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Photo of Vermilion Mushroom
For explanations, &c., see page 17.
Adams, Orin, (Campbellville, Sullivan Co.) r 27, laborer
Bailey, Silas, off r 28, 106 Barklow, William, r 11, farmer 50 Bartlow, Charles, r 11, farmer 78 Bedford, Ada, r 12 Bennett, James, r 19, teamster, h and lot Bennett, John, r 19, laborer Berdell, Nelson, (Powell) r 1, farmer 50 Bidwell, Olin, (Cobb & Bidwell) r 27 Bird, Arthur J., r 19, physician and surgeon, farmer 7 Bird, Charles W., r 15, wagonmaker, h r 19 Birdsall, Charles, (Eldredville, Sullivan Co.) r 6, retired Birdsall, Frank, (Foot of Plane) r 28, farmer, leases of Maggie North, 70 Birdsall, Oscar, (Eldredville, Sullivan Co.) r 6, farmer 50 Birdsall, William, (Eldredville, Sullivan Co.) r 6, farmer 100 Bleiler, Reuben, r 12, school director and farmer 50 Bleiler, William, r 19, barber and grocer Bower, George L., r 15, blacksmith Brennan, Andrew, r 11, farmer 20 Brennan, James, r 11, laborer Brown, John, r 13 Brushart, Frederick, r 8, dairy 11 cows and farmer 212 Byron, Michael, r 7, dairy 5 cows and farmer 150 Byron, Michael Jr., r 7, farmer 100 Cahill, Frank, (Foot of Plane) r 6, school director, grocer, flour, tobacco, cigars, etc., dairy 5 cows and farmer 150 Cahill, William, (Foot of Plane) r 6, laborer Campbell, Addison M., r 8, laborer Carman, Frank, off r 7, farmer 150 Carner, Anson, r 13, laborer Carner, George, r 12 ½, carpenter, dairy 6 cows and farmer 60 Cederburg, George, r 19, laborer Cederburg, Sanford, r 15 Cederburg, Sophia, r 15, widow Nelson Cederburg, Victor, r 15, laborer, h and lot Cederburg, Victoria, r 15, dressmaker Chase, Mahlon M., r 12 ½, carpenter and farmer 20 Clark, Dennis, r 13, farmer 60 Clarke, Barbara, r 23, school teacher Clarke, Belinda, r 23, school teacher Clarke, Edward, r 23, farmer 52 Clarke, William, r 23, dairy 6 cows and farmer 66 Clinton, Frank, (Foot of Plane) r 5 ½, laborer Cobb & Bidwell, (W.J.C. and O.B.) r 27, saw mill Cobb, W.J. (Cobb & Bidwell) res. Lackawanna Co. Collins, Daniel, off r 8, dairy 5 cows and farmer 100 Collins, Ellen, off r 8, widow Timothy Covey, Stephen, (Powell) r 1, farmer 150 Crandall, Hiram, r 11, laborer Cunningham, Arthur, (Eldredville, Sullivan Co.) r 6, farmer 100 Cunningham, John, (Eldredville, Sullivan Co.) r 6, laborer Davis, Jeremiah, (Eldredville, Sullivan Co.) r 6, farmer 111 Dieffenbauch, Joseph E., r 12, Justice of the Peace, carpenter, apiarist 20 colonies, dairy 5 cows, farmer 84 Dieffenbauch, Sylvester, off r 18, carpenter and farmer 95 Dorsey, John off r 8, apiarist 40 colonies, dairy 5 cows and farmer 100 Dorsey, Patrick, off r 8, retired farmer Duff, John, (Eldredville, Sullivan Co.) r 6, laborer Elliott, William H., (Foot of Plane) off r 3 Barclay, farmer, leases of John Schriver, 100 Epley, Burton, r 18 ½, laborer Epley, Samuel, r 18 ½, farmer 23 Fleming, James, r 3, farmer 150 Fogerty, James, r 18, farmer 15 Fogerty, John, r 3, laborer Fogerty, Matthew, r 3, farmer 100 Fogerty, Michael, r 18, laborer Francke, Edward, (E. Francke & Son) res. Sullivan Co. Francke, E. & Son, (E. and Joseph) r 19, general merchants Francke, Joseph, (E. Francke & Son) r 19 Frawley, Bridget A., r 19, housekeeper St. Francis rectory Frawley, Emma, off r 28 Frawley, Frank, r 24, laborer Frawley, James, r 24, dairy 5 cows and farmer 160 Frawley, John, off r 28, retired Frawley, John F., off r 28, dairy 6 cows and farmer 150 Frawley, Mary, r 24, school teacher Frawley, Michael, off r 28, dairy 8 cows and farmer 150 Frawley, Thomas H., r 24, farmer, son of James Frawley, Timothy, r 28, school director, dairy 6 cows and farmer 200 Frawley, William, r 24, sawyer Grange, Hinton S., r 19 ½, laborer Gillson, Frank, off r 8, farmer 100 Green, Daniel H. Rev., r 19, rector St. Francis Xavier and S.S. Phillip and James churches Grimes, Maggie, r 7 Grimes, Terry, r 7, dairy 5 cows and farmer 50 Hakes, Charles, (Foot of Plane) r 4, farmer 50 Harmon, James J., r 19, prop. Overton House, dairy 4 cows and farmer 50 Harmon, James M., (Eldredville, Sullivan Co.) r 6, dairy 10 cows and farmer 100 Hatch, Dexter, r 27, farmer 50, owned by wife Hatch, Martin P., r 14, laborer Hausknecht, Benjamin J., r 14, school director and farmer 70 Hausknecht, Bert, r 19, clerk Haverly, Blanche, r 13, music teacher Haverly, Fred, r 13, dairy 4 cows and farmer 165 Haverly, John, r 18, laborer, house and lot Haverly, Lizzie, r 19, dressmaker Haverly, Walter B., r 13, barber Herman, Fred, r 27, laborer Heverly, Angeline, r 14 cor 13, widow Eli, farmer 50 Heverly, Clara, r 14 cor 13 Heverly, Daniel, r 15 ½, dairy 23 cows and farmer 200 Heverly, Frank, r 13 cor 15 1/2, farmer on shares for Angeline 50 Heverly, Jacob, r 15 1/2, farmer 50 Heverly, Orin R., r 11, dairy 10 cows and farmer on shares for Charles Childs of Monroeton 400 Heverly, Russell, r 15 ½, dairy 28 cows and farmer on shares for Daniel 200 Hicks, Henry, (Powell) off r 1, farmer 50 Holcomb, George, (Powell) r 1, laborer |
Hottenstein, Carrie, r 19
Hottenstein, George E., r 19 cor 18, h and lot Hottenstein, Ira, r 19, farmer, son of John C. Hottenstein, John C., r 19, dealer in fertilizers and farmer 47 Hottenstein, Mary, r 19, widow John, h and lot Hottenstein, William B., off r 17, farmer, leases of A. Witt 50 Jennings, Edward, (Powell) r 1, farmer 50 Keefe, Jeremiah, r 17, farmer 60 Keefe, Patrick, r 17, farmer, son of Jeremiah Keefe, Patrick, off r 21, farmer 66 Kelley, Daniel, off r 7, farmer 86 Kinney, William, (Foot of Plane) r 5, farmer 200 Knapp, Rozell, (Powell) r 1, farmer 50 Lancaster, Elizabeth, r 19, widow Timothy Lancaster, Frank, r 19, laborer Lancaster, Richard, r 19, laborer Lane, John, r 17, farmer 65 Lee, John, r 4, farmer 50 Lee, Joseph, r 11 ½, farmer 50 Lynch, Michael, (Foot of Plane) r 5 ½, emp. hub factory Mathews, Manning S., r 15, lumberman, h and lot Mayo, Albert, (New Albany) r 1, portable saw mill and farmer 50 Mayo, William, r 1, portable saw mill and farmer 50 McCann, Edward, r 19, blacksmith McCann, James, r 11, farmer 190 McCann, Owen E., r 19, constable and blacksmith McGurk, Charles, off r 10, farmer 100 McGurk, John, r 10 ½, farmer 150 McHale, Patrick, r 8, retired farmer McHale, Patrick Jr., r 8, dairy 6 cows and farmer 106 Millard, John, r 8, farmer 50 Molyneux, Edward T., r 20, road commissioner, dairy 7 cows and farmer 75 Molyneux, James, r 20, retired farmer Molyneux, Orvill, r 20, laborer Molyneux, Raymond, r 20, laborer Montgomery, Charles R., principal Overton graded School, h Monroeton Morris, James, (Foot of Plane) r 4, farmer 56 Mullen, Anthony, r 24, farmer 150 Mullen, Martin, off r 24, dairy 5 cows and farmer 100 Mullen, Thomas, off r 24, refused information Murray, John, off r 17, dairy 8 cows and farmer 200 Murray, Julia, off r 17 Murray, Kathryn, off r 17, school teacher Murray, Margaret, off r 17 Murray, Michael, off r 18, town auditor, farmer, son of John Musselman, Edward C., off r 19, postmaster, dealer in flour, feed and produce, h and lot Musselman, George, r 19, asst. postmaster, clerk Musselman, Nellie, (Mrs. George) r 19 cor 15, milliner Musselman, Reuben, r 19, retired farmer North, Maggie, (Foot of Plane) r 28, farm 70 Northrup, Ira, off r 23, laborer Norton, George, r 12, 86 years old O’Brian, Dennis F., r 19, farmer 17 O’Connell, Cornelius F., r 19, shoemaker, h r 21 O’Connell, John, off r 21, dairy 5 cows, 21 sheep, farmer 97 O’Connell, John Jr., off r 21, laborer O’Connor, Henry, r 19, farmer 50 owned by wife Osthaus, Carl E., (F. Osthaus & Son) bds Overton House Osthaus, Francis, (F. Osthaus & Son) res. Sullivan Co. Osthaus, F. & Son, (F. & Carl E.) general merchants Overton House, r 19, James J. Harmon, propr. Overton M.E. Church, r 15, Rev. D. Stokes of New Albany, pastor Platt, F. Christopher, r 12, farmer 62 owned by wife, member 50th Pa. Vol. Randolph, Charles, (Foot of Plane) off r 4 Barclay, laborer Reagan, John, r 28, farmer 60 Rinebold, Addison L., off r 18, school director, dairy 6 cows and farmer 100 Rinebold, Gilbert L., r 15, assessor and road commissioner, manuf. patent bee hives and farmer 10 Rinebold, Lewis, r 15, farmer 57, member 141st Pa. Vol. Rouse, Joseph, (Foot of Plane) r 5 ½, emp. hub factory Rouse, Thomas D., (Foot of Plane) r 5 ½, manuf. wagon hubs, res. Terry St. Francis Xavier Church, r 19, Rev. Daniel H. Green, rector S.S. Phillip and James Church, r 25, Rev. Daniel H. Green, rector Sargent, Charles, (Foot of Plane) off r 3 Barclay, farmer 160 Scriven, Edwin, r 21, laborer Shaffer, Isaiah U., r 9, farmer 200 Sheedy, John F., off r 20, farmer 120 Sheran, John, off r 27, farmer 100 Sherman, Henry, off r 19, laborer, h and lot Sherman, Jacob, off r 19, laborer, h and lot Sherman, Nelson, r 11, laborer Sherman, Richard, r 11, farmer 100 Siek, William, off r 20, school director, farmer 74 Stalford, Scott, (Foot of Plane) r 5 ½, laborer Streby, Clinton, off r 19 ½, farmer 66, half interest in 56 in Sullivan Co. Streevy, Edward, r 16, refused information Streevy, George, r 11, farmer 100 Sweeney, James, off r 8, school director, dairy 6 cows, farmer 150 Sweeney, Mary, off r 8, dressmaker Sweeney, Thomas, off r 8, retired farmer Swingle, Alton S., (Powell) r 1, farmer 200 Swingle, Stephen A., (Powell) r 1, farmer 74 Thompson, Levi, r 8, farmer 61 Tubbs, Mattie, r 11 Wanck, Mary A., off r 19 ½, widow John Wanck, William, r 12, farmer 100 Warner, Richard, (Foot of Plane) r 6, farmer 100 Wilcox, Mary, r 19, milliner Wildrick, Michael, r 27, laborer Williams, John, r 17, laborer Wilson, John, r 24, farmer, leases of B.A. Cranmer of Monroeton 100 Woodley, Abram K., r 11 ½, farmer 60 Woodley, John, r 11 ½, laborer Wooster, Charles, (Foot of Plane) r 5 ½, laborer |