The Seventeenth annual re-union of the Fuller and Bardwell
families was held at Hoffmans Park Sat. Aug 30, 1924 wiith the
following present:
Mr.and & Mrs. E.C. Carnright and children Alida and Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. P.K. Ludington and daughter Beatrice
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elliott
Mrs. Lena Rogers
Mr.and Mrs. C.H. Fuller
Mr. Roy Fuller and daughter Virginia
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller and children Glen and Beatrice
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Fuller and children Floyd and Esther
Mr. John Daily
Mrs. Martha Colestock
Mrs. Julia Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and daughters Arlene & Geraldine
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and children Bobby, Lula, Delores & Junior
Mrs. Violet Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Johnson and daughter Marian
Mr. Sam Fuller
Mr. Rant Boughton
Visitors were: Mrs. Belle Cooper, Mrs. Bruneth Parmeter, Mrs. Grace
Rose,Mr. Frank Genung
The Marriages were reported of Zeta Bell Carnright and William J. Utter
Dec 18, 1923
James Kennedy and Lela – no last name or date
Grace Kennedy and Dean Neal – no date
George A. Carnright Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. George Carnright Aug
20, 1924
June Eloise to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lusk Sept. 1, 1923
Vivian to Mr.and Mrs. Stewart Thompson Nov. 10, 1923
To Mr.& Mrs.Adrian Shay, Adrian Shay Jr. Dec. 3, 1923
Mrs. John Daily, died July 14, 1924
Mr. Alva Rogers died July 15, 1924
In the absence of both President and Vice President, Perley Ludington
presided at business meeting. Minutes of the last re-union were read and
approved and the following officers elected: Pres. P.K. Ludington, Vice
Pres. J.A. Fuller, treas. Ernest Elliott, Sec’t. Mrs. J. R. Fuller, Asst
Sec’t Beatrice Ludington.
Committee of Arrangements J.A. Fuller, J.R. Fuller, C.H. Fuller, and
Ernest Elliott
Amount in treas $7.09, collection taken 4.20, expenses for year 4.25,
leaving a bal. $7.04
It was voted to hold the next re-union at Hoffman’s park the last Saturday
of August 1925
Mrs. John Fuller Sec’t
The following births were recorded.
Edna Lucile to Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Utter Oct 22, 1924
George Kingsbury Elliott to Mr. & Mrs. Charles Elliott Apr. 5,1925
Doris Johns to Mr. & Mrs. Sam Johns Aug 1, 1925
The meeting was called to order by the pres. P.K. Ludington. Minutes
of the last re-union were read and approved and the following officers
elected: Pres. Mrs. Jair Fuller, Vice pres Mrs Ernest Elliott, Treas. Mr.
Ernest Elliott, Sec. Mrs. John Fuller, Asst. Sec Beatrice Ludington. The
re-union to be held at Hoffman’s Park the last Sat. of Aug 1926. Table
Committee Mrs. Anna Johnson,Mrs. Jennie Phillips, Mrs. Eleanore Phillips,
Mrs. Zeta Belle Utter. Entertainment Comm. Mabel & Bertha Hakes.
Collection taken $4.23, Expenses 1.54, Bal $2.69, Bal in treas. 7.04,
total $9.73
No Marriages or births were reported
Deaths were reported of
Albert Roy Jan 14, 1926
Frank Dewey June 5, 1926
Mrs. Bertha Johns Jan 21, 1926
A business meeting was held and minutes of the last re-union were read
and approved. The following officers were elected: Pres. John Fuller, Vice-pres.
Samuel Fuller, Sec. Mrs. John Fuller, Ast. Sec. Mrs. Anna Johnson, treas.
Ernest Elliott..
Helen Phillips, Edith Brown, Mae Brown, & Eleanore Phillips were
appointed for table committee and Anna Johnson, Sara Ludington, 7 Bertha
Hakes for entertainment committee.
The time and place suited the majority so we hope to see a greater
number at Hoffman’s (Grove) park the last Sat. of August 1927 than was
here today.
Collection of $3.69 was taken, amount in treas. $9.73, making a total
of $13.42 less expenses for yr. were 5.19 leaving $ 8.23 in treasury.
A business meeting was called to order by the pres. John Fuller. Minutes
of the last re-union were read and approved and the following officers
elected : Pres. Harry Phillips, Vice Pres.J.R. Fuller, Sec. Mrs. J.R. Fuller,
Treas. Ernest Elliott. The motion made and seconded to hold the next re-union
at J.H. Smith’s Sylvania,Pa. the last Sat. of Aug. 1928, which was later
changed by consent of majority to the last Sunday of Aug. 1928.
Recitations were given by Mrs. P.K. Ludington, Mrs. John Ludington,
Mrs. Mable Hakes, Miss Bertha Hakes, Harry Phillips, & John Hicks.
The marriage was reported of Miss Goldie Smith and Mr. Welbray
Hill Dec. 28,1926
Births were reported of:
Warren Carnright to Mr. & Mrs. William Carnright Aug 28,1926
Deloros Jean Rockwell To Mr. & Mrs. Dean Rockwell Sept. 6, 1926
Leon Richard to Mr. & Mrs. William Utter Oct 6, 1926
Betty Marie to Mr. & Mrs. George Carnright Jan 12, 1927
Robert S. to Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Fuller Nov. 2, 1927
Aunt Martha Comstock died Sept. 1927
Committee for Arrangements: P.K. Ludington, Joe H. Smith. Committee
for entertainment Mrs. P.K. Ludington, Mrs. Mable Hakes, Mrs. John Ludington,
Miss Bertha Hakes.
Dorothy to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brown Jan11, 1927
Wilma to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carnright Mar. 30, 1928
Raymond Edgar to Mr. and Mrs. George Carnright Mar. 3, 1928
Robert Donald to Mr. & Mrs. D. Horton Jan 10,1928
C.H. Fuller died June 21, 1928
Laura L. Horton died Jan 11, 1928
After dinner the members gathered on the lawn for the business meeting
when the following officers were elected: Pres. John Fuller, Vice Pres.
Frank Brown,Sec. Mrs. John Fuller, Treas. Ernest Elliott.
It was voted to hold the next re-union Mon, Labor Day at Brand Park.
Committee of Arrangements Mr. and Mrs. Jair Fuller, Mrs. Violet Brown.
A delightful program was given by the entertainment committee in which
the following took part. Songs by Violet Brown & Lizzie Cowan Rec.
“My Hearts in the Highlands” by Ruth Adair, “The Stinger” by Marian Adair,
Song “Where they Grow” by Stella Hicks. Rec. “John’s History Lesson” by
John Hicks.
Collection taken $5.51, bal. in treas. 9.08,total $14.59, less expenses
3.69, $10.90 in treas.
Frank Jr. to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brown June 1929
James Wilson & Jeanette Marjorie twins to Mr. & Mrs. Wilson
Fuller Aug 15, 1929
A daughter –no name- to Mr. & Mrs. Will Utter
Elizabeth Louise to Mr. Mrs. Lee Phillips Dec. 21, 1928
Elizabeth Louise Phillips died Jan 21, 1929
Jeanette Marjorie Fuller died Nov 2, 1929
Mrs. Irene Shaddock and Harry Hubbard Oct. 28-1928
After dinner a business meeting was called by pres. John Fuller and
the following officers elected: Pres. Geo. Roy, Vice Pres. John Fuller,
Sec. Anna Johnson, Treas. Myrtle Roy.
It was elected to hold the next reunion to John Fuller’s 215 W. 13th
St. Elmira Hgts. The last Sat. in Aug. 1930.
Committee of Arrangements, Jennie Phillips, Ladema Roy, Rhoda Adair,
Anna Johnson, Currance Fuller.
Collection taken $3.13, In treas. 7.90, bal 11.03
Anna Johnson (Sec)
To Mr. and Mrs. Adrain (sic?) Shay a son Richard G. Sept. 19th 1929
To Mr. and Mrs. William Carnright a son Albert Leigh Oct 4-1929
To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hall a son Burten W? Dec. 28,1930
Frank Ludington died June 16-1930
Blanche Kennedy Lawton died Aug 1-1930
Emery B. Fuller died Dec 4-1929
Raymond Smith to Marian Miller Aug 15-1930
Maurice Roy to Shirley Gates Nov 4. 1929
Mrs. Violet Brown to Lew Leonard Oct 12-1929
Stanley Roy to Ruth Leonard Sept. 14-1929
Crystal Gernert to George Hall July 12, 1930
After dinner the members gathered on the lawn for the business meeting
when the following officers were elected: Pres. Claude Fuller, Vice Pres.
Guy Fuller, Sec’y Anna Johnson, treas. Myrtle Roy.
It was voted to hold the next reunion the third Sat. in Aug. at Brand
The following table committee was elected: Clara Burnham, Jennie Phillips,
Maude Fuller-Nellie Fuller-Peggy Fuller. Myrtle Roy as general chairman
having charge of buying supplies.
Entertainment Comm. Currance Fuller, Cora Harkness, Maude Fuller.
A delightful program was given in which the following took part: rec.
“The House by the Road”, Harry Shaddock, Song “Pretty Jesse?”, Lizzie Cowan
– Violet Leonard and as an encore “How to Manage a Man”
Collection taken that day 5.26, In Tresuary (sic) 11.03, total 16.28,
expenses 5.01, total 11.27
Anna Johnson Sec’y
To Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Roy a daughter Harriet Louise Feb.22, 1931
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Lee a daughter Virginia Ann July 10-1931
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Roy a son Ralphard James Aug 7,1931
Mr. & Mrs. Leman Roy a son Raymond Lewis April 17-1931
Mr. & Mrs. Willie Carnright a son Donald July 23, 1931
Mabel Hakes died Sept. 11-1930
Raymond Morgan – Alida Carnright Nov 29, 1930
After dinner the following business meeting was called and the following
officers elected: Pres. Claude Fuller-re-elected, Vice Pres. Guy Fuller,
Sec’y Anna Johnson, Tresuary (sic) Maude Fuller.
It was voted to hold the next reunion the third Sunday in Aug. at Guy
The foll. Table comm..in charge Anna Lusk, Beatrice Fuller, Mrs. Joe
Smith, Marian Johnson, Edith Brown, Muriel Fuller.
Coll. Taken $5.51, in treasur 11.27, expenses 10.33, total $6.45
Anna Johnson Sec’y
Bertha Hakes to Dana Chandler Oct 1, 1931
Guy Ludington to Ruth Gitchels Dec 31, 1931
Raymond Larue Aug 26,1931 son of Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Morgan
Mary Alice Nov 8, 1931 dau. Of Mr. & Mrs. W.S. Hill
Raymond Josphes (sic) Aug 10, 1932 son of Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Smith
Muriel Pike Aug 13, 1932 son of Mr. & Mrs. Pike
Mrs. Luke Kennedy Aug 7 193?
Recitation: Robert Fuller & Claud Jr.
Those present:
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Lenard (sic)
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Fuller & sons Laurence, Robert, Claud Jr.
Mrs. Roy Fuller dau. Virginia
Mrs. Maurice Roy & son Balford
Mr. & Mrs. Riley Campbell dau’s Doris, Naomi, Beulah & son
Mr. & Mrs. P.K. Ludington
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Lee & dau Virginia Ann
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Ludington & grandchildren
Lina & Robert Horton
Mrs. Clarence Adair dau. Marian
Mrs. Annie Lusk dau. June & Vivian
Mr. & Mrs. W.S. Hill dau.Mary Alice
Mr. & Mrs. J.G. Ludington
Mr. & Mrs. <G>.C. Carnright
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Fuller
Mr. & (no Mrs.) E.C. Carnright & son Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. J.H. Smith
Harry Shaddock
Mr. & Mrs. John Brown sons Robert & Jack dau’s Deloris, Edith,
Mrs. Clara Burnham & sons Leo, Leroy
Alida Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Fuller son Glenn, dau. Beatrice
Mr. & Mrs. James Cowan
Ed Hakes
Guy Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. R.C. Morgan son R. Larue
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Brown
Cora Harkness
72 Relatives
Mr. W.H. Boughton, Mrs. Allen DeVed, Clara DeVed, Mr. & Mrs. Warren
DeVed, Cathirene Gates, Irene Hubbard, Alberta <Claflin>, LaVerne <Salidy>,
George Lavalley, George McKane. 11 visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee a daughter Frances Arlene April 3, 1933
To Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Roy a son Clifford Wilson Mar 7, 1933
To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roy a daughter Katherine June 1933
To Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ludington a dau. Elaine? Marie? (Possibly Marie
Elaine) Feb 26, 1933
To Mr. and Mrs. Dana Chandler a daughter Delores B. Sept. 10, 1932
To Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Hill a daughter Betty Jean Feb 20, 1933
To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phillips a daughter Marjorie Hazel June 25 1933
To Mr. and Mrs. George Dunbar a daughter Flora Adeline May 5, 1932
To Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Hall a daughter Mary Lou Aug 3, 1933
Miss Edna Hicks and Mr. Jasper Hungerford were married Apr. 21, 1933
Ernest Elliott died March 20, 1933
Dinner was served on the lawn by Mr. and Mrs, Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Burnham
& Leroy, Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Fuller, Mrs. Alida Fuller and Mrs. Amanda
Fuller, Mrs. Anna Lusk. After all had eaten, seats were taken on the shady
side of the lawn and a business meeting was held by the V. Pres J.H. Smith.
The secretary, Minnie Carnright being absent, Curance (sic) Fuller read
the minutes of the previous year. They were approved and the following
officers elected for 1934: Pres. J.H. Smith, Vice Pres. S.G. Fuller, Sec.
& treas. Curance Fuller.
Voted to hold the next reunion 3rd Sun of Aug at Frank Brown’s with
Myrtle Roe chairman of table committee. Her helpers to be Irene Hubbard,
Esther Fuller, Beatrice Fuller, Marion Johnson, Virginia Lusk, Ruth Adair,
Geraldine or Arlene Brown, Muriel Fuller or any willing others whom she
Amanda Fuller, Anna Lusk, and Clara Burnham were appointed to meet
at Curance Fullers about two weeks before the reunion to make plans. Postals
are to be bought and each family informed what to bring as refreshments.
Ice Cream is to be served.
Collection taken was $3.56, expenses were 2.38, money to add to treasury
1.18, money in treasury from 1932 7.27, bringing a balance of $8.45
It was proposed to send a shower of cards or letters to Mrs. Lew Leonard
who was ill in Sayre hospital
To Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Hall born a son John Edward Nov 193?
To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carnright a daughter Doris Jean, born March 2,
To Mr. and Mrs. Welbrey Hill a daughter Josephine born Feb27,1934
To Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Fuller a daughter Marjorie Faith born Jan 19,
To Mr. and Mrs. Adrain (sic) Shay a daughter Barbara Ann Nov 9,1934
Miss Beatrice Carr and Mr. Robert Phillips were married May 18, 1933
Albert Leigh son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carnright died Nov 18, 1933
David Bardwell died Nov 22, 1934
Dinner was served on the lawn by Mr. and Mrs. Brown and committee, followed by a business meeting over which president Joe H. Smith presided. The secretary, Curance Fuller being absent, Beatrice Fuller read the minutes of the previous year. They were approved and the following officers elected for 1935: Pres. John R. Fuller, Vice Pres. Joe H. Fuller, sec & treas. Curance Fuller. Voted to hold the next reunion the 3rd Sunday in Aug at Lewis Leonard’s with Clara Burnham chairman of the table committee. Her helpers to be; Beatrice Phillips, Irene Hubbard, Esther Fuller, Muriel Fuller, <Billy> Lusk, Mrs. Claud Fuller, Mrs. George Roy. Cards were to be sent to only those not present at the reunion. Lew Leonard was appointed to buy 5 gals. Of ice cream.Mrs. Joe Smith volunteered to bring 1# coffee, sugar, ¼ # tea.
After the meeting, those on the lawn were entertained by Catherine Miller,
June Lusk and Marian Adair who gave recitations. Mrs. Anna Lusk was appointed
chairman of arrangements and refreshments with assistant chairman Mrs.
Jair Fuller, and helpers, Myrtle Roy, Anna Lusk (crossed out), Rhoda Adair.
Collection taken was $4.03, expenses were 10.84, money in treas. from
1933 8.45, a balance of $1.64
Sec. Mrs. John Fuller
Births were reported:
A daughter, Lena Lorraine to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Roy Nov 1934
A daughter, Frances to Mr. & Mrs. Reedy Hicks – no date
A son Walter William to Mr. and Mrs. William Carnright May 8, 1935
To Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Hall a son Leon Arthur – no date
Louise Rockwell to Clyde Carrier June 2, 1935
Frances Lusk and Frank Rice were married Feb 6, 1935
Virginia Lusk and Lee Swartwood were married Mar 1935
Maurice L. Roy died June 3, 1935
Mrs. Claude Fuller died Feb 17, 1935
Mrs. Floyd Lee died Mar 19, 1935
After dinner a business meeting was held, minutes of last meeting were
read and approved. Same officers were elected with.
J.H. Smith to bring necessaries as plates, table paper, coffee, tea,
etc. Clara Burnham chairman of table committee with Irene Hubbard, Doris
Rice, Gretchen Brown, Muriel Fuller as helpers. An invitation from Minnie
Carnright to meet at her house next year was read by the secretary and
accepted. Cards will be sent to each family. Collection taken $9.16, left
from 1934 1.64, totaling 10.80, expenses 8.10, In treasury 2.70.
Mrs. John Fuller, Sec’y
A daughter Fayne Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Swartwood Aug 20, 1935
A son Francis Jr. to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rice Oct 30, 1935
A dau. Shirley Marie to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morgan Sept. 29,1935
A son Theodore S. to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roy Nov 12, 1935
A son Rexford L. to Mr. & Mrs. Leman Roy June 18, 1936
A dau. Hazel Alma to Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Carnright Aug 3, 1936
Ruth E. Adair and Theodore C. Dibble were married Dec 29, 1935
Anna Lusk and C. Stanley Knott were married – no date
Edd Hakes and Jennie Wood were married Oct 10, 1936
George L. Roy died Sept. 24, 1935
Francis Rice Jr. died Oct 31, 1935
Collection taken 9.68, expenses 9.43, total .25, from 1935 2.70, in treas. 2.95
This completes the transcription of minutes from the ledger book,
circa 1904 thru 1936, in my possession, on loan from Ms. Judith Buckley
on this date December 25, 2009
I have copied the original documents verbatim and inserted “(sic)”
wherever I was sure the spelling was incorrect, “?” where the data was
missing, and the symbols “< >” to enclose text which I was unable to
accurately or precisely decipher.
Wayne F. Bennett, 413 Hickory Grove Rd. Horseheads, NY, 14845