Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Directories of Bradford County, Pennsylvania
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Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Photo of Vermilion Mushroom
by Warren D. Nash of Sullivan Township
Deceased January 2001

1900 Bradford County Directory
Rome Borough

Transcribed and Submitted by Patty DECKER Shumway

1900 Rome Borough Directory
Postoffice address, Rome
Abell, Guy W., propr. Rome Creamery, manuf. of butter, Water, h do

Allen, Stephen O., farmer 90, h Main

Allen, Stephen O., farmer 80, h and lot owned by wife, Main

Allis, Jacob H., h Main

Allis, Martha Mrs., h Main

Atwood, Henrietta, widow George C., h and lot Main

Babcock, Asa E., laborer, h Main

Barnes, Corydon L., farmer 50, h Main

Barnes, David B., h and lot West

Barnes, Newton W., pastor M.E. Church, h Main

Barnes, Truman B., carpenter and builder, dealer in doors, windows and blinds, h Main

Beebe, Abner M., h Main

Bennett, William H., farmer 37 owned by wife, h Main

Bessey, Francis E. Rev., farm 50 owned by wife, Main

Blakslee, Charles, mail carrier Rome to Athens, h Mill

Blanchard, William, shoemaker, Main, h do

Brown, Sumner M., mason, h Main

Browning, Leslie R., dealer in dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hardware, crockery, etc., cash paid for wool, farmer 125 in Orwell, Main, h do

Browning, Percy L., school teacher, h Main

Browning, William D., dealer in boots and shoes, groceries, hardware, agricultural implements, grass seed, fertilizers, etc., Main, h do

Buttles, Jessie A., widow Charles L., h Main

Campbell, Ralph, drayman, h Main

Campbell, Ralph, laborer, h Main

Cannan, Bird, mgr. F.E. Washburn, Main, h do

Cannan, Sarah A., widow M. Campbell, h Main

Carter, P. Edward, carpenter, h Pleasant

Chaffee, Deborah Mrs., h Main

Chamberlain, Bertha, h Pleasant

Chamberlain, Julius H., h Pleasant

Cheney, Frank A., laborer, h and lot Main

Chubbuck, Clarence T., jeweler and painter, h Main

Chubbuck, Tracy J., farmer in Orwell 96, h Main

Clark, Eliza, widow Barney M., h Main

Clark, Lemuel S., farmer 65, h Main

Coleman, Henry H., undertaker and farmer 40, Main, h do

Dimon, Ransom R., carpenter, h Main

Eddy, John B., barber, Water, h do

Forbes, Henry J., blacksmith, Main, h West

Frost, Rebekah, widow Frank, h Main

Goff, Burton L., farmer for Warner Woodburn estate 64, Main

Hicks, Frederick M., cabinet maker, h Main

Hiney, Eunice R. Mrs., h Main

Hiney, Ulysses F., Fireman, h Main

Hodgson, Harriet T., widow Richard D., h Main

Horton, Ira W., laborer, h Pleasant

Howe, Eugene A., farmer, h Main

Kinney, Winfield S., merchant, Main, h do

Lenox, Pardelia Mrs., h Pleasant

Lent, Lewis T., farmer in Wysox 80, h Main

Mackey, Peter H., h Main

Mann, George, laborer, h Main

Mann, Mary, widow Samuel, h Main

Maynard, Morris L., Justice of the Peace, farmer 110 and with Martha R. Warner 65, h Main

Maynard, Olivia E., h and lot Main

Means, Eugene D., clothier and gents furnishing goods, Main, h do

Mericle, Lyman, laborer, h Main

Methodist Episcpal Church, Rev. Newton W. Barnes, pastor, Main

Miller, Hattie, bds Main

Miller, Mar D., meat market, Main, h do

Miller Nancy M., h Main

Moody, William L., furniture and insurance, Main, h do

Morris, Jesse L., mail carrier Rome to Nichols, N.Y., h Main

Nichols, George, farmer in Wysox 97 and Orwell 216, h Main

Norton, George I., h Main

Ostrander, Lester A., farmer, leases of Albert Wilmot of Bernice 100, h Main

Ostrander, Newell, laborer, bds Main

Owen, James D., h Main

Parks, Herbert S., farmer on shares for People’s Bank Wilkebarre, 223, h Main cor Mill

Parks, James S., mail carrier LeRaysville to Towanda, h Main

Parks, William B., laborer, bds Main cor Mill

Powers, George D., postmaster and dealer in groceries, provisions, stationery, tobacco, cigars, etc., Main, h do

Powers, Lizzie R. Mrs., h Main

Presbyterian Church, Rev. David D. Davies of Wysox, pastor

Prince, Lyman D., mason, h Pleasant

Rice, Amanda, h Main

Rice, Fredrick W., physician and surgeon and dentist, Main, h do

Rice, William, physician and surgeon, druggist and mgr. public telephone pay station, Main, h do

Rogers, Clark, laborer, h Pleasant

Rome Creamery, G.W. Abell, propr., Water

Rome and Athens Stage Line, Charles Blakeslee driver, via North Rome, Bumpville, Vawter and Litchfield, leaves Rome 6 a.m., arrives Athens 11 a.m.; leaves Athens 1:30 p.m., arrives Rome 7:30 p.m.

Rome and Nichols, N.Y. Stage Line, Jesse L. Morris driver, via Lix and Windham Summit, leaves Rome 7 a.m.

Russell, Clifton C., grocer, Main, h do

Sickler, Lucella A., widow Earl, dressmaker, h Main

Smith, Augustus, groceries and shoes, Main, h do

Stone, Charles H., Justice of the Peace and wagonmaker, Main, h do

Stone, Robert, laborer, bds Main

Study, Minnie H., widow Charles A., h Main

Syphers, William H., propr. custom steam and water grist mill and saw mill, buckwheat flour a specialty, Mill, h do

Taylor, Addie Mrs., bds Main

Taylor, Addie R., widow Almon A., h Main

Telephone Pay Station, W. Rice manager, Main

Vought, Porter G., farmer, h and lot, Main

Vought, Thomas, leases of Lewis Eighmey of Sayre, 97

Warberton, Mercur D. Rev., h Pleasant

Warner, Martha, widow Wells, farmer with M.L. Maynard 65, h Main

Washburn, Flavilla E. Mrs., dry goods and millinery, Main, h do

Wattles, William M., laborer, rooms Main

Wilmot, B.G. & Sons, (B.G.W., C.L.W. and C.B.W.) saw mill, dealers in lumber, planing, matching and turning, shingle and scroll sawing, feed grinding and cider making, bill timber furnished, Main

Wilmot, Byron G., (B.G. Wilmot & Sons) h Main

Wilmot, Charles L. (B.G. Wilmot & Sons) h Main

Wilmot, Claude B., (B.G. Wilmot & Sons) h Main

Woodburn, Allen W., farmer, h Main cor Water

Woodburn, Eva N., Main

Woodburn, Flora M., bds Main

Woodburn, House, J.W. Woodburn propr., Main

Woodburn, John W., propr. Woodburn House, Main, breeder of St. Bernard dogs

Yager, Arthur, tinsmith, Main, bds do

Young, Allen P., farmer 160, dairy 8 cows, h Main

Young, Mary, h Main

Young, Oscar F., h Main

1907 Bradford County Directory
Rome Borough

Transcribed and Submitted by Joan Kintner

                                       1907 Rome Borough Directory
Incorporated February, 1858             Charles H. Stone, Assistant.            Postoffice address Rome.

Allen, Robert B., Main, teacher, bds Woodburn House
Allen, Stephen O., h Main, farmer, veteran
Allis, George R., h Main, mechanic, h and lot, veteran
Allis, Jacob H., h Main, retired farmer 5, veteran
Allis, Lewis, manager Rome Creamery
Allis, Nina, Main, dressmaker, bds George R.
Babcock, Asa M., farmer 8, h and lot, veteran
Barnes, Corydon L., h Main, farmer, h and lot
Barnes, Truman B., h Main, carpenter
Barnum, Newell, h Main, invalid
Bennett, William H., h West, laborer
Bessey, Rev. Francis E., h Main, retired clergyman, farmer, wife 50 acres
Bixby, Stanley, h Main, laborer
Brown, John C., h Main, farmer, wife 50 acres
Browning, Bessie, Main, teacher, bds Leslie R.
Browning, Leslie R., h Main, merchant, farmer 12, store and lot
Browning, William D., h Main, lumber dealer
Buttles, Jessie, widow Charles L., h Main
Campbell, Ralph J., mechanic, h and lot
Cannon, Bird, h Main, merchant, store, h and lot, sch dir
Cannon, Fred, Main, clerk, bds Bird
Carter, P. Edward, h Pleasant, laborer, h and lot
Chubbuck, Clarence T., h Main, painter
Church, Baptist, no pastor
Church, Methodist Episcopal, Rev. F. J. Niles, pastor
Church, First Presbyterian, Rev. David D. Davis, Wysox, pastor
Clark, Lemuel S., h Main, farmer 44, dairy
Coleman, Henry H., h Main, undertaker, farmer 70, store and lot
Creamery, Rome, Teeter & Moore, Towanda, owners
Davis, Burton L., laborer
Dimon, Ransom R., h Main, carpenter, wife h and lot
Dixon, Floyd, Main, clerk, bds George D. Powers
Eddy, John B., h Water, laborer
Forbes, Henry J., h West, blacksmith, shop, h and lot
G A R, Stevens Post, No. 69, J. A. Allen, rfd 11 Wysox, com
Glenn, John P., h Main, farmer, rents Lemuel S. Clark
Goff, Burton L., h Main, farmer, dairy, rents Bessie Goff and Eva Woodburn 60, sch dir
Hicks, Fred M., h Main, cabinet maker, justice of peace, h and lot, veteran
Horton, Mrs. Emma A., h Main, h and lot
Hotel Woodburn, Mrs. J. W. Woodburn, prop
I O O F Rome Lodge No. 480, George W. Robinson, rfd 12 Rummerfield, Sec'y
Joyce, John, Main, farmer, bds Allen P. Young
King, Montford A., h Main, laborer
Kinney, Winfield S., h Main, merchant, store, 2 h and lots
Knapp, G. A., h Main, butter maker, Rome Creamery
Lent, Caroline, h Main, h and lot

Marshall, Leslie G., h Main, veterinary surgeon
Marshall, Mrs. Salome J., h Main, h and lot
Martin, John, laborer
Masonic Roman Lodge F and A M No. 418, Frank M. Rifenburg, rfd 15 Rome, Sec'y
Maynard, Mrs. E. A., h Main, farmer 60, h and lot
Maynard, Lemuel W., h Pleasant, farmer 11, teamster
Maynard, M. L., farmer
Maynard, Olivia E., h Main, owns 1 acre
McGovern, Frank E., h Main, clerk hotel
Mericle, Lyman C., h Main, laborer, h and lot, veteran
Moody, Mrs. Elizabeth Y., trained nurse, h and lot
Moody, Marjorie, Main, student, bds Mrs. Elizabeth Y.
Nichols, George, h Main, horticulturalist, store, h and lot, sch dir
Niles, Rev. F. J., h Main, pastor M. E. Church
Parks, Herbert S., h Main, laborer
Parks, John O., h Main, teamster
Parks, J. S., farmer, h and lot
Parks, William B., h Main, laborer
Powers, Fred R., clerk, First Nat. Bank Sayre
Powers, George D., h Main, merchant, postmaster, sch dir
Powers, Mrs. Lizzie R., h Main, owns 7 acres
Prince, Lyman D., h Pleasant, retired farmer 4
Rice, David S., Main, laborer, bds William
Rice, Fred W., h Main, physician and dentist, store, h and lot
Rice, Millie W., Main, pharmacist, bds William
Rice, William, h Main, physician an druggist, store, 2 h and lots
Rice, William Jr., Main, clerk, bds William
Rolles, C. W., h Main, shoemaker, owns 4 acres
Shoemaker, George E., h Main, merchant
Smith, Augustus, h Main, merchant, h and lot
Smith, Ina, Main, teacher, bds Augustus
Stone, Charles H., h Main, justice of the peace, mechanic, assessor, h and lot
Strope, L. D., h Main, farmer
Study, Georgia, teacher, bds Mrs. Minnie Study
Study, Minnie, widow Charles A., h Main
Telephone Pay Station, Bell, George D. Powers Store
Telephone Pay Station, Independent, Fred W. Rice office
Vought, Godfrey P., h Main, laborer
Vought, Mrs. Lydia A., h Main, h and lot
Vredenburg, Alta, Main, milliner, bds Bird Cannon
Vredenburg, Fred, h Main, mechanic
Whaling, Charles, h Main, blacksmith
Whaling, Viola, widow Scott, h Main, h and lot
Wilmot, Albert N., h Main, farmer 80, dairy, tax collector, veteran
Wilmot, Charles L., h Main, lumber dealer, farmer 122, dairy, h, mill and lot
Wilmot, Claude B., h Main, farmer 34, h and lot
Wilmot, Sophia C., h Main
Wilmot, Sue A., h Main, dressmaker, h and lot
Woodburn, Allen W., h Main, farmer 5, h and lot
Woodburn, Flora M., h Main, owns 3 acres
Woodburn, Eva M., h Main, teacher, owns 60 with Bessie Goff
Woodburn, Flora M., h Main, owns 35 acres
Woodburn, Mrs. J. W., prop Hotel Woodburn
Worthing, Evaline, h Main
Yager, Arthur, h Pleasant, tinsmith
Young, Allen P., h Main, farmer 115, dairy
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On Feb 9, 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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