Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
The Alexander Canady - Catherine Brown Family

And The David Brown Family

From History of Sheshequin 1777-1902; Heverly; pub.1902; Towanda, Pa; pp. 186

Submitted by Pat HITTLE Gore

This page is part of the Tri-County GenealogySites by Joyce M. Tice

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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search  the site by using the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Family pages are listed on the Family list but also on the individual Township pages in the Photo, Bible, and other sections.

Alexander KENNEDY (originally Canada) came from Vermont to Sheshequin in 1820. He was the father of ten sons and nine daughters, one of whom, Sally, married Abraham B. GORE. In 1820 Mr. Kennedy removed to Springfield Township, where he settled permanently. See Also The Canedy/Brown Family by Joyce M. Tice

Pioneer & Patriot Families of Bradford Co, PA 1770-1800; C. F. Heverly; pub.1915; Vol. II; p.287; KENNEDY.

Alexander KENNEDY of Springfield Twp, Bradford Co, PA, formerly of Sheshequin.

ALEXANDER KENNEDY (originally Canedy, Canada), a native of Vermont and of Scotch-Irish parentage, emigrated, 1820, with his wife, ten sons and nine daughters from Halifax, Vt. To Sheshequin. In 1822 he removed to Springfield township, settling a mile from Leona, where he and his sons cleared and improved a large farm, still owned by his descendants. Mr. Kennedy, who was born July 12, 1764, was a man of large stature, noted for his strength and athletic power. He married CATHERINE BROWN, daughter of David BROWN of Colerain, Mass. She was born Dec. 20 1770 and died Aug. 20, 1853. He died Nov. 12, 1847. Both inhumed in the family plot on the Kenndy farm. Their children and Marriages follow: Sally to Abraham B. GORE, Sheshequin; Alexander died unmarried; Margery to Joel GUILD; David not married; Noble to Betsy HASKINS; Avery to Achsa SHULT; Elizabeth to George WILCOX; Polly to Chester WILLIAMS, Troy; Lydia to Alanson SMITH, Armenia; Eli; Hosea m1: Martha WOLD, m2: Lucretia WILSON, m3: Maria KNOWLTON, m4: Ruth Ann BROWN; Lephe to George WOLF, Columbia; Comfort to Hannah SMITH; Babe died; Chester to Electa HALLOCK; Annie to Elisha RICH, Springfield; Morton m1: Betsy SMITH, m2: 2nd Lucretia SCHAFF; Antis to David FANNING; Samuel to Letty HAKES.

Happy Rooting, Pat Hittle GORE :) Palmer, Alaska 

History of Sheshequin 1777-1902; Heverly; pub.1902; Towanda, Pa; p.188; David BROWN.

David BROWN came to Sheshequin in or before 1821. He settled and improved the place of now P. L. Bidlack, and was quite a noted "bee keeper." He was twice married and had a large family. Of his children, Avery, Asa, William, Ruel, Joseph, Franklin, David, Porter, Philander, Lydia, Margaret and Betsey are remembered. His first wife was an AVERY, sister of Mrs. Obadiah GORE. In 1840 he sold out and removed to GROTON, N. Y.

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