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From Jordan’s HISTORY OF NORTHERN PENNSYLVANIA, Vol. 3 submitted by Deborah Smith This page is part of the Tri-County GenealogySites by Joyce M. Tice No Unauthorized Commercial Use may Be Made of This Materia |
John Gore, the founder of this family in America, was born in England, emigrated to America in 1635, and settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts, where he died. He was the first town clerk of Roxbury. He married, in England, Rhoda _______. Children: 1. Mary, born in Eng. 2. John, born in England, died in Roxbury, June 26, 1705. 3. Obadiah, died young. 4. Abigail, died aged one year. 5. Abigail, born 1643. 6. Hannah, born 1645. 7. Obadiah, died in 1653. 8. and 9. Twins, died in infancy. I0. Samuel, referred to below.
(II) Samuel, son of John and Rhoda Gore, was a carpenter in Roxbury, Massachusetts, where he died July 4, 1692. He married, August 28, 1672, Elizabeth, daughter of John Wells. Children: Abigail, John, Samuel, referred to below; John, Thomas, Obadiah, Margaret.
(III) Samuel (2), son of Samuel (1) and Elizabeth (Wells) Gore, was born in Roxbury, October 20, 1681. He was a yeoman, and removed to Connecticut, where he died. He married Hannah Draper. Children: Elizabeth, Samuel, Samuel, Moses, John, Obadiah, referred to below.
(IV) Obadiah, son of Samuel (2) and Hannah (Draper) Gore, was born in Roxbury, July 26, 1714, died near what is now Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, in 1779. He settled in Pennsylvania in 1768, and was a captain in the militia. He married, in Plainfield, Connecticut, Hannah Parks. Children: 1. Obadiah, referred to below. 2. Asa. 3. Silas, whose daughter Lucy married Avery Gore, the son of his brother Obadiah. 4. Samuel. 5. George. 6. Daniel, married Mary Parks; child, Lydia, married Benjamin, son of Jeremiah Bailey, of Luzerne county, Pennsylvania. 7. John. 8. Sallie. 9. A daughter, married ---- Bidlach. Of these children, Asa, Silas, and George and the husbands of their two sisters, were slain in the "Wyoming Massacre" in July, 1778.
(V) Obadiah (2), son of Obadiah (1) and Hannah (Parks) Gore, was born in Norwich, Connecticut, April 7, 1744, died in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1821. He served in the continental army throughout the revolutionary war, being for six months in a
Connecticut regiment, and later commissioned a lieutenant under General Sullivan, and held his commission under John Jenkins and John Hancock. He was with his company on the
New York frontier at the time of the "Wyoming Massacre" and thus escaped the fate of so many of his family, and returned to Wyoming after that disaster and was with General Sullivan’s expedition up the Susquehanna river, and served as aide on General Sullivan’s staff. On this expedition the army encamped for two days in Bradford county (on land that is now owned by his great-grandson Major William H. H. Gore) and he was so. impressed with the beauty of the locality that he resolved to make his home there. He served until the close of the revolution and then settled in Bradford county, where he built the first frame barn to be erected in that region and the second grist mill. He was for many years a justice of the peace, and was also judge of Luzerne county and associate judge of the court at Wilkes-Barre, and upon its organization served two terms as a member of the Pennsylvania state legislature. He married Annie Avery, who died April 24 1829. Children: Avery, referred to below Hannah, Wealthy, Anna, SaIlie.
(VI) Avery, son of Obadiah (2) and Annie (Avery) Gore, was born in Plainfield, Connecticut, January 10, 1765, died in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, July 30, 1847. He was when a young boy in Forty Fort during the "Wyoming Massacre", and when nineteen years of age settled in Sheshequin with his father and was associated with him in nearly all of his business transactions. He married his first cousin, Lucy, daughter of his father’s brother, Silas Gore, born about 1733, died March 23, 1866. Her father was the first postmaster at Sheshequin. Children: Alfred Calista, Matilda, Wealthy Ann, Harry, Edwin, Obadiah, referred to below; Ralph, Silas, Charles, George.
(VII) Obadiah (3). son of Avery and Lucy (Gore) Gore, was born in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, October 9, 1809, died there October 10, 1893. He received his early education in the public schools of Sheshequin and Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania,. and then became a lumber dealer and engaged in mercantile pursuits until 1853, when lie retired from business activities and cultivated a farm in Sheshequin until his death. He was active and prominent in the public service and held all of the township offices at different times He married, October 15, 1834, Matilda daughter of Ebenezer and Cynthia (Holcomb) Shaw, born in Ulster, Pennsylvania, June 14 1814, died January 29, 1895. Children: 1.. Willam H. H., referred to below. 2. Amelia, died in infancy. 3. Daniel Webster, born September 15, 1839, now living in Buffalo, New York; served throughout the civil war in the Fifty-seventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, with the rank of captain, from September, 1861, to June, 1865; appointed railway mail clerk by the United States government in 1868 and now superintendent of railway mail clerks for the Buffalo division of the Lehigh Valley railroad; married (first) Mary Coolbaugh, (second) Margaret (Graves) Green; children, two by first marriage; Annie, Benjamin O. . 4. Marion, died young. 5. Charles Minor, died young. 6. Mortimer, died young. 7. Adolph K., born July 3, 1854; now living in Waverly, New York: married Alice Bennett; child, Etting, married Nettie Swain.
(VIII) Major William H. H. Gore, son of Obadiah (3) and Matilda (Shaw) Gore, was born in Sheshequin, Bradford county, Pennsylvania, September 16, 1835, and is now living in Athens, Bradford county, Pennsylvania. He received his early education in the public schools of his native township and in the academies at Towanda and Athens, Pennsylvania, where he graduated in classics and practical surveying. When nineteen years of age he entered business life as a clerk, and was for three years engaged in the drug business. He then removed to Peoria, Illinois, where he was in the wholesale drug trade for one year, and the following year engaged in the same business in Griggsville, Illinois, at the end of which time he sold his interests and returned to Pennsylvania and for a short time occupied a clerical position and then engaged in the manufacture of patent medicines. At the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted on the first call for volunteers, April 22, 1861, as a member of Company I, Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves, and served throughout the war, participating in all of the battles in which his regiment was engaged from Dranesville to Bethesda Church, at Cold Harbor. He was promoted to the rank of major on July 1, 1863, and on September 10, 1866, was brevetted lieutenant-colonel for gallant services in the battles of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, and was mustered out of the service, June 11, 1864. He then returned to Pennsylvania and opened a store in Towanda which he conducted until 1870 when he retired to the old homestead in Sheshequin and
for two years was occupied in the settlement of the estate of a deceased uncle. In 1874 he was appointed to the railway mail service on the Lehigh Valley and Erie railroads, in which lie remained until 1880, and later he established the Athens Sanitarium, which he conducted for some years. In 1894 he settled in Athens, where he is now living. He held various public offices in Sheshequin, and for three years was burgess of Athens. He has been a member of the Grand Army of the Republic since 1868, and is also a member of the Union Veterans’ League, of which he is commandant.
He married, February 15, 1860, Cynthia May, daughter of Joel and Maria (Goodale) Farnum, born in Owego, New York, now living in Athens. Children: 1. Harry W., born November 29, 1860; married Harriet Rodgers, of Towanda, Pennsylvania; child, Harrison Rodgers, born in Waverly, Pennsylvania, June 3, 1886. 2. Eliza May, born March 6, 1868; married Manning L. Kilmer; child, Stanley Gore, born in Buffalo, New York, March 23, 1896.