, Liberty Corners, Bradford, PA; m. CLARE M. GALE; b.
1847; d. 1941.
xiv. WILLIAM L. MINGOS, d. 19 September 1848, Liberty Corners,
Bradford, PA.
5. PHILLIP4 MINGOS (CONRAD3 MENGES, JOHANN CONRAD2, CONRAD1) was born 12 April 1805 in Mt. Bethel Tnshp. Northampton, PA, and died 18 January 1879 in Monroe Tnshp, Bradford, PA.
i. NANCY5.
6. JOSEPH MINGOS4 (JOE) (CONRAD3 MENGES, JOHANN CONRAD2, CONRAD1) was born 18 October 1815 in Upper Mt. Bethel Tnshp, Northampton, PA, and died 6 October 1901 in Liberty Corners, Bradford, PA. He married (1) MARTHA. She was born in PA, and died 1895. He married (2) ELMIRA.
Children of JOSEPH (JOE) and MARTHA are:
i. SARAH MINGOS (HELEN5 S.), b. 1842.
ii. JOHN W. MINGOS (WALLACE), b. 1845.
iii. G.W. MINGOS (GEORGE), b. 1848.
iv. LEONARD MINGOS, b. 1854.
Child of JOSEPH (JOE) and ELMIRA is:
v. LEONARD M.5 MINGOS, b. 1956.
7. ALONZO4 MINGOS (CONRAD3 MENGES, JOHANN CONRAD2, CONRAD1) was born 1 April 1818 in Lansing, Tompkins, NY, and died 27 June 1884 in Monroe Tnshp, Bradford, PA. He married (1) PERCILLA BOIS Abt. 1842. She was born February 1823, and died 4 September 1863 in Monroe Tnshp, Bradford, PA. He married (2) CORNELIA DAVID 25 September 1864. She was born 1832 in Roxbury, NY, and died 1899 in Towanda, Bradford, PA.
i. EDWARD E.5 MINGOS, b. March 1844, Monroe Tnshp, Bradford,
PA; d. 15 August 1916, Monroe Tnshp, Bradford, PA; m. (1) FRANCES L. BOWMAN,
22 February 1866; b. 9 September 1844; d. 1888, Monroe Tnshp, Bradford,
PA; m. (2) SUSANNAH H., Abt. 1894; b. November 1846.
ii. WELLES MINGOS, b. 1846.
iii. MARY ANN MINGOS, b. 1848.
iv. WARREN MINGOS, b. 1849.
v. CHARLES MINGOS, b. 1855.
vi. FRANK MINGOS, b. 1858.
vii. LEGRANDE B.5 MINGOS, b. 1870.