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The Avery Gore Will This page is part of theTri-County Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice No Unauthorized Commercial Use may Be Made of This Material Submitted by Pat HITTLE Gore Aerial Photo of the Chemung River - Susquehanna River confluence taken by Joyce M. Tice October 7, 1999. Present day Sheshequin township is at top right of photo. |
Last Will and Testament of Avery GORE decd. }
I AVERY GORE of the Township of Sheshequin Couty of Bradford and state of Pennsylvania seriously considering the uncertainty of human life at the best and being now by the blessing of God sound in mind and as fine in health as could be expected in a man of my age do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following:
First and principally I assign my spirit with the utmost humanlity unto the hands of my creator having the fullest confidence in his goodness grace and mercy. And my body to be disposd of by my executors and heirs in a decent manner according to custom; And as for each temporal estates as Providence assigned me to be the steward of, I give devise and dispose thereof as follows -- first however premision that to my four oldest sons Harry, Edwin, Obadiah & Ralph - And my daughters Calesta Matilda and Wealthy Ann - to each and all of these have already been set off and by them received the portion designed by me for therm to have out of the estate of my late father Obadiah GORE deceased and my own- What now remains of my estate I despose of in the following manner first to my son Silas P. GORE I give and bequeath a lot of land upon which he now lived bounded as follows Viz: On the North by Ralph GORE lot; On the West by the Susquehannah River on the East by the East line of my river farm and to run Southerly as the road runs seventy four rods and there are East and West line to the East and West bound before mentioned
be the same in number of acres more or less. To my son George C. GORE after the decease of my wife Lucy I give and bequeath the following described lot, or portion of my farm to be bounded as follows Viz: on the North by the above lost devised to Silas P. GORE, West by the Susquehannah, now East by the East line of my River farm and Southerly as the road runs one hundred and thirteen rods to an elm tree, and East and West to the East and West bounds before mentioned Nevertheless during the life time of my said wife Lucy (should my decease take place first) I give and bequeath the above described lot to my son George C. GORE - Ultimately to be his - to remain in possession of my said wife Lucy during her life time to be under her control and direction at the same time requesting and advising my said wife Lucy to allow our said son George C. GORE to work the same on such rule and conditions as will afford him a reasonable and just support -- furthermore I will and bequeath to my said George C. GORE two horses and two sows - And as the remainder of my personal property each as stock in Corporate bodies
horses cattle & sheep and hogs - Also goods chattles and furniture in the house. Notes bonds and debts that I may have due I will and bequeath to my wife Lucy to be disposed of as she may think proper
excepting therefrom nevertheless sufficient to befray in my funeral expenses and a sufficient sume from the sale thereof to pay any debt or debts thay maybe due from me at my decease - the family utensils I also
will to my wife Lucy for the use of the farm as above bequeathed to her and my son George - Further shall I have left, my real estate at my decease such as any part of the stream mill lot so called I do hereby
authorize and empours my executor to sell and convey the same by good and sufficient deed or deeds for my share of the said And when there sold to divided the awaits thereof equal divided among my heirs -
Furthermore whereaf Joseph Kingsburg owns one equal undivided half of said stream mill lot The Sherriffs Deed being given in my name should therefore my deceased take place before a Deed is given by me to said Kingsbery or the land sold and deeded by me to other persons and the avails thereof divided between the said Kingsbery and myself, then and in that case, I do hereby authorize and empower my executors to deed to the said Kingsbery his heirs and assigns wherever called upon so to do the just and proper share in quanlity and quality of the said stream mill as good ample and proper a manner as I myself might now do. And I will that my executors shall not be answerable the one for the other or for the act deed or default of the other more shall either of them be answerable for any part of my Estate but such as shall come to his respective hands - ANd I do will and appoint that my executors shall by
and out of any estate aaction and satisfy themselves all such costs and charges as they shall be put to in the execution of this my will - And I do hereby revoke all other Wills by me formerly made and declare this
only to be my last will and testament and do appoint my sons Harry GORE and George C. GORE executors thereof. In witness whereof I the said Avery GORE has hereunto set my hand and seal the twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty five --.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator as and for his last Will and testament in the presence of us who have subscribed and named as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said testator,
having the following note of Execures and interliveations to wit; The work "Assigned" between the eleventh and twelfth lines from the top on the first page and the word "sufficient" between the eleventh and twelfth line from the top on the second page, And the word "debts" between the thirteenth & fourteenth lines from the top on the last mentioned pages underlined before making One the last mentioned page there is also three workds used in the 12th 13th 17th lines- Joseph Kingsbury Jabez Fish
Zebulon B. Spalding
Avery GORE (seal)
Addenda Having forgotten in the above to mention any provisions for my son Charles and having assigned a certain Portion of my real Estate in my mind to my said son Charles - I do now by way of Addenda Will and bequeath to my said Charles A. GORE all that lot of land bounded as follows Viz: North on the agove desceibed lot to my son George and my wife Lucy - West on the Susquehannah River South on the Forbes lots & East on my Western bounds of the River farm - In witness whereof on the
date of the above under the same declaration and in the presence of the same witness I hereunto set my hand and seal.
Joseph Kingsbery Jabez Fish Avery GORE (Seal)
Zebulon B. Spalding.
Probate Taken by me Aug 9th 1847.
A. C. Allen, Dept. Register.
Harry Gore & George C. Gore Executors of the Estate of Avery Gore Decd $84} Letters Testamentary granted to Harry Gore & George C. Gore in presents of the foregoing will they having first been sworn will and truly to allmunister* according to law & Given under the hand and seal of the Register at Towanda. Aug. 9, 1847. Inventory filed Sept 1, 1847.
pd 3.50
Avery GORE Will Abstract: Sheshequin Township, Bradford Co, Pa. his wife Lucy GORE.
Avery GORE heirs: Willed a portion of his fathers estate Obadiah GORE, 4 oldest Sons: Harry, Edwin, Obadiah & Ralph; & dau's: Calista, Matilda, Walthy Anne.
son: Silas P. GORE land he lives on.
son: George C. Gore after decease of my wife, Lucy given portion of home farm
forgot Charles GORE added an Addenda.
App't Exc: Harry and George C. GORE
Copied Bradford County Courthouse, Towanda, Pa. *10/261999c. *WARNING could contain errors.
*couldn't read a couple of the words.
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History Sites of Joyce M. Tice | Table of Contents of Wills, Deeds, Other Legal Documents |