Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Wills, Deed, Other Legal Documents of the Tri-Counties Area

The  Amasa Wells Will
Pike Township 1838
Bradford County PA

This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice

No Unauthorized Commercial Use may Be Made of This Material

Submitted by  Rita Wells

Photo Of the Dragonfly on a Buttercup
 taken by Joyce M. Tice
10 JUNE 2000


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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the Legal Documents on the site by using the Legal Documents button in the Partitioned search engine on the Current What's New Page? This section of the site includes wills, deeds, pension applications, township records and minutes and other related subjects.
Last will and Testaments Amasa Wells s)Bradford County Court Rec.

The last will and testments of Amasa Wells of the township of Pike in the County of Bradford and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who being of sound mind and memory yet sensible of shortrips of life and the certainity of death and desirous of making such deposition of my --------- affairs as may seem just do hereby make and ordain this to be my last will and testament as follows ---: To my beloved wife Tamer Wells I give and bequeath the use of that part of the farm on which I now reside laying south of the Public Highway except that part now occupied by Beebe Wells - a small pasture lot lying between the Highway and the meadow one equal half of the meadow one acre above the Barn for Rough Land the dwelling House and Household furniture one half of the Barn and the Grain now sown should my decease take place before the grain should be harvested with the privilege of getting wood and water when necessary and as many Apples from the old orchard as may be necessary for cider and apples for family use as may render her comfortable The use of farming utensils which I die in possesion of two cows and eight sheep and the use of pasture land when necesary to be at her disposal during the term of her natural life or while she may remain ny widow and at her decease ___?in case of her marrying after death then to revert to my children and heirs as follows:

To my son, Lomis Wells I give and bequeath the sum of Forty dollars to be paid as herein after directed to my daughters Sally Camp, Patty Lathrup, Calista Roberts, Amy Wood and Harriet Wood I give and bequeath the sum of Fifty dollors each and an equal share of all the household furniture which may remain in the dwelling house at the decease of their mother excepting such furniture as has been brought into the house by their said mother which is to go to her daughter Mary ?Warner? or as she may direct to be paid as hereinafter directed.

To Almon Fuller, Ransom Fuller Cyrus Fuller and Mary Adeline Fuller children of my deceased Daughter Mary Fuller and Mary Ann Wells daughter of my deceased son Cyrus Wells I give and bequeath the sum of ten dollars each and every one to be paid as hereinafter directed. To my two youngest sons Amasa Wells and Beebe Wells I give and bequeath the Farm? of Land on which I now reside such part as is not devised to their mother to be theirs at my decease, the residence at the time their mother may leave it as described in the bequest made to her to be divided qually between them except such Building as Beebe may have erected on said farm which are to be his and Amasa to have the dwelling House in which I now reside on condition of their paying all just debts which may be due from me at my decease and all Legacies hereinafter devised. The Legacies one half to be paid at my decease should that take place before the death of my beloved wife and the residue at the time she may leave the farm as described in the bequest made to her. They are also to share equally in all the stock which may remain on the farm not devised And I do hereby and hereon appoint my wife Tamer Wells Executux and my son Lomis Wells Executor of this my last will and testament In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fourth day of January in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and thirty five. Signed and sealed in presence of Justus Lewis and Samuel Gregory.

Amasa Wells June 24 1835 Probate taken 26 Apr 1838.

wf --Tamer Wells dau/o of Tamer Wells --Mary Warner?

daus-Mary Fuller(dec), Sally Camp, Patty Lathrup, Calista Roberts, Amy Wood and Harriet Wood

sons-Lomis Wells, Cyrus Wells, Beebe Wells, Amasa

grandch: ch/o Mary Fuller--Almon Fuller, Ransom Fuller, Cyrus Fuller and Mary Adeline Fuller

ch/o Cyrus Wells--Mary Ann Wells

witness: Justus Lewis and Samuel Gregory

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On ?
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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