Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-Counties Legal Documents
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Wills, Deeds, Penison Papers, Other documents 
of historical and genealogical interest in Tri-County area 

Submitted by Site Guests

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the Legal Documents on the site by using the Legal Documents button in the Partitioned search engine on the Current What's New Page? This section of the site includes wills, deeds, pension applications, township records and minutes and other related subjects.

Samuel & William RANSOM-1792 Quit Claim

To all people to whom these Presents shall come Greetings. Know ye that we,Samuel RANSOM and William RANSOM jointly and both of Owaga Township in the County of TIOGA and the state of New York ; for and in Consideration of the sum of Twenty two pounds current money of Pennsylvania to us or either of us in hand paid by George Palmer RANSOM of the Township of PLYMOUTH in the County of LUZERNE and state of Pennsylvania, the receipt whereof we hereby acknowledge and ourselves fully satisfied and Contented. By these presents have sold,released and quitclaimed ubto him,the said George Palmer Ransom and his heirs and assigns forever all our right, title, interest and claim whatsoever as heirs to the real estate formerly belonging to Capt. Samuel RANSOM, late of Plymouth,dec'd To have and to hold all the above granted premises with all and Singular the profits and commadities to the same belonging or in any wise appurtaining to him the said George Palmer Ransom and his heirs and assigns forever ; and the said Samuel and William Ransom for themselves and their heirs, the said Granted and bargained premisses and every part thereof against them and their heirs and against all and every other person under them claiming any right ,Title or Interest to the same under Connecticut or the Susquehanna Company, to the said George Palmer Ransom and his heirs and assigns, shall and forever warrent and defend, In witness whereof We have herewith set our hands and seals the Twenty first day of November in the year of our Lord , one Thousand seven Hundred & Ninty two. Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents of us Roswell Welles, Arnold Colt

SAMUEL RANSOM (SEAL) WILLIAM RANSOM(SEAL) Recorded in Luzerne Co,PA Deed Book 2 Nov.23rd 1792

Submitted by Loraine K. Prutzman <>

1793 Request for Land Warrant
According to Pioneer & Patriot Families of Bradford County PA, Clement Heverly 1913:  Silas F. Andrews (Andrus), was the son of Ebenezer whose claim was on the Sugar Run in Wilmot.  Following Ebenezer's death, Silas came to Wilmot in about 1793 where he built a grist mill.

The following document is From The Files Of The Bradford County Historical Society and submitted by Patrick Andrus:

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ss.
Whereas Silas Andrews of the county of (blank)
hath requested to take up four hund acres of land
adjoining land this day granted to Ebenezer Slocum on the East
in the county of Luzerne (Provided the land is not within the last purchase made of the Indians) for which he agrees to pay immediately, into the office of the Reciever-General, for the use of this state, at the rate of fifty shillings per hundred acres, in gold, silver, paper-money of the state, or certificates: agreeable to an Act of Assembly, passed the first day of April, 1784; and to an Act, passed the third day of April, 1792, entitled "An Act for the sale of vacant lands within the commonwealth." Interest to commence from the date hereof. There are, therefore, to authorise and require you to survey, or cause to be surveyed, unto the said Silas Andrews at the place aforesaid, according to the method of townships appointed, the said quantity of acres, if not already surveyed or appropriated, and to make return thereof into the Secretary's Office, in order for confirmation; for which this shall be your warrant.

In witness whereof Thos Mifflin, Governor of the said commonwealth, hath herunto set his hand, and caused the less seal of the said commonwealth to be affixed, the twelfth day of Feby in the year 1793

To Daniel Brodhead, Esquire

To Anthony Crothers Deputy Surveyor.
Execute this warrant, and make return thereof into the
Surveyor-General's office, according to law.
for Dan Brodhead Esq GS
John Barron
Thos Mifflin

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