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WYALUSING BOROUGH Transcribed and submitted by Patty Shumway This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy & History Site by Joyce M. Tice No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made of This Material Turn of the Century Postcard of Wyalusing Business Section is from the Collection of Joyce M. Tice |
1900 Wyalusing Borough Directory
For explanations, etc., see page 17
Post office address Wyalusing
Ackley, Elizabeth, milliner Smith & Waldo, bds Church
Adams, Sarah C., widow Rev. Arthur, bds Senate
Allis, Irving M., notary public, fire insurance agent and dealer in drugs, books, stationery, etc., Main, h Taylor ave.
Allis, Ned H., veterinary surgeon and dentist, prop livery and feed stable, dealer in wagons, prop Percheron stallion "Harry Livingston, Jr.," Church, h do
Ayers, Benjamin, restaurant and pool rooms Taylor ave, h at New Albany
Armentrout, Thomas S. Rev., pastor Presbyterian Church and of church at Sugar Run, Front
Arnold, Phebe J., widow Philemon, bds Taylor ave
Bailey, Benjamin, farm laborer, h Taylor ave
Bank of Wyalusing, John B. Stalford pres., E. A. Strong cashier, Taylor ave.
Baptist Church of Wyalusing, Rev. M. C. Decker, pastor, Second
Barnes, Edwin G., painter, h Gaylord, removed to S. Waverly
Black, John H., insurance, Church, h do
Black, Niram A., boro councilman, farmer 2, h Pleasant cor High
Bosworth, Charles H., (C. H. B. & Son) physician and surgeon and farmer 200 in Woodhull, NY
Bosworth, C. H. & Son, ( Charles H. and Ford E.) Edward E. Bosworth mgr, dealers in hay and straw, Main
Bosworth, Edward E., mgr E. H. Bosworth & Son, hay dealers, Main, h r 52 ½ in township
Bosworth, Ford E., (C. H. Bosworth & Son) h State
Bowman, G. Horton, laborer, bds Main
Bowman, Seena N. Mrs., boarding house, Main
Bowman, W. Harvey, emp. planning mill, h Main
Briggs, Lois E., widow William G., h Main
Brown, Harriet, widow Mason A., interest in farm 130, bds Third
Brown, Harriet J., dressmaker, interest in farm 152, h Third
Brown, Helen Mrs., h Prospect
Brown, Ira, A., in charge J. W. Brown’s livery, farm 130 in township
Brown, J. Miles, painter, h First
Brown, J. Morgan, propr Wyalusing Hotel and livery, also propr Brown’s opera house, farm 80 on r 41, Main See adv page 680
Brown, Mehitable, widow Daniel K., bds Front
Brown’s Opera House, J. Morgan Brown propr, Main
Brown, Oscar F., clerk Smith & Waldo, h East cor Pleasant
Bump, Edwood C., laborer, bds Main
Bump, Harriet A., widow Albert, nurse, h Main
Bump, Inez V., compositor, bds Main
Burkley, George, blacksmith, Gaylord, bds Wyalusing Hotel
Burrows & Co., (F. A. and A. B. B. of Pike and George Burroughs of New York) general merchants, Main
Burrows, Arthur B., (Burrows & Co.) res in Pike
Burrows, Fay A., (B & Co.) com trav., res in Pike
Byrne, William, telegraph operator at depot, bds Sullivan
Callahan, Joseph P., section hand L. V. R. R., b Gaylord
Camp, Emma E., school teacher, bds Senate
Canfield, Helen I., widow Frank, h Church
Chamberlain, Jabez E., farm 70 in township, bds Wyalusing House
Chamberlain, Jennie E., h Taylor ave.
Chamberlain, John W., physician and surgeon, farm 200 on r 50, Main cor Church, h Taylor ave
Chamberlain, Susan, widow John Fl., bds Taylor ave
Champney, Isabella M., widow Van Ransselaer, h Church
Champney, Loren R., Episcopal candidate for orders, h East
Chapman, Edmund D., lamplighter, h First
Colt, Carrie V., (Colt Sisters) h Taylor ave
Colt, Josephine L., (Colt Sisters) h Taylor ave
Colt Sisters, ( Mrs Harriet E. C. Wagner, Carrie V. Colt and Josephine Colt) dressmakers Taylor ave, h do
Cook, Rev. Ambrose J., pastor M E Church, h State
Corbin, Oscar W., h Church
Corbin, John A., h Church
Corfield, John A., h Church
Cornell, Harry, telegrapher, bds foot of Main
Cox, Cornelius, bds Gaylord
Cox, Elmer, boro councilman and treasurer and barber Main, h do
Coyle, John E., cattle dealer, farm 57 in township, h Main
Cummiskey and Wyalusing Stage Lines, tri-weekly, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, Hugh McHugh propr, leaves Wyalusing 1 pm
David, Earl, clerk Hotel Middendorf, bds do
Decker, Marion C., pastor Baptist Church, also of Baptist Church at Terrytown, h Gaylord
Deegan, Peter, hostler Hotel Middendorf, bds do
Dodd, Orlie M., milliner Main, h do
Dodge, Bruce, (Dodge Bros of township) h Front
Dull, Ida M., dressmaker, bds Main
Dunklee, Elanson, insurance agent, h Church
Dunklee, Emry J., student, h Church
Dyer, A. Liberty, bookkeeper for O.L. Main, h do
Dyer, Oscar L., groceries and notions Main, h do
Elliott, Clarence W., carpenter and builder, removed to Wysox
Elliott, Jennie, (Nan & Jennie Elliott ) h Taylor ave
Elliott, Nancy A., (Nan & Jennie Elliott ) h Taylor ave
Elliot Nan & Jennie, ( Nancy A. & Jennie ) dressmakers, Taylor ave
Ellsworth, J. Burton, emp N H Allis, h John cor Prospect
Ellsworth, John, carpenter and builder, h First
Ely, Frank J., blacksmith, h Stowell cor Gaylord
Farr, Vaughan, painter, removed to Sayre
Farr, William O. mason, h Pleasant
Fletcher, Nellie M., dressmaker Church, h do
Fletcher, Merrit, farm laborer, h Church
Frank, LaVerne B., compositer, h First
Fuller, Israel C., planing mill etc in township, h Front
Gay, James B., watchmaker for H. J. Hallock, h First
Gaylord, Anna M., widow John L., interest in his estate, h State
Gaylord, Asa, administrator and farmer estate of John L., about 100, h State
Gaylord, Burt A., clerk Henry B., bds Taylor ave
Gaylord, E. Mott, clerk, bds Taylor ave
Gaylord, Harlan P., assessor and mason, h Marsh
Gaylord, Henry B., dry goods and groceries, breeder light Brahma fowls, farmer 50 Taylor Ave., h do
Gaylord, M. Olive, dressmaker State, h do
Gaylord, N. Judd, pres. school and board of health, farmer, h Taylor ave
Gaylord, Wallace W., emp planing mill, h Taylor ave
Gibbs, Burt A., painter, bds Taylor ave
Graham, Mary A., widow Joseph, seamstress, h Gaylord
Hall, Henry S., section hand L. V. R. R., h Third
Hallock, Henry J., watchmaker, jeweler and optician, also dealer in bicycles, sec school board, Main cor Church, h front
Harris, Arthur H., emp planing mill, h Taylor ave, removed to Mahoopany
Hillis, David A., farmer and laborer, h Third
Hines, Lucretia T., widow Theodore, h Taylor ave
Hines, Martha A., nurse, h Taylor ave
Hoag, Andrew, dealer in live stock, farmer 106 in Rush, Susquehanna Co., h Church
Hoag, Isaac K., electrical agent, h Pearl
Hoag, Mary T., school teacher, bds Church
Hoffman, Alice E., school teacher, bds Taylor ave
Hoffman, Subinah, widow Charles M., h Taylor ave
Hollenback, Chester B., h First
Homet, Jessie, music teacher and clerk, h March cor Gaylord
Homet, Milton, general merchant Main, h outside boro, died Nov. 14, 1899
Homet, Volney, physician and surgeon March cor Gaylord, h do
Hopkins, Essy, music teacher, bds Senate
Hopkins, George Payne, Episcopal clergyman, bds Senate
Hopkins, Julia E., bds Senate
Hotel Middendorf, Joseph Middendorf prop, Marsh cor Church
Howard, Samuel, (Wells & Howard) farmer 175, h Church cor Senate
Howell, Aaron, mason, h John
Howell, Edmond H., bds John
Howell, Judson S., mason, h Canal
Howell, Lucy M. Mrs., carpet weaver, John, h do
Howell, Rosa M., school teacher, bds John
Howell, William T., mason, h Third
Hunt, Anson P., harnessmaker, h Gaylord
Hutchinson, J. Herbert, emp N. H. Allis, bds Church
Ingham, Charles U., (The G. T. Ingham Co.) restaurant and bakery, Main, bds Second
Ingham, Ernest J., bookkeeper, bds Second
Ingham, George T., sec Merchants Mutual Ins Co of Penna, surveyor and school director, Main, h second, County register and recorder, Court House, Towanda
Ingham George T. Co., (The), (Mrs. G. T. and C. U.) druggists and dealers in buckwheat flour, &c
Ingham, Harry T., clerk, bds Second
Jones, Grace M., clerk, bds Second
Keeler Brothers & Co. (V Day, John V and John G Keeler) publishers Wyalusing Rocket, book and job printers, cor Taylor ave and Gaylord.
Keeler, John G., (Keeler Bros & Co) h Front
Keeler, John V., (Keeler Bros & Co.) h at LeRaysville
Keeler, V. Day, (Keeler Bros & Co.) editor, h Senate cor Second
Kinne, Asa J., teamster, h Gaylord
Kinne, William H., laborer, bds Gaylord
Kintner, Lotta J., postmaster, Main, bds Front
Kintner, Oliver G., widow William H., h Front
Kram, Frank H., station agent L. V. R. R., h Front
Landback, William H., tinner, Smith & Strong, h Second
Lantz, Lester R., physician and surgeon, Main, h Marsh
Larkin, Michael J. Jr., boro councilman, boots, shoes and repairing, Taylor ave, h Taylor ave cor Gaylord
Lathrop, William B., carpenter and surgeon, Main, h Marsh
Lee, Joseph P., (J. P. Lee & Son) h Marsh
Lee, J. P & Son, (Joseph and William H.) machinists and general blacksmiths, foot of Main
Lee, William H., (J. P. Lee & Son) h Marsh
Lewis, Abial B., (J. B. Lewis & Co) h Taylor ave
Lewis, Edgar D., representative in legislature for eastern district of Bradford Co., h Front
Lewis, G. Mortimer, lawyer, bds Front
Lewis, J. B. & Co., (J. Burt and Abial B. Lewis) harness and hardware, Main
Lewis, J. Burt (J. B. Lewis & Co.) tax collector, h over store, Main
Lewis, Josephine L., widow Homer A., boarding house, Senate
Lewis, Sarah I., widow Augustus, farm 150, interest in estate Augustus, h Front
Lewis, Una E., music teacher, bds Senate
Lloyd, Caroline, widow Alphonso J., h Church
Lloyd, Hamlin J., photographer, photo engraver and crayon artist, Church, h do
Lowe, Daniel C., janitor boro school building, h State cor John
MacDonald, Charles, clerk Smith & Waldo, bds Church
Marr, Hanna A., widow James, h Senate cor Second
Marsh, Hattie L., music teacher, Marsh, bds do
Marsh, Joseph H., farmer 7, h Marsh, died June 30th, 1899
Mazure, Bernard H., clothing, hats and gents furnishings, Main, bds Wyalusing Hotel
Merchants Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Pennsylvania, E. A. Strong pres., G. T. Ingham sec, home office Main
Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. A. J. Cook pastor, Church
Middendorf, Joseph, propr Hotel Middendorf, farm 97 in Cherry, Sullivan Co., Church cor Marsh
Miller, John, shoemaker, bds Hotel Middendorf
Moger, Frederick A., laborer, h First
Morrow, Frank, clerk Main cor Front, bds r 52 ½ in township
Mulligan, Hugh, carriage and wagon maker, foot of Main, h Third
Mullison, Rhoda, tailoress, Odd Fellows blk, Church, h do
Myer, Erskin R., com trav., h Church
Neskey, Jacob F., laborer, h and lot Third
Nichols, Charles I., canvasser, h State
Niedeck, Charles A., dry goods and cloaks, Main cor Front, h Second
Niedeck, Harrold E., (Schallowitz & Niedeck) h Main cor Front
Orwell and Wyalusing Stage Line, daily, leaves Wyalusing at 2 pm
Overbeck, George, carpenter, h pleasant
Palmer, William H., blacksmith, bds Wyalusing Hotel
Passage, Edith C. Mrs., laundress, h Pearl
Passage, William H., section hand L. V. R. R., h Pearl
Pitcher, James B., carpenter, h State
Porter, Amelia R., widow Asahel B., h Pearl cor East
Porter, Evangeline, school teacher, bds Pearl cor East
Porter, Sabra L, school teacher, bds Pearl cor East
Presbyterian Church of Wyalusing, Rev. T. S. Armentrout pastor, Church
Quick, Rebecca E., widow Paul A., nurse, h Stowell, cor Gaylord
Riley, Mary S., widow James, bds Sullivan
Riley, Stephen E., school teacher, bds Sullivan
Roberts, George A., dealer in bee keepers supplies, State
Rogers, Nan, widow Daniel, millinery, fancy goods, and dressmaking, Main, h do
Ruff, Alfred, member board of health, dealer in hay and grain, First cor Senate
Ruff, Clinton B., clerk, boards Senate cor First
Ruff, George F., laborer, h Pearl
Ruff, Godfrey, drayman, h Senate cor First
Rushville and Wyalusing Stage Line, daily, Clarence L. Verbyke propr, via Camptown, etc., leaves Wyalusing 5 pm
Rutan, J. Lewis, emp C. H. Bosworth & Son, h Gaylord
Sands, Horace A., laborer, h foot of Main
Sands, Joseph E., brakeman L. V. R. R., bds foot of Main
Savage, Albert W., blacksmith and taxidermist Church, h do
Schallowitz and Niedeck (C. E. S. & H. E. N.) jewelry and sporting goods, Main
Seward, Fred H., principal Wyalusing graded and high school, h Front
Shumway, Alfred V., night telegraph operator L. V. R. R., removed to Laceyville
Sigler, Lincoln W., clerk Wyalusing House, h over G. T. Ingham’s store, Main
Sinsabaugh, Alfred H., dentist, Main cor Church, h Gaylord
Sinsabaugh, Egbert, retired carpenter, h Pearl
Slocum, Frances L., widow Harry, h Taylor ave
Smith, Alice, chief clerk posfoffice, bds Front
Smith, Edward, justice of the peace, mgr Smith & Strong, hardware, Taylor ave, h Gaylord
Smith, Fred G., (Smith & Waldo) h Second
Smith, Hattie J., widow Henry F., h Taylor ave
Smith, James, bds Church
Smith & Strong, (Henry F. Smith, deceased, & E. A. Strong) Edward Smith, mgr, hardware, stoves &c, Taylor ave
Smith & Waldo (Fred G. S. & Edward A. W.) dealers in dry goods, carpets, house furnishings, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries and millinery, Main and Church
Snover, Polly E., widow John F., nurse, h East
Snover, Victor T., blacksmith, bds Taylor ave
Stack, Anna, school teacher, h Sullivan
Stack, Michael, section foreman L. V. R. R., h Sullivan
Stalford, Maynard L., clerk Bank of Wyalusing, bds outside boro
Stevens, Charles F., carpenter and builder State, h do
Stevens, Flora M., dressmaker State, bds do
Stone, Charles R., burgess, clerk Burrows & Co., bds Dr. V. Homet’s, Marsh cor Gaylord
Stone, T. Benton, farmer 90, h Gaylord
Stone, William, clerk, bds Gaylord
Stowell, Calvin A., real estate agent and bookkeeper, h Front
Strong, Edwin A., (Smith & Strong) cashier Bank of Wyalusing, pres Merchants Mut Fire Ins Co of Pa and lawyer, Taylor ave, h do
Strong, Uzilla B., widow James E., h Gaylord
Strong, Lydia L., h Gaylord
Stroud, Wilson F., justice of the peace, wool, hide and leather dealer, farmer 80, h Third
Sturdevant, A. Delia Mrs., dressmaker, First, h do
Sturdevant, Burton E., emp M. H. & G. H. Welles, h First
Sturdevant, Elizabeth A., widow Judson W., farm in Tuscarora 50, h First
Sullivan, Michael, h Sullivan
Taylor, D. L., barber and laundry agent, Main, h do
Taylor, J. Edson, section hand L. V. R. R., h Taylor ave
Taylor, Joseph H., barber, Main, h Pearl
Taylor, Justus V., boro councilman, school director, dairy 5 cows, farmer 250, h Taylor ave
Terry, George H. B., physician and surgeon, Howard block, Main h do
Terry, Guy C., jeweler, removed to Camptown
Thomas, Harriet A., bds Senate
Thomas, Thomas R., retired, farm 103 in Middletown, Susquehanna Co., h Senate
Thompson, William H., attorney and counselor at law, bds Taylor ave
Turrell, Lucretia G., bds East
Turrell, Mary A., widow, h East
VanAuken, Amzi, clerk for Martha, Main, h do
VanAuken, Jacob H., dealer in nursery stock, h Taylor ave
VanAuken, Martha, bakery and restaurant, Main, h do
VanDyke, Cortlin, carpenter and builder, Taylor ave, h do
VanDyke, Frank E., bds Taylor ave
VanNess, Ida L., widow Frank G., laundress, h Gaylord
Vaughan, William, laborer, h Pleasant
Wagner, Harriet P. C. Mrs., (Colt Sisters) h Taylor ave
Waldo, Edward A., (Smith & Waldo) h Church
Waldo, Ernest E., clerk Smith & Waldo, bds Church
Waldo, H. Eugene, h Canal
Waldo, Lucius J., clerk Smith & Waldo, h Taylor ave
Wells, George L., musical instruments, merchandise and sewing machines, Taylor ave, h East
Wells & Howard, (William B. W. and Samuel H.) furniture dealers, Main
Wells, William B., (Wells & Howard) undertaker Main, h Taylor ave
Welles, Nelson A., supt M. H & G. H. Welles, lumber, mfrs and dealers in Wyalusing township, farm about 60 in Terry, h Church cor State
Wiggins, Linus E., traveling butcher and local meat market foot of Main, h do
Wilson Bros., (William P and George W.) meat and fish market, Main
Wilson, George W., (Wilson Bros.) h State cor Canal
Wilson, William, emp planing mill, h John
Wilson, William P., (Wilson Bros.) boro auditor, h John
Wyalusing Boro graded and high school, F. H. Seward principal, Church cor Church alley
Wyalusing Hotel, J. Morgan Brown propr, Main
Wyalusing Rocket, Keeler Bros & Co., publishers, Taylor ave cor Gaylord
Wyalusing Water Company, Edward Smith supt, office
Taylor ave
1900 Wyalusing
Street Directory
Canal-from State opp Church southwest
Church-from State opp Canal northeast to Main
Church Alley-from Church southeast to Front
East-from Pearl northeast
First-from March southwest
Front-from State northeast to Main
Gaylord-from junction of March and Taylor Ave. north
to boro limits
High-from Pearl east to Pleasant
John-from State southwest
Main-from Taylor Ave. and Church southwesterly
Marsh-from junction of Church and Gaylord northwesterly
Pearl-from Taylor Ave. northwesterly
Pleasant-from East North to boro limits
Prospect-from Canal northwest to John
Second-from Senate northeast to March
Senate-from Church northwest to Second
State-from Main near River west and northwest
Taylor Ave.-from junction of Church and Main northeast
Third-from Gaylord west