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I was allowed to borrow a ledger of the Allen Family Reunions that run from 1899 to 1919 for 20 years. The ledger was purchased at a yard sale by Gerald Franklin of Sayre, PA. I have typed the entire ledger for publication on your web site if you wish. I would suggest that it be placed on the Wysox Township records, since most of the reunions were held at Lake Wesauking, but also in Rome on Towner Hill. I have attached two pictures, one of the ledger outside and one of the first page showing the 1st Allen Family Reunion notes. Also included is the word document containing the entire ledger notes.

Lyle Rockwell

Allen Family Reunion Records

Descendants of Stephen Oney & Jemima Dodd Allen

(Transcribed by Lyle Rockwell from the Reunion ledger in the possession of Gerald Franklin of Sayre, PA July 2010)


1st annual reunion 1899

The first annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the cottage of Dr. F. W. Rice at Lake Wesauking on July 26, 1899

The forenoon was spent renewing acquaintances, fishing, boat riding, etc. By the time the dinner hour arrived, about eighty friends had assembled, among the number being friends from Federalsburg, MD, Nichols, NY, Litchfield, Orwell, Etc.

After all had satisfied the inner man from the abundance of provisions on hand, and business meeting was called with S. O. Allen as chairman.

The election of officers - The enserving year was as follows:

S.O. Allen – President

C. S. Allen – Vice President

F.F. Allen & M. H. Drake – Secretary

It was decided to hold the next meeting at the home of J.H. Allen on Towner Hill, Rome Township.

An address was made by J.H. Allen giving the genealogy of the Allen family and of their ancestor’s patriotic spirit during the Revolution.

A vote of thanks was endeared to Dr. & Mrs. Rice for use of their cottage and their kindness in entertaining the company.

The remainder of the afternoon was passed visiting, packing the dishes, etc., until the time came to return to our homes.

We trust all felt thankful that an effort was made to unite in a general family reunion and trust that many more anniversaries may be enjoyed by all the friends.

F.F. Allen

S. H. Drake Sec’ys

Those attending:

Ebenezer Hunt Miss Hiney

H.G. Russell Mrs. Ulysses

Lottie Russell Paul Hiney

Herman Russell Miss Fredinburg

Allen Russell Mrs. R.R. Dimon

Dayton Allen Chas Divine & Family

S.H. Drake Mrs. Wm Stevens

Alice Drake J.H. Allen

Allen Drake G.S. Allen

Celestia Harlow Cora Allen

Celinda Webb Mary Allen

Harlow Webb Frank Allen

S.O. Allen George L. Allen

Martha Allen Mrs. G.W. Hiney

F.W. Rice Carrie Hiney

Clara Rice Belle Hiney

Hiram Rice John Hiney

Nelson Hiney

Mrs. F.P. Allen D.W. Cowles

Laura Allen Myrtie Cowles

J.B. Allen Jack Cowles

J.A. Allen G.W. Crum

Hellen Allen Hattie Crum

John H. Allen Mable Crum

Mary Allen Beatrice Crum

John E. Allen Harold Crum

Fred W. Allen Jemima Forbes

C.S. Allen & wife Robert Forbes

H.P. Hiney Marion Forbes

Oney Allen & wife Ralph Forbes

Lizzie Allen G.S. Allen

Maggie Allen Leon Allen

Mrs. Eugene Ackley & daughter

F.T. Allen

2nd Reunion

The second reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of J.H. Allen on Towner Hill in Rome Twp. On Saturday August 25th

The day being pleasant except for the extreme heat, 90 degrees in the shade by the time for dinner, there had assembled about eighty friends, among them being familiar faces from Federalsburg, MD, Nichols, NY, Athens, Etc.

The early part of the day was spent in visiting and hunting for the coolest part of the lawn.

Then came the call for dinner which was very nicely served on the law and we think enjoyed by all.

After dinner, the president S.O. Allen called for a business meeting. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The question was whether to continue an annual meet or not, and it was decided by unanimous vote to continue and spend one day each year in a general family reunion.

The invitation to hold the next meeting at the home of M.D. Miller in Rome Boro was accepted and the time to be fixed by the President.

Then came the election of officers which resulted in retaining the old officers over for another year. DeLoy Allen, G.S. Allen and John A. Allen were made a committee to make arrangements for the next meeting.

A vote of thanks was tendered to J.H. & G.S. Allen for the very kind welcome extended to all the friends.

The balance of the day was spent in having (as they all said) a good time. The hour for separation came all too soon but we trust we may all meet on many more reunion days.

Those attending:

Joseph Allen Levi Drake

Eliza Schoonover Mattie Drake

Ebenezer Hunt Lizzie Drake

Hersey Allen Florence Drake

G.S. Allen Clora Rice

Cora Allen Hiram Rice

Pearl Allen G.S. Allen

Mary E. Allen Maggie Allen

Franklin J. Allen Floyd Allen

George L. Allen John A. Allen

Dayton Allen Hellen Allen

H.H. Drake Lizzie Edddy

Alice Drake Hellen Eddy

Allen Allen Frank Eddy

C.S. Allen & wife M.D. Miller

John Allen Mirmie Miller

Mary Allen Laura Miller

J.W. Allen Bert A. Miller

Gertrude Miller

Celestia Harlow Chas Woodburn

B.C. Webb Henrietta Woodburn

H.S. Webb A.H. Daugherty & wife

Maud Webb O.N. Parks & wife

Ralph Webb Flossy Leonard

H.D. Allen James Forbes

Lucy Allen Guy Marsh

Addie Allen Cora Marsh

Lith Allen Darwina Barnes

Eliza Allen F. P. Allen & wife

Laura Allen G.W. Crum

D.W. Cowles Hattie Crum

Myrtie Cowles Mable Crum

Jack Cowles Beatrice Crum

S.O. Allen Harold Crum

Martha Allen H.G. Russell

Laura Russell Herman Russell

Allen Russell

N. B. Drake Sec’y

3rd Reunion

The third annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of M.D. Miller in Rome Boro on Saturday, August 31, 1901.

On account of rain during the morning, the attendance was not large, there being but 54 present, but among them were friends from Wilkes-Barre, Nichols and other places.

The call for dinner was sounded by the ladies at about 12:30 and we found the tables on the lawn were filled with good things to which all did ample justice.

After the dinner hour was over, The President S.O. Allen called a business meeting.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and it was then decided by a unanimous vote to continue the reunions from year to year.

The election of officers was next taken up and resulted as follows:

Pres. – Joseph H. Allen

Vice Pres. – George S. Allen

Sec’y – N.H. Drake

The committee for arrangements for next meeting:

N.H. Drake & wife, B.C. Webb & wife, and H.S. Webb & wife.

The next reunion will be held at the home of Dayton Allen on Pond Hill on Saturday September 6, 1902.

A vote of thanks was given to N.B. Miller and family for the very kind welcome extended to all present.

The reminder of the day was spent in singing, visiting, quate pitching, but the hour of separation soon came and all prepared to return to their homes but we trust all felt well paid for the little effort it takes to meet once each year in a general family visit.

Those attending: Lottie Russell

J.H. Allen Cassie Hiney

G.S. Allen & family Mattie Drake

Maud Webb Levi Drake

Mrs. S.O. Allen Florence Drake

Mrs. J.H. Allen Minnie Miller

Mrs. F. P. Allen Laure Miller

J.H. Allen Bert Miller

John Allen Gertrude Miller

Fred Allen J.A. Allen

Celinda Webb D.W. Cowles

S.O. Allen Myrtie Cowles

H.S. Webb Jack Cowles

H.D. Allen Dayton Allen

Lucy Allen N.H. Drake

B.C. Webb Alice Drake

Addie Allen Allen Allen

Seth Allen Celestia Harlow

George Allen & wife Harriet Thetga

Eliza Allen Mrs. Julius S. Allen

Marjorie Moody Charles D. Allen

Kate Hiney Louisa e. Allen

Ira Hiney Edith M. Allen

Allen Russell

N.B. Drake Sec’y

4th Reunion

The fourth annual meeting of the Allen family was held at the home of Dayton Allen at Lake Wesauking, Saturday September 6, 1902.

The family and their friends gathered during the morning until there were about 90 present. Then dinner was prepared and lunches spread both on the lawn and in the house. After the merry dinner hour had passed, the usual business meeting was held. A few selections were sung as a call for all to draw nigh while the business was transacted. Then the minutes of the last meeting were read by N.H. Drake. The next place of meeting will be held at Stephen B. Harlow’s.

The election of officers was as follows:

Pres. – Joseph H. Allen No. 12 Park St., Towanda, PA

Vice Pres. – Mrs. B.C. Webb

Sec’y Mrs. M. Leslie Sairs

Committee on Arrangements: Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Webb, Mr. & Mrs. H.S. Webb, Mr. & Mrs. N.H. Drake.

A history of the family record was read by the president, dating back 184 years.

It was decided upon the date of next meeting which was set for the 1st Saturday in September, 1903. This move was followed by a few remarks by J.C. Forbes and others.

A vote of thanks was then tendered to Mr. Dayton Allen and Mr. & Mrs. N.H. Drake for the pleasure they had given us by being entertained at their home. After a short visiting time, the assembly dispersed, hoping to meet at the next reunion in one short year.

Those attending:

J.H. Allen Mary Allen

J.H. Allen F.T. Allen

Mrs. M.E. Place Mrs. J. W. Allen

Nellie Park Allen J.W. Allen

Earl E. Allen Ray L. Allen

Mr. & Mrs. O.N. Parks Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Allis

Gura Allis Laura Allen

Marion Forbes Carrie Hiney

Nina Allis Mrs. J.B. Eddy

Helen Eddy Frank Eddy

Mrs. L.T. Lent Mr. & Mrs. John G. Allen

Mr. & Mrs. C. S. Allen G.R. Allis

Mrs. J. H. Thetga Mrs. Ira Thetga

Mr. & Mrs. H.D. Allen Addie Allen

Seth Allen Eliza Allen

Flossie Leonard Abba Hess

Earl Place Mr. & Mrs. L.C. Meracle

Beatrice Casselberry J.F. Place

Mrs. D.W. Cowles H.G. Russell

Laura Allen Russell Herman Russell

Allen Russell G.W. Crum

Hattie Allen Crum Beatrice Crum

Harold Crum Harold Crum

Munson Leslie Sairs Stephen T. Allen

Martha C. Allen Mr. & Mrs. James C. Forbes

Robert Forbes J.E. Allen

Fred Allen Mary Allen

Mrs. F. N. Rice Mr. & Mrs. C.S. Woodburn

Hiram A. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Will M. Stephens

D.W. Cowles Ralph Stephens (Child)

Jack Cowles Veda Stephens (Child)

Mrs. J. F. Place Theda Stephens (Child)

Mr. & Mrs. S.B. Harlow Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Webb

Mr. & Mrs. Harlow Webb Ralph Webb

Dayton Allen N.H. Drake

Alice Drake Allen Drake

Anna Collins J.G. Dutcher

Frankie Dutcher Tracy Dutcher

Stephen Dutcher C.L. Barnes

Mr. & Mrs. P.C. Webb

Mrs. Munson Leslie Sairs, Sec’y

A sketch concerning the life of the 7th child of Joseph & Clarissa White Allen:

John H. Allen, born July 30, 1844

He was married to Helen I. Brown, (daughter of Ruel R. and Eliza Brown,) April 8, 1866 by Rev. Wm Lathrop in Herrick Township.

Their children:

Myrtie E., born January 18, 1868

Freddie J., born February 8, 1871, died January 5, 1874

Lizzie w., born January 19, 1875

Infant daughter died July 25, 1878

Myrtie E. was married to Darlie W. Cowles October 18, 1893 by Rev. F.E. Bessie

Lizzie W. was married to John B. Eddy August 15, 1893 by Rev. F.E. Bessie, and to her has been born two children: Helen W. Eddy, born September 23, 1896, & Frank B. Eddy, born April 20, 1899

John A. Allen enlisted in Co I of 141st Regt, PA Vol. Inf. On August 12, 1862 & discharged by general order July 21, 1865. John was wounded at Chancellorsville on May3, 1863 by a "Minnie ball" in the left knee. He is a member of Rome Lodge No. 480 of I.O.O.F. & initiated September 27, 1875 and received all the honors of the subordinate lodge. He is also a member of Stephens Post No. 69 G.H.R. initiated in 1887. Elected Quartermaster in 1890 & have served 12 years at this date of 1902.

5th Reunion, Saturday, September 5, 1903

Allen family reunion held at the home of Stephen Harlow on Pond Hill. Minutes read and approved.

Election of Officers:

President Junia Allen of Towanda

Vice President Alice Allen Drake of Pond Hill

Sec’y Mrs. S.O. Allen of Rome

Committee of arrangements:

Clara Rice of Rome

Cora Allen of Rome

Geo S. Allen of Rome

Committee of entertainment:

John A. Allen of Rome

Mrs. Maud Webb of Pond Hill

Mrs. Helen Allen of Rome

Select reading by Mrs. S.O. Allen

Singing by choir

Remarks by Joseph Allen and others

Motion made and carried that we meet at S.O. Allen’s in Rome Boro the 1st Saturday in September, 1904. A vote of thanks tendered to Mr. & Mrs. Harlow and cousins, Mr. & Mrs. Webb for the kindly way all were entertained.

Those attending:

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Harlow Mr. & Mrs. Harlow Webb & son Ralph

J.H. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Geo S. Allen & 4 children

Mrs. Eliza Schoonover of Lounsberry Mr. Eben Hunt of Lounsberry

Mrs. Hattie Benedict of Towanda Mrs. W.M. Stephens

Dayton Allen Mr. & Mrs. N.H. Drake & son Allen

Harriet Brewster Mr. & Mrs. John H. Allen

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Allen Mr. & Mrs. John H. Dutcher

Clyde Allen Mr. & Mrs. H.D. Allen & three children

Mrs. J.A. Thetga Ira Thetga

Miss Phoebe Thetga Mrs. J.B. Eddy & children

Mrs. D.W. Cowles & friend Mr. & Mrs. H.R. Allen

Mrs. C.L. Woodburn Mrs. Frank Kilmore

Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Allen Earl Allen & lady friend

Beatrice Casselberry Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crum

Beatrice Crum Harold Crum

Leslie Sairs Mabel Sairs

Mrs. Powell Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Allen and child

Ruth Osmund Mrs. J Cowles

65 total in attendance

Mrs. M. Leslie Sairs Sec’y

6th Reunion

The sixth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the residence of S.O. Allen in Rome Borough September 3rd, 1904.

The president Junia Allen being absent, and the Vice President Mrs. Alice Drake declining to act, the secretary took charge of the meeting.

After dinner, the following program was carried out.

Election of officers:

President – John a. Allen

Vice President – S.O. Allen

Secretary – Martha C. Allen

Then came a short entertainment of singing by the choir, then the reading of the minutes by the secretary. Mrs. Wm Rice voiced a select reading, followed by a solo by Mrs. Jessie Buttles. Recitations were by Miss Nina Allis, Margery Moody, Mary Allen, Addie Allen, and Master Allen Drake.

Joseph H. Allen delivered a history of the Allen family!

Motions made and carried to give Mr. & Mrs. Allen a vote of thanks. An offer was made and accepted to meet the 3rd of September, 1905 at the old homestead of Joseph Allen Sr. now owned by Leslie Dimon, and the invitation to meet there was given by him.

Those attending:

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Allen Mr. & Mrs. S.O. Allen

Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Geo Allen & Family

Mr. & Mrs. Delay Allen Mr. J.H. Allen

Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Allen & Family Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Webb

Mr. & Mrs. Harlow Webb Mr. & Mrs. John Dutcher & family

Mrs. Dayton Allen Mrs. Harriet Brewster

Mr. & Mrs. Levi Drake & family Alice Drake & son Allen

Mr. & Mrs. Darley Cowles & son Mrs. Henry Forbes, son & daughter

Mrs. Georgia King and family Mrs. Rogers, John & Bessie

Mrs. Harriet Thetga Mrs. Frost, Geo Allis, Nina Allis

Helen Eddy & Frank Eddy Maggie & Floyd Allis

Mrs. Russell Mati Harkinson

Mr. & Mrs. D.H. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Sairs

Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crum Beatrice & Harold Crum

Mr. & Mrs. H.S. Russell Herman Allen

Mr. & Mrs. C.L. Woodburn Mrs. Will Stevens

Mrs. C.L. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Rice

Hiram Rice Mrs. Rice

Mrs. Buttles & daughter Mr. & Mrs. Haney & daughter

Mrs. Cora Fraternburg Margery Moody

May & Elizabeth Browning Mrs. B. Legg & Christine

Mrs. Randolph Hiram Allen

106 present!

Martha Allen – Secretary

7th Reunion

The seventh annual reunion of the Allen family was to have been held in Wilmot’s Grove September 2, 1905 but on account of rain they were united to Uncle Stephen Allens for the day. The invitation was gladly accepted. The dinner hour soon came which was seemingly enjoyed by all. The after dinner hour was spent in visiting and game playing until 3 o’clock when the meeting was called to order by J.H. Allen who was elected chairman of the day on account of the absence of President J.A. Allen. The minutes of the last meeting was then read by Secretary Martha Allen. The question then arose "Shall we continue our reunions, which was put to vote and carried without opposition that we continue".

The officers were then elected:

President - G.S. Allen

Vice President - Darley Cowles

Secretary - Cora Allen

Committee of entertainment – Harlow Webb & wife & John Dutcher & wife

They were then invited by Geo Allen to meet at their home the coming year.

The time came all too soon to make ready for home. Thinking everyone present had enjoyed a very special day and was amply repaid for the little effort that it takes to meet once a year.

Births: Ray Allen a son

Marriages: Earl Allen to Maggie Dreslaine

Those attending:

S.O. Allen Martha Allen

Dayton Allen Hattie Crum & Beatrice Crum

John Allen Lizzie Eddy

Darley Cowles Mertie Cowles & Jack Cowles

J.H. Allen G.S. Allen

Cora & Mary Allen Frank & Leon Allen

Charles Woodburn Henrietta Woodburn

Maggie & Floyd Allen Miss Worthing

Gertrude Miller

Mrs. Geo Allen – Secretary

8th Reunion

The eighth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of J.H. Allen on Towner Hill on Saturday September 2, 1906, with 37 relatives being present. It was an ideal day for the occasion and all had a very enjoyable time. It was well worth the time and effort made in being present. Dinner was announced by the ladies at the noon hour, being one of the main features. May incidents and jokes were related by the members while partaking of the excellent menu. The business part of the meeting was called to order by the presiding officer, G.S. Allen, after which Rev. Niles led in prayer and gave a short talk on behalf of the Allen family.

The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, and a few remarks were made by those present.

The following officers were then elected:

President – J.H. Allen

Vice President – J.A. Allen

Secretary – Mrs. Geo Allen

The date for the next reunion was set to be the 1st Saturday in September with the place selected at John A. Allens – Wickizer

Those present were:

Dayton Allen N.H. Drake, Alice & Allen Drake

B.C. Webb & wife Mrs. Dutcher

John Allen & wife Lizzie, Helen, Carlton, & Frank Eddy

Darley Cowles & wife Jack Cowles & wife

Stephen Allen Horace Russell & wife

Hattie & Beatrice Crum Hersey Allen & wife

J.H. Allen George Allen & wife

Pearl & Mary Allen Frank & g. Leon Allen

Mr. Allen Rev. Niles

Mrs. Geo Allen – Secretary

9th Reunion

The ninth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of John A. Allen at Wickizer on Saturday September of 1907. The family and friends gathered during the forenoon until there were about 30 present. The fore part of the day was spent in visiting and the general hand shaking, while the young people enjoyed the game croquet and other amusements that had been prepared to make the day a pleasant one.

At noon, the tables were spread under the shade trees on the lawn, and each one did ample justice to the good things spread before them. After dinner, John A. Allen presented each one present a souvenir postcard.

The meeting was then called to order by Jon A. Allen in absence of the president.

The officers were elected for the following year:

President – John A. Allen

Vice President – Delany Allen

Secretary – Cora Allen

A letter was then read from a cousin in the far west. Mr. Parks was in attendance with his graphaphone which added to the enjoyment of the day. The question of where the next reunion was to be held then came. Mrs. Mary Dimon kindly invited them to her house for the next year, but on account of her poor health, it was decided later to go to Uncle Dayton Allen’s home on Pond Hill.

Those present:

Mrs. Harlow Webb Floyd Allen

Mrs. B.C. Webb Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Allen

Mrs. Cora Fredruberg Mary Allen

Mrs. N.H. Drake Mrs. Geo Allen

Allen Drake Dayton Allen

Mrs. Mary Dimon S.O. Allen

H. Daugherty A. R. Parks

Mrs. Mildred Allen Mrs. Sylvester Robinson

Mrs. D. W. Cowles Jack Cowles

Mrs. G. S. Allen Mrs. F. W. Rice

Mr. & Mrs. F.T. Allen Mrs. G. N. Parks

Mr. H.D. Allen Mrs. H.D. Allen

Addie Allen Eliza Allen

Clyde Allen Harlow Allen

Albert D. Stalher

Mrs. Geo Allen – Secretary

10th Reunion

The tenth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of Uncle Dayton Allen on August 26, 1908 at Lake Wesauking. The attendance was small with only thirty responding to roll call. All partook of a bountiful dinner, tables being spread under the beautiful shade trees on the spacious lawn. After dinner, all who wished were treated to an auto ride around the lake by the kindness of Uncle Joe Allen of Towner Hill.

The meeting being called to order, and in the absence of the President John A. Allen, Joseph H. Allen acted as President. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following officers were elected for next year:

President – N. H. Drake

Vice President – J.W. Allen

Secretary – Ida A. Allen

Committee of entertainment:

Mrs. Hattie Allen Crum, Mrs. Harlow Webb, Miss Addie Allen

Mrs. Esther Batesman from New Bedford, Mass. gave several fine selections in elocution, greatly enjoyed by all. Nellie Allen gave a selection titled Boyless town. Uncle Stephen Allen sang his favorite song titled "When I was young and in my prime, I went with the girls, most of the time".

The time came all too soon to say good bye. The place for our next meeting was to be held at the home of Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Webb, with the date of the meeting to be stated later. A vote of thanks was tendered to Uncle Dayton Allen and N.H. Drake and wife for the kindness shown by them.

Those present were:

J.H. Allen George S. Allen Cora Allen Frank Allen

G. Leon Allen Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kilmer Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Dutcher

Tracy Dutcher Stephen Dutcher Elizabeth Dutcher Charles Dutcher

Harriet Dutcher Addie Allen Dayton Allen N.H. Drake

Alice Allen Drake Allen Drake Estella Bateman Anna Collins

Mr. & Mrs. Brady Webb Maude Webb Stephen O. Allen

Armenia Robinson Joseph Allen Mrs. Ida Allen

Nellie Park Allen


Martha Allen died January 4, 1906 Hiram Allen died January, 1905

Cora Allen, wife of Ray Allen died Dec 2, 1906 & Ray Allen died April 6, 1907

William Joseph, son of Cora & Ray Allen died July 1, 1904

Mrs. Celestia Harlow died January 10, 1908 & Stephen Harlow died June 4, 1908


A daughter born to Lucy & DeLa Allen

A son born to Lizzie & John Eddy

Mrs. Ida Allen – Secretary

11th Reunion

The Allen family was held at the home of Celinda and Brady Webb at Lake Wesauking September 11, 1909. The attendance being small with only a few responding to roll call. Although few in number, we did ample justice to the bountifully spread table which stood prepared by Mr. and Mrs. Webb under the hemlock bowes, and long to be remembered by all present. We also missed the happy faces of those who helped entertain us six years ago when we met at the same home.

We were called to order by our most worthy President N.H. Drake, and as the minutes of last year being read and approved, a vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. & Mrs. Webb. The following officers were chosen for 1910:

President – Earl E. Allen

Vice President – Harlow Webb

Secretary – Mrs. Ida Allen

Committee of entertainment:

Mrs. N.H. Drake, Mrs. Harlow Webb, Miss Addie Allen

Reception committee:

Mrs. B.C. Webb, N.H. Drake, Darley Cowles

Voting to meet at the home of DeLa Allen in 1910. Date of meeting to be named later.

Those present on September 11, 1909:

Mrs. Celinda Webb Mr. Brady Webb Mr. & Mrs. Harlow Webb

Earl E. Allen Ida Allen Joseph W. Allen

Miss Nellie Park Allen Dayton Allen N.H. Drake

Allen Drake Miss Ruth Osmunn Mr. & Mrs. John Dutcher

Tracy Dutcher Stephen Dutcher Charles Dutcher

Elizabeth Dutcher Mrs. Harriet Brewster Mrs. Hattie Benedict

Edward Allen Darley Cowles

Deaths: Mrs. Helen Brown Allen died 1909, aged 70 yrs., wife of John A. Allen

And Ebenezer Hunt who died April 1, 1910 aged 86 yrs. Old.

Mrs. Ida Allen – Secretary

12th Reunion

The twelfth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of DeLa Allen on Harmony Hill October 15, 1910, the date of the regular meeting in September being rainy. Although the date being changed, there were twenty-one that answered the roll call. The day being cool, the table was spread in the dining room of which all did ample justice. After dinner the meeting was called to order and in the absence of the President Earl Allen, N.H. Drake acted as President. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved and tendering a vote of thanks to Mr. & Mrs. DeLa Allen. The following officers were chosen for 1911:

President – N.H. Drake

Vice President – B.C. Webb

Secretary – Mrs. DeLa Allen

A vote to meet at the home of C.S. Allen on Towner Hill in 1911 was passed, with date to be named later. We were then entertained by a recitation from Mrs. Jemima Allen and one from Mr. S.O. Allen and a song by Eliza Allen. The remainder of the day was spent in visiting but the hour for separation soon came and all prepared to return to their home and we trust all felt well paid for helping this reunion to gather and hope that in the future there will be a greater effort made to make this reunion a success.

The following were present:

Mr. & Mrs. N.H. Drake Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Drake Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Allen

Mr. & Mrs. G.S. Allen Mr. & Mrs. H.D. Allen Allen Drake

Miss Anna Collins Miss Ruth Osborn Mrs. Maggie Allen

Mrs. Flossie Allen Miss Addie Allen Seth Allen

Eliza Allen Clyde Allen Harlow Allen

Alice Allen

Marriages: Howard Wilbur to Lizzie W. Allen November 25, 1910

Mary Allen to Ray Park (no date)

Pearl Allen to Edith Park April 12, 1911


Dayton Allen died May 12, 1911 aged 87

Mrs. Jemima Forbes died August 18, 1911 aged 70 yrs.

Raymond Edgar Allen, grandson of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Allen died about middle of October

Mrs. DeLa Allen – Secretary

13th Reunion

The thirteenth annual running of the Allen family was held at the home of G.S. Allen on Towner Hill, Saturday, September 2, 1911.

The day was an ideal one for the occasion and during the forenoon the relatives began to assemble, with forty-one being present. The forenoon was spent in visiting and general hand-shaking while the men also enjoyed themselves playing pool, quoits, and ball.

At noon, dinner was announced by the ladies, and all seemed to enjoy the bountiful things that nature yields and friendship brings. Dinner being over, the business meeting was called to order by the President N.H. Drake and after the minutes were read and approved, the following officers were elected:

President – J.H. Allen

Vice President – Earl Allen

Secretary – Mrs. Ray Parks

The questions were then brought before the meeting as to when and where the next reunion was to be held, which was decided to be held at Mr. Lents on Pond Hill on the 1st Saturday in September. John Allen then made a short address giving a brief sketch of the history of Stephen O. Allen and Jemima Dodd Allen, who are buried on Pond Hill. He also stated that during the past year, the Daughters of the Revolution had erected a suitable marker for the grave of Stephen O. Allen and that he, John Allen, had erected a similar one for Jemima Dodd Allen’s grave. A paper was then circulated giving all the relatives an opportunity in paying for the said marker.

The President mentioned next the subject that in order to keep up our reunion and also to keep in touch with those who seldom attend, and whom we seldom see, that we extend a special invitation to the distant relatives. To this all agreed and requested that it be so published.

We were then entertained by a very fine and appropriate recitation by Stephen Allen "The Old Kitchen Floor", also several by Nellie Allen, and a song by Eliza Allen. A vote of thanks was then rendered to Mr. & Mrs. G.S. Allen for the kind welcome extended to all. The remainder of the day was spent in visiting, packing up dishes, etc., until the time came to return home, and we trust all felt amply repaid for the little effort made to unite once a year in a general family visit.

Those present:

Mr. & Mrs. H.D. Allen Seth Allen Eliza Allen

Clyde Allen Harlow Allen Alice Allen

J. H. Allen Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Allen Nellie Allen

G.S. Allen S.O. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Parks

Mrs. Harriet Brewster Mr. & Mrs. John A. Dutcher Mr. & Mrs. Lent

Anna Collins Tracy Dutcher Stephen Dutcher

Elizabeth Dutcher Charles Dutcher Mrs. Geo Allen

Frank Allen G. Leon Allen Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crum

Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Cowles Jack Cowles Celinda Webb

Ralph Webb John A. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Earl Allen

Mr. & Mrs. N.H. Drake Allen Drake

Requested by John Allen:

"We the descendants of Stephen O. Allen and Jemima Dodd Allen do agree to pay the sum set opposite our names for the purpose of erecting a suitable marker for the grave of Jemima Dodd Allen who died 1844 and is buried on Pond Hill".

J.A. Allen $2.00 Jemima R. Forbes $1.00

N.H. Drake $1.00 G.S. Allen $1.00

H.D. Allen $0.50 Earl Allen $1.00

S.O. Allen $2.00 R.B. Parks $0.50

Celinda Webb $0.50 G.W. Crum $1.00

J.W. Allen $0.50 J.H. Allen $1.00

Mrs. Ray Parks – Secretary

14th Reunion

The fourteenth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of A.K. Lent on Pond Hill Saturday, September 1912

The day was perfect and during the forenoon the relatives began to assemble until noon. A fair crown with baskets of goodies had arrived! Tables had been prepared under the shade trees on the lawn, the dinner was spread and the noon hour was a jolly one for all. After dinner was over and the tables cleared, all assembled in a group and had their pictures taken. After this, the usual business meeting was called to order by the President J.H. Allen. The minutes being read and approved, the following officers were elected.

President – Earl Allen

Vice President – N.H. Drake

Secretary – Mrs. Ray Parks

It was decided to hold our next reunion at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Joe Allen in Towanda on the 1st Saturday in September. A letter was read from a relative in the distance who regretted his absence, and a few remarks were made, after which a vote of thanks was given to Mr. & Mrs. A.K. Lent for their kind welcome given to all and the meeting was closed.

Those present:

N.H. Drake Alice Drake Allen Drake Jim Forbes

Clara Rice Robert Forbes Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Webb Maude Webb

Ralph Webb Annie Collins Mrs. J.A. Dutcher Tracy Dutcher

Stephen Dutcher Charles Dutcher Mr. & Mrs. Darley Cowles

Mr. & Mrs. John Allen Stephen Allen Mr. & Mrs. Earl Allen

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Allen Nellie Allen Mr. & Mrs. Ray Parks

George Parks J.H. Allen G.S. Allen Cora Allen

Frank Allen Leon Allen Henry Thetga Margaret Blend

Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Stafford

Mary Parks – Secretary

(A small single page paper was loose in this book as follows)

The 14th annual reunion of the descendants of Joseph Allen was held at the Grange Hall in Wysox Saturday September 6, 1913 with small attendance. The Wysox Sewing Society furnished dinner, after a vote of thanks was tendered to the ladies for furnishing such a nice dinner for the Allen family. The afternoon was spent in visiting and electing officers.

President – N.H. Drake

Vice President – J. Crum

Secretary – Mrs. Harlow Webb

Signed by Mrs. Harlow Webb - Secretary

15th Reunion

The fifteenth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of Junia Allen at Towanda, Saturday September 26, 1814. It was a beautiful day but there was only fifteen present, including Rev. A.E. Hall and wife of the Towanda M.E. Church. The forenoon was spent in visiting and recalling old times. It was rather cool so the tables were set in the dining room and loaded with everything to satisfy the inner-man and which everyone seemed very much to enjoy!

After dinner, the usual business meeting was called to order by the President N. H. Drake. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Then after singing "When the roll is called up Yonder" and a prayer by Rev. A.E. Hall, the following officers were elected:

President – N.H. Drake

Vice President – J.H. Allen

Secretary – Hattie Allen

It was decided to hold our next reunion at the home of J.H. Allen at Towner Hill, the time being decided later. A letter was read from Joseph H. Allen of Sand Point, Idaho sending greetings to relatives and regretting that they could not be with us. A vote of Thanks was given to Mr. & Mrs. Junia Allen for their kind welcome to all. The meeting adjourned until another year shall roll around. When I trust there will be a longer gathering for these meetings do so much to keep us in touch with one another. Those present were:

N.H. Drake & wife Allen Drake G.S. Allen & wife Frank Allen

Leon Allen Junia Allen & wife B.C. Webb & wife Mrs. Ruth Sill

Rev. A.E. Hall & wife

Deaths: John A. Allen on April 23, 1915

Mrs. Junia W. Allen – Secretary

16th Reunion

The sixteenth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of Joseph and Geo Allen at Towner Hill June 5, 1915 with about 35 present. After dinner the President N.H. Drake called a business meeting. The minutes of last meeting was read. Election of officers:

President – George Allen

Vice President – Harlow Webb

Secretary – Maud Webb

The afternoon was spent in visiting, with Joseph Allen and Isabel Sairs giving a recital, and then we sang several songs. Mrs. G.W. Crum invited us to the next reunion at their home on Orange Hill, the time to be decided later.

Those attending:

Joseph Allen George Allen & family Pearl Allen & family Ray Parks

Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crum Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Sairs & family

Mr. & Mrs. N.H. Drake Mr. & Mrs. P.C. Webb Mr. & Mrs. H.S. Webb

Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Junia Allen Ralph Webb

Maud Webb – Secretary

17th Reunion

The seventeenth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of G.W. Crum in Litchfield Twp. On July 1, 1916 with about 25 relatives and friends present. After the bountiful dinner, the Vice President Harlow Webb called the meeting to order. The following officers were elected:

President – Harlow Webb

Vice President – H.G. Russell

Secretary – Allen Drake

Mrs. Crum suggested that we hold the next reunion at Keystone Park in Sayre. A motion was made & seconded and carried to that affect, with time to be determined later. The rest of the afternoon was spent in general visiting until the time came to go home, which was all too soon. Those present:

H.G. Russell Mrs. Keafe Mrs. Rice James Forbes Isabel Sairs

G.W. Crum & wife Harold Crum Beatrice Crum Mrs. George Allen

Joseph Allen Leon Allen H.S. Webb & wife Ralph Webb

B.C. Webb & wife N.H. Drake & wife Allen Drake

Allen Drake - Secretary

18th Reunion

The eighteenth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at Keystone Park in Sayre on June 30, 1917. The day was pleasant but only about twenty-five of the relatives and friends were present. A very bountiful dinner was served to which all gave ample justice. The business meeting was then called to order by N.H. Drake, with the President Harlow Webb being absent. It was decided to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Rice of Sayre, the date to be determined later at the convenience of the hostess. The following officers were elected:

President – N.H. Drake

Vice President – Junia Allen

Secretary – Mrs. Ralph Webb

All too soon came the hour for departure, goodbyes were reluctantly said, all hoping that we might be spared to meet again next year.

Those present:

Mr. & Mrs. N.H. Drake Allen Drake Miss Marion Benjamin

Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crum Mr. & Mrs. Harold Crum Miss Beatrice Crum

Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Sayres Miss Isabel Sairs Mrs. F.W. Rice

Mr. & Mrs. DeLa Allen Master Louie Allen Mr. & Mrs. Junia Allen

Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Webb Mrs. Frank Wood Mrs. Harlow Webb

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Webb

Mrs. Ralph Webb – Secretary

19th Reunion

The nineteenth annual reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of Dr. & Mrs. F.W. Rice, Sayre, Pa on Saturday June 29, 1918. It was another very pleasing link to add to memory’s chain as all present had a very enjoyable time, the host and hostess proving themselves vary capable entertainers indeed! The attendance was not very large, only about 25 of the relatives being present. The AM was spent in visiting and merriment. Soon after twelve o’clock the call for dinner was sounded which all readily responded and enjoyed to the fullest extent, the only anxiety being that Mrs. Hoover might present himself and sentence all to everlasting disgrace because of the bountiful spread of goodies which the ladies had previously prepared. After the dinner hour, the business meeting was called to order by the President N.H. Drake. He gave a short talk on the advisability of holding the reunion because of the small attendance during the past few years, but it was the choice of those present to continue the gatherings. The officers for the following year were then elected:

President –N.H. Drake

Vice President – G.W. Crum

Secretary – Mrs. G.W. Crum

Mrs. Isabel Sayres then favored us with a patriotic recitation and also in a very pleasing manner sang " Keep the Home Fires Burning". Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crum very cordially extended the invitation to hold the next meeting at their home in Athens, the last Saturday in June. A vote of thanks was then tendered to Dr. & Mrs. Rice for their generous hospitality.

Those present were:

Mr. & Mrs. N.H. Drake Allen Drake Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crum

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Crum Master Billy Crum Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Sayres

Miss Isabel Sayres Mr. & Mrs. DeLa Allen Master Louie Allen

Mr. & Mrs. Louie Skinner Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Rice Mrs. Wm Rice

Mr. & Mrs. B.C. Webb Miss Angie Kelly Peter Rice

Deaths: James C. Forbes November 11, 1917

Births: William Harold Crum

Marriages: Seth Allen to Florence Place on November 28, 1917

Mrs. Ralph Webb – Secretary

20th Reunion

The twentieth reunion of the Allen family was held at the home of G.W. Crum at 701 First St., Athens, PA on June 28, 1919. The day being cool and bright, the tempting food spread upon the table on the lawn would have been sufficient for a much larger crowd of people. After dinner and the social hour, the President Drake called the meeting to order when the minutes of the last meeting were read, and a discussion of the advisability of continuing the meetings in the face of an apparent dis-interest and small attendance took place but it seemed to be the sentiment of those present that the meetings should be continued.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

President – G.W. Crum

Vice President (none entered)

Secretary – Mrs. Mabel Crum

An invitation having been extended, it was voted to meet at the home of Mr. & Mrs. H.G. Russell at Nichols, NY the third Saturday of June, 1920.

Those present were:

Mr. & Mrs. N.H. Drake Mr. & Mrs. Allen Drake Mrs. Horace Russell

Mr. & Mrs. Allen Russell & son Mrs. Dr. Rice & daughter

Mrs. Leslie Sairs & Isabel Mr. Geo S. Allen Mr. Pearl Allen & son

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Crum & son Mr. & Mrs. G.W. Crum

Weddings: Allen Drake to Marion Benjamin May 15, 1919

Births: Stephen G. Webb June 23, 1919 to Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Webb

Gardner King Russell September 15, 1918 to Mr. & Mrs. Allen Russell

Mrs. Harold Crum – Secretary

(This is the last entry in the Allen Family Reunion ledger)

History of Bradford County, by Bradsby

J. A. ALLEN, farmer in Rome Township, P. O. Rome, is a native or the township, born July 30, 1844, a son of Joseph and Clarissa, (White) Allen., the former of whom was born in Franklin township, this county, and the latter in New York. Grandfather Stephen Allen came to this county in its earliest times and located in Wysox, where he left a family of four children, viz: John, Oney, Sallie' (married to George Davidson) and Joseph, the father of the gentleman whose name opens this sketch. Joseph Allen left the following children

 Mary Eliza (who died in infancy), Dayton, J. B., Sarah, S. W. and S. 0., J. H., Clarissa (who died in Texas it the age of twenty-two),

Jemima R. (married to J. C. Forbes), and J. A. Our subject passed his boyhood on the farm and he attended the Rome public school's until eighteen years of age, when he enlisted, August 12, 1862, in Company I, One Hundred and Forty-first P. V. I., Capt. J. 1. Spalding, and was discharged July 21, 1865; he was in the battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and at the latter he received a gunshot wound in the left knee, from the effects of which he never entirely recovered. He was injured by a fall, causing internal injury that now troubles him greatly. After the battle of Chancellorsville he was taken to Aft. I Pleasant Hospital, Washington, where he was then transferred to the veteran. reserve corps, and acted as guard. After the close of the war he returned home and engaged in farming, commencing on the farm he now occupies of fifty acres, which he has improved and brought to its present state of excellence. His injuries are such as to disable him from hard labor. Mr. Allen was married, April 8, 1866, to Helen I., daughter of It. R. and Eliza (Mandeville) Brown, the former of whom was born in New York, the latter in Massachusetts, of a family of eight children. Their children are: Myrtie E., born January IS, 1868; Freddie J., born February 8, 1871, died January .5, 1874; Lizzie W., born January 19, 1875; and one daughter that died in infancy. Air. Allen is a member of Stevens Post, No. 69, G. A. It., and fills the office of Quartermaster; is also a member of Rome Lodge, No. 480, O. O. O. F., and has passed all the chairs and now fills the office of 11. S. N. G.; he has been a member sixteen years. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church, in which he fills the office of trustee; politically he is a Republican.

 S. O. ALLEN, farmer in Rome township, P. O. Rome, was born in the township, April 7, 1835, a son of Joseph Allen who was twice married, the first time to Polly Johnston, daughter of Peter Johnston, and by her had three children : Dayton, Joseph H. and .J. B. S. O. Allen, who is the third child by the second wife, passed his boyhood on a farm, and attended school at Rome, (roino- to Nancy Woodburn as his first teacher. When about twenty years old He left school and commenced farming. On March 28, 1864, he enlisted in Company 1, One Hundred and Twelfth Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, and was honorably discharged July 21, 1865; while in the service he participated in the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna, Cold Harbor, and Petersburg, at which latter battle he received a gunshot wound in the foot, resulting in the loss of a toe and gangrene causing sciatic rheumatism. After recovering from the effects of this wound, he was transferred to Company F, Sixteenth Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps, and acted as guard at Harrisburg until his discharge. After close of war he returned home and resumed the occupation of farming on the farm he now owns. Re had purchased this farm prior to his enlistment, mid was engaged in improving it when he responded to his country's call; the house he had partially completed, stood in its unfinished condition until after the war when he completed it; it burned November 10, 1889, and the present one was built the following spring. His farm contains fifty acres, and he also owns thirty acres east of Rome. His health was broken in the service, and he is no longer able to do manual labor. Mr. Allen was united in marriage October 17, 1857, with Martha C., daughter of Harry L. and Electa (Allis) Parks, whose family consisted of the following children : Sarah E., born April IS, 1827; Esther -K., born October 18, 1828; Joseph W., born November 26, 1831; Chloe O., born August 1, 1833; Hollis S., born June 15, 1835 ; Martha C., born J tine 22, 1838 ; Mary M., born December 10, 1840; Eliza, born April 15, 1843 ; Charles W., born October 30, 1848, and Laura A., born April 23, 1852. The father, so well known to the early pioneers as " Priest Parks ", was an able and earnest Methodist preacher, and was born close to what is now Rome borough ; his sister Chloe and James Lent were the first couple to marry in what is now Rome township, it being at that time included in Orwell ; his mother underwent the trying ordeal of the Wyoming horror, and was made a prisoner by the Indians, being then twelve years old ; her future husband was at that time serving in the patriot army under Washington : her father and mother lived together sixty-one years, and celebrated their diamond wedding. To Mr. and Mrs. Allen have been born two children Hattie C., born June 2, 1859, married to G. W. Crum, and Laura A., born June 8, 1863, married to Horace Russell. The family worship at the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Allen is a member of Stevens Post, No. 69, G. A. R. and also of Rome Lodge No. 480, I. 0. 0. F., has passed all the chairs, and is now filling the position of conductor, and is P. D. 1). G. M. in the Order. Both he and his wife are members of the Patrons of Husbandry, and Mrs. Allen has taken the order of Rebecca. Mr. Allen is a straight Republican. These worthy people are descendants of two of the oldest families of the township, and they have lived honest, industrious lives, are well-known throughout the community, and command the love and respect of all.