Wills, Deed, Other Legal Documents of the Tri-Counties Area

The Daniel Minier Will

This page is part of theTri-County Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice

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Submitter by Pat HITTLE Gore

Aerial Photo of the  Susquehanna River  taken by Joyce M. Tice October 7, 1999. Present day Sheshequin township is at top  of photo.

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the Legal Documents on the site by using the Legal Documents button in the Partitioned search engine on the Current What's New Page? This section of the site includes wills, deeds, pension applications, township records and minutes and other related subjects.
Daniel MINIER # 1770 Book 3 page 208; 1865 Bradford County Courthouse Towanda, Pa. *10/26/1999c.

Last Will & Testament of Lient D. MINIER late of Sheshequin Deceased}

I Lient Daniel MINNIER of Sheshequin Township County of Bradford and State of Penna. Being, in sound mind to make this my last will and testament I give bequeath to my beloved wife Martha W. MINIER any real estate of forty acres and a fraction over situated in the township County and State aforesaid also one Hundred and Sixty acres of land in State County Minnesota East 1/2 of S.W. and West 1/2 of S.E. quarter Section 20 Town 26* North of range 21 I also will to her all my personal property comprising one Buggy Wagon one Silver slated harness one set of new Double Harness one Brown mare six years old one black Colt and all other things that is known to be mine also seven Hundred dollas Cash now in her hands and all money I may hereafter send her also the monies that my accure from the Sale of my farm produce a which is now in the hands of William RIDDLE Sr. of Ulster, Pa. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this first day of February A. D. 1865.

Lient. Daniel MINIER (seal)


C. H. Ames

Guy Kiney. Stamp $1.00

Probate mae April 8, 1865

Renounciation of Widow filed same day.


Daniel MINIER #1770 Book 3 pg 209, 1865 letter of Adm, William Ridall.

Bradford Co, PA

William Ridall adms of Daniel MINIER} Letters of Administration upon the estate of Daniel MINIER late of Sheshequin in said County did granted to William RIDALL he having first been known and given bail to rule and truly administer said Estate according to law. Given under the hand and official seal of the register at Towanda on this 10th day of April A.D. 1865 (Inventory filed May 8, A.D. 1865.


TOMBSTONE: Sheshequin Cemetery, route 1043, Sheshequin Villiage, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Lieut Daniel MINIER who was killed in Battle of Gravelly Run, VA Mar 29,1865 aged 31 yrs. Member of Co. G 185th Reg NYS, 1st Brig 1st Div 5th Crop. GAR 202 Flag & Marker. Tombstone stands about 10 feet tall.

*Sheshequin Cemetery.




Military: Civil War Lt. Daniel MINIER.
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History Sites of Joyce M. Tice Table of Contents of Wills, Deeds, Other Legal Documents
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By Joyce M. Tice
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