Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Families of the Tri-Counties
Harris Family Reunion Notes 1927 - 1935
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Submitted by Fay TILLER Morgan


Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
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 Subj:  Harris background
Date:  09/12/2003 8:23:42 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Hi, I just sent the reunion notes for the Harris/Clark family.
Elmer Clark of Sullivan Twp Married Sarah Harris from Wales. They had, among others, Anna who married George Morgan, and Edith who married Harley Conelly.
George and Anna Morgan lived in Armenia Twp. They were my in-laws.
Eddith and Harley lived mostly near Covington. They moved to Elmira because Harley had work there. Many of that family are buried in Gray's cemetery near Covington.

Our picnic and visits and left for home

Harley Connelly

Minutes of meeting of the 1927 reunion

Motion made by Bill Harris that the minutes of last year stand approved as read.

Motion made by Bill Harris that that the families from Elmira bring chicken and families from Scranton bring ham. Motion carried

Motion made that we hold next meeting here in Ideal Park the first Sat. in Aug. Motion properly seconded and carried.

Motion made that the Same President and Secy. Act next year. Motion carried.

Motion made and seconded that $4.64 be paid James Preston for the prizes. Motion carried.

A bill for printing and cards of 2.00 was paid Harley Connelly. Motion carried.

A motion was made and seconded that a collection of $.50 a family be taken. Motion carried. A collection of $7.25 was taken

Bills – James Preston for prizes 4.64.

Harley Connelly cards & printing 2.00.

Total amt of bills 1927 6.64.

Bal of 1926 collection in Treas 5.56.

1927 collection 7.25.


1927 bills 6.64

leaving a Bal in Treas. of 6.17

William Clark of Elmira Ambrose Mason Covington David Harris Scranton William Harris Scranton appointed for sports 1928

Harley Connelly Sec

Minutes of 1928 Harris Reunion held in Ideal Park the first Sat in Aug.

Minutes of last meeting read and approved

The first race was 100 yd. Raymond Morgan winner.

Second race 50 yd dash by ladies Bertha Morgan winner.

16 year or older race by girls Catherine Davis winner.

10 to 12 year old boys race. Jr Davis winner.

12 to 14 year old boys race Billie Harris winner

Half mile race around race track. Howard Clark winner.

7 to 8 year old boys race Nelson Morgan winner.

6 to eight year old girls Audrey Connelly winner.

12 to 14 year old race Gertrude Clark winner.

Baseball game played between Scranton and the ??? of Pennsylvania and New York . Won by Scranton a very close game. Game tied in fifth inning 6 and 6. Final score 10-9.

A collection of four dollars was taken up three dollars given to the fiddler and one dollar given to the care taker of the pavilion.

Dinner and supper was served to about 130.

A business meeting was called by President James Preston and the following business was transacted.

Bills read as follow

William Harris for prizes 2.20.

William Clark for prizes 1.60.

Harley Connelly cards and plates 3.35.

Total amt of bill 7.15.

A collection of .50 per family was taken up amounting to $12.25

A Motion was made and seconded that the same officers be elected for 1929. Motion carried.

Motion made and seconded that the next reunion be held at Ideal Park Endicott the first Sat in Aug. Motion carried.

Motion made and seconded that a table committee be be appointed by President. Motion carried.

Bal in teas left from last year $6.17.

Collection for 1928 12.25

Total amt 18.42.

Bills for 1928 7,15

Bal left in treas after 1928 meeting $11.27.

Cards and printing for 1929 2.00

Bal in Treas $9.27.

Minutes of the 5th annual Harris Reunion held in Ideal Park first Sat in August 1929.

Suggestions about the Reunion next year.

The place where the Reunion should be held.

The motion was made by Geo. Burge and seconded by Bill Harrris at Ideal Park.

=====check all this

Elmira Relation wants to go along on meat question. 34# meat to be brought.

Aunt Charlotte made motion that the meat be bought at Scranton It was seconded by Bill Clark and the price is to be equally divided up.

============= to here

(shorthand had Mrs Joseph Campbell and Chas Casper)

Collection taken for meat today for next year from Elmira people to pay for their share of meat.

Collection also taken from Scranton people.

Officers elected for next year

James Preston President

Harley Connelly Secretary & Treas.

Table Committee Jennie Martin, Elizabeth H Preston, Blanch Harris, Blanch Clark, Alberta Clark,

Geo Burge & Geo Armstrong takes charge of Coffee and tables. Motion made by Bill Harris seconded by Geo Clark

Committee for lost articles Geo Clark Elmira, Bill Harris Scranton.

Sports Committee David Harris, Wm Clark, C Caspar, Bill Harris, Ambrose Mason.

Meeting adjourned until one year from today.


Total amt in Treas 9.27

Expenditures 4.90

4.37 in Treas now

Mary Davis

Mrs Mary Harris \ 324 N Caroline Ave

Mr & Mrs Harold Mertz \

Mr & Mrs David Harris /

Mr & Mrs James Preston 312 N Carolina Ave

Mr & Mrs John Davis 309 Soldiers Ct

Mr & Mrs John Harris 337 Soldiers Ct

Mr Wm Harris & family 315 Soldiers Ct

Mr & Mrs Geo Harris 1666 S Keyser Ave

Mr & Mrs Thos Harris Jr 116 Grant Ave

Mrs Thos Harris 116 Grant Ave

Mr & Mrs Earl Nichols 115 Grant Ave

Mr & Mrs Wm Summerhill

Mr & Mrs August Hughes 424 Decker St

Mr & Mrs Hugh Cayne Roberts Ct

Mr & Mrs Joseph Gill Blakel St Dunmore

Mr & Mrs DeLarer )?_ Harris Roberts Ct

Mr Geo Armstrong Roberts Ct

The peoplee who paid towards the meal for next year.

Geo Clough 1 - -

Wm Clark 1 – 00

Aunt Charlotte 1 –

Eddie Owens 1 –

Elmer Clark 1 –

Chas Casper 1

Elmer Clark Jr 1

Jim Preston 1

Geo Harris 1

Aunt Jennie 50

Fred Clark 1

Geo Burge 1

Ed Morgan 1

Charles Morgan 1 N Jersey

David Harris 1

Ambros Mason 1

Geo Morgan 1

Thomas Harris 1


The following were here Sep 7 1925

Mr & Mrs Harley Connelly, Audrey 3

814 Holdridge St Elmira NY

Mr & Mrs Preston, Jan, Margie, Ann 5

312 Caroline Ave Scranton

Mr Wm Harris, Ruth & Wm J Harris 4

315 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Geo Burger, Willard, Jane, Jean, June 6

6 Lawton Ave Binghamton Ny

Mr & Mrs John Harris, Beatrice, Jack 4

327 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs E. D. Morgan, Elmer, Viola, Sarah 5

Blossburg Pa

Mr & Mrs George Harris, George Jr 3

1666 Keyser Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs E J Owens, Edward & Calvin 4

215 Vine St Elmira NY

Mr & Mrs Jack Davis, Mary, Catherine & Jack Jr 5

331 S Keyser Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Howard Metz 2

324 Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Mrs Mary Harris

Mr & Mrs Ambros Mason Jr & Rodney 3

Covington Penn

James Weiskopff 1

814 Holdridge St Elmira Ny

Elmer Clark 1

Covington Penna

Mr & Mrs Thomas Harris, Charley, Crean, Edward 5

2109 Jackson St Scranton Pa


Mrs Frank McDonald 2

549 Roberts Ct Scranton Pa


(new year?)

Minerva Morgan

# Ambrose Mason Jr Covington Pa

# E F Clark Covington

Mr Wm Harris 315 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

# E. H. Morgan

Elmer Clark

Sarah Morgan

Viola Morgan

Elmer Morgan

Charlotte Campbell Sinnamahoning Pa

Ethel Parsons RD 7 Wellsboro Pa

Earl Parsons " " "

Mildred Mason Covington Pa

Alberta Clark " "

# George H Clark Elmira Ny

Maarie " " "

Robert " " "

Demar " " "

Vivian " Covington Pa

Rodney Ross Mason Covington Pa

Christen Clark " "

Agnes Armstrong 30 Sturdevant Apts Johnson City Ny

Genevive Armstrong " "

William Clark Elmira Ny

Esther Clark do do

Kirtland " do do

Harold " do do

George Armstrong Johnson City Ny

Mrs George Armstrong do do

Andrew Armstrong do do

Virginia Armstrong do do

Memorial Armstrongf do do

Raymond Armstrong do do

Albert Armstrong do do

William Armstrong do do

Paul Wood Elmira Ny


Mr Paul Wood " "

# Howard & Gertrude

Fred J Clark (line partially through)

Mrs F J Clark (line partially through)

Howard Clark

Gertrude Clark


Arthur Clark

Edith Connelly 814 Holdridge St Elmira Ny

Harley Connelly "

Audrey Connelly

Jennie Martin Corning Ny R D #5

Mrs Harry H Harris 324 Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Mrs David Harris " "

Mary Harris "

Jim Preston 312 Caroline Ave " "

Mrs Jim Preston " " "

Ann Preston " " "

James Preston " " "

Margaret Preston " " "

Wm Harris 315 Soldiers Ct " "

Ruth Harris " " "

Billy Harris " " "

Jack Harris ‘ "

Flora Harris " "

Beatrice Harris " "

Jackie Harris " "

Jack Davis " "

Mrs Jack Davis " "

Mary davis " "

Katherine Davis " "

Jack Davis Jr " "

Clarance Burge 58 Plymouth St Johnson City Ny

Mrs Clarance Burge " " "

Leuwellyn " " "

Robert " " "

George Burge 149 Rutland Ave Johnson City Ny

Mrs George Borge " " "

Willard " " "

Jane " " "

June " " "

Jean " " "

George Harris 1666 Keyser Ave Scranton Pa

Mrs George Harris " " "


George Harris Jr " " "


Mrs ?????? 317 No Everett Ct " "

?????????? " "

Names and addresses for 1927

Harley Connelly 814 Holdridge St Elmira Ny

Edith Holdridge " " "

Thomas Harris 2109 Jackson St Scranton

Blanche Harris 2109 Jaackson St Scranton

Mr & Mrs August Hughes 116 N Grant Ave Scranton

Mr & Mrs Earl Nicholas 114 N Grant Ave Scranton Pa

Mrs Mary Harris 324 N Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Harold Mintz 324 N Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs John Harris 337 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

Mrs J M Campbell Sinnemahoning Pa

Mr & Mrs Earl Parsons Wellsboro Pa RD # 7

Mr & Mrs David Harris 324 Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Jaack Davis 309 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

Mr William Harris 315 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Geo Burge 149 Rutland Ave Binghamton Ny

James Preston 312 Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Eliza Preston 312 Caroline Ave

Names for 1928

Hugh Cayne, Mae Cayne 534 Roberts Ct

Arthur Armitage 534 Rioberts Ct

George Armitage 135 S Rebecca Ave Scranton

Harold Mertz, Margaret Mertz 324 Carolina Ave Scranton Pa

Mrs Mary Harris 324 Carolina Ave Scranton Pa

George Burge & family 149 Rutland St Johnson City Ny

George Armstrong family 30 Sturdevant St Johnson City

William Harris family 315 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

Mrs D D Martin R D 5 Corning Ny

Mrs M Edminister & family RD 2 Painted Post Ny

Mr & Mrs Ambrose Mason & Rodney

Mr & Mrs Elmer Clark Blossburg Pa

Mr & Mrs George Morgan & family

Mr & Mrs George Truesdale & family Brockway Pa PO # 195

Mr & Mrs George Harris & family 372 Myrtle Ave ????gton

Mr & Mrs Wm Clark & family 1108 South Main

Mr & Mrs John Davis & family 309 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

Harley Connelly & famiuly 814 Holdridge St

Wm Harris & family 315 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

George Harris & family1666 Keyser Ave Scranton Pa

Names for 1928

Mr & Mrs E.D. Morgan & family Blossburg Pa

Mr Mrs John Harris 315 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

Mrs H Jones – Wm Jones 1017 Deleware St Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs J Pierce?? 1017 Deleware St " "

Mrs Ethel Gill – Robert Gill

James – Eliza Preston, James, Margie

312 Carolina Ave Scranton

Davgid Harris, Ann, Marie, Mary 324 Carolina Ave Scranton

Eddie & Esther Owens & family Covington Pa

Mr & Mrs Thomas Harris 2109 Jackson St Scranton Pa

Mrs Louise Harris & family 116 N Grant Ave Scranton Pa

Sidney Harris 128 Tripp Ave Dunmore Pa

Gertrude Harris Summerhill Newtown Pa RD # 2

Mr & Mrs August Hughes Dexter Ave Scranton Pa

Will Lewis Morris Run Pa

Mr & Mrs Henry Martin 33 Brown St Binghamton Ny

Randolph Hall 114 E Grove St Dunmore Pa

1929 Aug 3

Mrs C Martin 267 Bronson St Rochester Ny

M D D Chamberlain 601 Freemond St Rochester Ny-

Mr Wm H Gleason 1701 Washborn St

Mrs " " Gleason " " "

Dorothy Gleason " " "

Mrs Caradoc Thomas 1631 Clay Ave

Mr Carando Thomas 1531 Clay Ave

Ruth Thomas 1531 Clay Ave

Fred Clark & family Blossburg Pa Box 595

Geo Morgan & familyTroy Pa RD 1

Eddie Owens & amily Covington Pa R 1

Mr Mrs Jas Preston & family312 Caroline Ave Scranton

Mr & Mrs Haarold Mertz & family 324 Caroline Ave

Scranton Pa

Mrs Mary Harris 324 Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Mrs Geo Aremstrong 30 Sturtvant St Johnson City

Albert Armstrong " " "

Virginia Armstrong " " "

Andrew Armstrong " " "

Audrey Armstrong " " "

Raymond " " " "

Wm " " " "

Mrs Wm " " " "

Geneive " " " "

M May " " " "

Paul Doud " " "

Sicney Harris

George Harris & Wm Harris & lady friend

Charles Casper & family

Charles Morgan & family

Mr Wm Harris 315 Soldiers Ct

Mr & Mrs Geo

Names 1930 Addresses 1930

Frank McDonald & family 537 Roberts Ct Scranton Pa

Geo Burge & family 149 Rutland St Johnson City NY

Henry Hughes – family 2117 Lafayette St Scranton Pa

Wm Harris & family 315 Soldiers Ct Scrantron Pa

Mr & Mrs Adam Knierim & daughter Hazel

122 Centre St E Stgroudsburg Pa

Mr & Mrs Russell Philman 260 Brodhead Ave

E Stroudsburg Pa

Mr & Mrs Olaf Anderson 941 Williams St RD Scranton

Mrs Sadie Gromlick " " "

Mr & Mrs Charles Hughes Hamlin NY

Mr & Mrs John Moore 309 Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Fred Richter 2022 Price St Scranton

Mr & Mrs George Harris 1666 Keyser Ave Scranton Pa

M4 & Mrs E F Clark Covington RD 1

Charles H Hughes Hamlin NY

Mrs J M ampbell Sinnemahoning Pa Box 71

Mr & Mrs David Harris 324 Caroline Ave

Mrs Mary Harris 324 Caroline Ave

Names 1930 Addresses 1930

Send addresses to


Virginia Armstrong 30 Sturdevant St Johnson City NY

Albert Armstrong " "

Mrs Thomas Harris Mcameronave St Scranton Pa

Mrs Sidney Harris 128 Triporic D(??) Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs J Davis 309 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

Mrs M Edmistar Painted Post NY 84 Pine St Corning NY

Mrs Jennie Martin Corning NY RD # 5

Mr & Mrs Geo Clark Elmira NY 1015 Caton Ave Elmira NY

Howard Clark Blossburg Pa

Elmer Clark Blossburg Pa

Mr & Mrs Harley Connelly 814 Holdridge St Elmira NY

Augrey & Gerald Connelly " "

Mr & Mrs Thomas Harris 434 No Cameron Ave Scranton

Charles, Edward & Irene " "

Names and Addresses 1930

Mrs Ethel Parsons 5 Main St Wellsboro Pa

Mrs Don Chamberlain 584 Freemont St Rochester NY

Mrs Geo Harris 1666 Keyser Ave Scranton Pa

Minutes of the Sixth Annual Harris Reunion held at E. J. Park Sat Aug second

A motion made by Geo Burge and seconded by David Harris that minutes stand approved as read and a motion made and seconded that a vote of sympathy be sent Mrs Blanch Clark and family Secy to send it

The Evans Reunion will be held at Brand Park Elmira NY Aug 31 1930 All friends and relatives and friends are invited

Motion made that the next reunion be held at E. J. park Endicott NY the first Sat in Aug 1931

A motion was made and seconded that the same officers and committee be elected for 1931

James Preston president

Harley Connelly Secy and Treas

Table committee Jennie Edminister, Elizabeth Preston , Blanch Harris, Blanch Clark and Alberta Clark

Geo Armstrong, Geo Borge to take charge of coffee and tables

Geo Clark Elmira, Bill Harris Scranton to take charge of lost articles

Sport Committee David Harris, Wm Clark, Bill Harris, Ambrose Mason

A motion made and seconded that a rising vote of thanks be given to the table committee for the splendid services rendered.

A motion was made and seconded that the president Jim Preston announce at dinner the time for races and sprints also the business meeting to be held just after dinner

A motion made and seconded that Geo Burge Endicott, Earl Nichols Scranton, to have buns, frankfurters and coffee ready to serve before dinner next year and Treasurer to send money to buy same

A motion made and seconded that Harley Connelly buy balls, bats and presents for next year

Ammendment to above motion that the sport committee to get them

Expenditures for 1930

Post cards printing 2.00

Rolls, Mustard, Coffee, frankfurters, for lunch 5.52

Hams 13.50

Paper for tables 1.60

Plates and coffee 1.43

Presents for races 2.24

Tip for Caretaker 1.00

Ball bat 1.00

Total amt of expenditures $20.29

Bal left over from 1928 4.37

Collection for 1929 35.50

Total amt 39.87

Expenditures 1930 28.29

Total amt in Treas and 1930 $11.57

Harley Connelly Secy

Minutes of the seventh annual Harris reunion held in Endicott NY Sat Aug 1 1931

Names for 1931

Mr & Mrs Geo Burge & family 5 present 149 Rutland St Johnson City NY

Mr & Mrs Harry Hughes 2 2117 Lafayette St Scranton

Mr & Mrs Harley Connelly & family 5

Alice Morgan 1

Wm Harris & family 3 325 Soldiers Ct Scranton Pa

William Summerhill Jr Clarks Summit RD # 2

Mr & Mrs George Bocks Jr 3 311-16th Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Earl Nichols 4 115 Grant Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs John Davis 139 So Garfield Ave Scranton

Mr & Mrs Harold Mich 3 324 Caroline Ave

Mr & Mrs Auigust Hughes 3 424 Dexter Ave Scranton

Louise Harris 216 N Grant Ave Scranton

Mr & Mrs Delbert Martin 2 Corning NY RD 2

Mrs Mary Harris

Mrs Geo Armstrong & family 4 30 Sturdevant St

Johnson City NY

Mrs Chas Martin & family 2 267 Bronson Ave Rochester NY

Mr & Mrs George Harris & family 4

1666 Keyser Ave Scranton Pa

Names 1931

Mr & Mrs John Harris 4 in family 318 Soldiers Ct

Mr & Mrs Earl W Parsons Wellsboro Pa RD #7

Mrs J M Campbell Sinnamahoning Pa

Mr & Mrs Donald Chamberlain & daughter

    1. W Columbia Ave Rochester NY
Mrs G Armstrong 24 Dennison Ave Binghamton NY

Mr & Mrs Walter McKay Brockway RFD

(marked out Mr & Mrs June Patton Brockway RFD)

Mr & Mrs George Trusdale Brockway Pa

Mr & Mrs Benj Martin Brockway Pa Chief of Police


Mrs Sade Moyer Dagus Mines Penna

Mr & Mrs Albert Armstrong Burnside Penna

Mr & Mrs Robert Armstrong Burnside Penna

Mr & Mrs James Preston & family

308 Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Thomas Harris & family 4-304 Cameron Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs David Harris & family 324 Caroline Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Hughe Coyne & family 225 N Garfield Ave Scranton Pa

Mr George Armstrong & son 225 N Garfield Ave Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs Patrick Gill & family Blackley St Dunmore Pa

Names for 1931 Addresses 1931

Mrs Harry Jones & family1017 Delaware St Scranton Pa

Mr & Mrs George Harris 372 Myrtle St Irvington NJ

Mr & Mrs Wm Summerhill RD #1 Clarks Summit Pa

Mr & Mrs Sidney Harris 128 Tripp Ave Dunmore Pa

Mr & Mrs Jacob Mottam

% Asso gas & Electric Punxsetauney Pa

Mrs Geo Bocks 300 N Evert Ave Scranton

Clarence Burge & family 58 Plymouth St Johnson City NY

Minutes of the seventh annual Harris reunion

Motion made and seconded that the minutes for last year stand approved as read

Motion made by Bill Harris that next reunion be held in E J Park first Sat in Aug

Motion made and seconded that Committee make arrangements for tables for next year Geo Burge, Clarence Burge to act.

A motion expressing our thanks to table committee made by president

Motion made by David Harris that the present officers and committee act for next year Motion carried

Sport Committee appointed by Pres. Thomas Harris, & Geo Harris

Table Committee Sylvia Hughes, Hattie Burge, Minnie Hufhes, Aunt Charlott, Jennie Edmuster, Marie Harris

Motion made by James Preston that Secretary send a sympathy card to Mrs Adam Knierim 122 Center St East Stgroudsburg Pa

Bills for 1931

Paper for tables 1.00

Ham 7.59

Post cards & Printing 2.00

Prizes 2.00

Caretaker 1.00

Plates .80


Taken in for ham 14.00

Balance left in Treas from 1931 6.08


left for 1931 14.39

Balance left in Treas 1931 $5.69

Harley Connelly

Minutes of the eighth annual Harris reunion

Motion and seconded that minutes stand approved as read

Motion made by Lizzie Harris that next reunion be held at E J Park first Sat in Aug

Motion made by Acting President Harold Mintz that Geo Burge, Clarence Burge make arrangements for tables for next year

Motion made by Geo Burge seconded by Geo Morgan that same officers act next year

Motion made by Lizzie Harris that Harold Mintz act as vice president

Motion made by Geo Burge that same committee act next year

Bills for 1932 reunion

Ham $5.85

Prizes 1.70

Bread & milk .47

Plates 21 doz 1.00

Coffee & sugar .94

Cards & printing 2.00

Total amt bills 1932 $12.06

Received on 1932 Ham from Scranton 4.00

Collection for 1932 4.87

Balance left from last reunion 5.69

Total amt 15.56

Total amt bills 1932 12.06

Leaving bal in Treas 1932 3.50

Minutes of the 9th annual Harris Reunion

Motion made and seconded that the minutes stand approved as read

Motion made that Thomas Harris be elected president for next year Motion carried.

Table committee appointed by Thomas Harris – Sarah Nicholes, Mildred Mason,

Motion made by Wm Harris seconded by Harry Hughs that next reunion be held first sat in Aug

Motion made that Harley Connelly act next year as Secy & Treas

Sport Committee appointed by Thomas Harris- Ambrose Mason, Jack Davis

Motion made by Earl Nichols that the meeting be held next year before dinner

Motion made by Bill Harris that Geo Clark and Bill Harris furnish entertainment for next year

Meeting closed by singing Bless Be the Tie that Binds

Bills for the 9th annual reunion

Prizes 1.00

Tea, coffee, Milk, 15 doz plates, sugar,

paper for tables, caretaker(1.00) 3.45

Post cards & printing 2.00


Balance left in Treas from 1932 3.50

Collection for 1933 8.00

Total amt in Treas 1933 11.50

Expences 1933 6.45

Bal after bills payed 5.05

Harley Connelly Secy

Minutes of the 10 annual Harris Reunion held in Ideal Park Aug 4 1934

Motion made by Bill Harris that minutes stand approved as read

Acting ========

(mostly unreadable)=======

Blanche Harris celebrated her birthday today

Motion made == Clarence Burge that Bill Harris be re-elected === next === motion carried

Motion made by Bill Harris Jr that George Burge be elected Vice President Motion carried

Motion made that Harley Connelly act as Sec & Treas next year

Sport Committee appointed by President, Bill Harris, Jack Davis and David Harris

Motion made by George Burge that Sport com. Purchase before the day of reunion Motion carried

Geo and Clarence Burge to make arrangements for Picnic house next year Motion carried

Motion made by Geo Burge that President appoint table comm.. President appointed Blanche Harris to act as chairman

Motion made that the minutes of this reunion be sent to Bill Harris a week or so before next reunion

Motion made by Bill Harris that next reunion be held first Sat in Aug at I J Park

Motion made that next reunion be basket picnic

Motion made that the plates be purchased in Scranton by Bill Harris next year

Motion made that cards be sent concerning next year reunion

Sports and races just after business meeting Meeting at 7 o’clock

Harley Connelly Secy

Bills for 10 Harris reunion held Aug 4 1934

Plates .60

Coffee, Milk, hand soap, paper for tables .99

Prizes 1.30

Tip caretaker 1.00

Total amt of 1935 Bills 3.89

Balance left in Treas from 1933 5.05

Bal left in Treas $1.16

Collection 2.45

Bal 3.61

Minutes of the 11th annual Harris Reunion held Aug 3 1935

Reguarlly moved & seconded that the minutes stand approved

Motion made by Jack Davis that Bill Harris be elected Pres Motion carried

Motion made and seconded Geo Burge be Vice Pres next

Motion made and seconded that Harley Connelly be Secy & Treas

Motion made by Mae Davis that we have next reunion first Sat in Aug Motion carried

Motion made that Geo & Clarence Burge make arrangements for the Beart(?) House for next year

Sports Committee appointed by Pres- Howard Clark 6 High St Endicott, William Lucas 318 Soldiers Ct Scranton

Table Comm Chairman Blanche Harris, Lizzie Preston, Mae Davis, Marie Harris, Edith Connelly

Motion made that Secy send Aunt Jennie , Aunt Chaerlott Campbell, Aunt Maggie Trusdale letters that we missed them.

Motion moved & seconded that the bills be paid by treas Motion carried

Races for children at close of business meeting

Bills for 1935

Meat 4.50

Cards & paper 1.00

Caretaker tip 1.00

3 #s Coffee, Sugar, milk 1.24

Prizes .50

Plates .75

Total amt Bills 9.99

Bal in Treas 3.61


Collection 6.45



Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
If you are not navigating this Tri-Counties Site via the left and right sidebars of the Current What's New page you are doing yourself a disservice. You can get to any place on the site easily by making yourself familiar with these subject and place topics. Try them all to be as familiar with the site's 16,000 plus pages as you can. Stop groping in the dark and take the lighted path. That's also the only way you'll find the search engines for the site or have access to the necessary messages I may leave for you. Make it easy on yourself. 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/13/2003
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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