Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Wills, Deed, Other Legal Documents of the Tri-Counties Area

The David Fanning Will

This page is part of theTri-County Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice

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Submitted by Pat HITTLE Gore

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the Legal Documents on the site by using the Legal Documents button in the Partitioned search engine on the Current What's New Page? This section of the site includes wills, deeds, pension applications, township records and minutes and other related subjects.

Will and Testament, Book 16, Page 40, #7940

Bradford County, Pennsylvania

I DAVID FANNING, of Springfield, Bradford County and State of Pennsylvania, yeoman, being of sound mind, memory and understanding do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void, all former wills by one at any time heretofore made.

I give, devise and bequeath my estate and property real and personal as follows, that is to say: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Antis B. FANNING all my household goods and furniture to have and to hold the same and dispose of at her pleasure.

I also give, devise and bequeath to her my said wife my messuage and lot of land on which the dwelling house is situated containing about fifty two acres, being lot number eleven, known as the old homestead with its appurtenances, to have and to hold the same for and during her natural life.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Roena Melvina SMITH one hundred dollars being in addition to two hundred already paid her.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Armand LEONARD, the sum of two hundred dollars being in addition to one hundred dollars previously paid to her.

I give and bequeath to my oldest son Ira S. FANNING, who has heretofore received his full share, ten dollars.

I give and bequeath to my youngest son Adelbert C. FANNING, one thousand dollars and the necessary expenses of board, clothing tuition etc. while attending school at Mansfield, Pa.

The above named sums to be paid to them respectively in one year after my decease unless paid before that time.

Whatever other property I may have at the time of my decease whether real, personal or mixed, I give, devise and bequeath to my son David M. FANNING, together with the reversion, or remainder of the property devised my wife Antis B. FANNING for and during her natural life, after her death.

Lastly, I appoint my son David M. FANNING to be the Executor of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof, I have signed, and sealed and published and declared it is instrument as my will at Troy, Pennsylvania, May 24th A.D. 1870.

David Fanning. (seal).

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named David FANNING as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who have hereunto subscribed our names at his request as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said testator and of each other.

E. S. Jewell.

E. D. Lewis.

Proof of the death of David FANNING on the 15th day of March A. D. 1903 made.

Interrogatories filed to proved the signature E. D. Lewis directed to Roy Spalding, Perry, Michigan and commission issued, upon the taking and filing of which commission and interrogatories thereto attached with answers to same, the will was admitted to probate June 21, 1906.

Chas. P. Dewey, Register.

Joyce Tip Box -- December 2007 -
If you are not navigating this Tri-Counties Site via the left and right sidebars of the Current What's New page you are doing yourself a disservice. You can get to any place on the site easily by making yourself familiar with these subject and place topics. Try them all to be as familiar with the site's 16,000 plus pages as you can. Stop groping in the dark and take the lighted path. That's also the only way you'll find the search engines for the site or have access to the necessary messages I may leave for you. Make it easy on yourself. 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

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By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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