Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Miscellaneous Stuff 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

1999 SRGP Genealogy Seminar

Sullivan Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania

Mainesburg Community Building

July 17 & 18, 1999

This is part of the Tri-Counties Genealogy & History Sites of Joyce M. Tice

No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made of This Material


The Fifth more or less Annual Genealogists' Seminar was held at Mainesburg PA June 17th and 18th 1999, hosted by Joyce M. Tice with a lot of help from her friends. Saturday evening a few of us met for informal dinner in Mansfoeld, followed by some Power Point computerized slide shows at Mainesburg by Joyce M. Tice. On Sunday people dirfted in all morning and got acquainted. Following a dish to pass lunch, the main program took up all afternoon. Patsy Pifer brought the Tombstone Cake shown above - very delicious - but she did say she had a little difficulty persuading the cake decorator that she really did want tombstones on the cake.

Chatting over lunch

Marshall Case of Troy PA spoke on the Connecticut - Pennsylvania conflicting land claims and the affect on our pioneer population. Fay Morgan listens intently, in the foreground and Louise Casey scans photos to help out Joyce in the background.

 An intent audience

George Farr, Elmira Town Historian, gives pointers on researching Civil War soldiers. 

We all had a LOT of fun and hope that next year you can join us. The topic next year will be the changes that have occurred in the Tri-County area over the past century. Have any old postcards or photos to contribute?

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 7/20/99
By Joyce M. Tice