Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Submitted by Bill Thompson
Edited, formatted & published by Joyce M. Tice
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APRIL 26th, 1926

[Note from Wm. B. Thompson: The following appears in pages 88 - 91 of thevolume. Jane CAMPBELL was born in Nelson, PA 1/15/1834 and died 8/14/1916.On 4/10/1852 she married George Tubbs. George was born 1/2/1829 anddied 5/6/1916. George and Jane's children were: Frank Tubbs, b.5/12/1853; Ann Tubbs, b. 1/29/1855; and Minnie Orcell Tubbs, b.10/20/1864.]


August, 1901

Written by Jane Tubbs (Jane CAMPBELL)
   Friends and Kinsmen, I am interested in the history of our family. I will tryeach year to add a chapter to what I have already written.

It ought not to be difficult to collect the history of our family in America.Comparatively speaking, as an American family, we are of recentorigin. I am the grand-daughter of the immigrant ancestor. It wasbut ninety one years ago since the immigrant ancestor set foot on these shores. A single life might span the whole period. And yet, in this comparatively brief time much has been lost. Some have notkept records of their.

Our lot in America has been cast in Pennsylvania where our publicrecords were kept. Until recently some have had no concern aboutitems of family interest and are indifferent when appealed to. Itake a considerable pride in our history as a family. It is mymission on this occasion to arouse in others some of the interest Ifeel myself, to instill into the bosoms of others a modicum of thatpride in family which induces us to make journeys, write letters,collect facts, and compile articles year after year that a compactand complete history of our people in America may result.

  I have heretofore given a sketch of the Campbells who lived and diedin Tioga County Pennsylvania. What I have to say today will notconcern them to any extent but in order to make what I do to sayclear and intelligible I will preface my paper with a brief reviewlesson. I hope it will make what I do say more plain and more easyto be understood.

Joseph Campbell was our immigrant ancestor. He was born in1748 and died in 1824. He married Mary Harper who was born in 1749and died in 1844. These were my grandparents. They kept a familyrecord which is in existence. According to this record Joseph andMary were the parents of eight children as follows:

Sarah - Born June 13, 1777 - Married Samuel Hazlett

Mary - Born Mar. 19, 1779 - Married John Hazlett

John - Born Mar. 15, 1781 - Married Elizabeth Bell

Elizabeth - Born Aug. 21, 1789 - Married Richard Ellison

Jane - Born Jan. 1, 1792 - Married John Hazlett

Joseph - Born Dec. 24, 1793 - Married Ann Clinch

William - Born Jan. 6, 1795 - Died young

James - Born July 11, 1798 - Married Mary Blackwell

  Of this family, Sarah who married Samuel Hazlett, Elizabeth whomarried Richard Ellison, Jane who married John Hazlett, Joseph whomarried Ann Clinch, and James who married Mary Blackwell, spent theirnatural years in Tioga County, Pa., and their sepulchers are with usuntil this day.

What I have calculated for this occasion, though short, concernsthose descendants of my grandfather Campbell who did not come to thiscountry [county?]. I have told you that Joseph Campbell landed inNew York City [Perth Amboy, NJ] and from there went to Lancaster Co.Pa. where he spent a few years with his family. While in Lancasterhis daughter Mary married John Hazlett and his son John marriedElizabeth Bell. These two children never came to Tioga county tolive.

  I want to tell you something about these two families whom most ofus have never seen. It is not much I have been able to gather. Suchas I have is as follows:

  John Campbell, born March 15, 1761, married Elizabeth Bell in LancasterCounty, Pa. Shortly after they were married they moved to Pittsburg,[sic] Pa., where they purchased a large tract of land, reared theirfamily of eleven children, lived, and died. John Campbell died March18, 1866 aged eighty six years, eleven months, twenty nine days. Hiswife Elizabeth died January 15, 1860 aged seventy-four years, fivemonths, eight days. He was a farmer, in politics a Democrat, inreligious belief a Covenanter. It is said of him that he was veryzealous in his religion and often entertained the minister and eldersof the denomination to which he belonged.

  The eleven children of this worthy couple are as follows:

Joseph - Born 1808 - Died in 1845.

Samuel - Born 1810 - Died in 1881

Mary Ann - Born 1812 - Died in 1890

Sarah - Born 1815 - Died in 1898

Jane - Born 1817 - Died in 1887

John - Born 1819 - Died in 1820

John - Born 1820 - Died in 1898

Rachel - Born 1825 - Died in 1839

Elizabeth - Born 1827 - Died in 1828

Elizabeth - Born 1828 - is yet living

Ellen - Born 1830 - Died while young.

I cannot tell you as much as I wish I could about these cousins ofthe daughters. Mary Ann and Jane each married a Sloan and the otherseither died young or never married. Of the sons I have no account oftheir marriages which I regret. John Campbell however has elevenliving grandchildren, one of whom is a physician practicing inChicago. Samuel had four daughters; Mary Ann Sloan had two sons andone daughter, and Jane Sloan had two sons.

  That is my account of John Campbell, brother of my father and thefamily. Mary Campbell was born March 19, 1779, married John Hazlett,lived, and died in Lancaster Co., Pa. John Hazlett, her husband, wasin partnership with a Mr. Swartz. They owned a large lead works.
  I have been unable to obtain the date of the marriage of MaryCampbell. I am informed that she died between the years 1823 and1828 aged between forty and fifty years. She is buried in LancasterCo., Pa., but the exact place I have not learned. She was the motherof eight children:


Maria - died young

Matilda - married Mr. Humes

Ann - " Mr. Boggs

Sallie - " Mr. Stark

Rachel - " Mr. Boggs

Joseph - - - - -

Samuel - - - - -

I am informed her children are now dead. After the death of theirmother this family moved to Alleghany County. They were neighbors oftheir Cousins, the children of John Campbell in the vicinity ofPittsburg [sic]. The meager account I have been able to learn aboutthem suggests much to be done in collecting a full record.Sufficient perseverance will accomplish it. I hope to stir up thenecessary enthusiasm at this family gathering to keep the work going.

This family reunion is a pleasant and social occasion to meet andgreet each other and to brighten the claim of friendship. Werecognize the tie of kindred in this connection.

I want to call your attention to a duty which I feel is incumbent uponus. I have recently visited the burial plot where Joseph Campbell, Sr.,our immigrant ancestor is buried. The location in and of itself isone of natural beauty. It is on an eminence from which is gained abroad view of the Cowanesque Valley flats. It is the place selectedby the early pioneers to bury their dead. Rude in riptions on stoneset up here show that it was used for that purpose as early as 1816,It is one of the sacred places on earth, worthy of care andpreservation. At that place Joseph Campbell was buried and let himlie there until the morning of the resurrection. Beside him isburied Mary Harper, whom he married in that far off land beyond thesea. Beside him are the remains of his three grandchildren; SallyHazlett, Jane Hazlett, and Elizabeth Ellison. Here also lie many ofthe grandchildren of Joseph Campbell, Sr. such as Mary Richards,Sally Fowler, and others. Also many great grandchildren such as thechildren of Charles Hosley, Albert Fowler, Samuel Hazlett, RichardEllison and James Cook. At each of these graves is a respectableheadstone.

  This little plot of land so sacred to the Campbell Clan in America issituated on the farm of C.F. Merrit, in Nelson borough. It is square inshape, being about six rods on each of its four sides. I will try to tellyou how this burial ground looked at the time of a recent visit. In onecorner stood an ancient apple tree. It had produced many scrubbysprouts, which spread over a large part of the ground, from two tosix feet high. These were interspersed with raspberry and blackberrybushes, with thorn plum tree sprouts, elderberry bushes, burdock, andgoldenrod. There was also a hedge uncared for s wball, rose andlilac bushes all of it overrun with some kind of wild ivy. Thisplace is a veritable tangle and he who would read the inscriptions onthe tombs must go about with axe and scythe. This place is so sacredto every one of us, in whose veins flows the blood of JosephCampbell, is crowded hard on all sides by the barn-yard and driveway,of the old homestead on which it is situated. The fact that three orfour of the valuable tombstones are broken into two pieces wouldindicate that it had been occupied perhaps by livestock. On theeasterly side for a distance of three or four rods is no fence atall. There is along the driveway. On the West side the top boardsare gone. All the fence now standing is old and dilapidated.

In one particular I wish to give this annual reunion a practical turnunder the blessing of God.
  Some of the descendants of Joseph Campbell, Sr. have beenendowed with worldly wealth and all of us have strong hands and  willing hearts. I suggest we do not turn our faces from thisgathering until we have provided the means and devised a plan toclean up this naturally beautiful plot of ground and surround it witha substantial fence.

Signed by Jane Tubbs (Own Name Jane CAMPBELL)

Bill Thompson (610)433-4818

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Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

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By Joyce M. Tice
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