Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Directories of Bradford County, Pennsylvania
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1900 Bradford County Directory


Transcribed and Submitted by Patty Shumway

This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy & History Site by Joyce M. Tice

No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made of This Material

Fungi Photo by
Warren D. Nash of Sullivan Township

1900 Burlington Township Directory

For explanations, &c, see page 17.

Post office address Burlington, unless otherwise designated in (parenthesis).

Alexander, Abigail, (Luther’s Mills) r 24, widow of Jackson, h and lot

Alexander, Amos W., (Mountain Lake) r 33, (Alexander Brothers)

Alexander Brothers, (A. W. & E. V.) (Mountain Lake) r 33, blacksmiths, tobacco growers 3, dairy 7 cows and farmers on shares for C. Alexander 107

Alexander, Charles, (Mountain Lake) r 33, soldier in Comp C., 188th Reg. N.Y.S. Vol., farmer 107

Alexander, Charles W., (Luther’s Mills) off r 24, tobacco grower 2, farmer

Alexander, Earl V., (Mountain Lake) r 33 (Alexander Brothers)

Alexander, Elmer E., (Luther’s Mills) off r 24, laborer

Allen, Belle M., (Luther’s Mills) r 17, trained nurse and school teacher

Allen, D. Wilbern, (Luther’s Mills) r 17, farmer

Allen, Eliza A., Mrs., (Luther’s Mills) r 17, carpet and fancy rug weaver

Allen, Elsie, (Mountain Lake) off r 29, widow R. P.

Allen, Fred H., (Mountain Lake) off r 29, school director, dairy 7 cows, 25 sheep, farmer 97

Allen, George L., (Mountain Lake) r 29, dairy 6 cows, 15 sheep, farmer 113

Allen, Glenn G., (Mountain Lake) r 29, farmer, son of H. H.

Allen, Henry H., (Mountain Lake) r 29, soldier in Comp. G., 49th Reg. Pa. Vol., lost arm at Spotsylvania, VA, May 10, 1864, farmer 47

Allen, John, (Luther’s Mills) r 17, soldier in Comp. E., 141st Reg. Pa. Vol., dairy 5 cows, tobacco grower 2 and farmer 75

Allen, Leland, (Mountain Lake) r 29, farmer, son of G. L.

Allen, Zoa, (Mountain Lake) r 29, school teacher

Bailey, Andrew B., (Overshot) r 36, laborer

Bailey, Jacob J., (Luther’s Mills) r 19, farmer 40

Bailey, Milton A., (Overshot) r 38, farmer 210

Bailey, Cynthia, (Luther’s Mills) r 35, widow Sidney

Barnes, William, (Luther’s Mills) r 16, tobacco grower 4 and farmer 64

Beardslee, David, (Mountain Lake) r 27, dairy 10 cows, farmer on shares for C. R. Scouten 250

Bennett, Charles T., (Luther’s Mills) r 36, tobacco grower 3 and farmer on shares for Dr. Ladd of Towanda 100

Bennett, Enos B., (Overshot) r 37, farmer 4

Bennett, Hiram S., (Overshot) r 40, farmer on shares for S. Strope 50

Bennett, John, (Overshot) r 36, laborer, h and lot

Bennett, Luther, (Luther’s Mills) r 21, laborer

Bennett, Oren H., (Luther’s Mills) r 19, tobacco grower 3 ½ and farmer, leases of N. N. Betts of Towanda 65

Bevan, Richard L., (Franklindale) r 47, agt Westinghouse threshing machines, engines, horse-powers and saw mills, and with J. H. Horton of Tioga Center, NY, breeder of pure Jersey cattle, dairy 12 cows, farmer 120

Bohlayer, Fred J., (Luther’s Mills) r 21, farmer

Bohlayer, John, (Luther’s Mills) r 21, dairy 5 cows, 60 sheep, tobacco grower and farmer 150

Bohlayer, John M., (Luther’s Mills) r 21, farmer, son of John

Brown, Ferris, (Mountain Lake) r 28, breeder of thoroughbred Jersey cattle, stock dealer 20 sheep, dairy 8 cows and farmer 125

Brown, James, (Mountain Lake) r 24, farmer 40

Brown, Jerome, (Mountain Lake) off r 25, farmer 90

Brown, Susan, (Mountain Lake) r 31 cor 30, widow H. H., farmer 50

Buchanan, John C., r 25, farmer 15

Burgess, Burton, off r 24, laborer

Burns, Arthur G., (Mac) r 7, farmer 100

Burns, Hannah T. Mrs., r 1, h and store

Burns, Lodell D., r 1, farmer 65

Campbell, Adelbert H., (Luther’s Mills) r 15 n 14, town treas., dealer in groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, men’s furnishing goods and flour, agt for Robinson plows and Keystone harrows

Campbell, Asenath, r 13, widow Josephus

Campbell, Charles W., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, laborer

Campbell, Delmer V., r 12, 60 sheep, farmer 175

Campbell, Homer C., r 13, farmer 165

Campbell, Sarah M., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, widow Charles D., who was a soldier in Co. C. 188th Reg. N. Y. S. Vols., died May 8, 1894, h and lot

Carman, Charles W., (Luther’s Mills) r 35, dairy 10 cows, 50 sheep, tobacco grower 5 and farmer 150

Carman, Harry W., (Luther’s Mills) r 35, farmer

Carman, William F., (Luther’s Mills) off r 36, dairy 6 cows, farmer 75

Chilson, Jefferson, (Franklindale) r 47, laborer

Clayton, Thomas E., (Highland) r 45, farmer on shares for B. Borden, 65

Coddington, Joseph H., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, cor 15, h r 22, blacksmith, wagon repairer and practical horse shoer

Cole, Dorson E., (Franklindale) r 46, farmer on shares for Mrs. E. Shiner 96

Compton, Robert, (Franklindale) r 43, farmer on shares for Mrs. Catherine Crane


Crane, Catherine, (Franklindale) r 43, widow Andrew, farmer 88

Crane, Charles H., (Powell) r 43, farmer 10

Crane, David H., (Highland) r 44, farmer 180

Crane, Ira, (Franklindale) r 44, farmer on shares for D. H., 180

Davis, Eugene G., (Mac) r 5, farmer, leases of Mrs. Bell McDonald 53

Davis, Grinlef P., r 13, farmer

Darrow, Lloyd, r 26, dairy 12 cows, farmer on shares for J. G. Darrow 100

Decker, Almeda A., (Luther’s Mills) r 15, widow N. F., agt U. S. Medicine Co.

Decker, John M., (Luther’s Mills) r 15, laborer

Dischoux, Alexander, (Overshot) r 39, farmer 40

Dibble, Edgar, (Mountain Lake) r 28, farmer on shares for Joel 90

Dibble, Joel, (Mountain Lake) r 28, farmer 90

Dibble, Mark W., r 9, dairy 18 cows, farmer on shares for J. Morley 159

Dodge, Harry L, (Highland) r 33, farmer 50

Dunn, Nelson, (Mountain Lake) r 34 ½, farmer 280

Ellis, Horatio, (Mountain Lake) r 33, farmer 50

Ellis, Job, (Franklindale) r 47, dairy 8 cows, tobacco grower 2 ½, farmer 60 and leases of Libus 50

Everson, Charles F., (Mac) r 2, laborer

First M. E. Church and Congregation (Luther’s Mills) r 15, Rev. J. H. Britten pastor

Freeman, Albert, r 28, carpenter and farmer on shares for W. A. Brown of Wells 59

French, Emeline, (Mountain Lake) r 33, widow Aaron, h and lot

Gilfoyle, James, (Saco) r 6, farmer

Gilfoyle, John J., (Saco) r 6, farmer with William

Gilfoyle, Michael, (Saco) r 6, farmer 100

Gilfoyle, Patrick, (Saco) r 6, farmer with William

Gilfoyle, Timothy, (Saco) r 6, dairy 14 cows, farmer 160

Gilfoyle, Timothy Jr., (Saco) r 6, farmer

Gilfoyle, William, (Saco) r 6, dairy 16 cows, farmer with John and Patrick 160

Gillette, Isaac M., (Overshot) r 40, farmer 116

Granger, Frank, (Overshot) off r 40, farmer 50

Green, Martin, (Franklindale) r 59, dairy 20 cows, farmer on shares for Eliza Overton of Towanda 400

Gregory, William, r 28, farmer 30

Gustin, Grow B., (Mac) r 4 cor 3, postmaster, tobacco grower 1 and farmer

Gustin, John H., (Luther’s Mills) r 22 cor 24, apiarist 10 colonies, tobacco grower 3, farmer 3 and on shares for C. G. Gustin estate 150

Gustin, Seth P., (Mac) r 4, dairy 8 cows, tobacco grower and farmer 140

Haight, Devilow P., (Mountain Lake) r 33, justice of the peace, farmer 36

Haight, Elizabeth J. Mrs., (Mountain Lake) r 33, postmaster

Haight, Elmer A., (Mountain Lake) r 33, carpenter

Haight, Frank L., (Mountain Lake) r 30, farmer on shares for Phebe Haight of Athens 52

Haight, George S., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, constable, tobacco grower 1 ½ and farmer, leases of Mrs. Lura Sinclair 60

Haight, Myron B., r 26, town commissioner, soldier in Comp. B., 207th Reg. Pa. Vol. in Civil War, dairy 6 cows, farmer 80

Hainsworth, Abe J., (Luther’s Mills) r 18, tobacco grower 3

Hainsworth, Isaac, (Overshot) r 39, thresher and hay presser, farmer 20

Hainsworth, Richard T., (Luther’s Mills) r 16, laborer

Heath, Burton M., r 1, farmer 120

Heath, Clark D., r 1, farmer 112

Heath, William, r 1, farmer

Hemingway, Henry D., (Luther’s Mills) r 16, tobacco grower 5 ½ and farmer on shares for Rev. F. P. Rundell 60

Herda, James W., (Luther’s Mills) r 19, tobacco grower with Theodore H.

Herda, Sophia, (Luther’s Mills) r 19, widow Frederick, farmer 104

Herda, Theodore H., (Luther’s Mills) r 19, tobacco grower with J. W. 3

Hiney, James L., r 1 cor 1 ½, thresher, farmer 56

Hiney, Lewis, r 1, cor 1 ½, farmer with J. L.

Hollenbeck, Charles P., (Highland) r 45, carpenter and builder

Hollenbeck, George T., (Highland) r 45, farmer

Hollenbeck, Russell W., (Highland) r 45, soldier in Co. B 207th Reg. Pa. Vols., tobacco grower 2 ½, farmer 160

Hollenbeck, Wells L., (Highland) r 45, farmer

Horan, Cary, (Mountain Lake) r 33, farmer 175

Horan, William H., (Mountain Lake) r 33, dairy 6 cows, 26 sheep, farmer with Cary 175

Howe, Emily, (Franklindale) r 48, widow Geo. E.

Isbell, John N., (Luther’s Mills) r 18, tobacco grower 3 and farmer 50

Isbell, Oliver B., (Luther’s Mills) r 17, farmer with J. N.

Isbell, William M., (Saco) r 17, dairy 12 cows, tobacco grower 4 and farmer 175

Jennings, Charles H., (Highland) r 45, cor 39, agent Deering Harvesting Machinery Co’s, binders, reapers, mowers, horse rakes, &c., Farmers’ Favorite grain drill, &c., dealer in fertilizers, grower of Longberry Clawson wheat and farmer 113

Jennings, Benjamin D., (Highland) r 45, farmer on shares for Charles H., 113

Jones, Leroy, (Highland) r 44, farmer 84

Kendall, James W., (Mac) r 8, farmer on shares for Lawrence

Kendall, Lawrence, (Mac) r 8, farmer 110

Kendall, Robert D., (Mac) r 5, dairy 6 cows, farmer 53

Kendall, R. Wilbur, r 12, music teacher and farmer 80, and in Smithfield 100

King, Winfield, (Mac) r 2, farmer on shares for G. G. Lane, 50

Knapp, Earl A., (Luther’s Mills) r 16, town commissioner, tobacco grower 5, dairy 8 cows, and farmer on shares for Robert M., 150

Knapp, Robert M., (Luther’s Mills) r 16 cor 17, breeder of full blood Partridge Cochin fowls of the Asiatic strain and farmer 150

Lampman, John F., (Mountain Lake) r 33, tobacco grower 2, farmer 40

Lampman, Robert S., (Mountain Lake) r 33, agent King Richardson Co., school teacher

Lane, Edgar W., (Luther’s Mills) r 35, farmer with Eunice 20

Lane, Eunice, (Luther’s Mills) r 35, widow Isaac, farmer 20

Lane, Grove, (Luther’s Mills) r 15, dairy 7 cows, tobacco grower 4, farmer on shares for William P., 80

Lane, Gustavus G., (Luther’s Mills) r 14 cor 7, town auditor, tobacco grower 4, tobacco settler and farmer 94

Lane, Robert S., (Mac) r 6, dairy 8 cows, farmer 100

Lane, Stephen A., (Luther’s Mills) r 7, tobacco grower 5, farmer 65

Lane, Wayland L., (Mac) r 7, farmer 50

Lane, William P., (Luther’s Mills) r 15, farmer 80

Langford, Franklin, r 25, farmer with H. Whitehead and in Smithfield 52

Lenox, David S., (Mountain Lake) r 24, prop Lenox summer villa, boats and picnic grounds for pleasure parties, diary 8 cows, breeder of thoroughbred Jersey cattle, farmer 78

Lenox Villa, (Mountain Lake) r 24, D. S. Lenox propr

Leonard, Fred L., (Mac) r 7, son of J. D.

Leonard, J. Dewitt, (Mac) r 7, farmer on shares for J. Morley 100

Lewis, John, (Mountain Lake) r 33, dealer in live stock, farmer 40

Lindley, Wirt A., (Franklindale) r 43, dealer in live stock, farmer 40

Litzelman, Ralph E., (Mac) r 7, farmer 43

Luther, Fred L., (Luther’s Mills) r 13, tobacco grower 4, farmer on shares for Mrs. Marion Pierce 100

Luther, Hiram D., (Luther’s Mills) r 22 n 15, agt Bemes tobacco setter and J. P. Thomas’ high grade fertilizer, dairy 7 cows, tobacco grower 7

Luther, Martin D., (Luther’s Mills) r 22, farmer, son of H. D.

Lynch, James, (Overshot) off r 38, tobacco grower 2 ½, farmer 75

Lynch, Morris, (Overshot) r 20, farmer 100

Lynch, Patrick J., (Overshot) r 20, dairy 11 cows, tobacco grower 4 and farmer 187

Lynch, Philip, (Overshot) r 37, farmer 50

Lynch, William, (Overshot) r 37, farmer 180

Madigan, Frank W., (Luther’s Mills) r 24, tobacco grower 1 ½ and farmer, leases of W. T. Davis of Towanda 180

Madigan, George A., (Luther’s Mills) r 35, town commissioner, tobacco grower 5, breeder of full blood Jersey cattle, full blood Shropshire sheep dairy 9 cows and farmer 83

Madigan, Michael B., (Highland) r 44, farmer 57

Madigan, William R., (Luther’s Mills) r 22, tobacco grower 3, 7 sheep, farmer, leases of L. Gustin estate about 180

Maynard, Andrew J., r 1, farmer 2

McCord, John R., (Highland) r 42, postmaster, dairy 6 cows, farmer 240

McCord, Mary, (Highland) r 42, widow Samuel

McDonnell, John, (Overshot) r 37, tobacco grower 5, farmer 85

McNeal, Herman, (Mac) r 4, laborer

McNeal, John, (Luther’s Mills) r 18 ½, tobacco grower 2 and farmer 10

Melville, Andrew, (Luther’s Mills) r 14 cor 24, town clerk and carpenter and builder

Melville, Artimatice, r 25, widow Frank

Melville, Harry T., (Mountain Lake) r 33, tobacco grower 1, farmer on shares for Mrs. Carry Horan 60

Melville, John, (Luther’s Mills) r 15, carpenter

Melville, Willard, (Luther’s Mills) r 15, laborer

Mingos, David S., r 25, dairy 7 cows, tobacco grower 3 and farmer 94

Mingos, Frank M., (Luther’s Mills) off r 23, farmer 60

Moore, Leonard, (Luther’s Mills) r 19, dairy 9 cows, tobacco grower 3 ½, farmer on shares for E. E. Slater, 90

Morgan, Enos W., (Mac) r 8, retired

Morgan, Martin M., (Luther’s Mills) r 13, tobacco grower 3 and farmer on shares for Mrs. Z. L., 80

Morgan, Zophar L., (Luther’s Mills) r 15, justice of peace, agt for fertilizers and farmer 80, owned by wife

Morley, Harold, r 12, son of J. F.

Morley, Joseph F., r 12, farmer 100

Mosher, Stephen P., (Franklindale) r 48, farmer 40

Mountain Lake Hotel, (Mountain Lake) off r 25, J. H. Rathgeber prop

Mountain Lake M. E. Church, (Mountain Lake) r 33, Rev. H. B. Allen, pastor

Nichols, Earl O., (Mountain Lake) r 33, school teacher

Nichols, James O., (Mountain Lake) r 33, director of county agricultural fair, dairy 8 cows, breeder of fine Durham cattle and thoroughbred Poland China swine, farmer 70

Nichols, James W., (Mountain Lake) r 33, breeder of Durham cattle, farmer 220

Norton, Millard S., r 9, painter and paper hanger

Packard, Lucy S., (Luther’s Mills) r 24, widow Charles H.

Park, Charles, (Mac) off r 4, laborer

Pierce, Marion, r 8, widow Clarence H., farmer with P. C.

Pierce, Perley C., r 3, town collector, tobacco grower 4, dairy 10 cows, stock grower, breeder of O. I. C. swine, draft horses and Brown Leghorn fowls, farmer 420 for Morley Pierce estate

Prentice, Lucinda M., (Franklindale) r 48 ½, widow Joseph, farmer with George M. Wheeler 14

Prize, Ezra B., (Overshot) off r 39, carpenter and builder, farmer 25, owned by wife

Pruyne, Burton, (Luther’s Mills) r 23, farmer

Pruyne, Elizabeth W., (Luther’s Mills) r 23, widow R. M., farmer 50

Pruyne, Royal D., (Mountain Lake) r 33, propr threshing machine, tobacco grower 2 and farmer 53

Rackestraw, Wilmer, r 11, farmer 50

Rice, William O., (Highland) r 44, farmer

Ross, Devellum, (Mac) r 2, farmer 100

Ross, George, r 11, laborer

Rubert, Aden M., (Franklindale) r 48, wool grower, 15 sheep, and farmer 67

Rubert, John H., (Franklindale) r 48, farmer 40

Rubert, Joseph, (Franklindale) r 48, farmer on shares for John H., 40

Russell, Avery E., (Luther’s Mills) r 18 ½, son of Weston

Russell, Leonard, (Luther’s Mills) r 18 ½, laborer

Russell, Merritt D., (Luther’s Mills) r 18 ½, farmer

Russell, Warren N., (Luther’s Mills) r 18 ½, laborer

Russell, Weston, (Luther’s Mills) r 18 ½, soldier in Co. E 49th Reg. Pa. Vols., tobacco grower 1 ¼, and farmer 10, owned by wife

Schrader, Glenn, (Luther’s Mills) r 22, laborer

Scouten, Charles R., (Mountain Lake) r 27, farmer 250

Selleck, Abel E., (Mountain Lake) r 30, 18 sheep, dairy 6 cows, farmer 95

Selleck, G. Sherman, (Mountain Lake) r 30, thresher with R. C.

Selleck, Riley C., (Mountain Lake) r 30, prop of threshing machine with G. Sherman, farmer 18

Shiner, Elizabeth, (Franklindale) r 46, widow William B., farmer 96

Slaiter, Daniel, (Luther’s Mills) r 24, tobacco grower 2 ½ and farmer on shares for Mrs. E. W. Pruyne, 50

Slater, Clark, (Mountain Lake) r 32, dairy 9 cows, tobacco grower 2 and farmer on shares for Job Morley, 130

Slater, Edwin E., (Luther’s Mills) r 19, farmer 90

Slater, George C., (Mac) r 8, dairy 8 cows, farmer on shares for J. Morley, 100

Slater, Lucinda, (Luther’s Mills) r 16, widow Asa, h and lot

Slater, Roa E., (Highland) r 33, laborer

Slater, Roswell, (Overshot) r 36, laborer

Slater, Wallace W., (Mountain Lake) r 32, farmer

Spencer, Cora M., (Franklindale) r 34 ½, school teacher

Spencer, Harry, r 25, laborer

Spencer, Harvey L., (Franklindale) r 34 ½, fruit orchard 200 trees, dairy 6 cows, 25 sheep, farmer 82

Spencer, Henry C., (Mountain Lake) r 34 ½, farmer 200

Spencer, Herbert, r 25, farmer 75

Spencer, Homer H., (Mountain Lake) r 34 ½, laborer

Spencer, John, r 25, farmer 44

Spencer, J. Wright, (Franklindale) r 34 ½, school teacher

Spencer, Lyman, (Mountain Lake) r 34 ½, 30 sheep, farmer on shares for N. Dunn, 160

Spencer, Milan, (Mountain Lake) r 34 ½, dairy 11 cows, farmer on shares for Henry C., 200

Spencer, Nelson D., (Franklindale) r 46, farmer, leases of N. Dunn 120

Strope, Clarence D., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, dairy 10 cows, tobacco grower 3 and farmer on shares for David A., 150

Strope, David A., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, farmer 300

Strope, Ezra, (Overshot) r 38, tobacco grower 2 ½ and farmer 50

Strope, Herman W., (Highland) r 33, propr saw, shingle and lath mill, lumber dealer, wood sawyer, dairy 9 cows, tobacco grower 3 and farmer 109

Strope, Hiram, (Overshot) r 39, laborer

Strope, Isaac, (Highland) r 41, farmer 50

Strope, Jerome E., r 12, dairy 6 cows, farmer on shares for G. Moscrip, 70

Strope, John, (Highland) r 41, farmer

Strope, Nathaniel, (Highland) r 44, farmer 37

Strope, Samuel M., (Overshot) r 40, dairy 6 cows, tobacco grower 2 and farmer 50

Strope, Theodore, (Overshot) r 38, farmer

Strope, Wallace B., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, propr grist mill, dealer in flour and feed

Taylor, Milford W., r 9, agt Wheeler Gravity Separator Co. and Lightning Sprayer, auctioneer, farmer 25, owned by children

Travis, Jeremiah, (Luther’s Mills) r 14, farmer 80

Tuttle, Anna M., (Mac) r 3, school teacher

Tuttle, Clay F., (Mac) r 3, school teacher

Tuttle, Harmon, (Mac) r 3, farmer 50

Usher, William H., (Mountain Lake) off r 31, farmer on shares for C. L. Brown 70

Van Gorder, Waty A., (Highland) r 44, widow Moses N., dairy 9 cows, farmer 83

Van Gorder, William L., (Highland) r 44, farmer

Vroman, Horace, r 25, farmer

Walburn, George, (Highland) r 43, farmer

Walburn, Peter, (Highland) r 43, soldier in Comp. H 210th Reg. Pa. Vol., dairy 6 cows, breeder of fine Berkshire swine and fancy white Plymouth Rock fowls, farmer 160

Walburn, Seymour, (Highland) r 43, farmer

Waters, Morgan J., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, tobacco grower 1 and farmer on shares for J. Travis 100

Waters, Robert J., (Highland) r 40, farmer

Waters, Thomas, (Highland) r 40, farmer 100

Waters, Thomas J., (Highland) r 40, assessor, dairy 6 cows, farmer 170 with W. T. Waters of Athens

Weed, Mary J., (Mountain Lake) r 24, widow H. D., farmer 90

Weed, Nile C., (Mountain Lake) r 24, farmer with Mary J.

Weldy, I. Morgan, (Highland) r 45, laborer

Weldy, Isaac, (Highland) r 45, farmer 54

Weldy, Oliver D., (Highland) r 45, laborer

Wheaton, Guy J., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, postmaster, clerk for E. W. Wheeler

Wheaton, Harry A., (Luther’s Mills) r 24, son of John

Wheaton, John, (Luther’s Mills) r 24, soldier in Comp K 161st Reg. N.Y.S. Vol., carpenter and builder

Wheeler, Ensign W., (Luther’s Mills) r 14, school director, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, agt for Munsville plows and dealer in spring tooth harrow, clover and grass seed, farmer on shares for Susan 70

Wheeler, Hiram W., (Franklindale) r 48 ½, farmer 160

Wheeler, Perry, (Highland) r 44, farmer on shares for Moses Waters 70

Wheeler, Susan A., (Mac) r 5, widow Clark B., farmer 70

Whitehead, Dorsey J., r 25, agent

Whitehead, Henry W., r 25, farmer 40

Whitehead, Hezekiah, r 25, carpenter and farmer 50

Wrisley, Esther, (Luther’s Mills) r 14 cor 7, widow James

Wrisley, Charles H., (Luther’s Mills) off r 13, tobacco grower 3 and farmer 86

Wrisley, Jacob S., (Mac) off r 2, farmer 104

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By Joyce M. Tice
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